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  • bomberman
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    They are Handball shoes :lol:

    Free Member

    Which highly boring average but still classed as luxury in the eyes of most commoners car should you buy?

    The Audi, since the BMW is sh*t in snow.

    Free Member

    Thanks tracey. By campy are we talking Campagnolo?

    Free Member

    as it’s a slack seat-tube it works ok with a 170mm Reverb

    Rockhshox Reverb – ie a dropper post.

    And 120mm fork isn’t enough for the camber, 140mm is perfect.

    Free Member

    Pardon my ignorance, but what makes the XTR shifters so much better than the others?

    because they are XTR and cost twice as much as anything else silly! It’s got nothing to do with if you’re trying to shift on a steep hill or out of the saddle. They’re not just gears after all!

    Free Member

    Endura singletrack and some cheap knee warmers – sorted!

    Free Member

    From the spec sheet in the link you posted:

    Contrast RatioContrast ratio – from manufacturers informationNA

    I there in lies the problem

    Free Member

    Whatever offset the jeffsy has go for that

    Free Member

    There’s not really a line between the two tbh, the most succesful enduro race bike of all time is marketed as a trailbike after all.

    You could race a raleigh chopper down fort william but it doesnt mean you would win.

    Bomberman: Which Offset Pikes did you go for? Currently trying to decide whether to do similar to mine or get a Jeffsy…

    That is a tough choice. Im not sure because i didnt buy them new, id measure it if i could but its added at the crown as well as the axle. All i can say is that its a much more fun bike, confidence inspiring. The Jeffsy looks very similar right down to the frame shape and linkages it just has that extra 20mm travel. Im more than happy with 120mm at the back and adding the pike at the front has filled the hole in my heart that knew something wasnt right. 46 or 51mm offset it wont make any difference i shouldnt think, not even the experts can agree which is better for a 29er. I would just do it and then if youre still not happy look at the jeffsy again. Go for 140 and lower it to 130 if you need to.

    Free Member

    It could be a fantastic bike to race enduros on though.

    Yeah i agree im not into “enduro” really but i see the Hightower is winning them now.

    For an all-round trail 29er I’d want 120mm travel.

    Never ridden a 140 29er but i have a 120mm camber evo and it works well as an all round trail bike. Ive put a 140 Pike on and its gone from being a ripper to a shredder! The plan was to drop the fork to 130 but im having way too much fun. It was such a good climber before that it hasnt made much difference and i just removed a spacer and adjusted the seat angle a notch.

    29ers are so much fun, definitley the way forward. I bet this bike shreds! Such good value too at £1500 for the base model with a Pike and reverb and SLX everything. I can see these being very popular.

    Free Member

    Its marketed as an all round trail bike not an enduro, the capra fills that gap

    Free Member

    So how long has it been since you CBA’d to vote?

    It’s not that i couldn’t be bothered, I’ve moved house recently so had to update.

    Having now made up my mind to stay, 100%, I am now fearful, like you, that the only ones who will be compelled to vote in numbers are those who are in favour of leaving.

    You also touched on a point that has been really bugging me, since this whole referendum was announced: When it was confirmed who were going to lead the two campaigns, I was fearful this would come down to a vote of personality i.e. vote for the side led by the personality you hate the least. I have even heard people say they will vote to leave, purely because it will get rid of Cameron. That is no foundation on which to base such an important decision, especially as Cameron’s position is not up for question here.

    That is a very real fear. People have no idea who to vote for because nobody is laying out the facts plain and simple. Let’s face it not even the European Council knows exactly is going to happen if Britain leaves the EU. The more Cameron tells us to remain the more people distrust him but in the absence of real facts the leave campaign are feeding us a pack of lies about immigration, border control, terrorism and people are starting to think “yeah, maybe we CAN be a strong, independent country like the good old days of the Empire”. But the fact is that there’s a real possibility that Scotland could vote to leave the UK and we will be a lot more isolated than we realise.

    Brexit voters are loving it :-(

    Free Member

    That looks ace, the linkage and front triangle looks similar to my camber evo but its got 20mm more travel so should be a fun and capable bike. The base model is only 1500 with Pike and reverb though which is £500 cheaper! And i had to provide my own dropper & it came with a reba not a pike.

    Would have probably had this if it’d have been around last year. Love my camber evo though, have a 140 pike on it now and it shreds :twisted:

    Free Member

    Taking some snaps at a friends suited and booted

    Couldn’t they afford a proper photographer!? :lol:

    Free Member

    seosamh77 – Member
    great post bomberman!

    Thanks. Hope someone who actually cares about the debate can sift through all the noise in this thread and find some real answers.

    Free Member

    For the brexit voters, or anyone who is undecided.

    There are a lot of figures flying around at the moment about immigration and the cost of being in the EU- “record numbers” of this or “highest ever” of that. But without knowing the overall context what do the figures actually mean?

    Let’s look at the big picture. This chart shows how the UK spends its money. Note the blue band at the top that is the cost of EU membership – £18bn. We get 5bn back as an instant rebate. On top of this the EU spends £4bn on us for farming and poorer areas like Wales and Cornwall. It will be up to the government to keep paying the farmers (and wales and cornwall) if we leave the EU. So, the actual figure is closer to 9bn. The biggest chunks are welfare and health.

    figures from THIS[/url] website.

    What pecentage of Welfare is claimed by EU migrants?

    According to THIS article by The Telegraph

    The data from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and HMRC, also show that the majority of welfare recipients are British.

    In 2014, 4.9 million (92.6 per cent) working age benefit claimants were British while only 131,000 (2.5 per cent) were EU nationals..

    92.6% of benefit claimants in 2014 were British. Remember, we have had Black and Asian immigrants in this country now for a couple of generations so stopping EU migrants now is not going to decrease that remaining 7.3%.

    So who uses the health service? Surely there are savings to be made there by leaving Europe?

    To ansewer this question, we have to assume that the users of the NHS represent a cross-section of society. There will be areas where the migrant population is higher like Bradford and London and areas where migrant population is lower like Devon and Cornwall. Most of it is obviously being used by our own indigenous ageing population, in other words old white British peole. Anyone who has been to a hospital recently or works in hospitals as i have for the last 4 years knows this, and if you don’t believe me walk into your nearest hospital and have a look. Full of old people it is.

    So to the percentage population figures for the UK:

    According to around 3 million people living in the UK in 2014 were citizens of another EU country. That’s about 5% of the UK population.

    In other words 5% of that chunk in the chart above account for EU migrants who use the NHS.

    But the evidence indicates that the majority of EU migrants coming to the UK are younger and fitter and therefore use it LESS that the UK population.

    So the answer is NO, EU migrants aren’t clogging up our NHS, not really.

    EU migrants contribute more to our economy than they take out

    In fact, according to recent studies, EU migrants could contribute up to £20bn to the UK economy, enough to pay for the EU membership twice over.

    So to all the people who say that the money we save from EU membership can be pumped back into the NHS… are kidding yourselves. It will hardly make a dent. Likewise it’s not EU migrants who are taking your benefits and clogging up your NHS – it’s you!.

    Taking us out of Europe will save us 9bn a year but (pretending all the EU migrants will have to go back home straight away) we will lose their 20bn contribution to our economy so we will already be 11bn down.

    Then there is farming. Do we really trust the government to pay the farmers as much as they are getting now? The EU farming subsidies pay for not just food production (to give us cheap milk etc.) but upkeep of the land including of the countyside you and I like to ride our bikes around on. Given the recent fracking in North Yorkshire despite only 36 out of 4420 representations being in favour, what’s to say that the government won’t simply run the farms into the ground and sell off the land for fracking?

    Leaving the EU would mean more power in the hands of the government, but that is not necessarily a good thing.

    I don’t know about you but i LIKE being part of a cosmopolitan society. I like having the freedom to go and live and work in the EU, if i so choose. Isolating ourselves from the rest of Europe will do us more harm than good and the arguments for leaving are pretty weak when you see them for what they are. We stand to lose a lot more than we can ever gain from exiting.

    Do you want this?

    or this?

    The choice is yours :lol:

    Some more reasons why we should stay in the EU, if anyone is interested

    Free Member

    Really even when using a 30 on the front? That’s a pretty low gear for a ‘normal’ road bike.

    Not when you live in Calderdale.

    Although I’d still change from a triple to a double, as triples suck

    go on then enlighten me. why is that then.

    if you were struggling on a 30-23 then you’ll probably want a long cage mech and big cassette fitting also

    Well as pointed out above:

    30/30 = 1 (what i’m on now.)
    30/26 = 1.153 (my second cassette cog with what i’m on now)
    34/30 = 1.1333 (what i’d be on with a compact)

    So the second cog on the setup i have now should actually be a bit harder than what it will be with a 34t up front.

    Buying one as it happens to be cheap doesn’t make sense if it then means your not getting the ratios you want.

    Really? well in that case i’d better do some research :roll:

    large discount doesn’t give better value if it is not the product you want


    I’d go lower spec triple (The bike I ride most has an Alivio triple. When I press on the pedals the bike moves forward. It also shifts well enough…

    gears are boring, this is a fact.

    PS I always thought that Dura Ace chain-sets cost more than 105 chain-sets as a sort of Shimano based social equality experiment. Moping up spare cash from higher earners.

    I can understand how someone with an Alivio chainset might think that.

    I’m beginning to understand why it’s called the “dark” side.

    Free Member

    Out of interest, if you care about the lower gears, why are you replacing a triple with a compact double? Personally I’d take the triple every time, but everyone’s different.

    I’ve just seen a nice new Shimano Hollowtech double on the cheap, no other reason than that really. If the triple was the same price i’d definitely go for that.

    Are square taper bottom brackets/cranks really flexy?

    I would guess that it depends on the crank and bottom bracket in question. Not all cranks are created equal, are they? That’s why a Dura Ace costs more than a 105. My Truvativ square taper cranks from 2007 don’t look stiff, they don’t feel stiff and even though they came to me on a barely used second hand bike they already have a squeak. (disclaimer, i’m not going to enter into a discussion about where the creak may or may not be coming from).

    Surely new 11 speed road cassettes go up to 34??
    Nope. 4700 Tiagra goes to 34 but that is 10 speed.

    So there are some road cassettes/ derailleurs that allow a 34T cassette then! That was all i was getting at, to know if it was possible. I’ve not long ago spent money on a 30T cassette anyway so i’m not replacing it.

    If you want a double with low road gearing then the Spa TD-2 “super compact” will be what you want

    I don’t want a double with low road gearing, i just wanted to know if the crank i had seen for sale was compatible with my old setup. Thank you anyway.

    I have two bikes with identical framesets; one has square taper and one has GXP. On another frameset I’ve used both square taper and HT2. If there is a difference in flex I don’t notice it. They’re all absolutely fine, and I’m 14 stone.

    You haven’t seen my chainset :lol:

    And besides all this, i just want a new chainset.

    Free Member

    So a 34/30 would = 1.133333333333333
    My second chainring is 26T and 30/26 = 1.1538

    So if I can get up all the hills without using the 30t cog I can use a compact

    Free Member

    Also would I be able to swap out the 34T for a 30? Or would the jump from 30 to 50 be too much for the front mech to handle?

    Free Member

    Thanks chaps that’s exactly the info I was looking for.

    Surely new 11 speed road cassettes go up to 34?? Perhaps the new mechs are just designed to be a little bit longer to accommodate a wider range cassette. The 23T that was on there was useless!

    Free Member

    That’s my mid week ride ruined then

    Awww diddums. Is da boo boo sting sting?

    Free Member

    If they were new in 2015 then aren’t they still under warranty? If they are then just get your LBS to send them back to rockshox with a note, they are pretty good and should sort them out or replace them under warranty (if they’re still in warranty).

    Free Member

    How long have you been riding?

    Free Member

    Get your crank arm and spanner aligned so that you can stand on the spanner without the cranks turning, does it for me.

    But as said above dont forget the left crank arm is opposite thread!

    Free Member

    8 ball pool on the phone. But dont say i didn’t warn you!

    Free Member

    There are dragons, smoke monsters, people who don’t burn and people being resurrected and you have a problem with that!

    Yeah actually, i do. Hocus pocus and magic’s fine with me but they still have to bleed/die when they get stabbed or fall. It’s this gritty realism that holds it all together.

    That was a big jump, and they seemed to suffer no ill effects at all. Most of the time basic physics still applies, even in Westeros. they could have just had them jump into a big pile of horse shit

    Exactly what i thought.

    Winter Is Coming. Deep snowdrift against the wall. Snow is soft.

    That’s the only plausible scenario i could think of.

    I’ll allow this one plot-hole seeing as the whole series has been quite good :wink:

    Free Member

    Can anyone tell me how Sansa and Theon survived jumping off that massive wall? Did they have medieval squirrel suits in those days?

    Free Member

    Basically i will know not to buy a bike off anyone in this thread 8O

    Free Member

    It all depends on what time of year it is and what conditions i’m riding in. If my bike is sh*t caked in mud then yeah ill clean it after each ride and re-lube every other. If its dry and dusty (as it is in california), then no.

    It ain’t rocket science.

    Free Member

    So can we get back on topic?

    oops! wrong topic. My apologies :lol:

    Free Member

    So Shimano, KMC and Sheldon Brown say it’s good, some people on the internet say its bad.

    Shock horror. Just let them strip off the factory grease with solvents and replace it with WD40, i’m past giving a f***.

    So can we get back on topic?

    Last week we had some nice days so i put the idea of a gilet and arm warmers to bed thinking that i’d just be wasting money. Then on saturday night we got caught in a hailstorm and today it’s back to typical April weather.

    So…… can anyone recommend a gilet that is lightweight and relatively cheap AND FAIRLY HIGH VIS? I like the scott ones people have mentioned but i really should get one that’s got a bit of a high vis aspect to it. (I don’t really like that yellow colour but if it’s going to save my life i suppose i’d better embrace it)

    Equally blue or orange might work as long as it’s a solid colour.

    seen the Endura Pakagilet but still think £30 is a bit steep. If anyone has an aldi sports gilet knocking about to fit 38″ chest and wants to sell i would be all over it

    Free Member

    So some journo/researcher tested some ice and found bacteria usually found in the gut. How do we know it wasn’t from his fingers? There isn’t any detail about the scientific validity of the test – did they do a control? did they do repeats? how did they get the ice from wherever it was into whatever it was put in?

    It doesn’t deserve to be on TV
    It doesn’t deserve to be on the internet.

    Means nothing.

    Free Member

    Yep, been running one for well over a year now and its a very reliable bit of kit. Never had to have it serviced. The only issue ive had with it is when the mechanism at the top of the post has got too much grit in, which is easiky solved by cleaning it out.

    Free Member

    Oh and gloves… DeFeet Duragloves are most excellent for Spring.

    Thanks again. They don’t look very windproof….

    Free Member

    Grab one of the Scott gilets from start cycles. Windproof front, breathable rear. I wear it on probably 70% of my rides over winter/spring/autumn.

    Thanks, keep those recommendations coming. I’m on quite a tight budget.

    Any recommendations for good value arm warmers/ long sleeve/ short sleeve base layers?

    Free Member

    Cloudnine, blobby, ransos, thanks for clearing that up.

    Free Member

    sorry i am a complete newb to road cycling. Why would you choose a gilet over something like a softshell? is it the ability to add arm warmers depending on conditions?

    Free Member

    what’s a gilet? is it French!?

    does nobody wear a windproof softshell type jacket?

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