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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • BontyBuns
    Free Member

    Just so you know mate, i am starting a 4 month course on the 30th of August to completly retrain in a different field. Something i've never done before but always had a thing for. Now it's going to be my life and i've never been happier than when i think about that. Just wanted to let you know that re-training is very daunting but knowing i'll be happy afterwards is priceless. My other half did pretty much the same thing (after leaving her job due to sexual harassment) and is now training to be a teacher. (sometimes i wonder weather my life should be a soap opera!!!!)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    From personal experience. You cross the line and it's over. I don't have kids though. My other half's parents split for a few years, they lived in seperate houses but still kept in contact and tried to keep the family together. They are back together now after 6 years apart and have bought a house together again……. It can work but it's up to you to decide how that plays out i feel.

    Free Member

    I left a job in January due to stress, they moved me to a different unit but i wasn't happy working for the company after my previous experience had tainted my view of the managment and there desicions. Working for that company and not 'nipping it in the bud' as Torminalis says, nearly destroyed my relationship with my partner. It was an extremley hard desicion and one that will stay with my for the rest of my life as the best thing to do at the time. I told myself everyday i was riding into work that i just need to man the **** up and get on with things, this only prolonged the inavitable. although i'm not still fully back on my feet, i'm so much happier not working 70+ hours a week and i've recently got back into all the things i loved before i had the job. It does all feel like a waste of time but ultimatly the experience has made me stronger and more wise to situations like this. Especially repressing my own feelings because of being scared of the concenquenses.

    I hope you can make a decision sooner rather than later. There will be light at the end of the tunnel but your the only one with a torch.

    Free Member

    Kids – Larry Clark

    Free Member

    Ha Ha, awesome dude.

    Free Member

    U will neva B at da top if U talk in txt spk eeva, M8!!

    Er. Yeah.

    Free Member

    i do that shiz all the time m8, it's who i am. Screw buisness talk, theres too much pussy footing around. That's why i'll never be at the top and i am ok with it.

    Free Member

    Get a new contract and something free(like laptop/HDTV/Xbox or cash) with an internet deal. Port your number. Free stuff is always a plus.

    Free Member

    Amazinlgy supportive parents even though i am a complete **** up. I aspire to be like them when i grow old(er). I do feel a guilty sometimes as they are so genarous and i'm not convinced i deserve it but hey ho.
    Thanks Mumsie and Big Daddy D

    Free Member

    Mate once your in a room with me, doesn't matter whether your gay or not. It's go time.

    Free Member

    Just try to bring it back a little

    Free Member

    Yep they are fine. don't expect luxary. It's like sleeping on the floor…. what can you do though.

    Free Member

    oink – Please provide evidence. i'm intrigued!

    Free Member

    Clearly i don't take style advice from anyone. But thanks anyway. x

    Free Member

    whn i'm doo dunk i chit dowwwn

    Free Member

    North wales is nice, The dee makes for a nice paddle. I've been with ProAdventure in Llangollen before and enjoyed it.

    Free Member

    I had a Lasagne, home made beetroot pasta and the ragu has been cooking since two this afternoon served with a simply salad. Yours looks equally delicious. YUM!

    Free Member

    Senna didn't do that, he put his car in the position where the decision was then down to the other driver

    It's always the drivers decision. Duhh!

    Free Member

    Every warm up should include a well executed lunge

    Free Member

    Love a lady in sports gear, and on the flip side find men in sports gear quite intimidating if not slightly inappropriate.

    Free Member

    Totally changed my mind. All i need – Air, is my favorite.

    Free Member

    4 hours average

    juan+ 1 (gotta take a pee)

    Free Member

    I wanna know what love it – Foreigner

    Air grabbingly good

    Free Member

    Have you got a helmet cam you could wear when you meet and introduce yourself.

    Free Member

    Genesis unveiled – Ian Lawton

    Free Member

    Yes i understood, thanks. x

    Free Member

    Cinematic Orchestra ATM.

    Free Member

    i think holiday one is perfect.

    Mcmooter – I can actually relate to that very well, i've had a christmas jumper for a few years now that i was wearing when i met my other half.

    EDIT: i'd like to think the jumper is'nt the basis of our relationship though. it's not the Key stone as it were.

    Free Member

    EMP create a electro magnetic radiation. The radiation will interact with anything electrical surging more electricity that was degisned through it damaging the equipment.

    Free Member

    mcmoonter – I'm admiring the Sweater from your 'fresh out of collage' photo.

    Conor – That must have been the most delightfull place to take a pee. wish i had that view from my porcelain throne.

    Free Member

    yes you old homehub can be turned into a wireless extender. Plugging it into your computer and accessing the settings. Things will become clear.

    Free Member

    It's in the heat of the summer so not many clothes flying around anyway, said leg belongs to a shorts wearing friend. TBH i've never spotted the leg before but now you have the face just seems to get in the way.

    Free Member

    Brilliant cartoon.

    Free Member

    TJ – Looks like fun.
    rOcKeTdOg – Lookin dapper.
    JoJo – Don't believe your 40!

    Free Member

    Thanks rocketdog, i feel much better now.

    Free Member

    Never asked me either, i'm a newbie too. **Cries into both hands**

    Free Member

    + & + & + & + & + & + & + & + & + & + & + & +

    Free Member

    off to degs then cooking up a feast

    Free Member

    Thought i should set the bar low. Then there's less dissapointment. Sorry if it offended you, i apologise profusley.

Viewing 40 posts - 281 through 320 (of 349 total)