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  • Pinarello Dogma XC Now Available To Buy If You Are A Hardcore XC Racer
  • blurty
    Free Member

    Great lads, pedantic f*ckers mind.

    I give presentations on the continent:

    Belgium: 1.5 hrs, no questions
    Netherlands: 2hrs, some questions#
    France: 45 mins, f*ck off ross biff
    Germany: 5hrs. Minute detail demanded, I’ve got to go boys or I’m going to miss my flight.

    Free Member

    The Mail is a horrible rag.

    Free Member

    I think we should keep the taxes high and leave the oil in the ground, against future need.

    Oil isn’t just an energy source, a lot of what we make/ need has products of oil in it.

    Free Member

    I had one from Maplin. the SD card was dodgy and we got one from ebay for button; no probs since

    Free Member

    This is what I decided on. 853 frame, brazed, with Record EPS groupset + Thomson & Fizik finishing kit. Wheels are Chis King + H Plus Son rims, built by our local wheelbuilder in Matlock.
    Tim at Sword Cycles[/url] made the frame & built it all up for me. (He supplied & built everything apart from the wheels)

    Handles very well and the EPS groupset has been a revelation.

    Thanks for all the advice.

    Free Member

    Its £1400 per year for me (48) + family. 5 skulls in total. Bupa.

    Free Member

    Private health care normally just enhances the NHS offering anyway. You get to see consultants more quickly, in their ‘off-hours’. Consultants will use NHS or ‘Private’ facilities for ops & procedures, depending on availability and price.

    I am fortunate to be insured through work. I’ve used it for loads of physio visits (injuries) over the years, and a few minor ops.

    Free Member

    I hire cars a lot, sometimes you get away with it, sometimes you don’t. If the car was pristine, then your new scratch will stand out. If it was a bit of a shed anyway, you may get away with it.

    I use annual CDW/ excess/ deductible insurance, it costs about £35 PA and, the only time I had to call on it, took the hassle right out of it (My insurers dealt directly with the hire people)

    good luck.

    Free Member

    I bought an new copy of an old version of Photoshop (For £10 from softwareforstudents). It’s a bit clunky but works really well I think. I also have a copy of lightroom, which I’m finding hard to get on with (Need to devote a bit of time to getting into it)

    Free Member

    The symptom was that, on opening a new page/ link, the web browser was redirected to pages advertising all manner of shite (anti-virus software, pills, holidays etc etc).

    I ran a full scan using the McAfee crap and it found 6 viruses.

    Disappointing that it didn’t isolate them as they emerged.

    Free Member

    I haven’t got a note of the Trojan name here at work, it emerged as the propriety Asus crap (picture editor, cloud storage etc etc) was unpacking itself, The machine was connected to the internet but I hadn’t started downloading any other software etc.

    I sent an email to Asus at the weekend. No reply yet.

    Free Member

    That’s a bodge, the cement fillet is cracking already. It looks like lead has been laid under the joint; depending on what the lead has been laid on, this may become a problem in future (Lead sags if not properly supported)

    I’d be worried about water getting in, under the new tiles and maybe into your property, as well as next door. It’s in both you and your neighbour’s interests to sort this out properly now.

    If they won’t face up to the problem, get them to give you a letter (indemnity) agreeing to remedy any leaks in the area.

    Free Member

    Another vote for the British Museum.

    Free Member

    This place is nice

    Busy at peak season though

    Free Member

    The hole is bigger than Shimano; you need a top hat to put into the crak body to give the crank extractor something to push against. You should get a propriety one, but 3 or 4 washers will do for now

    Free Member

    No, that counts as being a smart Alec, and no one likes smart Alecs!


    Free Member

    Lloyd Cole went to my Primary school (I was there at the same time, but I can’t remember him)

    Free Member

    Consider having an affair. Several of my mates have done just that and it’s worked out OK.

    (Conversely, the one’s who did the decent thing, and divorced have been pretty damaged by the whole experience, as have the children involved).

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    I once saw one of these being used in a rescue practice, by the fire brigade at RNAS Culdrose. Very sad in hindsight

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Can’t you just replace the spreaders?

    Free Member

    Fly spray is good, as is ant powder oddly enough. Last one I dealt with I just puffed ant powder into the opeing & they were all dead within a day.

    Fly spray works as well but seems to make them really angry! (You need a preplanned escape route)

    Free Member

    Well, it’s made me decide I don’t care any more. I don’t care if we get a currency union, I don’t care if we get kicked out of the EU and NATO, I don’t care if it costs me money. I want out.

    That Euro election result showed me that those are all prices worth paying to get away from the toxic, xenophobic politics south of the border.

    If I could vote, that would be the stongest argument for me too. The Westminster bickering on the EU is beyond belief, and now UKIP have had some success, it’s going to get worse!

    Free Member

    Barcelona, home to Guadi, is outweighed by a Glasgow Arts and Crafts building.

    Sorry, but I just can’t see that.

    See Sagrada Familia

    Free Member

    Politics in the UK has a problem; voters are staying away from the polls in droves.

    The perceived consensus amongst the main-stream parties on all the significant issues makes a ‘single issue’ type party like UKIP stand out, and seem attractive.

    UKIP ought to be an irrelevance really, like the Green party, but here we all are talking about them.

    Free Member

    Split the Con vote, knock Lab & Lib Dems for six.

    I suspect it will be a perception thing; the public might start taking UKIP more seriously, giving the Conservatives a headache for next May. (Given that a ‘Yes’ Scottish Referendum result would totally disrupt everything next May anyway.

    Free Member

    Best to remove the ‘vegetable’ soil, and get down to the sub-soil (Otherwise weeds will continue to grow, and there may be subsidence)

    4:1 is more like a weak mortar mix, that could be used in brick/ block-laying.

    You need some larger aggregate in there. See a site like: for details.

    Depending on quantities, you could get some concrete delivered like this:

    Free Member

    Google ‘window restrictor’

    There are loads of retro fit options

    Free Member

    Travel, and a deposit on a house I’d say

    If you can’t face the hassle of a mortgage yet invest at least some of it where it’s got a a chance to grow

    (Personally Fundsmith has got a fair bit of my spare dosh – make your own decisions though)

    Free Member

    With on-line check-in I usually get there an hour before I fly (get there = walking through the doors of the terminal, not starting to park)

    I fly a lot though so know where the gate is etc, no bags to drop etc

    Free Member
    Free Member

    In ‘Freakonomics’ see here they suggest the causal link is actually between freely available abortion, and the decline in crime rates.

    They suggest that less neds are getting born in the first place

    Free Member

    I used to wave through, I nearly contributed to an accident though when a biker came round the far bend unexpectedly (I.e. f***ing quickly). Partially his fault, partially mine.

    I don’t do it any more.

    Free Member

    No party has been in government for the last 200 years more than the Tories, and certainly they have been in power most of the post-war period. If the electoral system was indeed stacked in the Labour Party’s favour then the Tories have had more than ample time to do something about it.

    But the Labour party is only a hundred years old!

    Free Member

    Cotic Solaris (sell a kidney)

    Free Member

    I was faced with the same dilemma. I built up a Solaris a couple of years ago, but couldn’t part with the Santa Cruz. The problem solved itself when my son grew into the Cruz – he lets me have a blast on it now and again

    Free Member

    I heard one of the guys who worked on the McPherson report say that another enquiry would be a waste of time. The implication was that the crats would close ranks again and frustrate justice.

    Every generation we seem to get a shock/ wake-up call that damages public trust in the Police (Think the Birmingham 6, and the West Midlands Serious Crime squad)

    Free Member

    I use this

    seems to be able to even sure reeking climbing shoes (which is saying something)

    Free Member

    If the lenses are good quality you might be able to ebay them. Camera bodies go for peanuts though.

    Free Member

    It appears Standard Life are being misreported – who’da thunk it?

    I think the bit you need to appreciate is that the financial sector is Scotland will shrink, unless there is fiscal union, as one of the other contrubutors posted

    Standard and Poor’s, in its assessment on independence, said there were benefits for Scotland going it alone, but raised concern it may begin life having to cope with issues like comparatively high levels of public debt, sensitivity to oil prices and “potentially limited” monetary flexibility.

    The agency added: “On the other hand, if this were to happen, it could bring benefits in terms of reducing the size of the Scottish economy’s external balance sheet, normalizing the size of its financial sector, and reducing contingent liabilities for the state.

    The website you quoted from has a Nationalist agenda

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