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  • Anyone for Semis? Fort William World Cup DH results & talking points
  • brack
    Free Member

    To be honest they are not old at all…some late 60’s, but most are quite recent.

    Mum was only 67 and so they aren’t antique or vintage maps.

    Thanks for your thoughts

    Oh and would love to be able to something like that – esp with the region pictured.

    Free Member

    Thanks all I will try the ‘carpet bomb’ approach…set traps everywhere.

    Free Member

    Cheers for replies but I really don’t know how I can trap it/ them as it sounds like it’s in between the houses?

    Free Member

    Eeeeek I hope it’s not a rat.. Sounds too delicate tbh?

    Trapping is the problem.. Sound appears to come from under floorboard – but when lifted no evidence of any mouse whatsoever? And I’ve not heard a mini Hoover before anyone says it’s clearing up the mess..

    Free Member

    Spring ?

    Another night of his ripping paper is too much let alone a few months.

    Free Member

    Cheers for the replies…

    Binners – a career in literature me thinks?

    Free Member

    Trying to unsubscribe from my local freecycle group…unsuccessfully.

    100’s of emails a week…aggghh

    Free Member

    Hope the lady who face planted the pillar was ok..jeez that would have hurt!

    Free Member

    The Sin Bin… Medicine Hat!

    Perhaps one of THE most violent clubs on the planet !?

    Remember seeing a North American Indian dude getting a metal chair across his head ( just minding his own business) this then led to the biggest brawl I’ve ever seen. Same every night guaranteed.

    Spilling out on to the streets. Jeez wild.

    Free Member

    Tor 3 ?

    Free Member

    Thursdays – Chichester ??

    Free Member

    Just finished two books

    The Forgotten Highlander – Alistair Urquhart ( WWII Singapore Pow…amazing read!)

    The Duchess – Geeky train book about William Staniers Pricess Coronation Class locomotives

    Just starting ‘Spitfire’ the biography by Jonathan Glancey..

    Free Member

    Seriously!? Can you not work this one out for yourself!?

    Post pie ( recorded delivery).. That way it gets tracked and you know exactly when it will arrive.

    Then cycle over


    Free Member

    FW Virgin

    No training yet

    Number 384


    Free Member

    Tinker tailor soldier spy

    The most recent one.

    Free Member

    What you really need is a Paramedic Practitioner !!

    Free Member

    A mate of mine who’s been in the FS for 20 yrs swears by the following exercises..

    1.Seated biceps curls – low weight high reps…

    Specific intended action = lifting armchair placed items.. Mug of tea / coffee, or even the remote.

    2. Seated leg raise/ kick backs.. Again low weight- high reps.

    Specific intended action = minimises the potential injuries caused by placing legs on to footstool, and or lengthy periods of having legs raised.

    Good luck and don’t over do it !!

    Free Member

    After a lifetime of travelling…

    I now follow the simple mantra that I came up with –

    It’s not about where you live,
    Its how you live where you live !

    Free Member

    Inherited my parents ‘dreaming’ … The trawling of estate agents and the if only we could psyche.

    I’ve travelled most of my adult life and lived in lots if different countries..

    Currently visiting my father in a small piece of paradise in NZ… Stunning house, magnificent views.

    My parents moved out here 3 years ago- my mum died in the UK in April….leaving dad lost in Paradise.

    Only said to my partner yesterday whilst sat at the beach – it’s nice but you know what I’d miss the damp wooded rides with a English country pub stop at the end.

    Free Member

    Like I said… It’s complex!

    Besides no you would be classed as an RTC

    ps it’s a forum…discussion… Not likely to happen…just one frontline medics posting on a mtb forum.

    Can I ask you a question as you seem to know the answer.

    Next time you ( god forbid) require an ambulance for a family member in dire straits…

    One arrives but too late… You find out that the 2 local ambulances have been dealing with a couple of drunken teenagers whose parents don’t want the responsibility or the danger of vomit staining their newly laid carpets.

    Would you have the same ‘what a riddiculous suggestion’ opinion ?


    Free Member

    So rant over what would I do to sort things out ? Medical view

    – Education, education, education…and not sensationilism
    – GP’s to work 24 hours a day…how on earth do we go from 20 surgeries within a city. To one ‘locum’ doctor covering an entire region when it gets dark ??? Ludicrous !
    – A&E to charge..anything that could have been sorted out elsewhere and earlier..gets a bill,the charging for ambulances is complex and there is never going to be the time/ infrastructure do do this fairly and safely.
    – Social services, mental health teams, district nurses, dementia crisis teams – to be available 24 hrs a day.
    – Remote call alarm centres ( Peter Kay – Dougie) yeah those that take £30 + a month from the elderly – and in return pass immediately on to the ambulance service…what a business model – genius ! They should have staff that attend. Or better still lets adopt the NZ model where the Ambulance service runs the schemes!
    – Drunks are charged at A&E…and transport treatment costs fed back to the police, A&E, Ambos

    Any one else ?

    Free Member

    Ask your average PC or Paramedic..and they will tell you the real problem is not with HOAX callers – ie people who dial up with the sole intention of sending a crew to something that is a HOAX ie not really happening.

    The problem is way way more complex than that – and way beyond the comprehension of anyone who has not worked the frontline with the police/ ambulance service.

    I have just worked the entire Christmas period – and could tell you things that have gone on that would literally make the headlines of the national newspapers…on every shift!!

    To say I have given my all would be an understatement – I am both mentally and physically exhausted. And it’s not the dealing with trauma/ blood/ drunks etc that wears me down – its being used as a social sponge, and picking up the pieces for people.

    The UK ambulance service is struggling FACT and it will only ever come in to your thinking…when you actually need one.

    Taking your frustration out on the crew when they get there because it’s taken an hour to get you an ambulance is just not on.

    Free Member

    Well it would cut out the ‘ no credit on my phone and as you are free could you make that call for me when you get here on blue lights’ frequent callers.

    Other than that 50p … Well it’s hardly a detterent is it?

    Hoax callers aren’t a problem at all to be honest…it’s the inappropriate, and the abusers of the system that needed bringing to task!

    Problem is some health care professionals are the worst offenders!

    Bruneep as you posted it…what’s your opinion ?

    Free Member

    +1 DONK

    Quite simply my offroad daily commute would not be sustainable without mudguards.

    Walking crap into my workplace is neither fun or fair!

    Free Member


    You obviously don’t commute on a daily basis? And only ride your bike at weekends by any chance?

    Free Member

    Agggh stop!!

    Trail_rat you are excused

    Free Member

    Jeez seriously ??

    Footwear indoors…? Thought this was a forum frequented by weather tolerant hardy folk!

    Slippers…flipflops, crocs n socks.

    In the house?

    Free Member

    Wow this is a revelation…folk wear footwear indoors??

    errrrm Barefoot…

    Free Member

    Or do something here in the UK…

    Free Member

    I still rate the Annapurna circuit as one of the toughest treks Ive done…

    Free Member

    Best- I’m going to be a dad

    Worst- losing my dear mum suddenly…and the realisation that she will never see my child.

    Free Member

    Sorry to poke fun at your loss…for which I am gutted for you…but

    Ended up getting up early because I couldn’t sleep, went into the greenhouse for some Orange juice

    Thought it was just me who was leading a weird existence..

    Free Member

    Never use – or needed – padded shorts on mtb.


    Free Member

    Cheers. Lost my dear mum in April ( on my birthday) quite unexpectedly.

    Aged 67

    A lifetime of dreaming…. They’d finally found their dream home in NZ and were preparing to move out there.

    A tough tough year!

    Free Member

    Mid way through 5 x 12 Hr shifts… 2 nights to go.

    Don’t know how many times I’ve nearly thrown in the towel on this run of shifts.

    If you can’t get through to the out of hours GP… Don’t take it out on us !! We are way way beyond being able to cope.

    Paramedic Practitioner…

    Free Member

    Just for Cy

    Free Member


    Just ride a classic 90’s kona

    Been riding mine from new…1996

    Free Member

    I commute daily, year round.

    Spring , summer, autumn my route is generally farm tracks, canal paths …zero if any mech failures.

    In the wet periods I stick to the road….I break more wheels, spokes on the roads round here than on my off road alternative.

    Free Member


    Following a failed crown..ive been told that the next course of action is an implant…

    £2500 !

    Free Member

    Well…google the words Swedish and Coromandel.

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