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  • bomberman
    Free Member

    girl/boy and boy/girl are the same, regardless of the 100 families theory. the fact that 100 families spawn 50% mixed, 25% bb and 25% gg has nothing to do with it. there are still 3 options to choose from and when you take them into the context of the question the other 99 families have absolutely nothing to do with it.

    and by the way i just flipped a coin and it came out 70/30 in favour of tails, even though the odds were 50/50 so that puts your 100 families theory right out the window. when the question says it’s a 50/50 chance it means biologically speaking.

    Free Member

    it’s the question.

    [/quote]So what are the odds that she has a girl and a boy?

    in your eyes would the answer be different if the question said “so what are the odds that she has a boy and a girl?”

    Free Member

    sorry my bad. it dosen’t show what was in your left hand. is there a point to this? you’d better out it now before you forget.

    Free Member

    you showed whats in your left hand – it was a head (LMAO!)

    Free Member

    head/head 50%
    head/tail 50%

    Free Member

    drac its either a head or a tail

    Free Member

    im not being shouty and abusive?? what kids you’ve got mike is irrelevant. don’t use childs tactics to make me look wrong because it wont make you look any more right! i wasnt meaning YOUR kids i was trying to make a point, clever dick.

    it just goes to show you can’t argue with an idiot. girl/boy and boy/girl mean the same thing and thats fundamentally where you are going wrong. a mixed pair is a mixed pair. a boy and a girl sat infront of you will still be a boy and a girl no matter what way you look at it.

    Free Member

    GB and BG are the same, so only count as ONE OPTION

    Free Member

    no there arent twice as many mixed you CRETIN. girl/boy is the same as boy/girl. if someone asks you how many kids youve got it dosent matter wether you say “a girl and a boy” or “a boy and a girl” there are two ways of saying it but they both mean the same thing YOU PENARSE

    Free Member

    it is the same. two options left girl/girl, girl/boy. write them down on a peice of paper, put them in a bag, pick one out. what are the chances of you picking the mixed pair? 50/50.

    grahamS the chances of you picking the boy in the room is 1/5000 or 0.02%

    Free Member

    youre muddling the issue grahamS
    the question asks “what are the odds that she has one boy and one girl?”

    you’ve got only 2 options left, one of which is MIXED

    if someone puts a red ball and a blue ball in a bag, the chances of pulling out either are 50/50. Its simple and i dont know why youre adding in all the other stuff

    Free Member

    no there isn’t a 2 in 3 chance, because there were only 3 options to start off with and one has been knocked out so it’s now down to a one in two chance

    Free Member


    Free Member

    a one in two chance, since she eliminated the boy/boy option.

    Free Member

    the question asks what are the chances of her having a mixed pair.

    girl girl
    boy boy (eliminated)

    two options left therefore chances of mixed = 1/2 = 0.5

    50 percent. 50/50.

    Free Member

    i got to page 6 and then realised the answer 0.666666 is being explained very badly

    g/b and b/g ARE the same or interchangeable. i would’ve thought that’d be obvious to everyone on here. it’s the MIXED option – it dosen’t matter which way round they are.

    that leaves 3 options:


    she’s already told you one’s a girl so that eliminates boy/boy.

    so that leaves 2/3 options and here’s the bottom line….

    2/3 = 0.6 recurring!!

    And that’s your answer folks, none of this 2:1 bullshirt.

    Free Member

    if i knew what that meant, i would probably answer no but i might be wrong. i’m probably right though. am i right?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    i don’t think you’ll snap them if theyre made for DH. then again i could be wrong (have to say that otherwise kaiser will accuse me of dishing out advice without knowing what i’m on about! ooo errrrr!)

    Free Member

    i got some endura ones they’re great, not restrictive at all just comfy as

    Free Member

    is it a 68mm bb shell? if it is you should have 2 spacers on the drive side and one on non-drive side

    Free Member

    i’ve just used meths on mine today

    Free Member

    i had a really bad off and burst a blood vessel in my back, couldnt walk for 2 weeks it was horrendous. ended up getting a gym ball and got the physio at my local gym to give me some good core strengthening exercises and within a short time the pain had gone. a good one is where you take your shoes and socks off and lay on the ball on your tummy with your feet on the skirting board…. put your arms out (pretending youre superman) and lower/raise your upper body like a reverse sit-up. you can adjust the difficulty depending on where you place the ball – the more towards your legs the ball is the harder it is to pull your upper body up straight. great for lower back strength.

    Free Member

    Stick to maxxis tyres if you want grip IMO. I’ve tried the swampthings, mobsters and high rollers in 2 compounds and theyre all pretty damn good compared to the others i’ve had on. besides most of us won’t really be good enough riders to push a tyre to it’s limits but i’ve seen what the pros can do on a high roller and if it’s good enough for them it’s good enough for me.

    No tyres will shine on wet roots.
    tyres that claim to be fast rolling and ultra grippy will always be a jack of all trades (master of none).

    Free Member

    you can still get boots for rear shocks i seem to recall. fact of the matter is nukeproof, that fork boots look sh*t. nobody will use them because they’re not fashionable. it’s that simple.

    Free Member

    soon enough it will go through and you will have the tell-tale silver streaks on the stancions.

    erm i think that stanchion wear happens to all forks. RS have silver stanchions anyway so you still get the same wear but you just don’t notice it happening.

    Free Member

    i’ve got a second hand ’04 talas off here that i’ve been riding for a year and the stanchions are still perfect. one thing i try and do regularly (apart from keep them clean of course) is squirt some teflon dry lube on the seals and pump the fork a few times to lift the dirt out the seals. If you do this after every ride i can’t see the need for a regular strip and re-lube.

    Free Member

    devs – maxxis mobsters? i run one on the back its pretty good on roots

    Free Member


    Free Member

    mine did too but they won’t make any difference. head too long, helmet too short.

    Free Member

    i agree. He cuts that guy in the blue helmet up on the inside pushing him dangerously close to the edge of A BIG drop. could have at least waited until the next bend. i would have felt a bit harrassed if i were that guy.

    Free Member

    if the painkillers are tramadol you’re a lucky man

    Free Member

    sorry to hear that mate, collar bones are very tricky. it took mine about a month until it was something like comfortable but gave me pain for quite a while after that. lying down (ie trying to sleep) was the worst thing. you can forget about riding for about a month.

    Free Member

    I think once you learn how to build and maintain your own bikes (and ride the sh*t out of them) there’s no going back. losing my HT2 tool and having to ask my local bike shop to get my cranks off is like asking them to wipe my asre.

    Free Member

    i’m quite excited for you jack you lucky beggar!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    so i’m thinking stainless spokes look better for longer even if they are no stronger than black spokes…

    Free Member

    so are they silver underneath when you scratch them on rocks etc?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    so when you scratch a black spoke it’s silver underneath? that dosen’t sound too good……

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