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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • bomberman
    Free Member

    Now you wish me ill

    I didn’t wish you ill, i simply said i hope you have many bargainous future online transactions.

    P.S i see that in THIS thread you are after a 14″ Ultrabook with i7 processor. I can put you in touch with a guy i know, he’s got a brand new Macbook Pro for sale at a really good price. Any good for you?

    Free Member

    In defence of sugdenr’s comment i planned to sell the phone on to someone in the “real” world, not on this forum.

    Would it be right to post his details? He has, after all, (i *think*) sent me a refund. Although the money is being held by Paypal for some reason so until it’s released i’m effectively £135 down.

    Free Member

    See Forum Rules: The Classified Forum is not a place where users can earn a living or supplement their income by buying and selling parts.
    How ironic that you are on here moaning about another users dubious credentials because you were frustrated in your attempts to profit from the forum!

    You seem like a nice guy, i hope somebody offers you a lovely MacBook pro at a price that’s too good to miss. You deserve it :-)

    Free Member

    Well i have the 40D and had the run of the entire camera shop to go comparing iso with and i thought the 60d was cleaner.

    Free Member

    LOL. Stupid phone. Wish i had an iphone 5 :-(

    Free Member

    I think if i had have paid via papal gift i’d be up shit creek by now. I sent him an email at 10:00am on monday morning and he still hasn’t replied. Its annoying because i was hoping to make a few quid out if it and there’s another sale i want to pay for but papal my entire refund on hold.

    If i pay for something else now will it come out of my bank account or will papal deduct it front the on-held refund? Any papal experts about?

    Free Member

    The problem with old lenses is they don’t have autofocus. Grass is always greener……

    These are all photographs taken with the 1100D.


    Free Member

    Photography is more about light and composition than it is about having the best camera.

    All i will say about the spec. is that’s the old kit lens on there – the new one is the 18-55 IS which is sharper and has image stabilisation, so if you can find one with the IS kit lens then go for that instead.

    Other than that it’s a nice camera for the price and a 2 year warranty.

    Free Member

    If you say so

    Free Member

    Just to clarify, according to the links posted further up this thread, duplicate items CAN’T be treated as unconditional gifts and need to be returned.

    So the law is NOT on your side.

    Free Member

    It is what it is, the only reason I posted on here was to inform people that at the very least he’s an unreliable seller with poor communication skills. Don’t flame me for trying to protect you. I’ve given you the details, you’re big enough to make your own decision.

    Free Member

    I can’t prove anything, but the reason I paid the man £135 in the first place was so that he could and me the phone I wanted. Even if it did take 14 days to unlock an iPhone 5, waking up on the morning your item is due to be posted to find you’ve got a refund is a bad experience. The money’s left my account and PayPal have put a hold on it so I am unable to spend it. If I send it straight back into my bank (when I can) it will still take time for it to become as part of my funds. He just refunded me out of the blue….I think he bottled it. It wasn’t sent PayPal gift it he did try to get me to pay the fees, and when I said I’d only deal if he paid the fees his email response was “for f*uck sake, go on then”.

    Sounds like the attitude of someone trying to pull a scam to me. He hasn’t been on here for more than a few days and this whole thread smells of “look at me I’m an honest guy see how trustworthy I am?”

    I don’t want to make myself look like a tw*t any more I’m just here to give people a heads up.

    Free Member

    I’ve just gone from a 3GS to a galaxy ace 1 and I hate the galaxy. It works but compared to the iPhone it’s poor In all departments and much slower, even though I upgraded the 3GS to iOS 6 which slowed it down considerably. I can’t speak for the Ace 2 which is probably better but I’ll list the differences…

    -Feels poorly made/plasticky.
    -wi-fi cuts out during prolonged use. Every time.
    -battery life is the same and I have hammered the iPhone (ace is new)
    -predictive text makes me want to tear my hair out
    -I can only have 4 windows open on the browser, the iPhone lets me have 8
    -the touch screen isn’t as sensitive which makes it clumsy to use
    -it has no phone memory, I’ve downloaded 5 apps and it’s full
    -just finding someone on contacts and calling them takes effort
    -call quality isn’t as clear
    -maps app isn’t as high resolution
    -I can’t turn the volume down enough, one click is too loud so I leave it on silent and miss calls because of it
    -it crashes often.
    -I’m typing this on the iPhone which I now use as an iPod touch.

    This is all in comparison to the Ace which is an inferior phone to yours so I’m guessing that Samsung improved the ace 2 but it’s built on the same foundations if you know what I’m saying. Id take a punt on the 3GS I think you’ll find it’s not as quick as the 4G but it’s still a nice phone and it makes a great iPod touch if you decide to retire it.

    Hope that’s helpful.

    Free Member

    Just a warning about this guy.

    I’m having problems with him. I paid him £135 via paypal for an iPhone 5 with a slightly damaged screen (too good to be true?) he was quite pushy about taking payment saying someone else was interested and then as soon as i sent the money he went quiet. Without giving me any details about when he would send the phone. After the weekend he came back on (said he’d been busy) and said he’d post it first thing Monday morning. Well, monday morning arrived and i had an email from Paypal saying he’d refunded me the whole amount, the reason in the notes that “it takes 14 days to unlock and he didn’t realise”. This is a guy who claims to sell mobile phones for a living.

    This is the guy’s website:


    There was no email to discuss the refund or ask me if i still wanted the phone to unlock it myself. I’ve emailed him since and had no response. Either he’s an amateur with bad communication skills or he’s bottled it and sent the money back. He has only been a member of this forum for a few days which makes me even more suspicious.

    Maybe i’m just unlucky but since he’s not explaining himself very well i though i’d post on here to give anyone else who might be dealing with him a heads-up. He’ll probably be on here soon to defend himself…

    Free Member

    What Samuri said. You can get a set of “dumb” macro tubes (£10) and an old 50mm prime lens (£20), one that has a manual aperture ring. Then you’ll need to get the filter thread diameter of that lens and buy an adapter for that size in a Canon mount (£5 ish).

    You can get some extreme macro shots with this setup but it does take a bit of patience to get it right. And you’ll need a flash gun too if you haven’t already got one., but you’ll need a flashgun anyway to get any kind of depth of field in your macro shots.

    And it helps if you’ve got Live View.

    I could explain why in a lot more detail but i’m not going to rabbit on in case you already know what i’m talking about.

    Free Member

    I’ve got the Tamron 17-50 too and it’s a great lens

    Free Member

    D’oh! Too late!

    Free Member

    “don’t be discouraged if you don’t nail this right away, ike anything in life practice makes perfect. Done well the Farmer’s Blow is a marvel to behold”

    Amen to that brother!

    Free Member

    Tokina 11-16 is a better lens than the Sigma 10-20. Especially where build quality is concerned.
    Is your camera a full-frame or cropped sensor? If full-frame you probably don’t need to go as wide as either of those though.

    Er…. what are you talking about?

    He’s got a Rebel so it won’t be a full frame, not that either the Sigma or the Tokina would fit on a full frame anyway.

    Tokina regarded sharper but not as wide (or as long). 1mm makes a big difference at the wide end.

    Both built like brick sh*thouses!

    Don’t think you’ll be unhappy with the build of the 10-20 at all, especially compared to the Canon 10-22 (i’ve had both and kept the sigma, the canon feels plasticky in comparison).

    Tokina considered noisy and slower (not important on an ultrawide).
    Sigma fast and silent (HSM).
    Tokina has an f/2.8 max aperture.

    Definitely wouldn’t say the sigma is poorly built though, it feels like a brick and all the tolerances are tight, at least on mine anyway.

    If you like compressed landscapes and aren’t bothered about going “ultra wide” then the 24-105 f/4L is a nice lens, it’s got IS which is a good touch.

    Or the 17-40L? Again not as wide but slightly better length and weather sealed. L lenses are pretty tough.

    Free Member

    I know not what these problems are as i run BB7’s with speed dial levers, great brakes.

    Free Member

    Anyone else up in Sheffield?

    Free Member

    Andrew, i’ve asked you loads of times if you could show me around the peak, like loads. The best offer i’ve ever had was an idea you had on Facebook for a vegan only mountain biking trip. And i ain’t vegan. let me do a few loops around Stanage and see where i am after that.

    Pook, cheers for that. I’ve bought this book, except it’s the slightly older copy (“true grit trails”)

    I think there’s a map to go with it so if i like the book i’ll probably buy that. I’m just getting my feet wet again, basically i’ve been working like a dog for that last 15 months out on the road, smoking and drinking so i’m mega unfit, the plan is to find a fun loop i can get there and back from in a couple of hours and as i get fitter branch out further into the Peak. When i lived in Calderdale i had a local loop i could do in about an hour so i could finish work, go for a ride and be back in time for tea.

    Jeed i’ll drop you an email now, it’ll be good to get out with someone in the same boat as me. I think i have a loop sorted but you’ll have to excuse my lack of fitness.

    Free Member

    The thing is Matt, i’m not a roadie. Otherwise i’d love to wear down my tyres to pedal there. I drove there the other day from not-snowy-at-all Sheffield to find it covered in snow and ice though, looked amazing.

    bullroar i’ll have a look at that cheers

    Free Member

    Thanks, i can see it on Google maps now! Would i be able to do a loop around Redmires reservoir or is it all footpaths around there?

    Free Member

    well you’ve got your sigma 10-20 for urban decay style shots. Portraits… you’ve got a 50mm on the way for shallow DOF stuff at close range. Candid street portraits you can use your sigma 70-300 to zoom in from a distance. Not sure what else you need really? if you want a longer prime then you could get a 100mm f/2, or an 85mm 1.8, theyre both good primes. Or you could get a Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 which i’ve just got myself – sharper than your 17-85 but no USM or IS..

    lenses do my head in, i always think i need something that i don’t! I’d be happy with a 5DII and a couple of primes. and a wide angle ;)

    Free Member

    Simon, i actually did expect a bit of advice, which i got along with a ribbing lol. It pains me to say this….. but you're right :roll:

    The southern Yeti, you're not a milkman by any chance are you?

    Free Member

    think you will find there are more than a handful of genuine responses, but only a handful that match your own self opinion.

    utter bullsh*t. you don't know me so i won't take offence.

    what a shame my first post on here in months and it turns into a slagging match against the op, i should have known. STW forum is obviously full of people who don't have very interesting lives. The geeks of the MTB world.

    Free Member

    More pics of Katie please

    naa, had enough of this thread. Too many trolls. but thanks for the handful of genuine responses.

    Free Member

    I don't understand why the NHS dosen't charge a flat rate fee for ALL operations, be it a hip replacement or something smaller and more routine like a cortisone injection. £30 say. I don't think that's out of reach for the poorest of the poor – if grandad needs a heart transplant i'm sure the family could have a whip-round even if they are all on benefits.

    That way everybody puts money in the pot which helps to pay for the most expensive procedures.

    Free Member

    I think you're the dogs bollocks

    I'd better not say what i think of you then, in case i hurt your feelings ;)

    Free Member

    If so I'll take the cute blonde next to her who actually seems to be enjoying herself

    seing as though you've never met her and probably never will, i seriousy doubt it. but yeah i know which one i'd rather have too.

    aP – why am i a brave man? because of the distortion? don't quite get what you're saying.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Oops totally forgot about this thread! must be all the coke i'm doing :roll:

    Here's a picture of my mate's wife.

    I wasn't sure about this in case someone sees it and i get in trouble in the "real world" but it's not like i'm doing anything ILLEGAL now is it… ;)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    part of me agrees with you both:

    1) maybe she wants me
    2) coke damages the brain

    Free Member

    I've got a pair of the 2.35's and i love them! They grip pretty damn well (a lot better than you think!). As said above, if it's bone dry and i'm riding well then i run them front and back, but if it's muddy or if im not feeling so confident i'll stick a maxxis high roller 2.35 60a (single ply) on the front. This has proved to be a very nice combination for trail centre riding as you've got the speed but you can take the corners. They're my favourite tyres by far: strong, grippy and very, very fast!

    Don't like mud or loose/mixed stuff too much, but great in dry weather!

    Free Member

    What on earth is that azonic handlebar all about?

    Free Member

    all uk flights go into bangkok so that's a difficult one. I just phoned More Than again and they said they can issue me a policy but if i have to stay a night in Bangkok and something happens while i'm there then they won't cover me. But anywhere outside Bangkok i'll be covered, as long as its not due to civil unrest 8O

    BUT… if the FCO extend their advice not to travel to the whole of Thailand while i'm there, the policy will effectively become useless :roll:

    which means if someone changes the writing on the FCO web page and i have my bag stolen by a monkey i am up sh*t creek without a paddle.

    Free Member

    jesus your flights going to be dear

    whys that then?

    Free Member

    Tails i'm wanting to go next friday. just travelling in and around thailand, Chang Mai, Chang rai, down to Phuket to do a few islands. Not planned too much as i haven't got my flights yet – don't want to book flights until i know i can get insurance….

    Its a catch 22!

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