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  • Campus: New Video From Danny MacAskill
  • bombadillo
    Free Member

    fc, fancy a dance at the disco later sweetie…..

    Free Member

    i reckon this fred was a good sort.
    seems to me that he got ujp a few peoples noses (and you know who you are)
    on here.
    i think i like him, without actualy knowing him. 😆

    Free Member

    ernie, i was just interested.
    your input in most post's is in general very good.
    i just did not know if you were a cyclist or not.

    no offence ment.

    Free Member

    dave, get in touch with deejay..recce ride

    Free Member

    deffo.. 😆

    Free Member

    you are correct mate. i stand corrected.

    Free Member

    i am very good at the mo, mood has lightened at home a bit. 8)

    Free Member

    lightly battered fish absorbs more of the fat it is cooked in.
    thick batter helps the fish to steam far healthier.
    a bloke you met in a carpark in scotland gave me that advice. 😉

    Free Member

    best bag ever.

    Free Member

    mitch, and read what i said later.
    you and your protest about anything people blew it all out of proportion and look what happened.
    **** me he will end up with a knighthood if the soft left carry on like they are.. 🙄

    Free Member

    this was always gonna be the case.
    if certain members of the public had not put on a big anti NG display, if the fuss had not been so great, if the anti whatever protesters had not had a tissy fit, the whole thing would have gon e on not as well noticed/reported.

    mm, bit like what i said yesterday realy. storm in a tea cup.

    Free Member

    i will take your word for that.

    Free Member

    sausages used in chip shops
    20%meat 80%urgh

    Free Member

    and where would that be please.

    Free Member

    if you want to eat lips and arsehole5 for lunch, that is fine by me. enjoy.

    Free Member

    but i now apologise to ernie, as i i found a post about latex for tyres.

    Free Member

    i asked why he did not post cycling related stuff, therefore it was a question about cycling, in a roundabout way.

    and the question was for ernie.

    Free Member

    nickc, i thought that but was not too sure.

    Free Member

    i know i looked at some back posts.
    seemed to err you a tad.

    Free Member

    barnes, ssshhhooo

    Free Member

    i was just interested, no reason, maybe i am just too nosey.

    Free Member

    just eaten mine with a bread cake and a can of dandilion and burdock, burp burp, delicious.

    Free Member

    rogerthecat, i would not disagree mate.

    Free Member

    junkyard, he will not be the 1st of last politician to be a lying fecker then will he.
    the most famous one being mrs thatcher.

    Free Member

    not that i support him, let me make that very clear, but i thought that griffin came over like a normal politician last night.
    evasive, snidey, shifty, and very untrustworthy.
    as was mr straw.

    Free Member

    fancy a bit of rough and tumble.

    Free Member


    just out of interest on another note, what bike do you ride, is it old school.
    with a name like that?

    Free Member

    nice powerfull bb7 to stop the mass of your new wheel…. 😉

    Free Member

    repack, i have apologised to you once already, i am not gonna do it again.
    i do not realy have any political leanings, and what bit i did have died the day thatcher got in.

    i am a ctc member

    Free Member

    i do not read the opening sentence as a defense of anyone merely a observation of a load of troublecausers making a nuisance of them selves.

    my uncle was blown to bits by the IRA in 1978, so stop preaching the family member defending the flag bit mitch.

    are you a member of cnd, fathers for justice, animal rights, lesbian women of barnsley and any other bandwagon you can jump on.

    Free Member

    wanna buy a set of bb7 with 200mm rotors funnybikebloke?

    Free Member

    ernie, just spliffing up as we speak, maybe i should have done it later.

    Free Member

    vic, i have done the same in the past.
    catlike reaction to gain my feet and look round see if people saw me.
    the shame.. 8)

    Free Member

    and that is your choice mate.
    i can let things like racists, facists, lefties, righties, in the middle bitties wash over me without causing a ripple.
    smoke some weed man, relax a bit, maybe change your diet. 😉

    Free Member

    sootyandjim, as just put so nicely to words what i was trying to say.

    Free Member

    mitch, nowhere in my post will you see that i defended griffin, i agree like all on here about what he is and what he stands for.
    but why the venom and vitriol.
    what has he done to you.
    if you do not like it, dont, read, watch, listen to it.
    you have a brain, don't you, learn to use it man.

    Free Member

    if it means what i think it means, i hope he did not mean it.

    Free Member

    too right it was or was not.
    and for what reason if it was.

    Free Member

    repack, very nice levelheaded advice. thanks
    sorry if i offended anyone. 😳

    Free Member

    and no i am not ton

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