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  • Downhill From Here: How climate change threatens cycling as we know it
  • boomerlives
    Free Member

    And if you do would you expect to get sacked or maybe helped & extra training instead?

    If I nearly killed someone? Possibly due to lack of care or even a malicious act?

    I’d be out of the door before I’d said “But…”

    We need knives at work to do the job. Some guy brought his own in from home, not approved by H&S. He was gone within the hour. No injury, no damage, just not taking care of his and others safety.

    So at the wheel of a bus and knocking cyclists about? You are done.

    Unfortunately, he’ll probably walk into another bus operator and get another job without much fuss

    Free Member

    Tories profligate spending commitments

    Pennies compared to the barmy Green policies!

    Free Member

    a complete no brainer

    Except it would be against a lot of the key labour areas who had the clearest leave vote in the Ref

    See previous pages ad nauseum for details

    every party should be doing their best to keep the tories out

    In fairness, that’s what the tories are doing and it’s working out very well for them

    Free Member

    Are you suggesting he’s being stabbed in the back by Watson because the Tories aren’t organised enough to stab him in the front? :)

    Free Member

    A new deal, if possible?

    You are already back pedalling

    Free Member

    You seem confused about what an opposition party means

    Bet I’m not.

    a clear leave option

    Do you really believe that’s what that looks like to folk who didn’t grow up in the shadow of Kier Hardie’s cap?

    Free Member

    New Deal in 3 months? Three years of pissing about got us exactly here.

    Don’t make me laugh.

    Free Member

    Disonnance- seriously?

    LD are Remain, so appealing to Remainers

    Tory are Brexit

    Labour are “vote for us, and then we’ll decide what we are”

    Labour’s wishy washy stance is not definite enough for a roving vote. They could hoover them all up and be an actual opposition party for the first time in years

    Free Member

    Why would a second referendum have a different result?

    Because the prospect of being governed by Europe is much more attractive than leaving these clowns in charge?

    Free Member

    I admire the certainty of tj’s belief in Labour, but question the reality of it

    If voting LD would hand victory to the Tories, why don’t Labour stand for Remain?

    Is it because a large swathe of the blue collar ground in support they rely on are strongly pro-Brexit?

    Is that the skeleton in the cupboard that Corb’s vacillating is hiding?

    Free Member

    I’d have asked why were they in such a hurry as to require that sort of driving yet still had the time to pull you over?

    I did say that if they wanted to hoon around at 90mph and intimidate people out of their way, they could always put their blue lights on.

    Otherwise you are an onanist, hence the gesture.

    Free Member

    when a BMW got right up behind me flashing his headlights

    I had this in the summer. So close behind I couldn’t see his headlights at 70mph. When I let him past and gave him a rude signal I was pulled over as they were unmarkerd rozzers.

    They told me they were writing me up for ‘disorderly conduct’ for the rude signal.

    I took a picture of both the driver and his mate and said I would have to make a formal complaint for dangerous driving.

    They backtracked somewhat.

    Police won’t do anything, dashcam or not. They don’t care.

    Free Member

    Never given a penny to Murdoch and never will

    Sky isn’t owned by Murdoch, it was sold to Comcast #justsaying

    People still have sky tv? People still “record” stuff?

    Where I live we can’t get any other type of tv. Which limits choice a bit

    Free Member

    Ferrari look all at sea now.

    Vettel now 5th in the championship! Would anyone have bet on that at the start of the season?

    Free Member

    Nobody who has any sense and a fiver would do that.

    Leclerc, maybe. Bottas won’t beat Lewis over a season

    Free Member

    The only party offering and able to provide a second referendum. If you’re a remainer, the simple fact is that a labour govt is the only route to stopping brexit.


    If Labour has said something as clear and definite as that it’s been kept very low key. Even their own front bench aren’t aware of it.

    I suspect it’s a case of optimistically reading between the lines by fans of the Corb, rather than policy

    Free Member

    I do recall someone meeting Lydon backstage and he was pleasant and matey.

    In front of the cameras he was transformed into a full blown monster just by having an audience.

    I doubt he cares about anything much other than what’s in the fridge these days; it’s all a pantomime to keep himeself ‘relevant’

    Free Member

    Audi drivers are consistently mentalists

    Hi! *waves*

    Free Member

    Long-Bailey has outlined the Labour Brexit stance with credibility at last.

    “That will be a decision that will be taken at the time by our party”

    Awesome. That’s a party of opposition, right there.

    Free Member

    I would rather walk. As should you, by your argument, as it would save you even more money.

    I don’t miss mine one bit. One fine day I had to fill it up 4 times because the range is so bad.

    They were responsible for hybrids being banned from the company as they promised so much, and cost twice as much to run as a good diesel.

    Free Member

    an immediately available cheap lease Outlander hybrid

    I know why it would be available…They are horrid

    At my place of work there are two methods of opting out. The reimburse private miles (as above) and the buy your own fuel version

    This is reimbursed on a percentage basis; if 90% of your miles are business you will get 90% of the cost of fuel back; whether electrons or hydrocarbons.. It’s fair, but needs someone at the other end to administer the faffage

    Free Member

    The end of a venetian blind

    Free Member

    Poor bastard

    So much this.

    At first it sounded a bit comic, then like a youthful drunken prank gone wrong and finally a desperate act that was dragged out beyond suffering. Awful

    Free Member

    Dead pilot not being prosecuted is fairly easy to explain.

    Driver of the Croydon crash train not being prosecuted I don’t understand at all.

    “Can’t be my fault, i was asleep”

    Free Member

    That’ll be an extra 26 votes per constituency. :)

    Labour need to be more central to get into power. They can’t chase even more marginal policy

    Free Member

    You do know who she is don’t you? I don’t find it at all incredible that her battles in the past have lead her to see racism in places where it isn’t

    She is being racist herself here. She assumes that the LFB are all white and made their judgements from that standpoint.

    Just because she has met some who do, not everyone with a white face thinks that people of colour are worth less than themselves.

    She’s using her prejudice to distract from the real culprits. @Northwind has it bang on

    Free Member

    if you really oppose this Conservative government the most effective way of removing them

    …is to vote Labour

    Wow, that must have taken some big-time number crunching. What a waste of the internet.

    The only realistic, unequivocal option for Remainers is the LibDems. If they vote as the Brexit Ref the LD should walk it.

    But of course, they won’t. But why not?

    Free Member

    I don’t understand the ‘Tactical Vote’ page. Is that Labour’s masterplan? “Vote for us, go on, please?”

    Free Member

    Lolz at ‘decorate his flat’!

    Free Member

    Sorry its just how things are in what Theresa made for you.

    They were lazy and disinterested when St Tony was at the helm

    Free Member

    Not really, he was driving all het up and red misty, it was always going to go badly.And now he’s last.

    Albon? Calm, quick and third. Good lad.

    Free Member

    In the old days a little prick like de Klerk

    He’s a shortarse with girl hair, but he’s as tough as teak.

    He’s a good watch at Sale, always grits his teeth and gets stuck in; doesn’t matter how big, he’s sure he can take them down.

    Free Member

    It’s his own stupid fault. As usual.

    He was in a right mood last year after just been beaten by his teammate. He’ll be fit to burst today.

    Free Member

    In fairness, Laura has been in the wind for a bit

    Free Member

    He’ll never beat Dwayne Johnson in the election

    Free Member

    I think Corbyn is very much the person we need in charge

    But he isn’t really in charge; he’s a puppet for Momentum.

    Labour need a leader who can lead, then they could walk it. Corbyn is unelectable to the uncertain centre.

    with a decent leader they would already be in number 10

    Free Member

    actually observed her using her phone as she crossed the road

    Then I shall withdraw the remark and put in it’s place “crossing the road without looking”. Which will always be a bad idea.

    Free Member

    it seems he was, in fact, a bit of a cock

    He really was. An odious oik.

    But he found himself in the middle of a fatal accident due to a woman crossing the road while looking on her phone. If he was in an EV travelling as fast, as quietly, the woman would still be dead, and he would likely have walked away as ‘being involved in an accident’ rather than the Grim Reaper mowing down folk on his track bike.

    Surely whether someone is pleasant wouldn’t affect their access to justice?

    Would it?

    I am very aware of saying the pedestrian was culpable in the incident is easily twisted into ‘victim shaming’, but if you walk into a road without looking there must be a little blame? When I was a kid the squirrel on tv was very clear about it.

    Free Member

    The whole episode could be about painting Gal Gadot in chocolate and I still wouldn’t watch it

    Free Member

    What if you bought the bike second hand already hacked? Plead ignorance?

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