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  • Issue 153: Peaks of the Balkans
  • bravohotel8er
    Free Member

    *Yeah, I don’t know what that is either. I think it’s an Irish airline.

    Free Member

    Levi’s 511 are great, they’re slim rather than skinny.

    Basically, they’re significantly more fitted than Levi’s 501 without being ball crushingly tight.

    The 98% cotton/2% elastane ones are nice, the 100% cotton ones are strictly for racing snakes only.

    GAP do some decent slim jeans too, but as with anything at GAP the sizing varies to a ridiculous extent, so you have to try on about 4 pairs in the same size.

    As mentioned above, they do make all of your existing jeans seem MASSIVE in comparison.

    BH8, 31 and 11/12ths

    Free Member

    As it happens, I’m wearing my (recently cleaned) Clarks Desert Boots right now. They’re the ‘Wolf’ colour (taupe to anyone else).

    I do the following:

    1) Stiff bristles on the suede brush to remove mud/dirt/dried in blemishes.
    2) Suede shampoo all over and leave to dry for 30 mins.
    3) Suede cleaner block (like an eraser) to remove any marks that have survived.
    4) Scotch Guard (other waterproof treatments are available etc etc) and leave to dry for 30 mins.
    5) Raise the nap again with the soft side of the auede brush.

    I’ve done this to my desert boots 6 or 7 times and they still look near enough immaculate after 3 years regular use.

    Free Member

    Thanks both of you, managed to correct the situation with a combination of both of your posts.

    I shouldn’t be trusted with anything more advanced than an Etch-a-Sketch!

    Free Member

    I’ve stopped filling the moat with Evian.

    My swans are furious.

    Free Member

    men who find themselves in such depraved circumstances that all they can do is expel the fury that’s inside of them on to women

    I’ve never heard that particular act described with such eloquence.

    Free Member

    Girl in Florida: ‘So, how long did it take you guys to drive here?’

    Me: ‘Where from?’

    Girl in Florida: ‘England’

    Me: ‘Errr…there’s no land bridge’

    Free Member

    …err The Lemonheads!

    They’re touring It’s a Shame about Ray (again) at the moment.

    Definitely buy Come on Feel The Lemonheads too, arguably, it’s even better.
    Car Button Cloth is good too as was the eponymous album they released a few years ago.

    I wouldn’t bother with Lick, Creator or Hate Your Friends unless you have completionist tendencies. Lovey is pretty decent too.

    Free Member

    1) Godwin’s Law would never have been invented. Consequently, arguments on the internet wouldn’t be half as entertaining.

    2) South West Trains would have exactly the same customer service policies as at present, but at least they’d stick to their timetable.

    Free Member


    I did my second season when I was 23 (Banff, Alberta and Whistler, BC).
    There were two other couples in our house (28 & 31 and 34 & 35 respectively), a 25 year old girl and a 45 year old guy.

    I met a fair few other people in their thirties and forties although admittedly the lion’s share of seasonaires were in the 19 – 25 bracket.

    I wouldn’t worry about being inundated with upper-middle class hooray henry types unless you’re planning on going to Chamonix, Meribel or a few other resorts…basically avoid anywhere where Jack Wills is more commonplace than Volcom in the bars!

    Actually, bugger that…just go where you like, Cham is awesome.

    Free Member

    +3 Jurassic 5

    DJ Format/MC Abdominal

    Free Member

    +1 Ugly Duckling

    Free Member

    1) Irrelevant
    2) NICE
    3) Meh
    4) Paul Smith is consulting his lawyers
    5) Chewbacca is consulting his lawyers
    6) ATP are consulting their lawyers
    7) Bertie Bassett is consulting his lawyers
    8) zzzzz
    9) Seriously?
    10) …
    11) ‘Seriously, they went for it? I was just **** about!’
    12) That’s what the BBC test card looked like during the Summer of Love.

    Free Member

    Horrific incident.

    Arguments about speed/proximity can go on for all eternity. Ultimately, I’m sure we’d all agree that there exists a significant minority of drivers who simply shouldn’t be allowed on the roads.

    Obviously, none of the esteemed members of STW are numbered amongst their ranks, but how many times have you seen…

    . Someone pulling out of a slip road without looking

    . Someone already on the road oblivious to a slip road and neglecting to move to the other lane so that they can merge and join, despite said other lane being empty.

    . Dangerous undertaking followed by driver swerving in front of you without indicating

    . Cars crossing 2,3 or even 4 lanes of traffic in a single manoeuvre when joining or exiting a motorway.

    . Cars swerving in front of you in order to exit a motorway/dual carriageway having missed the off ramp.

    etc etc etc

    I used to see one truly mental piece of driving every couple of months or so, now it’s every other time I drive.

    I saw a car reversing on a roundabout the other day having missed the exit it intended to take! No amount of speed cameras are going to catch these people, but the reinstatement of properly resourced traffic patrols, draconian fines and giving courts far greater authority to ban people (for life if necessary) for reckless driving or order them to retake their driving tests may have an impact.

    Free Member

    I refuse to answer on the grounds that your username is inherently sexist, given that it infantilises your gender.

    Also, I’m back and this forum is still too sexy.

    Free Member

    ‘Moral Turpitude’ would be the poshest thrash metal band ever.

    Free Member

    What’s wrong with being sexy?

    Free Member

    ‘My aunt lives in Scotland, she says it’s quite nice’


    Free Member

    I thought this was the Aussie anthem…

    Free Member

    May she sedition hush,: and like a torrent rush,: Rebellious Scots to crush,

    Works for me.

    The tune is a dirge though. It should be I vow to thee my country.

    Free Member

    +3 for Finisterre

    Free Member

    Are you going with BUNAC?

    I flew to Vancouver via the BUNAC scheme after graduating in 2002.

    I had a good time in Vancouver for a few weeks before catching the Greyhound to Banff. After working at the Inns of Banff hotel for a couple of weeks I landed a job at Mount Norquay (10 minute bus ride from Banff Avenue) working the lifts. Easy job with a 2.5 hour break each day to go snowboarding and two full days off per week. I utilised my free season pass to go to Sunshine Village (30 minutes on the bus) and Lake Louise (45 minutes on the bus).

    I can’t remember all of the resorts that my pass was valid for, but I definitely used it at the awesome Kicking Horse at Fernie and a couple of the other BC Interior ones too.

    Banff is a great town, I had a great time there and met some good people. I’m glad I based myself there rather than living in staff accommodation at Sunshine or Louise.

    Whistler is incredible (arguably the best resort anywhere) and I spent three weeks there towards the end of the season living with some friends that were seasonaires there, but it’s definitely not got the same sort of atmosphere or sense of community that Banff has as it only really exists to service the resort.

    You’ll have a brilliant time wherever you go though…wish we had Tim Horton’s over here!

    I second the advice re: Mountain Equipment Co-Op too…great chain with a branch in Vancouver (amongst others too). The Westbeach store on West and 4th in Kitsilano (Vancouver) is worth a look too.
    The Source is a great shop (branch in Canmore – next town over from Banff too). Within Banff Rude Boys is the best snowboard shop, there were a couple of others too (Showcase being the one in the main Cascade Mall). I went back in 2006, sure it’s changed a bit since then shopwise.

    Some good bars too especially Tommy’s, Rose & Crown and the Magpie & Stump. There was a decent range of international beers at the St. James Gate (irish pub) including the most expensive pint of Boddingtons that you’re ever likely to find! Wild Bill’s was a good bar too, we saw some decent punk/hardcore bands there too along with a very good AC/DC covers act.

    Free Member

    Typical, you wait ages for a thread about somebody getting run over by an Armoured Fighting Vehicle and then this.

    Free Member

    I blame Thatcher.

    Oh wait, that was the ERM…taxi!

    Free Member

    The new Logan’s Run should be set in Brighton, it’s already a glimpse of a dystopian (or possibly utopian) future society given that there is absolutely no sign of anyone over the age of 30 there.

    Free Member

    I loved BSG! I’ve watched it all though.

    Any suggestions for US drama in a similar vein?

    I hear good things about Life, but it’s just been cancelled after 2 seasons.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I’ve used Tvlinks in the past, but at the risk of sounding sappy…I want to watch this legally. I really love this programme and am more than happy to pay to watch it (would also like the DVD so that I can watch it again in the future).

    Oh well, I’ve got Season 2 of Justified arriving soon so I’ll have to make do with that for the time being.

    Free Member

    Corporal punishment was banned two years before I arrived at school.

    However, some of the guys in the years above used to reminisce fondly about deliberately angering Miss Cullen (fit thirty-something French teacher) in order to make her bend them over her desk for a caning.

    Free Member

    randomjeremy – Member

    You clearly have BMX envy. You probably ride a grifter.

    I rode one once, I found the whole thing quite haroing…TAXI!

    Free Member

    Harry_the_Spider – Member

    [deleted due to not being as funnyas I originally thought I was]
    Posted 5 minutes ago # Report-Post

    The internet would be a virtual ghost town if we all shared your integrity!

    Free Member

    I thought this was going to be about crusty types with Discharge tribute acts and unconventional living arrangements.

    Free Member

    Christopher Ward

    Free Member

    This puts me in quite the bind.

    Rupert has already bagged Tony and the Colonel is MIA, luckily I’ve got President Robert Mugabe as a fallback position on the godparent front.

    Free Member

    We had this problem in my organisation.

    A manager whose careerist ambition was in direct inverse proportion to her actual ability had been making life hell for various members of staff for quite some time.

    We began to report every single breach of protocol/managerial error by her to senior management. Later, we copied every unreasonable email from her to them too along with the HR department and our union representatives. Eventually management realised what we’d all known for many months and demoted her.

    Free Member

    tails – Member
    There was a program called Our War on yesterday, perhaps get him to watch that as it shows both positive elements such comradery to the negative elements such as killing a child!

    I watched Our War in its entirety.

    In the interest of fairness, you should have pointed out that said child was killed by the ANP and not the British Army. Furthermore, the visibly disgusted British soldiers travelling behind said ANP in a convoy rendered first aid and called in a medevac helicopter immediately.

    Free Member

    On a related note…

    I sometimes park on a residential road with parking restrictions from 10.00-11.00 (so as to deter office workers from leaving their cars there).

    Part of the road was recently resurfaced, one consequenceof that is that there is now a space approximately 2 cars in length where there is no single yellow line on the road whatsoever. Technically, is there now a 24/7 parking free-for-all in said space?

    Free Member

    My pet hate is those subterranean wheelie case enthusiasts who frequent the London Underground. They can’t all be cabin crew or lawyers.

    Free Member

    I work for the Probation Service.

    Thanks to the recent spate of urban late night shopping, the future is looking pretty good.

    Free Member

    The solution is obvious…

    Make supermarket biscuit/cake/crisp and chocolate aisles far narrower so that only those with a 32 inch waist or under can fit down them.

    Free Member

    Stoatsbrother – Member

    And when I asked him yesterday he could not tell me the word for Left, or Right, in either language.

    That was exceedingly gauche of you.

    ETA: Bugger, beaten to it by aracer 🙄

Viewing 40 posts - 481 through 520 (of 910 total)