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  • 10 Bikes of the Highland Trail 550
  • bob_summers
    Full Member

    I still feel that “big toe” is not good enough. We say thumb for it’s hand equivelent, foot thumb doesn’t quite work

    Even worse in Spanish, translates as “fat foot finger”.

    Full Member

    Used to live near that Naxos school uniform shop years ago. Can’t believe it’s still there.

    I love this shop, not sure if it’s gone now.

    Full Member

    First time on a borrowed Trance at Afan, May 08. Sold all my road bikes when I moved to the Basque Country a couple of months later, intending to buy a new one when I got here. Started riding MTB with the locals, bought a hardtail a month later… took me a year to get around to buying that road bike :-)

    Full Member

    Quebrantahuesos entry is a draw, so you enter any time in Jan and later they pull 10000 names out of a hat. Around double that enter, so if you fancy it, you need a backup plan. Worth a shot though, in my neck of the woods (Basque Country) if you meet a cyclist they’ll always ask you your best time in QH. A lad I rode with did his 22nd this year.

    I’ve done La Pyreneenne in France a couple of times, much lower key and shorter than QH at 175km but more climbing… feels harder than QH, I properly broke myself in it this year.

    Full Member

    Another Love/Hate. Not in its ideal terrain but never out of its depth :wink:

    Full Member

    Nick – I moved to Spain three years ago and have started riding MTB since then.
    Done loads of walking and roadbiking in the lakes. One day….

    Full Member

    Sad to see so many Lakes descents here.. I’m a native but never ridden MTB there :cry:

    Full Member

    Cool, Hoad! Can you still go up t’top?

    For me,

    Full Member

    If you have the time, I would avoid the Camino Frances and do the del norte, as above.. The Frances (ie the most popular one) doesn’t really have any proper MTB*. It often runs parallel to the road, and when I did it, I often found myself using the road to avoid the crowds of walkers.

    If you want hotter, consider the Via de la Plata maybe? Again, not really MTB though.

    *edit – that said, if it’s wet then the mud in La Rioja will be a test of tyre clearance… it ripped my rear mech off and left me singlespeeding 100km to Burgos…

    Full Member

    I dunno, there seems to be a few. One makes soldering irons :|

    Can’t find one in Lux though.

    Full Member

    His house, his rules. Since when did kids start deciding what’s for dinner?!

    Not really sure why people have a problem with kids being veg*n.

    Full Member

    to bring them up in a vegan/vegetarian household and not expect them to accept that as the ‘norm’ is a bit niaeve.

    What’s the problem if they do accept veganism as the norm?

    Full Member

    Back to back Pegos? Sure this isn’t Dentisttrackworld? :wink:

    edit: ok, too slow.

    Full Member

    One of my last rides in England, I was buzzed “for fun” by some council workers in a flatbed transit. When I gave them the finger they stopped and wanted a fight!
    Then moved to a civilised country, nothing like that’s happened in three years*, versus almost weekly in London and environs. Why are people wound up so tight?

    *Ok, once. Traffic light altercation, driver spat at me out the window. Wind blew it back into his female passenger’s face.

    Full Member

    Nice, let’s see you on it soon :-)

    Why the EBB? Singlespeeding it?

    (and a garden in País Vasco.. no me jodas!)

    Full Member

    The Paris Roubaix cobble is pretty cool but ironic that something so heavy is awarded to athletes not exactly famous for their upper body development…

    Full Member

    It doesn’t upset the climbing or anything?

    I figured if it’s steep enough to be an issue, I’ll be off and pushing anyway.

    Full Member

    Heavy plant, earlier today. IGMC…

    Full Member

    Alu seatpost stuck in steel frame.

    Frayed cable ends… any job is made worse when a strand of cable goes up between one’s finger and nail.

    Full Member

    Mine (Coffee Deluxe) drips all the time from the PF spout when switched on, but it hasn’t affected the crema. Have you taken out the shower screen (remove PF and undo the single philips head screw to get this out), and pricked all the holes clear with a pin? If some/many of these are blocked the espresso will come out flat as ink.

    Also check for clumping from your grinder. Grind a full basket into the PF, level it off, then stir up the grounds with a long needle to break up any clumps.
    Then tamp and see if it’s any better.

    The bottomless filter as mentioned above is a great addition, much easier to keep clean, but the distribution of the grounds is crucial otherwise you end up with coffee spurting all over the kitchen.

    Blind filters for cleaning are no good with machines without 3 way valves to let the pressure back out, which I guess yours won’t have.

    Full Member

    I’m a relative n00b but HTs seem to reward fitness a bit more. Even when I’m shot, I can clear steep technical climbs on my FS by clicking it into bottom gear and winching up, however my HT requires a couple of gears higher and some leg speed to get up, a killer after 4hrs on the rivet.

    Full Member


    Flight of the Conchords II ?

    Full Member

    Full Member

    wiki to ye rescue

    In the early days of the printing press, the letter y was used in place of the thorn (þ), so many modern instances of “ye” (such as in “Ye Olde Shoppe”) are in fact examples of “the” (definite article) and not of “you”. This use of letters in printing may have indirectly helped to contribute to the displacement of thou by you, and the use of you in the nominative case.

    Full Member

    Do ye ken John Peel?

    Yous is still used in Cumbria. Then there’s y’all in Texas.

    ‘preserving’ older minority languages is little more than a vanity project

    Fine, unless you happen to speak one. Franco wasn’t keen on people speaking Basque so he banned its teaching in schools. Seems to be doing OK these days though.

    Full Member

    I assume you mean for off road, but I’ve had the road MIG/MAG hubs for 3yrs (about 20,000km/yr) without a peep. Haven’t even greased the freehub :oops:

    Full Member

    Did some yomping over the Basque countryside, shins full of thorns but well worth the pain…



    Elev. a bit off though.

    Full Member

    A bloke in the middle of nowhere, as I came round the corner he was carefully putting something in a hedge. I didn’t want to know what it was…

    Full Member

    Jesus, noone else posted this yet?

    Full Member

    Not sure if it’s been mentioned, not read everything. My old fella had a compilation LP called New Wave, with the Damned, Talking Heads, Ramones, Patti Smith, Richard Hell, Runaways etc.. all I can remember was the cover was red and had a punk spitting beer at the camera on the front. Probably released on K-Tel or something ;-)

    Circle Jerks Wild in the Streets (c/o Thrashin)

    Dicks Hate the Police

    Nomeansno Victory

    Full Member

    I’d expect to have to tweak them after a couple of rides anyway, being machine built, so not too worried about that.
    Little bit worried about the tiny teeth in the freehub…

    Full Member

    Yeah I use an 11 group and chain on an older 10spd chainset (got an 11spd compact and a 10spd standard, and swap between them).

    11 speed is more attractive now you have aftermarket chains (KMC) and splitters/riveters (Pedro’s do one).

    On the flip side, I was a bit miffed when I broke the shift return spring (holds the shift paddle up against the brake lever) and had to replace the entire ergo assembly, minus brake lever and hood. Campag 10 is better in that respect, you can buy just the paddle assy.

    Full Member

    a little bumpito for the late night crew?
    Would like to get them on order Monday, hopefully get them in time for a couple of upcoming races…

    Full Member

    There’s a nearby chute used to do a couple of times a week on a quick training loop. It isn’t exactly hard, but the run in is blind, you can’t see it til it’s too late to back out.
    One day I couldn’t do it. No reason, never fallen off on it.
    Last time I was there I walked it, and was passed by two blokes on loaded tourers (it’s on the Camino de santiago) who did it no problem, although I guess they hadn’t expected it. Still can’t do it. Grrr….

    Full Member

    There’s something fishy about this Cavendish/Millr bromance that’s been unfolding on Twitter.

    Full Member

    ah, the DS. Cool car, couldn’t make the album sleeve look cool though.

    Full Member

    Arizona, noon, on the seventh of June…

    McGraw, Kristofferfoffersen.

    Full Member

    Sunnrider, I thought they looked familiar. Haven’t been to San telmo since it opened so will have a look.
    If you fancy a blat round Ulia or somewhere give me a shout. I’m home from work by half one during the week.

    Full Member

    Had that happen last summer on the Camino de Santiago ^^
    Couple of strong zipties to attach the mech to the frame, wedging in various size sticks even gave me a few gears.

    Thusly (using a peg from my camping stuff)

    Full Member

    Jordan and Perry? Good job the judicial system has told me they’re bad mans, coz I wouldn’t have thunk it given their names…

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