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  • Fresh Goods Friday 661 – The Hard Lining Edition
  • brack
    Free Member

    I love the name William…looks good as a signature or on a letter

    But is also able to be shortened to Billy..which is cool.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Yeah Im sure you are right…

    I have always struggled to determine whether its due to fluids or food!

    Free Member

    See still out of it!!!… Stratch?? Lethargis??

    Free Member

    What happened to my c’s…puncture not punture


    Free Member

    Sweet…lotta cash but wotta bike!

    Good work.

    Free Member


    What was the total price for the build…have a few retro konas that might be heading that way!

    Free Member

    LOL…just going to check if the guy in the clip has got ‘chicken legs now’.

    Free Member


    Yawn….take a look at the pic I posted….get with the thread mate! :roll:

    Free Member

    With no pedals and a crotch constantly rubbing on the top tube…..what do you expect??

    Free Member

    LOL have no idea…but check out those thighs!

    Reckon he could give that Hoy chappie a run for his money!!

    Free Member

    LOL….I wonder what half of this crowd would be riding if it weren’t for the so called naff marketing they slate….

    Free Member

    Don’t know…but give me first dibs if you do decide to sell…that looks fab!

    Free Member

    What is that???

    Free Member

    Oh dear here we go…

    Free Member

    I agree awesome indeed

    Free Member

    You were barjeed in the shoulder by a young man and it must have hurt,but as difficult as it must have been to walk on…its the best thing to do.

    I believe in good korma!

    Free Member

    Sorry mate sounded a tad negative.

    If it were me…

    I would forget the guide and find your own path. The planning,the preparation and the logistics are what makes a trip memorable.

    Turning the corner and seeing that view for the first time is magical – having your guide tell you to expect a nice view around the next corner…just isn’t the same!

    Ok so you miss the ‘ good bits’….but who says that they are the good bits?

    The rest of the masses who have passed through like sheep following the leader?

    Let the package tourists comments float clean over your head!

    You did it your way…..followed your own path.

    Free Member

    And who says that the spirit of adventure is dead?

    Off to waitrose….anyone know of a good guide?

    Free Member

    Riddiculous…as someone who has lost friends or had others maimed during the troubles….what on earth are they thinking???

    £12k why 12k??? Where was that sum plucked from?

    What price a life lost? A disfigurement a disability?

    Money is not what these people want or need….they long to have their loved ones back!

    We should be moving on!

    Free Member

    No I paid privately to get my ailment/injury assessed.


    Under the advice of the sports consultant who diagnosed me…sourced the ‘best’ surgeon to perform the op.

    He is a private surgeon – who performs certain cases for the NHS.

    I did not pay for my surgery – it was on the NHS.

    I paid privately for my diagnosis.

    ‘I found a private surgeon who had an NHS list.’

    Free Member

    A private surgeon…..

    who had an

    ……..NHS list.


    Free Member


    That might be a problem.

    Im south coast Chichester


    Free Member

    I totally agree….I ended up paying private for an op that I was repeatedly refused due to …well basically a lack of knowledge regarding sports injuries.

    Once I’d offered to pay privately for a diagnosis ( which was almost straight away) I sourced a private surgeon who had an NHS list.

    I came round from the OP on an ortho ward surrounded by old fellas having hip ops etc, another young lad and myself were totally overlooked, ward rounds, physio, occupational therapy, and even transport home were not even offered.

    Now bearing in mind I live on my own ( a building site at the mo) and all my family live in NZ….it might have been nice if they had at least offered some of the above.

    I remember caring for an old boy who was on the ward…. blind and struggling to find his food let alone eat it. They only really became aware of my predicament when I threw my holdall over my back and walked out of the ward struggling and on crutches.

    Free Member

    Surely theres a fitness benefit?

    Free Member

    Hey….I will gladly take those of your hands..

    Where are you?

    Free Member

    As someone who works for the NHS and has recently had to use the NHS for an operation – I would say the stats are actually the other way round.

    I think the NHS actually serves the elderly and neglects the younger folk!

    Free Member

    Best tip…..get yourself an old portable hoover, connect to the sander where the dust bag goes …no dust and jobs a good un.!!

    Free Member

    Hey…you have a van just like mine!

    Hang on a minute!!!

    Free Member

    After all of my initial posts I really am uncertain about whether to go for the 2008 single tri or not.

    My company won’t sign up for the C2W scheme….

    And am in the throws of renovating a house – oh and have 4 bikes already.

    My commute involves a 7 mile XC route including farm tracks, greavel paths and a canal path…I’d love to but the bike but is it really that special??

    I cycled my route today and can’t help feeling that I would feel bloody precarious as hell on those slim wheels?

    Free Member

    I give up !!!

    Its blue has 4 wheels and has no rust…..

    Horn goe beep and the lights well…eerrrrm they go light!


    Free Member

    Free Member

    Ok just try and imagine for now what my van looks like!


    Free Member

    Free Member

    Lil blue…when I lived out of him for a year…. :^)

    Free Member

    Some sound advice on here…but Im guessing it will all be bouncing off you at the momment as our head is totally screwed.

    Please remember that you are not the only one that this has happened to … I know of at least 2 mates that are going through similar at the momment – and whilst this is of little comfort to you, it may make you realise that you are not alone and that surpressing any feelings or emotions out of a sense of pride is an outdated prctice.

    I split up from my 12 year partner ( ammicable) who was my best friend, really understood me and whose parents I regarded as my own.

    We’d just renovated our dream house – I did nearly all of the work and for the final 6 months new that I had to complete the works despite knowing that our relationship was well and truly over.

    Knowing that I was never going to afford the mortgage on my own ( she could) I literally walked down the driveway with a rucksack on my back and travelled/ worked around tha world….glamerous on paper but in truth my head didn’t really get sorted until I returned back to the UK in 2006/7.

    I lived out of a van for a year to save enough cash for a mortgage….Im busy renovating a house and have a gorgeous girlfriend.

    What Im trying to say is….don’t give up hope, focus on whats good in your life, face up to the situation and be honest with yourself.

    Oh and print of a copy of Kiplings IF…it will give you strength at times when you feel sh1t.

    Oh and get out and ride….!!

    Good luck pal!

    Free Member

    Oh and the plumber who came round was only here for 40 mins….so should be easily rectifiable.

    Free Member

    Had the same thing happen ove the Christmas period…..sounds like the diverter valve.

    I ended up joining a yearly maintenance scheme for £200 as a mate who is a plumber says that my boiler is a pig to work on and as I have only just moved in to the place it might make financial sense to get everything sorted under a warranty.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys….sorry for my lack of input…

    Ive went out on a massive drinking session which ended up in a curry house trying all the hottest dishes!! Only joking.

    I have had reflux for years – Ive put it down to being one of the hazards of my job – Paramedic…eating on the go and at strange times of the day,caffeine caffeine caffeine!

    The sore throat started just before Christmas and Im not convinced it is to do with the reflux as the doc states…but he is the expert.

    I’d like ( perhaps kidding myself) that it is an irritation following the tube down my throat from my General anaesthetic??

    So from reading the posts….I take it that the best result following the pylori test would be a positive one? That way at least I have a treatable and obvious cause.

    Its really good to gather other peoples experiences and I thank you all for your time.

    This forum is great isn’t it !

    Free Member

    I’d not heard of him to be honest….but know that there are few wild campers out there who manage to hold down full time respectable jobs.

    I lived out of my VW Transporter panel van for over a year in 2006/ 2007….was probably one of the most liberating and social experiences of my life!

    My existence was one of contrast and at times bordered on the sublime.

    I’d just returned to the UK from an 18 months global drift that saw me working as a remote medic with the UN up in the wild but beautiful mountains of Afghanistan, later purchasing a jeep and scarf and driving up the khyber pass and into Pakistan to assist with the earthquake relief efforts in Pakistan anyway blah blah I basically went ferrel.

    Landed back in the UK….my van started first time….and she became my home.

    I lived in a beautiful valley just north of Chichester and right on the downs….I paid the farmer £1 a night and rode my bike whenever I liked….I windsurfed and kited if the wind gods favoured me.The evening fireside gatherings were fantastic….I was never alone…

    Clean water and a plastic trug – I learnt the art of a trug wash….quite a liberating experience at 4.30 in the morning I can assure you….!

    I earnt my crust wearing green driving at speed….go figure.I handed out blankets and my sympathy to the homeless, cried within and bit my lip on more than several occasions at the lazy benefit cheats who rob this country blind and seem to demand and get whatever they so desire.

    Good on people like this bloke – I don’t know his story but Id place a bet that he is probably more at peace with the world than most wall dwellers who hide behind their locked doors.

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