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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • boxbuster
    Free Member

    Unfortunately ive had many speeding convictions, ive lost my license 4 times as a result, ( none in the last 6 years, thankfully I grew up eventually!), for all but one I represented myself in court.
    For 52mph in a 30mph I’d expect three points and a £60 fine unless there are other factors ( ie if it was outside a primary school at 3pm).
    I’ve pleaded guilty by post to a similar offence and was given 5 points instead of 3 for no apparent reason so I’d always advise going to court so that you can put your side forward and present yourself as a sane human being who made a mistake.
    At the end of the day though the law is the law and if you break it you have to take the consequences on the chin!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    just read my emails and some of you guys need hugs


    Free Member

    I dont get peoples desire to mix dogs and biking.

    It’s more fun than walking them and they get better exercise.

    Oh and obidience is something you have to work at. You cant buy it with a certain breed.

    It is indeed something you have to work at, as is learning to spell correctly.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Boxer x GSD that is pretty much as you describe.

    If indoors he’ll just sleep all the time, as soon as he gets outside he comes to life!
    He’s got the mind of a GSD, he’s clever and obedient so he stays behind the bike, doesn’t run off etc, he’s an absolute missile and the most agile dog I’ve ever seen.

    As with any dog though you have to let them develop before you take them on long runs or you’ll knacker their joints.
    Could always try a rescue centre to see if they’ve got a dog that’s suitable for you, my dog was a rescue and I couldn’t be without him.

    Free Member


    Not used it for what your after but may be of some use.

    Free Member

    Just got in from cycle round Cambridge/Newmarket area and its started snowing here, although only very lightly.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a 3.0 V6 Jaguar x-type saloon which is AWD, even with summer tyres on its brilliant in the snow.
    Seem to remember watching an old Jeremy Clarkson programme where he raced one against a skier down a ski run so should be good!


    Free Member

    Rigid 29er
    100mm Alu hardtail
    150mm steel hardtail
    Dh bike

    Free Member

    Would you say it has (relatively) recently got worse?

    I’m not sure if its a case of it getting worse, seems to me there’s just more cyclists than there has been previously and if X% of people ride recklessly then your likely to see more incidents as more people ride.
    I drive as well and there are some awful drivers around town, I suppose that’s true of anywhere though, we do seem to have a higher amount of reckless cyclists than most places, most of which are primarily a danger to themselves!

    Free Member

    I live in Cambridge, there are loads of reckless cyclists and even as someone who cycles everyday and doesn’t really get stressed they often manage to wind me up.
    Two weeks ago I saw a young bloke on a bike knock over a Chinese student on Hills road bridge, he got up quick as a flash and cycled off as quick as he could and left the girl to get picked up off the floor by her friends, who he also nearly knocked over.
    When I was 17 a drunk Russian bloke cycled into the side of my car in Cambridge while I was sitting waiting at a red light!
    I also spend a fair bit of time in Amsterdam, they are much safer cyclists although that could be partly attributed to the fact that the roads out there are built with cyclists in mind.

    Free Member

    Got Zee’s on my dh bike and there awesome, seriously powerful!

    Free Member

    Saw one of these at ‘Bike 99’ at the NEC and thought it was the coolest bike I’d ever seen


    Free Member

    Here’s my Surge, gets used for anything and everything, by far the most ridden out of my bikes.


    Free Member

    From the report:

    “But the Taff Trail is a shared path and is there for cyclists, dog walkers and walkers so cyclists shouldn’t go as fast as they do.”

    “Signs along the route advise cyclists to ride at a sensible speed, while dog walkers are urged to keep their animals under control.”

    Free Member

    I’ve actually got a Boxer called Buster who’s just had a metal plate put into his leg and looks identical to the one that got hit by the cyclist.

    I don’t know the area where this happened but my Boxer (or my other dog) wouldn’t have been off lead there if it was a popular cycle route, he doesn’t move out of the way of things, opening doors etc, and he flys about so fast that the likelihood of him having an accident with a cyclist would be pretty high!

    I do feel really really sorry for the dog though, must be in pain and depressed 🙁

    Free Member

    One of my dogs recently had TPLO surgery for a torn anterior ligament, the surgeon had enough letters after his name to spell several other names, I can’t remember the exact breakdown but it was nowhere near £2k an hour for his time.

    I seem to recall It cost me around £15-20 each to get my dogs microchipped, that was 3/4 years ago.

    Free Member

    I was just underweight on the old scale, on the new one I’m further underweight, means nowt.

    Free Member

    We used to have an over enthusiastic village policeman when I was younger who used to give us these all the time, we called them “seven day wonders” as no one ever knew why they got one as all our cars were legal, worse thing was there was no police station in our village so we had to keep going into town with the same documents almost monthly!

    I can’t see that you’ll have any issues, probably take all of 5 minutes to sort out when you go down to the police station.

    Free Member

    I run in and around the woods three times a day with my dogs, I’ve got a pair of Inov-8 Talon X 190’s, most grip I’ve ever had when running off road.

    Free Member

    [/url] Camera Roll-70[/url] by stevebennet Li[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    I ride this most out of my bikes, I prefer hard tails though.

    Free Member

    Boxbuster – are you my twin

    Not unless there’s something my parents aren’t telling me! 😆

    Free Member

    I’m 6’2, 63kg and according to my scales I’m 3% body fat. My two best mates are 16st and 17st and I’d say I probably eat 25-50% more than them every day. I think some people are just meant to be skinny and it doesn’t hinder them where as people who aren’t naturally skinny can suffer from losing to much weight.

    Technically I’m under weight, I’ve got the energy to ride my bike everyday and jog with my dogs 2/3 times a day so I don’t ever think about it, have tried weights and protein shakes in the past and achieved very little! 😀

    Free Member

    He reminds me of Cartman from South park for some reason

    Free Member

    I’ve got a 29er that I rarely use, I take it round Thetford occasionally but for anything twisty/airborne ill use a 26er, I’ve bought two more 26ers since I bought my 29er and wouldn’t buy another 29er.

    Free Member

    Hit a tree at about 06:30 new years day descending the woods that leads back to my house and pulled something in my back, I’ve been lying flat for most of this year!

    Free Member

    Edit: Double post.

    Free Member

    Could be worse, bloke I went to school with has just had to have a full hip replacement at 27 and was told it’ll need replacing again in 15 years, he was a scaffolder as well so it cost him his trade.

    Free Member

    I’m 10 stone 6’1 and a mate a ride with is about 16 stone and 5 foot something, up hills and over long distances I’m quicker but for short sprints on the flat he’s considerably faster than I am, I just can’t generate the short term power that he can.

    Free Member

    My friend uses betfair as he’s unable to get bets on with high street bookmakers anymore and the odds are higher even after the commission, plus you can use Gruss etc via the betfair api as an alternative to the slow betfair interface.

    If someone’s placing bets in a bookmakers almost daily and the bookmakers are happy to keep taking bets from that person, that person isn’t winning or is up by a pathetic margin.

    Having lived in Newmarket all my life I’ve seen a lot of people try to make a living off of it and only a couple who have made it pay, they were both very clever, very disciplined and sacrificed a lot for it, my friend spends his Friday nights at home studying Saturdays form.

    Free Member

    Only 2% of Betfair accounts are profitable and there mainly people working in pairs and using Gruss to place in-running bets at the very end of a race. Betting on horses is about finding value, this basically requires you to price up the market yourself (form your own tissue prices) then bet on the horses that you percieve to be overpriced in relation to their chances of winning, not quite that simple as you have to have the knowledge and experience to be able to assess the “true odds” in the first place. I live in Newmarket and a good friend of mine makes a good living from gambling (or trading as he refers to it), having seen the ups and downs of it and the amount of hours he puts it to it I personally don’t think my nerves could take that kind of lifestyle, he spends more time “working” than anyone else I know.

    Free Member

    Had a Niterider cherry bomb and it had a habit of turning itself off over bumps which I wouldn’t notice til I stopped! I’ve got a Magicshine one now that I run off the same battery as the front one with a splitter cable and its top notch, so bright when it’s flashing that cars tend to give you more room. I ride on windy, high banked, unlit country roads and I’ve not been knocked off yet.

    Edit: Also had had it entirely underwater on two occasions and it still works fine!

    Free Member

    Replaced by an 3.0i X-Type AWD (hopefully will get off my drive this winter). 77k and a years’ MOT for £1100.

    I’ve had one of these for five years and it’s not been a good car, likes to get through transmission related parts rather regularly, clutches, dual mass flywheels, prop shafts, transfer cases, although it is still on its original gearbox somehow!

    I got it when I was 23 and kept the old rover 200 I had then as well for taking dogs to vets etc, in hindsight, I’d just have kept the rover as my main car after all the problems with the mondeo (sorry, jaguar!). My sisters had a Lexus for the same amount of time and it’s been faultless, as has my parents Lexus, probably what I’ll get next

    Free Member

    Turned out to be a badly machined hanger, went from 8.67mm at its narrowest to 9.72mm at its widest!! Quick blast on the milling machine should do it 😀

    Free Member

    Not the most recent photos but here are my two

    Photo 4 – 2012-03-25[/url] by dogsoverpeople[/url], on Flickr

    Photo 1 – 2012-03-25[/url] by dogsoverpeople[/url], on Flickr

    Photo 1 – 2012-07-25[/url] by dogsoverpeople[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Was good but I always preferred Button Moon! 😀

    Free Member

    Dpd always play “knock and run” on my door rather than wait 5 seconds then take the parcel to a depot 25 miles away! When going to pick one up one day I was told by the manager I’d broken the 6mph speed limit in the car park and he wasn’t going to let me have my parcel!!
    After the worlds most pointless conversation I told him if he refunded my £30 fuel he could keep the parcel and do one cos I’d had enough, he then told me I was banned from the depot and was now trespassing!
    Long story short an almighty argument occurred and he locked himself out the back and called the police, the police arrive, I calmly explain what happened, he gives a completely fabricated tale of events, the police decide the best thing would be just to give me my parcel and let me be on my way!!
    I won’t order from anywhere that uses dpd now, always found UPS to be really good though

    Free Member

    My best mates little girls called Skye, always thought that’s a nice name

    Free Member

    When you’ve never heard of some of the words teenagers are using, For me it was when the word “schizzle” started being used, still not got a clue!

    Free Member

    I’ve got a boxer who had to have his removed at a year old due to an undescended testicle, he’d never tried to hump anything and he was the bounciest liveliest dog about, was worried he’d start being calmer and a bit less “boxer-like” afterwards, still exactly the same though, just as crazy!
    I’ve also got a German shepherd/boxer cross who’s three years old that was a rescue at only 12 weeks old, was black with dirt (he’s tan) and covered in cigarette burns, he was so nervous as a puppy that I was advised not to have it done as without the testosterone there was a concern he’d be unable to deal with things, the sound of shotguns and air brakes used to make him freeze solid and I’d have to carry him home! So he was never done, he’s now the most chilled, friendly least nervous dog you could meet, and he doesn’t try and hump things.
    Although it reduces the risk of certain cancers and obviously unwanted litters I think you just do what you feel would be best for your dog.

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