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  • Fresh Goods Friday 672 – The Metal Mullets Edition
  • brack
    Free Member

    Well done to them!!

    The team dynamics were spot on!

    Free Member

    Im only a Paramedic but is it not a reference to the Intensive care levels….

    We use it as a guide for transferring patients between hospitals and or receiving hospitals for trauma.

    LEVEL 0 Patients whose needs can be met through normal ward care in an acute hospital.

    LEVEL1 Patients at risk of their condition deteriorating, or those recently relocated from higher levels of care, whose needs can be met on an acute ward with additional advice and support from the critical team.

    LEVEL 2 Patients requiring detailed observation or intervention including support for a single failing organ system or post-operative care and those 'stepping down' from higher levels of care.

    LEVEL 3 Patients requiring advanced respiratory support alone or basic respiratory support together with support of at least two organ systems. This level includes all complex patients requiring support for multi-organ failure.

    Free Member

    Fab stuff….the one I used dried rubbery

    Free Member

    Noh 🙄 its not her fault that the taps are leaking…these things happen! Jeez you clearly have never done any major house reno if you think it all goes smoothly. BUT

    Why on earth would you forget to tell someone that there was a puddle on the new slate….? Just as you are getting into bed.


    Free Member

    I lose count of the number of times i have had to run down roads carrying everything instead of being able to pull up outside, this delay leads to a further delay getting you out the house/putting out the fire etc etc

    Why’s that mate? Is it more than your 10 fingers?

    Certainly can’t be more than 20…that would make you busy and come on we all know that aint the case 😆

    Free Member

    It is not where you live
    It is HOW you live
    Where you live!!

    Free Member

    Don’t think there would be a Paramedic in the country who would be shocked by this in the slightest!

    Only last month I was verbally assaulted by a husband and wife for blocking the road whilst attending a serious 999 call. They turned it round at me and started taking pictures…and then called the police.

    We’d left the scene – police not interested, ambulance service couldn’t give a damn.

    You just accept it

    Free Member

    Lack of credit on phone (emergency calls only) = very busy ambulance service!!

    Free Member

    Well I commute and have to admit that I used to be of the ‘hat less commuter’ opinion..

    And I have to say that I really don’t like wearing them and didn’t for many years…I actually started one earlier this year…mainly due to the stick I was gettng for not wearing one from my medical colleagues.


    The other week I finished my 7 mile jaunt to work avec le helmet ( canal path type stuff) and came a cropper in my works garage…didn’t have time to think let alone put my hand out.

    My helmet….’saved me’ from a very very serious head injury! My neck some 8 weeks later is still stiff as heck, the fall broke my helmet clean in two.

    So much for low speed/ low risk assessment strategies!

    Free Member

    TJ – Likewise ! I carry some nice strong analgesia…and that is purely for selfish reasons….but that’s about it really…because I know from experience how bloody long and painful a ‘remote’ tumble can be.

    What really bugs me about ‘first aid’ though is this fascination and reliance upon equipment…I guess that this is down to having people with limited experienced training members of the public – and scaring the sh1t out of them!!

    I sat in on a similar course a few months ago and came away thinking….I was going to kill someone if my compressions weren’t to the required depth…too deep…etc

    Some of the best managed incidents that I have attended have been where ‘the common sense’ brigade are on scene….I have to admit that I tend to switch off if I hear some panicky voice telling me what they think is wrong with the patient.

    Fortunately mtbers in my experience are bloody brilliant – switched on, helpful, aware of the environment and have a lot of common sense when the shit hits the fan!!

    Free Member

    I realise that but ‘heart attacks’? The OP was referring to first aid relating to mtbing ?

    Aspirin is great for heart attacks providing you are totally happy with their drug regime…but could be bloody dangerous if given to someone with a head injury. I think there is a danger of just carrying too much stuff to cover every eventuality.

    What I am trying to promote is a real back to basics approach towards ‘trail aid’ for average Joe.

    Free Member

    Had a similar discussion on a windsurfing website….

    Think basic

    Scenario 1 – you’ve just broken your ankle at sea and after 2 hours of bobbing around have finally made it back to the beach but cant walk….what do you really need?

    1.A mouthful of tablets that will take 40 mins or so to start working and may hinder your definitive pain relief from the medics later.

    2.A Complete splinting of your ankle form a first aid kit that someone has never used before but wants to “just try it out” anyway.

    3.A nice warm blanket that stops you shivvering those pruning nuts of yours off.

    Scenario 2 – Someone collapses in the car park whilst your rigging your kit….its a windy day and your buggered if you want to help…but your good will tells you to go and help.You find the al git lying on his back going blue…and in obvious need of CPR.

    Do you –

    1.Leave him to try and find those keys that are hidden between the carbon brake dust smothered wheels of your van…and then try to find that first aid kit thats been covered in sails and old….wetsuits for the past 6 months…..meanwhile the seagulls are circling Albert!

    2.Locate that comprehensive first aid kit that you carry on the back of your board at all times…….clear a space in the car park and spread out its entire contents as if your about to perform a frontal labotomy….. not really sure of which way up that plastic mask goes…

    3.Forget about kit….and get stuck in….using the knowledge youve just learnt from a good first aid course / book/ quick glance at the resus councils uk website –

    If your unhappy about kissing the al fella on his lips – grab an old carrier bag and just pop a hole in the middle…or a thin towel this is just as good as any pocket mouthpiece….just try to make that plastic small enough to prevent anyone from thinking your suffocating Albert!!

    Scenario 3 – you see a bloody kitesurfer getting dragged along the beach and heading straight towards one of the sea defence groins.Trying not to smirk with glee you suddenly realise that the outcome of this situation is not going to be good…..when you reach the bloke in question you quickly jetison his kite ( shouting to a mate in the car park to go find it and hide it) and then somewhat confused by why hes wearing a pair of trousers over his wetsuit discover that he has a large wound to his upper arm which is spurting a lot of blood.

    Do you –

    1.Nip back to the van – cursing that 3 times in one day is just taking the piss….and the brake dust is ruining your pristine white rashie vest.

    2.Cover him in sand and hope that noone actually notices that a kiter has been injured.

    3.Make do with whats to hand – in an attempt to stem the bleeding….dont forget – if its that bad an injury you might live to regret not using that prized rashie to save someones life….whereas poor kiter boy well….hes one less on the water I guess.

    Keep it simple and you can make a big difference.

    We all know that phrase…..”all the gear no…..

    Don’t we!

    Free Member

    ”It usually consists of: antiseptic wipes, latex gloves, dressings x 2, plasters, Triangular bandage, rescusi-aid, asprin and a foil blanket.”

    Without sounding aloof…..there is actually very little that you can carry that will cover everything…and a lot that you can carry that will be of little or no use. Most of the above can be adapted from kit that you carry.

    Aspirin?? What’s the point of carrying that?

    Knowledge and good common sense is the key!!

    Free Member

    That is fantastic news mate!! It’s a scary sight indeed esp if it happens to be your loved one.

    Would you do me a favour though….

    Write a letter of appreciation to the Para’s that attended – I am sure they would really welcome your positive feedback and it’s such a nice gesture.

    Free Member

    Yeah too late mate….story of your life??

    Free Member

    Well collected the old girl today….I am over the moon with her!!

    Soooo glad I followed my heart with this one….! Oh and some supportive comments as well… 😀

    Ive only been stood by her twice today and already people want to stop and chat!! Even had one bloke offer me twice what Id just literally paid for her….I declined…but took his number just in case!

    Happy happy days!

    And if this is the sole reason why the UK motorbike industry went bust then…..well I’m sorry to say we are all doomed!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Really fancy it….thought it was longer than that though??

    Free Member

    Met him when he was doing his highest three course meal attempt in the skies over a stately home near bath.He was on our table…what a cock!

    As an ex military man myself who has done a few ‘outside of the box’ things he struck me as a cocky silver spoon fed knobber…with far too much ego for my liking. I was suspicious about his SAS claims even back then and when I asked him about it…he squirmed like a snake that had just had it’s head taken off!!

    I got chatting to one of his ‘event body guards’ who equally unimpressed stated…..’he’s not keen to do these sort of things in Hereford’


    Born survivor my arse!! Go spend some time around a bloody inner city soup kitchen….they are the real survivors!!

    Sorry rant over!

    Free Member

    typo….. should have typed bit…

    Not a sexually open minded motorbike

    Free Member

    Picking the bike up tomorrow…..I’m going to give it a go.

    I am looking forward to a summer plodding around the Downland villages North of Chichester, days down the beach, taking her to the Festival of speed, the Goodwood revival……

    …..or hot days throwing spanners in the shed and layby arguments!!

    Either way for the money it has to be a bi of fun.

    Do you think a WWII german style motorbike helmet with biplane pilot goggles a tad too much of a statement?


    Free Member

    I just made mine up lol

    Free Member

    White caps foaming chaotic peaks
    Unrelenting..the wind it seeks to bully and destroy
    Ripping,gripping…shearing, nearing
    Playing with it’s small toys

    Free Member

    LOL at pigface..that’s what I was looking at….

    What helmet should I go for ?

    Free Member

    You stars!! Knew the STW massif would help!

    Free Member

    LOL I knew this was going to start this sort of post….

    Free Member

    Or perhaps Sunday…will be going out on a ride with the missus but you are welcome to join us.

    Free Member

    OOOOhh didn’t know about that store opening….fantastic!!

    Hey do they need any relief store assistants??

    I would really love to show you around matey…I love this area and am always keen to show it off! Unfortunately I am busy all day Monday….but could do something from 6 onwards.

    If not am def free on Tuesday and Weds.

    I can give you some cracking routes though if it has to be during the day on Monday….it’s a great area!! Enjoy!



    Free Member

    Thanks guys…great advice…they are an unbelievable bargaiun so will probably bite his hand off for them….the gut selling them has gone bankrupt and reckons they would sell for £1500 if they were retail.


    Don’t know if they were woth that much but hey ho still cheap.

    Cold feet….just put some socks on??

    Nice one blazin….top advice!

    Free Member

    He’s not welsh though his head is silvery and shiny

    Free Member

    Retro…are they for sale or was that a sugestion?

    Free Member

    It’s going to be my main bike 😳

    Free Member

    Encrusted poo on an elderly lady is a bugger to hose off without a flannel !

    Free Member

    How bizarre..saw one today. Was quite big….

    Compost heaps seem to be the place to find them!

    Free Member

    My 96 Killy ..still going strong….( touch wood)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    tryfan 71 AT hotmail dot co dot uk

    Free Member

    That bloody speshal I forgot my number…

    07917 162405 😆

    Free Member

    Heres my moby…. am up early in the am so off to bed, but give me a call tomorrow and I can give you some pointers.



    Emergency care practitioner extraordinaire…..

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