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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • bonj
    Free Member

    ok well i’ve ordered superstar so I’ll see how i get on with them.
    at £20 for 4 i can’t really grumble even if they don’t last as long as you could afford to replace them more often at that price. I’ll definitely be keeping at least a couple of spare sets in my camelbak though especially when in the peaks.
    Also i suppose ordering them from the same company that makes them means they might be more interested in resolving the problem if same thing happens.

    Free Member

    I’ve used the A2Z pads for years, and not only have I not had a problem with them, they’re by far the best pads I’ve used in terms of combination of stopping power and longevity! And that’s including several trips to the Alps using these pads, where I was getting the brakes stinking hot.

    I buy em from the Woolly Hat Shop, about £7 for a pair of pads.

    Not that any of this helps you out, sorry! Might be worth asking for a refund or some replacement pads for free though…
    ones i had could have been fakes?

    Free Member


    Email me directly and we’ll sort this out.


    ok thanks ygm.

    Free Member

    Now I didn’t read this very closely

    *paging TJ*

    but, if the item is faulty on receipt (or within 6 months or sommat) shouldn’t you have a refund of your money rather then vouchers (unless you originally paid by vouchers) or a replacement – and don’t you get to choose which ?

    where does it say that?

    Free Member

    When are you going to realise that CRC didn’t manufacture the light. Its not their fault that it doesn’t work. It is the manufacturers fault AND the manufacturers responsibility to replace it. Your arguments are ridiculous!

    er… i think you’ll find that my contract of sale is with CRC. so it’s their responsibility to do something about it. But at the end of the day, I accept that they’ve DONE what they are obliged to do, probably more (as in, just quicker).
    BUT, my issue’s not with that, it’s the fact that they WILL let me get to the position I want to be in, just only by sending it back and ordering it again! it’s not the fact that i don’t agree with their policy that bugs me, what’s really frustrating is the fact that i can achieve the result i want but only by jumping through a massive hoop of sending something i want back across to them only for them to send it back again!! aaarrgh! it’sjust completely unnecessary.

    I’m not trying to stamp up and down ‘cos i “can’t get what i want”, i’m just really exasperated that something so tortuous has to happen that could be solved with literally a few clicks of a mouse. I’m bewildered at the state the world’s come to, to a state where we have computers that can perform heart surgery, control spacecraft and play chess, but where something has to be sent across the sea on a ferry in an envelope by someone fully in the knowledge that it will be sent straight back again because some database system requires that it be on a separate invoice. It’s just exasperating that that has to happen when it’s completely unnecessary, you know?

    but isn’t money the essence of your issue – your money?

    no – see reply immediately above.

    Free Member

    very funny, yeah well you know what i mean. all they give a toss about is money money money, the world’s going down the sh1t pan i tell you.

    Free Member

    Hmm blaming CRC for a faulty light, that by rights they should at least be allowed to check over before even sending you vouchers. Face it, you can’t have an instant service with warranty claims, anywhere!! I have the same service if I go to my LBS. They have to send the item back to the manufacturer for possible repair prior to replacing it. You can’t have everything. Sometimes you just have to wait!

    yeah well if i’d been killed by a lorry that didn’t see me in a snow blizzard then i would have been knocking on crc’s door demanding to know why they sold me a dud, and why they haven’t even posted my review so that other people continue buying the same DUD light…

    Free Member

    Sorry Bonj, you fessed up and that’s nobody’s fault but yours. You seem to think that everything should be arranged to suit your particular needs. Sorry, but life ain’t like that. You come across as a selfish spoiled kid who throws a tantrum because he can’t have his favourite sweeties.

    Time to move on.

    Idon’t give a toss how i ‘come across’, if you don’t like the thread or you haven’t got anything postiive to add then stay out of it

    But you just said you were going to use somewhere else to buy stuff in future.

    Anyway what you should have done is order the new light, then send the broken one back.

    You’re asking crc to apply common sense, which is clearly something you seem to lack.
    that’s exactly what i have done.
    I’m left with a gift voucher i (currently) have no use for.

    ANYHOW – it seems like CRC have selectively chosen to ignore my (completely factual) review of the blackburn mars 4.0 light, I gave it 2 on the grounds that it packed up – but they’ve seemingly chosen not to include it, and only show the positive reviews! That’s balanced reviewing for you. Part of why i like CRC is their user reviews, but it seems even they are worthless given that they obviously cherrypick the ones they like and bin the ones that highlight the downside of things.

    Free Member

    ou don’t have to send something back that you then order again – you just have to keep the vouchers and spend them on something else at some point.

    coffeeking – Member
    Look at it this way, you spend thousands with them – you’ll easily spend the vouchers in the next few months!

    but i can’t think of anything i want now, I’ve spent loads getting my bikes exactly how i want them but now that they are I can’t think of anything i need to buy.
    that’s why i’m offering anyone else if they want to benefit from them.

    Free Member

    While I feel your self-inflicted pain, look at it from their side – You screwed up. You want the personal service that has to be (to some extent) automated out for the majority of normal orders to progress without a problem and with instant shipping. So in essence, you bought from them because you wanted something cheap and fast, because their system allows it and was designed that way, but when you have a slight issue you complain about teh system you wanted in the first place?

    Not trying to wind you up, I can see it’s annoying and I’d probably be miffed too, but I wouldnt come on a public forum and moan about my mistake not being rectified by them.

    It’s not the system i wanted. I’d rather pay a bit more for a more personal service, I – obviously foolishly – thought CRC were still capable of this.
    I’ll not be going there again, i’ll either order from somewhere smaller with less automated procedures that are capable of exhibiting common sense, or better still i’ll just print out CRC’s page, walk into the LBS and say “order me one like this please”, and then go in there the next week and buy it off them where they know my face.

    Free Member

    Ah so your complaining that they wouldn’t make an exception for you, guess my first reply was was right then.

    exception? it’s not exactly dificult. come on, it’s not exactly as if they get swathes of people wanting to do this every day surely.
    all it takes is for them to understand the common sense of what i’m saying and to do a few key presses and that’s it.

    Free Member

    If their system follows a process then it’s not easy to just do something different. There are probably all sorts of stock control issues involved and if they don’t follow the process for one person then everyone would expect individual service.
    yeah but they *used to* be able to offer an individual service Gary, that’s why i’m whinging that they’ve got ‘too big for their boots’. There are shops out there that DO offer an individual service, so while I fully admit I don’t have the right to expect one, but if I can get one from somewhere else, then as far as i can tell crc are uncompetitive inthis regard.

    Free Member

    What’s the problem?

    Oh, didn’t read the process properly.

    my problem isn’t with the process, it’s with their complete inflexibility and unwillingness to avoid me having to go to the rigmarole of sending something back that i’m then going to order again. Anyone with a remote amount of common sense would see the logic in this.Which you’d know if you’d have read my second post.

    Free Member

    racing_ralphbugger – just spent £15 there!! How much to buy em off you?

    I don’t think you can transfer the vouchers, best if i order something for someone and they pay me when they get it.

    Free Member

    however, the offer is still open for anyone that does want something worth just over £17. I’ll give you £1.50 off as that’s what it would cost me in postage to send the new light back to CRC.

    Free Member

    ok, maybe it is only for new items for exchange, yes you’re right i did fail to read the reams of text somewhere buried within the small print of which may state this clause.

    BUT, the main point i’m trying to make is that i could just send the new one again and order it again using the vouchers, which would, do you not agree, be a complete farce!!!??
    Someone please tell me what is the point of an envelope being carried across the sea with the express intention of being sent straight back again just because policies and procedures must be followed…
    the end result would be EXACTLY the same if they just gave me my money back, just without wasted postage charges.

    I put this on the new order, but they were quite happy not to bother pointing that out to me then before taking my money.

    maybe i didn’t read the site properly and they have got me bang to rights, but being ‘banged to rights’ isn’t really what i want when i go and order something online. Just leaves a sour taste that’s all, the fact that they could sort it amicably to my complete satisfaction without ANY skin off their nose at all but they won’t.

    Free Member

    claim your dog was (a) valuable, (b) allergic to parrot meat, and (c) has since died. oooh. wonder why?
    If you offer to pay for a new parrot they’ll claim it was worth loads even if it wasn’t.

    Free Member

    what’s the advantage of giving up coffee?
    don’t understand the point in giving it up tbh.
    apparently caffeine mobilises fatty acids in the body.

    Free Member

    How bad am I going to feel

    and for how long?

    Free Member

    i felt my front juddering when i was at penmachno and the pads needed changing anyway so changed them, but when i got them out the actual pad compound wasn’t attached very well to the metal backing plate, in fact it fell off. I put it down to crap pads, won’t be buying off ebay in future. something you could check?

    Free Member

    heard 55s are unreliable from someone at a trail centres / someone in a bike shop, but you saying you’ve heard it on a forum suggests that could be received wisdom.
    let us know how you get on with them.

    Free Member

    M424s are non-mud-shedding design. M647s are totally different ‘open’ engagement mechanism, the cleat just pushes the mud through them but with the M424s there’s nowhere for it to go.

    Free Member

    you want M647s.

    ime, crank bros and time are way too hard to clip into compared to shimano.
    I had M424s but ditched them ‘cos they got clogged up, tried time atac and egg beaters and hated them – you really have to stomp around and twiddle your foot in all different directions to get it to engage, so got the M647s and never looked back. they’re under £50 now.

    Free Member

    ah he’s right, there’s definitely two.
    think this one’s less well known.
    good though.

    Free Member

    I see you can’t just buy a pitch frame.
    although you could buy a pitch and then choose the best bits of either the pitch and your yeti and keep those, and put your second choice of bits on the yeti which you then sell, then it avoids the problem daffy mentions.

    Free Member

    they’re the fellas ! cheers for that :-)

    Free Member

    ok cheers, i think helicoils and your telling me of them may save my frame’s life!:-)

    Free Member

    ok, so what sort of engineering company do I need to look for?
    there’s loads of different types of engineers…

    and also, why would it have had play in it in the first place do you think? it’s definitely from there, and the thing that looks like a bushing (metal-rubber-metal disk in the swing arm) looks fine.
    Not tight enough (even though it was tight?) and will a helicoil enable me to get it pretty tight?

    Free Member

    ah ok brilliant, so i basically just need to get some kind of steel fabrication dudes and show them the bolt and the hole and get them to do it?

    Free Member

    how would i go about getting one of them installed then?

    Free Member

    peaks is all an absolute quagmire apart from in the driest of summer. It has to literally have not rained at all for literally 2 weeks and be fairly hot for it not to be a comlete swamp. Absolutely Ridiculous – It’s a disgrace, Gordon Bush should resign immediately.

    only places in the peaks that are rideable are hagg farm, roman road over hope cross, houndkirk moor and porter clough, although that’s apparently been “smoothed off” now, i hope they don’t bloody ‘smooth off’ houndkirk moor aswell.

    Maybe try the white peak, south a bit – chesterfield, matlock, buxton area. but if not just head to wales. Dark peak’s just not worth bothering with imo. too much mud for it to be any fun.

    Free Member

    doubt it. went in there xmas eve at 4pm to try and get a hope 20mm conversion and he said you won’t get one ’till after christmas now’. presumably means 27th.

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