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  • Take Care Of Your Trails 2024
  • bravohotel8er
    Free Member

    You could buy a bike for that. No you actually could!!!

    So £500 will result in a Hard Rock or a garment likely to lead to a hard err…actually, abandon response. 😳

    Free Member

    If I buy it for her in green, do you think I’d get away with telling her I chose it to pay tribute to her Irish cultural heritage…and then drop in the bit about me no longer being able to afford a holiday with her at a later date?

    Nah, probably not.

    Free Member

    La Perla…£500 for a bra!

    Sweet Jesus, that seemingly overpriced Finisterre jacket I’ve bought for my girlfriend seems like a bargain now. Would rather see her in the Mezzanotte Suspender Belt Corset though

    Free Member

    You have my sympathy then Bregante, I work for probation so I imagine we come into contact with much the same ‘service users’*

    *Other terms are available!

    Free Member

    Not yet, but I meet my girlfriend’s brother and his wife for the first time tomorrow.

    Her family haven’t been in contact with either of them since their wedding which descended into carnage, amongst the highlights were the bride’s last minute decision to remove the groom’s father’s speech from the order of service in favour of a spoken word ‘performance’ by her friend, who later turned out to be a sex worker catering to a somewhat niche market.

    Can’t wait to see what happens!

    Free Member

    Bregante, would you happen to work for ‘the uniformed branch of social services’ by any chance? 😉

    Free Member

    The Esso is always open.

    All because the lady loves Castrol GTX, an AA Road Atlas and a Ginsters Chicken Tikka Slice.

    Free Member

    They’ll be in even more trouble when the far racier Victoria’s Secret arrives on these shores next year. That’s where I buy all of my support girdles.

    Free Member

    Not quite sure why Juandem Jeremy is accusing those who believe the FI should choose their own destiny of being Little Englanders. Clearly he’s unaware of the Islanders origins, the majority of them came from Scotland. Proper Scots that is, not self-hating exiles who now skulk about in ‘England’s loft extension’

    Free Member

    Citizen Smith, surely?

    Free Member

    This whole average graduate salary = 29K thing is NOT in any sense the ‘average’ graduate salary.

    It’s the average paid by the top 100 or so blue chip graduate employers and is skewed by the likes of Goldman Sachs who pay you your own weight in Faberge eggs.

    Free Member

    There’s only one island group* that China is interested in making an attempt on and it isn’t the Falklands.

    *(It’s the Channel Islands, they LOVE Bergerac).

    Free Member

    Piccadilly Line to Green Park, then Jubilee Line to Waterloo, it’ll take about 50 mins.

    Not sure how much that’ll cost, but less than £13 at any rate!

    Free Member

    Social Worker?

    Free Member

    Want some pictures of mangled people? bet they are awesome as well.

    It’s alright TJ, if we want to see the mangled remnants of a doomed defence in the face of superior forces, we can just look back at your posting history!

    Free Member

    MPA is defended by Rapier batteries though, factor in the resident Typhoons (and they can be reinforced if necessary) plus the possibility of stationing a Type 45 offshore(or perhaps a couple of them) and you have a game changer.

    Free Member

    chewkw – Member

    That makes them bullies …

    I was referring to the Argentine military (whether professional or conscripted, but conscripted in particular) and not to the junta that sent them there.

    Free Member

    don simon – Member

    so let’s also spare a thought for the brave Argentine servicemen who also lost their lives.

    A large proprtion of them were not brave, they were children that had no choice in the matter.

    That makes them braver still in my eyes.

    Free Member

    Here’s a sobering thought, the number of posts on this thread now exceeds the number of British servicemen who died during the Falklands War.

    Doubtless, TJ will still be bollocking on well past 649 posts, so let’s also spare a thought for the brave Argentine servicemen who also lost their lives.

    It should be noted that three Falklanders were also killed, though none deliberately.

    Free Member

    la malvinas son argentinas

    Hmm, ‘malvinas’, I’ve heard that somewhere before…

    I think it loosely translates as ‘the bad wine is Argentine’ and I for one agree. I prefer Chilean personally, but let’s not be churlish about this, we’ll let the Gauchos run the BBQ.

    Job jobbed.

    Free Member

    big_n_daft – Member

    so do you have to live on that single island to be British?

    My cousin lives on Scilly, I think he speaks a bit of Spanish though and he likes steak so maybe TJ’s brave new world won’t be so bad after all!

    Free Member

    + 2 for Fuc*ed Up ‘David Comes To Life’

    A hardcore punk band from Canada writing a rock opera set in a fictional Northern English town…and it’s AMAZING!

    Free Member

    You’re correct as ever ernie.

    I’ll send Dave a link to this thread and he can start preparing the transfer deed 😉

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    Times have moved on technilogically from last time.

    And you don’t think Argentina will have the latest technology as they did last time ? Why ?

    Errrm…well largely because they haven’t bought very much of it at all. They’ve upgraded the Skyhawks, but they’re still a (now even more) dated platform. You’d be better off going to arrse/e-goat/rum ration, they have rather more informed threads about this very subject.…..

    Free Member

    My dogs Toynbee and Mandela will be having some vegetarian treats as usual this year. It’s a common misconception that they reject veggie food, in fact the reverse is true. Mine simply can’t resist the lentil and cous cous surprise we concoct for them. A few broadbeans and tofu thrown in for good measure and they’re quite content.

    Free Member

    MSP – Member
    Half caste is a term I hadn’t actually considered to be racist, but read this a few years back and could see the possibility to offend and haven’t used since (till now).

    Half-caste is definitely offensive. ‘Mixed Race’ became common currency after the former fell out of favour, however, these days ‘Dual Heritage’ is considered to be the correct term.

    Free Member

    tazzymtb – Member

    this is mental then.
    sorry you can’t use the word mental, it’s demeaning to those who are mentally challenged

    I think you’ll find that’s madness, gone politically correct


    Free Member

    It concerns the concept of ‘othering’ and also hinges on the eurocentric preposition that white is the natural order of things, so there are whites and then ‘coloured’ people. It’s considered belittling.

    Free Member

    gwaelod – Member

    spot on.

    landlords are the biggest benefits junkies

    Including our very own capitalist running dog, STW’s answer to Sheriff Fatman, at six foot six and a hundred tonnes (helmet not included)…
    Tandem Jeremy!


    Free Member

    These STW x Falklands threads are always a treat.

    TJ, ernie and that other one clearly have such contempt for their own country, I really do wonder how they manage to keep on living.

    It’s quite sad that their enduring obsession with ‘Fatcher’ and the 80’s means that rather than accepting that they were on the wrong side of history and have never knowingly been right about anything, they’d prefer to wish death on British service personnel and the subjugation of the FI to a country with no legitimate claim on them and no support from the FI population.

    Ultimately, none of it matters. The Argentines are in no position to invade, the FI are vastly better defended than before and the ‘Bloc’ is just South American realpolitik being played out. There is precisely bugger all chance of some pan-South American armada embarking and risking their lives for the sake of Argentina.

    The biggest risk to the FI comes from the British Government, especially now that every major party is rammed to the gills with effete careerist bed-wetters.

    Free Member

    Well, it’s all about stealth wealth these days.

    Nothing worse than capitalist running dogs who can afford to run a fleet of chrome plated flange magnets, yet choose to take the piss in family saloons instead 😉

    Free Member

    Food/ents only? Well, I’ve managed on £300 in the past. I usually count on about £600 these days after everything else is taken care of plus savings/ISA etc

    If I really wanted to save money I’d ditch my girlfriend. 😈

    Free Member

    theprawn – Member

    She might show you a side of her you’ve never seen.

    he’s talking about her vag.

    Sporty olympic edition vag, I’d hope?

    Free Member

    I hope you’re recording all of this as General Admin on your time sheet.

    Free Member

    were loosing large sums of money every year,

    I can see why they hired you, they love that cavalier approach to spelling.


    Grrr, beaten to it

    Free Member

    I’m surprised that some sap at the Guardian hasn’t written a column claiming that it’s racist yet. The one that appeared in the wake of those meercat adverts was hilarious and funnier still when people realised that it wasn’t a joke.

    Free Member

    I’m reminded of the time some colleagues from Iraq visited us when I was working for an American firm. We were lectured at length about appropriate behaviour and cultural sensitivity.

    They arrived, took us to dinner then promptly embarked upon the mother of all piss-ups before heading to Spearmint Rhino.

    Free Member

    randomjeremy – Member

    Ever notice these “pointless” or “stupid” car threads are always about cars the OP and subsequent posters can’t afford?

    As the 6th Duke of Westminster, I’ll have to respectfully disagree 😉

    Free Member

    Well, I can sort of see a niche for the X1, but the X6 is plain crazy. A coupe/SUV hybrid?

    Free Member

    I’m at work and unable to post You Tube links, but does anyone remember Glasgow lofi types, Urusei Yatsura?

    More of a singles band really and the albums could be a little patchy, but I really miss them. Always great fun live too.

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