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  • Singletrack World Issue 154 Editorial: Let’s Get Lendy
  • Brake-neck
    Free Member

    Sancho, the point of the thread was to post a vid of some good riding on a 29’er, not to rekindle the millennia old argument about wheels size. Plenty of posts on it elsewhere if ya fancy an argument.

    Free Member

    How did the frame work out for you/how does it ride?

    Free Member

    Ah right gotcha, from ayrshire right?

    Free Member

    How about a big betty 2.4, had one on the front of my C456 and it was a great tyre, never lost the front once and its comfy. I used it both winter and better conditions as I just didn’t feel the need to change.

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t be at all surprised if Steve Parish’s prediction of Rossi retiring comes to fruition, he must be devastated.
    R.I.P Marco

    Free Member

    Brake-neck, do you ride a Chumba 29er?

    Sure do mate, have I been blethering to you at some time?

    Free Member

    No sign last night and I was there until about 8 and gate still open.

    Free Member

    Heather, are there any maps/route guides for Blair Atholl?

    Free Member

    Cheers, nice looking bike.

    Free Member

    Coleman, which model of TCX is that?

    Free Member

    Everyone knows the C64 is better mate 😉

    Free Member

    TJ, the path you suggested was literally a river last night I’m afraid 🙁
    The trail from Finglas up to where you turn off to Balquidder is soggy as hell and ATM, a real leg sapper for about 3 miles or so but I’ve never actually ridden the trail from it to Balquidder. all in all the Finglas ride is a bit of a disappointment. Carron is riding well but as mentioned earlier, tramp on the pedals and you’ll be round it in 30 mins or less. North third reservoir is good but don’t know what that will be like with all the rain recently.
    Has anyone ridden the Comrie croft trails, they aren’t far away?

    Free Member

    Apple updates always work and never cause any problems at all……….. 🙄

    Free Member

    As I say mate, look for the sign on the gate. I’m pretty sure they check the car parks to make sure there are no cars before they lock up anyways, worst case , the bloke that locks them lives 200yds along the road. Will check for the sign when I’m up tonight.

    Free Member

    As long as you get there early enough in the evenings during the week otherwise a bit of a bind, I’m usually there for about 17:30 and get a space nae bother. They usually display a notice on the front gate when the closing times change.

    Free Member

    Yup Galaxy S2 here, awesome device and with a bit of tweaking easily 2 days plus out of a charge.

    Free Member

    Alot of talk about graphics cards, CPU etc. Thats all for s**t without a high quality power supply, budget £80-£120 for that alone, around 650W will do but remember, its what powers all the other components mentioned above and new kit is greedy as hell, you need good clean power with steady rails.

    Free Member

    Again, not one of Si’s employees 🙂 I have the Chumba HX2, for the cash the build quality is just unreal and its not far off my old 456C for comfort.

    Free Member

    Wasn’t there a thread on here about them failing or was that a different Ashima rotor. I know one person on here who had an ashima fail and got a broken wrist for his troubles.

    Free Member

    Mr Smith, thats a fair point, what percentage of Mac owners do you think use them in this way, did apple finally release a backwards compat version of Final Cut? Good stuff 🙂

    Free Member

    This kind of implies that everyone who buys Apple kit is an idiot and has been duped.

    Anyone that pays £400-£500 more for a laptop just because its aluminium and has a paint by numbers OS is an idiot. I make no apology for that.

    I qualify that statement by apple even using the same hardware as PCs to break into the market, a shrewd move by ex Jobs. They used power PC (IBM) chips for long enough until they realised PC hardware was leaving them behind. Thats when apple started using core 2s.

    Free Member

    Hard to imagine that anybody could be so wrong. For every product that Apple launched, there WAS no everyone else making the same kit, no Apple 1, no Mac, no iPod, no iPhone.

    I’m afraid I have to return the favour mate! At the time of the apple 1 launch, IBM, commodore and HP were all producing similar kit. As for the ipod and iphone, both were preceded by Creative and HTC, funnily enough the guys Apple love to hate! Fact of the matter is Apple interpret other companies ideas then come back with something simpler and more accessible to general populous than the original, its like pop bands covering songs. Its good but not their idea.
    In all fairness I should probably retract the statement I made earlier and replace it with Apple make technology accessible to folks that don’t understand how it works, but then that’s like saying driving instructors make cars accessible to folk that cant drive, and how many of them do we all encounter every day!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I have alot of respect for what the man was capable of business wise, but as for technology? All he did was take other companies products and sell them well. Apple: not always the best product, just the best marketed product. In the 12 years or so I’ve had in IT I’ve watched him change apple from the good guys into the bad guys. 10 years ago I hated MS for their business ethos, apple were always the plucky underdog fighting against monopoly and championing individualism.

    the early days

    Now Microsoft are almost in the same position Apple were then. What is individual about a product that is purchased through a desire to achieve social standing and ties you to use it only as the manufacturer intended?

    I am heart felt sorry for his family and a shiver ran through my spine when I heard he was gone because undoubtedly an inspiring and admirable man is no longer with us but lets face it, his crowning achievement was to sell the same kit as everyone else at a 30% markup by making it shiny.

    Free Member

    I have a set of hope V2 for sale, excellent nick only 6 onths old if yer interested, price negotiable. 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve had 7 alfas over the years, my latest is on sale atm and I have bought an 02 A4 Avant. Best thing I have done in recent memory, big, comfy, quick and always 50+mpg ( well it has been in the month I’ve owned it). I dearly love petrol cars but the make less sense every day and the audi is surprisingly good to drive. Best bit of advice is don’t listen to folk telling you that certain cars are for d**ks, you’ll miss out. I paid 2.5k for it with Audi service history = win!

    Free Member

    Just built this last month,it is genuinely capable. 🙂


    Uploaded with

    Free Member

    Was 40 this year and moved to a hardtail last year, enjoy riding more and don’t hurt any more than I did on the FS, getting out more defo helps though.

    Free Member

    My question back would be why not have both? Unless money is tight and you can’t afford it I see no reason not to have both.

    I think that is a very important point in this discussion. Some folk can only afford one bike and surely that must compromise the choice they make compared to those with the resources to own say 5,6,7 bikes?

    Free Member

    Chumba HX2 hardtail, does everything I want to ride i.e exploring, natural, trail centres etc. Doubt it would do DH without spitting me off but that doesn’t bother me as proper DH scares the sh*t outta me and I want to keep the teeth I have left.
    Moved to the Chumba fro a c456, from a 314 to the C. Won’t go back to FS cos for what I do its overkill.
    I know the flame war will start now but I can’t think of a trail centre in Scotland where a FS would give you a significant advantage over a HT (inners DH excluded), but then again maybe I’m just crap at riding 🙂

    Free Member

    Winter jacket, gloves, microfibre towels, leg and arm warmers, all for £36. I can live with that 🙂

    Free Member

    Like riding at night, love riding at night in the snow. Not really bothered by beasties and the like, born and bred in the sticks so used to that kinda crap. Have heard the one thing you don’t wanna cross is a badger, vicious little buggers.

    Free Member

    Well at least with a 5 you won’t look out of place I suppose.

    Free Member

    I went from a zesty to a c456 to my present chumba HX2, I now have the bike I need. It takes a couple of rides to alter your style but once there……..
    My riding is a mix of trail centres and natural stuff/xc, it does all of that very very well. The other advantage is I only need one bike for everything 🙂

    Free Member

    It doesn’t matter how well trained a dog is it is unpredictable so keep em away from trail centres, have seen a couple of crashes caused by them getting in the way although I’ve never been a victim myself. Natural stuff is there for everybody/thing so I have no problem with that.
    I will say this though, I’ve been alot closer to crashing because of other riders stopping in stupid places than I ever have been hitting a pooch.

    Free Member

    I’m sorry maybe I’m missing something here, how does a cush drive affect ride quality, all it does is cushion the takeup on the sprocket?!?!

    Free Member

    Thanks Si, and also thanks for getting things sorted out so quickly once I ordered 😉

    Free Member

    ahwiles – Ain’t much gets past you mate 😉

    Free Member

    Thanks gents, frame is a medium, I’m 6 foot and its fits like the proverbial.

    Free Member

    The clear lacquer is peeling away on the seat tube and in general just scratches/marks very easily, I love the look of the carbon and if I were keeping it it wouldn’t take much to give it a quick respray. I forgive it the poor finish when I’m riding it though, surprises the hell out of me what it can do/keep up with.

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