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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • bonj
    Free Member

    sorry I didn’t mean can you adjust both of them, I meant do both of them move towards the disc when braking… if only one does, doesn’t this bend the disc slightly every time?

    Free Member

    So if I write on the token “this token was not obtained from xxx shop” then I am not falsely claiming that I did buy the token from the shop, and thus not breaking the law?

    (oh and contrary to seemingly the general aim of forums i am not out to “win fans”)

    Free Member

    Genuinely LOL.

    If I use one of my own tokens, they can still get it back and sell it on to somebody else.
    In fact going by that I’m actually giving them money ‘cos they’ve got a new token that they can sell on to somebody else, AND they’ve got more tokens in total than they did have before – which means they’re not going to have to replace them as soon which they must do from time to time anyway when they leak out of the system. Yes, I’m obviously morally right.

    Free Member

    Don’t be so tight, just cover it up when you put it in the car and wash it when you get home, or buy a Mobi/Dirtworker.

    IN my car?! I don’t put it IN my car, daaahling, I’m not that much of a cheapskate that i can’t afford a bike rack. :roll: :wink:

    Free Member

    well, not really. If I use one of my own tokens, they can still get it back and sell it on to somebody else.

    So the shop has bought a bike wash machine, maintains it, repairs it when it breaks down and makes it available for public use for a small fee, and you want to dodge that fee?

    Well, no I don’t want to dodge the fee entirely, I just think 2 quid is a bit steep. Didn’t even get long enough to get all the mud off.

    Free Member

    to the OP: YOU CAN book bike tickets at the same time as you book the train ticket, online!
    you can only do this on
    it doesn’t have to be an east coast train.

    Free Member

    don’t get a canyon, search posts by me for why, i’ve explained my bad experience with them on here in detail before

    Free Member

    I tried to bleed mine but couldn’t do the front one so sent it back. With no word of a lie i posted it special delivery on a monday and it was back the wednesday morning the SAME week. It turns out they’d just taken the pistons out and relubed them and that had sorted it.

    Free Member

    bollocks, yes it is the other way round to what i said.
    assuming like most road bikes you have under-bb routing.
    I was mentally visualizing my mtbs cable.

    Free Member

    compact to standard you’ll only have to move the fornt mech up, so you wont’ need a new front mech cable.

    (doing the other way you can need a whole new front mech inner cable if there isn’t enough slack)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I douse my black lab in phosphorus when we go for a walk in the dark, for the full hound of the baskervilles effect. Perhaps more people should do this.

    In the war they used to paint foxes with luminous white fluorescent paint and then set them free amongst the germans, so they would think they were ghosts and get freaked out. Completely 100% true.

    Free Member

    I think all dogs being walked after dark should be fitted with lights, front and back, and a hi viz reflective top.

    Free Member

    it’s not just how much it’s rained but how warm it’s been. If it’s cold, the rain that has rained down will take ages to boil off.

    Free Member

    sherwood pines was absolutely sublime today, low sun shafting through the tall pine trees with yellow glasses gave it that sepia/oil painting/other-worldly effect.
    I really do rate it pretty highly now.

    Free Member

    I find i don’t need gels if I eat properly. Normal meal times possibly just slightly more of it. And ‘averaging a lovely 20’? not surprised you bonked try not hooning it along so blooming fast you nutter

    Free Member

    since i’ve got used to long distance riding i find I don’t tend to need it be *fun* every single second, like a roller coaster is, I just find covering distance enjoyable on a larger time scale rather than needing to be ‘in the moment’. Try to zoom out your perception of time rather than being a victim of the instant gratification culture.

    Free Member

    what’s your typical cruising speed on the flat, assuming no headwind?

    Free Member

    Probably not that sick/cruel, but we used to have a rabbit and in the shed had a half-deflated beach ball. Put the rabbit in the middle of the beach ball so it slumped down into a ‘well’, then hands down hard on the outside of the beach ball. Rabbit shoots 6 feet into the air. Comes down again with a soft landing back onto the beach ball. Found it absolutely hilarious.

    Free Member

    The other thing that annoys me is the ones that when you slow down to ask, start a long monologue: “well, I think I should be ok, but I have got a bit of a problem with…”
    I’ve gone by then!
    A simple “Fine thanks!” or “No!” will suffice!

    Free Member

    to be fair, the fact you’ve got a flat tyre isn’t going to be obvious to someone in a car. moving too fast and aren’t going to be looking too closely.
    I did once stop to help a guy whose chain had snapped and he refused the offer of a powerlink (“don’t know how to use them mate”), instead proceeding to keep me waiting for 15 minutes while he painstakingly drove the pin back in.
    (i now regret not asking “wanna learn?”)

    I’ve also been completely blanked by people I’ve stopped (well at least slowed) to ask if they need any help, as if they take it as an insult to their self-sufficiency abilities.

    These incidents plus the fact that they could be any nutter or a bandit makes me slightly skeptical of stopping, still do at least slow down though and ask.

    Free Member

    i did a weekend in the pyrennees, but went on the night train not the plane. Got two full days of cycling and only had to have two half days off work, fri aft and monday morning. Came back from a different location to what I went to. Was end of october and it was boiling, was in shorts and short sleeves all weekend including descending the tourmalet. Sure it’s probably not like that now though, cols will start to be getting closed soon if not already.

    Free Member

    I bought a seatpost on ebay. Empty envelope turns up. Ebay sided with the seller as he ‘proved’ he sent it. Possibly didn’t help that I called a lying ‘turd’, after a number of email exchanges…

    That’s a bit of a nasty trick really, as although he can’t prove he sent a seat post, he can prove he sent *something*. I would have sued the seller in that case.

    Free Member

    but paypal is heavily weighted in favour of the buyer.

    Nope, its weighted against the person who has the cash/item…

    yep, sorry. the only thing it’s weighted in favour of is paypal itself.

    Free Member

    I dont’ go to ours since the last one two years ago when we had to wait nearly an hour for the food to come after we were told to sit down. It was a complete embarassment, I nearly just got up and walked out.
    It doesn’t help that it’s in a club that’s the absolute spit out of the phoenix club in pretty much every way.

    Free Member

    and the latest news is – that St Paul has RESIGNED! :lol:

    Free Member

    they claim they didn’t receive it and demand a refund via paypal?
    Or claim that it is substandard/not as described.

    Paypal will then take the money back off you.

    Very difficult to prove in the case of a car, but paypal is heavily weighted in favour of the buyer.


    don’t trust paypal when I can help it, certainly wouldn’t in the case of a large value item like car.

    I’ve had someone do this to me several times for small items, one I couldn’t prove and lost the money – but another the buyer had actually left positive feedback on ebay so I sued paypal and they settled out of court.

    Free Member

    evans are actually pretty quick

    Free Member

    3 worst:
    1) llandegla – ruined by far too many incessant jumps one after the other
    2) marin – what there is is good but each singletrack section is so short it quickly gets frustrating.
    3) wharncliffe – nothing for xc
    saying llandegla has “some” jumps is laughable. has it got anything else nowadays? seems to be mainly scouse chavs with kids and MAMILs that go there anyway these days, in fact not even MAMILs – MAMIBs.

    marin was a disappointment when I went there, loads of fireroad climbing for a tiny titbit morsel of a descent and then back on fireroad climbing again. And a lot of it was diverted anyway via lanes that involved significant road descending.

    Anyone that lists coed y brenin amongst the worst trail centres is, well, it’s more than just bad taste, you’re factually wrong. It is the original and best trail centre.

    Sherwood pines – if you failed to enjoy it then it could be because you expected altitude and consequently failed to pedal? It’s actually pretty good fun if you work it and pump the trail where necessary.

    Free Member

    i’ve been to the catacombs, it’s quite an eye opener to put it mildly.
    You have to get there quite early, as there can be long queues, so get there half an hour before it opens.

    Free Member

    would say pads are 3mm or so off the rim before lever is touched.

    That’s WAY too far imho. They are pretty much having to call a taxi to the rim before anything happens.

    Free Member

    We dont subisides failing companies but we do bail out investment bankers
    frankly **** em well dont Greece – they will be poor/shafted whatever happens but at least they may take the **** with them.

    Good point. maybe papandreou made a calculated call that he will get shafted by the troika whatever, so he might as well not get shafted by his own people as well.

    Free Member

    in all seriousness, the reason you keep getting all this doom and gloom and then suddenly it all gets pulled back from the brink, is that the german economy is vital to propping up the euro, and that it is germany’s best interests to keep it propped up, but it will only do the bare minimum that it needs to in order to keep it afloat, because it is already putting more into it than it is getting out, and doesn’t want to pour any more money down a black hole than it can help.

    from each according to ability, and all that.

    Free Member

    Apparently what kick started the greeks’ debt spiral was them frittering millions on the 2004 athens olympics. A solution to the problem would be to simply reuse that stadium for the 2012 olympics instead of us frittering money WE haven’t got on one in london.
    The greek public would be happy, we could let the greek government off some of its debt in return, the euro would be saved, and we wouldn’t have loads of traffic congestion in london. Everybody wins. Can’t see boris liking it though.

    Free Member

    i’ve got a hario skerton one, makes very good coffee for stove top espresso maker, and it comes as a little jar with a grinder lid and a normal lid, so doubles as a container.

    Free Member

    get a cash isa rather than a maxi one you greedy git.

    Free Member

    It’s apparently surprisingly accurate – people have been keeping accurate birth/death/marriage records for centuries.

    Have they?

    Free Member

    where I work nobody spent hardly any time fiddling with smartphones until the company gave everybody free smartphones.

    Free Member

    If you are in, or are thinking of getting into, the business of selling short MTB breaks, then your best bet is to market it to foreigners.
    British people think nothing of paying for a “package” MTB holiday and/or guiding in the pyrennees or alps but most wouldn’t for the UK – they’d just take to the trails off their own bat, on a shoestring. But people who don’t necessarily know the UK as well, probably would.

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