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  • Orange Bikes Announces ‘A New Dawn’
  • bravohotel8er
    Free Member

    Terrible news, no confirmation on condition of pilot yet.

    I was watching their display at the air show a few hours ago, the crash was in Throop near Bournemouth Airport, not at the actual air show which takes place right above Bournemouth beach.

    Free Member

    I used to live in Andover, I’d go for Winchester if you’ve got the extra money.

    Free Member

    They can’t afford BlackBerry.

    Free Member

    Nick Clegg was on Radio 4 earlier, one of the things he said was ‘We’ve seen the disease, it’s time for the cure’.

    Now, I love Robert Smith as much as the next man, but even a re-release of Love Cats may not be enough to solve deep societal ills.

    Free Member

    Any word on whether the dearly departed ever had trials for Leyton Orient yet? That’s the usual spiel.

    I imagine lamp posts are being adorned with banners for him right now. TRU SOLJA 4 EVA or something.

    Free Member

    Gary_C – Member
    ‘Nip & tuck’ refers to a cosmetic surgery procedure, nothing else, FFS!!

    Actually it’s also the proposed title of a forthcoming ITV2 police procedural drama centred on a Japanese exchange officer, who due to a time travelling mishap, ends up being partnered with a mythical Sherwood Forest dwelling clergyman.

    Free Member


    You are DEFINITELY a racist for associating a word that can also be used as a derogatory term for Japanese people with a photograph of a Chinese gentleman.

    Don a fairtrade hair shirt and start vigorously beating yourself with a rolled up copy of the Guardian.

    Free Member


    For the love of God, not Bieber.

    Free Member

    Went in 2007, it was fun.

    It’s not about the line-up (just as well really!) and never has been. Total drug fest though or at least it was the year that I went, no trouble though. It’s not as posh as people seem to think it is, although there’s a North London clique that have frequented it since the beginning.

    Beautiful site too, aesthetically only (the significantly wankier) Latitude compares in terms of medium-to-large scale festivals

    Free Member

    I seem to recall that he’s a mountain biker, there was a photo of him in Kerrang once astride an Orange Crush

    Free Member

    Surprised you’ve found mixed reviews, I’ve only ever heard very positive things about Shell Bay.

    I live in Bournemouth and ate at Shell Bay a few months ago, it was excellent.

    You’ll struggle to find a more picturesque location anywhere in the country, fantastic views of Brownsea Island, Sandbanks and Poole Harbour. I was there on a date with my (now) girlfriend (Very romantic, especially if you cross on the chain ferry as a foot passenger)

    It’s primarily a seafood restaurant, but there’s always a meat/vegetarian option too. Other good seafood restaurants in the area include Fishy Fishy (Dermot O’Leary’s place by Poole Quay), Westbeach (near Bournemouth Pier) and a branch of Loch Fyne (Canford Cliffs).

    Free Member

    Well, the letter was written with the blood of their beloved cocker spaniel


    Free Member

    thegreatape – Member

    They ( the neighbours ) are comitting assault

    How’s that then?

    Fear of attack.

    It’s the battery that forms the physical component.

    Probably somewhat inaccurate, A Level law was a loooooooong time ago.

    Free Member

    Turn your place into a clubhouse for the local Hells Angels chapter.

    Free Member

    +1 True Blood

    The Shield?

    Breaking Bad is fantastic too

    Free Member

    The Daily Mail are now running a story on this, I’d link, but I can’t be bothered and Google exists.

    It’ll be interesting to see whether this scuppers Murcoch’s attempt to gain full control over B Sky B.

    Free Member

    Great show. Also good to see a US crime drama based outside LA/NYC/some other large metro sprawl

    Free Member

    Aussie comedian Steve Hughes does a brilliant skit about the ‘gayness’ of straight men, link above

    Free Member

    BigButSlimmerBloke – Member

    I bet she was pissing herself when she told her mates about it

    She probably took it by mistake, realised she needed someone daft enough for her to be able to offload it onto and siged with relief when she saw a likely candidate

    I was unaware of that. It is incredible though…am going to Google this as am interested in their actual status.

    So it’s incredible that some places don’t take bits of paper which aren’t legal tender? Really? Isn’t the world just full of incredible things? Like pens, they’re brilliant.

    Get back to the IT helpdesk, you cock.


    Free Member

    gwj72 – Member

    ‘groli’…is that Guardian Reader of Low Intelligence?

    Yup. I think it was a doctors thing they used. Can’t remember now but it accurately describes a certain section of the population.

    Thought so!

    They also had a variation of that, ‘groliies’ which stood for Guardian Reader of Low Intelligence in Ethnic Skirt…which describes about half of my colleagues.


    Free Member

    Whether or not the parents have been CRB checked is an utter non-issue.

    Even if they have been CRB checked for something else, they’d have to be CRB checked again by the school and that could take months.

    I was CRB checked in April 2008 for my current position (I was unable to start until July of the same year, such was the wait). I was then CRB checked again for a voluntary job in December 2008 and again in June 2010 for a different voluntary job.

    If I wish to move to another job within a different department of my employer’s parent organisation, I would need to be CRB checked once again.

    Oh, and I also have to be CRB checked when I begin a course this September.

    I can only assume that whoever it is that first suggested concerned parents could step in and help, has had no experience of the insane world of CRB checks.

    Free Member

    gwj72 – Member
    I nearly throw my life away for a meaningless brutal assault every time I hear someone say, “can i get a….”. I can’t go into starbucks or costa any more for fear I can’t resist the urge to bludgeon some groli to death with a sturdy mug.

    ‘groli’…is that Guardian Reader of Low Intelligence?

    Free Member

    With apologies for:

    1) BIG post
    2) Copyright liberation has a pretty thorough explanation…

    All Scottish banks have the right to print their own notes. Three choose to do so: The Bank of Scotland (founded 1695), The Royal Bank of Scotland (founded 1727) and the Clydesdale Bank (owned by National Australia Bank). Only the Royal Bank prints pound notes. All the banks print 5,10,20 and 100 notes. Only the Bank of Scotland and Clydesdale Bank print 50 pound notes.

    Scottish bank notes are not legal tender in Scotland. English bank notes of denomination less than 5UKP were legal tender in Scotland under Currency and Bank Notes Act 1954. Now, with the removal of BoE 1UKP notes, only coins constitute legal tender in Scotland. English bank notes are only legal tender in England, Wales, The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. In Scotland, 1 pound coins are legal tender to any amount, 20ps and 50ps are legal tender up to 10 pounds; 10p and 5ps to 5 pounds and 2p and 1p coins are legal tender to 20p (separately or in combination). 2 pounds coins and (if you can get hold of one) 5 pound coins are also legal tender to unlimited amounts, as are gold coins of the realm at face value (in Scotland at least).

    Northern Irish notes are not legal tender anywhere, a situation similar to Scottish notes. Whether Scottish notes are legal tender or not does not change or alter their inherent value but it dictates their legal function. Credit cards, cheques and debit cards are not legal tender either but it doesn’t stop them being used as payment. Only a minuscule percentage of Scottish and British trading is carried out using legal tender. Just because something is not legal tender certainly doesn’t imply it’s illegal to use.

    The lack of a true legal tender in Scotland does not cause a problem for Scots Law which is flexible enough to get round this apparent legal nonsense, as was demonstrated some time ago when one local authority tried to refuse a cash payment (in Scottish notes) on the grounds it wasn’t “legal tender”, but lost their case when the sheriff effectively said that they were obliged to accept anything which was commonly accepted as “money”, and that should their insistence on “legal tender” have been supported, it would have resulted in the bill being paid entirely in coins, which would have been a nonsense; stopping short of saying that the council would have been “cutting off their nose to spite their face”, but seeming to hint at it.

    For tourists: You can spend Scottish notes in England and they are exactly equivalent to their English counterpart on a one for one commission free basis. If changing Sterling abroad, do not accept an inferior rate for changing Scottish notes than is being offered for English notes as the two are equivalent. You are very unlikely to encounter problems spending Scottish money in England, I did it for many years and was never refused.

    The definition of legal tender is something which is acceptable as payment of a debt. If you pay using legal tender, the other person has no recourse to chase you for payment. As part of the Skye Road Bridge tolls protest, people have paid in small coins using the greatest number of small denomination coins which constituted legal tender. Using entirely 1ps for instance would not have been legal tender and could have been refused. (This definition is a simplification, see the Currency section of “Halsbury’s Laws of England” for a full legal definition.)

    Britain came off the Gold Standard more than 60 years ago. The Scottish banks are allowed to issue a relatively small amount without backing, and the remainder of their issue has to be backed by Bank of England notes to the same value. So the BofE goes bust, the others go with it.

    Free Member

    LycraLout – Member

    Isn’t it incredible that in 2011 this legal tender is still treated with such suspicion outside Scotland?

    Scottish banknotes aren’t legal tender. Isn’t that incredible?

    I was unaware of that. It is incredible though…am going to Google this as am interested in their actual status.

    Free Member

    Aerospace Battle Manger, Air Traffic Control Officer, Air Traffic Controller, Aerospace Systems Officer, Flight Operations Assistant, Air Cartographer, Flight Operations Officer, Weapons Systems Operator, Weapons Sytems Operator (Linguist), ICT Aerial Erector, Intelligence Analyst (Voice), ICT Technician, Intelligence Officer, Intelligence Analyst, Photographer, Caterer, Logistics Officer, Chef, Mover, Driver, Supplier, Biomedical Scientist, Dental Technician, Medical Support Officer, Medical Support Officer (Physiotherapist), Pharmacy Technician, Registered Nurse (Adult), Dental Nurse, Environmental Health Technician, Nursing Officer, Radiographer, Registered Nurse (Mental Health), Dental Officer, Medical Officer, Operating Department Practitioner, RAF Medic, Student Nurse (Adult), Chaplain, Personnel Support, Physical Training Instructor, Legal Officer, Personnel Support Officer, Training Officer, Musician, Physical Education Officer, Firefighter, RAF Regiment Gunner, RAF Police, RAF Regiment Officer, RAF Police Officer, Aircraft Technician (Avionics), General Technician Electrical, Survival Equipment Fitter, Aircraft Technician (Mechanical), General Technician Mechanical, Weapon Technician, Engineer Officer, General Technician Workshops…

    and a few thousand in the Hotel Review and Assessment Wing 😉

    Free Member

    grum – Member
    Scottish £20s are viewed with suspicion as there are a lot of fakes apparently. I’d have proper kicked off if they refused to take a note they’d just given me though!

    I was about to, then I spotted the bouncer…
    to say he was a heavy unit would be an understatement, he practically had his own postcode!

    Free Member

    Crab Island and Lahinch in Co.Clare are lovely.

    Studland Bay, Dorset

    Croyde and Woolacombe, Devon

    Free Member

    I got an e13 Supercharger because people on here insisted that it would make me ultra-gnarly.

    A year on and I’m still a mincer….it does look ever so pretty though.

    Free Member

    Loved Sean Penn in it, one of his best roles IMHO.

    The actress who played his wife in it was good too…very Lady Macbeth.

    Free Member

    Mystic River
    Very Bad Things
    The Road

    Free Member

    The Conservative and Unionist Party.

    It’s a big tent and we’re all invited. Except elfin obviously.

    Free Member

    Watched him at ATP curated by Pavement, good stuff!

    Free Member

    Ask her whether she fancies 200mm up the front?

    Free Member

    My girlfriend likes Atari Teenage Riot.

    As such, I don’t foresee a similar scenario arising with her mother!

    Free Member

    I used to live in Chapel Allerton, it was lovely.

    I put that down to the fact that it was full of Southerners 😉

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member

    Latitude is even more middle class than Glastonbury.
    I overheard my favourite ever festival based chastisement there…
    ‘No India, that’s daddy’s Yakult!’

    I reckon that’s the fifth time I’ve seen you write that.

    My apologies, it’s my favourite ever quote. As such, my repetitions of it are as inevitable as Glastonbury headliner induced controversy!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    You have to respect them for repackaging Americana and selling it back to the Americans, they’re making a killing.

    It’s the ultimate coals to Newcastle scenario.

    Free Member

    efaceec90 – Member
    have glasto ever had any metal bands play there? get slayer to play there,that would liven things up i’d actually like to go then.

    From what I recall, Michael Eavis vowed never to book a ‘heavy’ band at Glastonbury ever again after the fatal incident at Roskilde when some fans were crushed to death watching Pearl Jam. I realise Pearl Jam are hardly Lamb of God, but it seemed to turn Eavis/Glasto again anything from the heavier side of the sonic spectrum.

    Rage Against The Machine, Senser and a few others played in the early 90’s, but nothing really since then.

    I guess Reading and latterly Download/Sonisphere and on a far smaller scale Hellfest cater to that market.

    Free Member

    Latitude is even more middle class than Glastonbury.

    I overheard my favourite ever festival based chastisement there…
    ‘No India, that’s daddy’s Yakult!’

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