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  • Video: Inside the Hope Tech Factory
  • bravohotel8er
    Free Member

    The swearing made it virtually unwatchable for me at times.

    My dad was in the army and I work with offenders so I’m well used to coarse language, but it really was totally OTT. It’s a pity that the opportunity to visit so many beautiful places didn’t inspire him to delve into any of the thousands of other descriptive words that our rich and varied language holds.

    Free Member

    stevenmenmuir – Member

    Thinking it might be a Christmas pressie so not got it yet. Looking forward to seeing them in the New Year. One of the best bands with Black in their name

    Other than Black Sabbath, Big Black, Frank Black (alright, not really a band), Paint it Black, Godpeed You! Black Emperor, The Black Crowes and Black Flag!

    Definitely better than Black Grape, Black Eyed Peas, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Nine Black Alps, Black Heart Procession, The Blackout and Black Label Society though.

    Free Member

    However If Milliband can play a blinder


    Thanks you’ve been a great audience, I’m here all week! Try the fish etc etc

    Free Member

    It seems like an awful lot of effort to go to just to repatriate that matelot’s iPod.

    Free Member

    Just spotted this thread revival!

    Still haven’t bought one, but my parents seem to want one. Somewhat bizarre given that they have all of 15 CDs, but at least it would give me a chance to see what they’re like.

    Free Member

    Has to be more accurate than the godawful Hurt Locker.

    Good way to test out a new surround sound system too!

    Free Member

    Quite interesting this as a topic, I’m familiar with the accents that are regularly maligned in England (Estuary, Scouse and Brummie), but what are the equivalents for the other countries in these isles?

    Also, sub-topic: Are your local dialects disappearing?
    Fewer and fewer people round here with a genuine Dorset accent and very fewer still under the age of 35.

    It’ll be a shame if those local variations disappear.

    Free Member

    I love a nice Cork accent, some Irish people I’ve met seem to hate it though. It’s like listening to poetry to these ears.

    Free Member

    This website is hilarious.

    There seems to be an equal blend of threads about which trim level to opt for on an Audi A5 (or suchlike) and others where chippy little men seek to exorcise their own feelings of inadequacy by pontificating on how others should spend their money. Then the usual fauxletarians turn up to out do each other with stories, whether real or imagined of living in a shoebox in the middle of the road.

    My advice?

    1) Do whatever you think will make your kids happy
    2) Ignore everything on this forum including this post

    Free Member

    binners – Member

    Mods – Is it possible to add a ‘scrawled in green ink’ option to the menu? For when it all starts getting particularly Daily Telegraph?

    Be honest now you’ve never read the Daily Telegraph, have you?

    Free Member

    When I was 10 I got an X-Wing Fighter AND a Sony Walkman. That really was the apex of my gift receiving career, once you’ve experienced that there’s really nothing left to acquire.

    Free Member

    Did you watch Superchunk at Scala last week?

    Going to Archers of Loaf at Cargo on Sunday night, in my head it’s still the 90’s!

    Free Member

    jhw – Member
    The board was weak on the question of how to administer the headbutt, however

    Electronically over the internet via an IT sub-contractor, presumably?

    Free Member

    Check your phone bill!

    Free Member

    Why not go round and have a chat with his wife about it?


    Free Member

    Wish I had, especially with the probable demise of Sonic Youth if recent reports in the press are anything to go by.

    Free Member

    [/quote]jota180 – Member
    Must be your way of thinking – I was referring to the beatings

    Cold shower should help you

    You and I both know you weren’t.

    Free Member

    jota180 – Member

    When they leave these places [no doubt with sore arses]

    It’s funny right, because that means that they’re gay LOL and being gay is bad LOL and so it is funny LOL 🙄

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    I have known two or three

    Well, which is it? Two or three?

    It seems somewhat unlikely that on the (considerably less than a) handful of occasions you claim to have encountered Etonians, they’ve been in possession of all of the nefarious traits that someone like you would have expected. In contrast, the twenty or so (or was it thirty?) Etonians I have met tended to be somewhat understated and quietly confident, rather than bursting with arrogance and self-entitlement.

    I’ll wager you’re only slightly out and that the real figure is rather rounder.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Old Etonians like these guys have seriously warped sense of values – and just ‘cos daddy had money does not mean they are bright

    I bet the last bicycle helmet in Scotland that you’ve NEVER met an Etonian.

    Free Member

    Never mind about that, what are the implications for the number of female visitors to this website and/or Scottish independence?

    Also, what tyres for a nuclear winter?

    Free Member

    That links to

    Now, untwist your panties and start stockpiling canned food 😉

    Free Member

    toby1 – Member

    Also, on a total hi-jack, I’m working my way through the last season on Sons of Anarchy, does Belfast really have any biker gangs?

    There are chapters of outlaw/1% biker gangs in NI, but they’re not divided along sectarian lines which undermines the Sons of Anarchy premise of a Belfast-based biker gang that supports a republican terrorist splinter-group.

    Oh, and I’ve considered your zombie apocalypse survival scenario theory at various times too. I reckon we’d be at a significant disadvantage as a result!

    Free Member

    Good stuff! Would have bought one myself, but I already own it.

    Free Member

    The trouble is that AMC slashed the budget so much. In spite of the fact that Season 1 was such a hit, the budget for Season 2 (which is twice as long) is about half what they had to work with last time round! Due to this, there’s a lack of big set-piece action scenes this time round and a lot more episodes shot primarily in one location.

    Other than the (admittedly brilliant) highway scene in episode 1 and the trip to get medical supplies, it’s been a little like The Waltons so far.
    Hope it picks up.

    Free Member

    Hmmm, the plot thickens…it would seem that this SD Leisure company are based in Manchester, but also have an office in Bournemouth.

    If you’re going to the Manc one try and look out for people in fleece jackets with a yellow/red SD Leisure logo on them, I’m wondering whether these people are running all of these markets.

    Free Member

    The one in Bournemouth gets worse every year.

    It used to be run by actual real-life Germans (imagine!), there was great food on offer, a range of delicious beers and interesting products on sale.

    Now, the whole thing seems to be owned and operated by some outfit called SD Leisure. The only beer they have is Krombacher at over £4 per pint, your enjoyment of a decidedly watered-down version of that already mediocre beer is ruined by appalling ‘comedy’ in a cod-German accent blaring out over the tannoy. Their attempt at a curry wurst is a crime against God and all that is holy and the stalls seem to sell hats in the shape of penguins and little else.

    Free Member

    How many Scots are in favour? Roughly one-third?

    The SNP would be better off asking the English to decide, they’d have a far better chance of achieving their stated aim.

    Free Member

    Heavily bearded, rejects modern technology…

    The thought occurred, do you reckon he rides single-speed?

    Free Member


    I would never consider voting Labour, it’s the start of a slippery slope. Before you know it you’re watching ITV, reading a tabloid, referring to lunch as ‘dinner’, eating your evening meal at the same time as Newsround, driving a Vauxhall and married to a ‘bubbly’ woman who drinks pints.

    Free Member

    ransos – Member

    2. Rescue provided by public sector.


    Rescue provided by the taxpayer…public and private sector alike.

    Free Member


    Most of my caseload consists of paedophiles and other sex offenders, I can’t really dash off to London for a day out.

    Free Member

    That would be my guess.

    Free Member


    Cygnett Leather Book-style case for iPad previously £34.99, now £5.00.

    Free Member

    edhornby – Member

    and I am 35 years old, I remember her well and I can see the effects of her policies even now

    You were about 14 when her reign of terror ended, if you’re experiencing Fatchurrrr related PTSD, why not just pop down the Happy Shopper and get yourself some semi-skinned?


    Free Member

    I’ve had a few different pairs of 32 over the years, Prion, Team Two and several versions of Lashed. All of them were excellent.

    I’ve got some Nike ones now, just got them for a change really, have kept my most recent 32 just in case they turn out to be rubbish. Sure, you’ll be happy with your purchase.

    Free Member

    I’m watching one right now, it’s fine.

    It functions perfectly well as a television, the cat is entranced by it and it hasn’t set the house on fire or exploded.

    Someone will be along in a minute to tell you that LG are rubbish and you have to pay £17,000 for some ultra-niche audiovisual orgasmatron 4000 series, but you don’t.

    Free Member

    Grenson are nice.

    Free Member

    The message is clear, TJ MUST leave the forum.


    Free Member

    totalshell – Member

    once bought mrs tts a bread bin.. i wont buy her another,
    Posted 9 minutes ago # Report-Post

    ‘But you told me to use my loaf’ etc etc 😈

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