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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • bluerob
    Full Member

    Bissel SpotClean with the enzyme treatment suggested above work well together. Enzyme to neutralise it, then clean up after.

    Full Member

    The OLED Switch has a much better stand so two or three can easily play on the screen at a table away from the TV.

    Mario Kart and Mario Wonder both great for 3 or 4 way multiplayer (with extra controller obvs.) with the age differences of your kids.

    If you want two consoles playing the same game, you usually need two copies of the game.

    It comes with all you need to play with TV / away from TV. Batteries most definitely included!

    Full Member

    The only difference between the barista and regular robot is the pressure gauge, which you can also get as a conversion kit:

    To help you get a feel for what 6-9 bars of pressure feels like without the pressure gauge, you can sit the Robot on a set of bathroom scales and use a table in the back of the manual to convert from kgs to bars. Once you get a feel for it, you don’t really use the gauge so much.

    Full Member

    I had a Rok, and really could not get consistent results with it even after upgrading to the GC spec chamber.

    I’ve since swapped it for a Cafelat Robot and it is so much easier to get a consistent shot. I usually have two a day for about three years now (usually Square Mile Red Brick beans). It is also very simple to maintain.

    The Rok got a lot less use because I just could not get a reliable result from it. I kept trying with the Rok, even after I’d mastered the Robot, but it was so inconsistent for me that I sold it on.

    Both are pretty, but the Robot is a professional-class lever that is designed for home use. It never needs descaling, a deep clean is putting the basket in the dishwasher about once a month, and I fitted the spare gasket after 18 months.

    It also makes a stellar shot with the Singletrack Deadline blend!

    Full Member

    How far down this rabbit hole do you want to go?

    Luckily YouTube has a very good series following Alex going pretty far, and then finding his way back.

    The last video in the series applies the principles to a western kitchen and comes up with a good base recipe to make your own.

    As much as I’d love to build my own wok burner, I’m happy with the results I’ve got from a deep-sided frying pan and a spatula. It looks like there is not one right way, but plenty of wrong ones!

    Full Member

    I found this very helpful for getting good results in the home oven. His channel is full of experiments and helpful advice for when you go down the rabbit hole…

    Soft and crunchy Neapolitan style. Keep the toppings simple and use Polpa tinned pizza sauce if you can find it.

    Full Member

    There’s also the kid-friendly version.

    Full Member

    I don’t remember having to do anything to add Radioplayer as a service to the SoundTouch app, but once it’s there, select it as a source from the “hamburger” drop-down menu and search for “BBC <whatever>”.

    Radioplayer’s site says for Bose “ Add Radioplayer in the Bose app under Music Services, then play any station.”

    Full Member

    I had this on a Bose SoundTouch 10. Switching my presets from TuneIn to RadioPlayer for BBC stations seems to have stopped the warnings.

    As @Sandwich said, the BBC are standardising their supported formats, so are shutting off the old ones, which my TuneIn presets were using.

    I’m guessing that the RadioPlayer streams I’ve now told the Bose to use are the new formats, so no warnings. No firmware update required, just changing the presets from the phone app to use RadioPlayer and not TuneIn stations.

    Full Member

    Re Rowperfect availability in Oz; there is/was? an Australian side of the operation, which would preclude the European operation from shipping to Oz.

    If the rowperfect looks interesting, then definitely edge towards the dynamic C2 range – they adopt the same principles, and arrange a demo if you can. Spares might be a concern, so factor that in too.

    Full Member

    Row perfect is worth a look if she’s lost that sculling feeling.

    Full Member

    That’s 1:3 scale. Makes for a massive map compared to 1” to the mile. 😉

    Full Member

    The Barisieur lifestyle. Apparently it’s not quite the panacea you’d hope for given the price tag.

    Full Member

    That looks like a pretty standard bread machine pizza dough recipe. It gets you from zero to pizza in a couple of hours. What comes out of the machine should be squidgy and won’t snap – which I’m sure you’re familiar with as you do this regularly.

    I’d guess an ingredient or step was skipped, or the paddle didn’t work quite right that time (or paddle wasn’t installed – been there, done that).

    Check the squidgyness is there before you whack it in the fridge, and if it isn’t, make another batch and instead of sticking the new batch in the fridge, ball it up, and let it double in size on the worktop/table instead of the fridge and it’ll be ready when you would normally have taken the first batch out of the fridge.

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    Full Member

    Is it an advent of Covid breaches? What’s behind door 24?

    Full Member

    Would Masi have done the same thing if LH and MV’s positions were swapped when the SC was declared?

    It looks like MV needed all the ‘Frankly Incomprehensible Assistance’ he could get.

    Full Member

    I think mk2 is the flow-control disk – it makes the grind size more consistent by ensuring there’s an even force pushing beans into the burrs as the hopper empties. Adding the disk was equivalent to tightening the grind by three points in my case. Luckily it was a simple retrofit and they only charged postage for it – they’re now fitted as standard.

    It is a really simple machine in many ways – but simple is hard to get right – and that means there’s less to go wrong. It’s a good set of burrs in a solid, well thought out package which I would expect to outlast the Sage grinder by a factor of at least 3 or 4.

    It’s been designed to do one thing as well as it can, as simply as it can, at that price point, and without fundamentally changing the philosophy of how it works (e.g. flat burrs), I don’t think there are enough marginal gains to be had to cover the retooling expense, so would be very surprised to see a mk3 or mk4 that was much more than cosmetically different, so don’t think there’s much chance of people upgrading to a newer one in the future.

    Only you know if a smoother experience when you make your coffee is worth the price difference – if it is, definitely get a dosing funnel, pouring grinds into a 54mm basket tends to get messy.

    Full Member

    I will say this against the NicheZero – it makes it too easy to brew the coffee based beverage I really fancy right now, and my caffeine intake has skyrocketed.

    Time for a decaf iced V60 / cortado con hielo – I’ll fire up the kettle and decide which I’ll actually make when I’m weighing out the beans, dial in the grind, then pull together the bits for either the V60 or the Robot while it’s grinding and be set up before the kettle’s boiled. For a home setup it’s really convenient with remarkably consistent results.

    Full Member

    No, I don’t work for Niche. When I was looking to upgrade from a Porlex hand grinder as I had the DTP on order, I wanted two things from an espresso grinder – firstly it would be good enough that I wouldn’t be wanting something else when I came to upgrade the DTP and secondly that I could easily swap between pourover and espresso. It looked like the common solution was 2 grinders, and when I found the Niche at around the time James Hoffmann reviewed it, it ticked all the boxes, and some I didn’t even know I had.

    If you get one and don’t like it you’ll have no trouble moving it on. They really did knock the ball right out of the park.

    Full Member

    I started a couple of years ago with the Niche Zero and Sage Duo Temp Pro. I still use the DTP – to steam milk since adding a Cafelat Robot, and have well and truly scratched my upgraditis itch. The Niche lets me jump between beans and brew methods without skipping a beat – I always have espresso, v60 and decaf beans on the go and the Niche just works. Search thingverse for a DTP adaptor for the dosing cup to work with the smaller portafilter. The Niche works well for me.

    Full Member

    Cafelat Robot for that 50’s look and feel. Takes a bit longer than boiling a kettle, and can get the best out of pre-ground coffee.

    Full Member

    How to Dad saw me right. Particularly how to hold a baby.

    Full Member

    Snaptoggles – it’s what Samsung provide in their mounting kits for plasterboard.

    Full Member

    We had a vote on membership. Yes or no? We lost. No/ leave won. That you can’t get over this is your choice. Living in the past is the foolish bit.

    Not knowing what was won is the foolish bit. It’s starting to look a lot like a white elephant.

    Full Member

    kimbers – Member
    but but but they need us more than we nee.. oh

    Thanks for that link – I found this paragraph particularly illuminating:

    Remarkably united

    When the audience was asked how many of them welcomed Brexit, only one hand went up – and it turned out that belonged to a businessman who wanted more EU reform and was fed up with Britain slowing things down.

    “Go home Britain, you’re drunk!” – it’s going to be the mother of all hangovers.

    Full Member

    Will HMRC lose significantly more in corporation tax if licensing revenues are reported through Japan than would be gained from a doubling of income tax through increasing the UK workforce? I expect we’ll see a bump in capital gains tax receipts as ARM employees sell vested shares.

    Full Member

    As long as it’s issued before the end of April 2018, then we will be out before the next election.

    Why? Are you worried the public won’t continue to support brexit at the GE? Surely if it’s the will of the people you shouldn’t fear there being a change of heart, or is this not the democracy that you’re looking for?

    Full Member

    If you’re after something unusual and a very nice drop, see if you can track down a presentation box of Hicks and Healey’s Cornish Whiskey with two glasses – it’s very smooth, despite its strength (59%). It’s a collaboration between St Austell brewery and Healey’s cider – St Austell provides the barley and Healey’s provide the still and cellar. It’s an amazing drop and not at all peaty.

    I got mine from the St Austell brewery last year, but have only found it without the presentation box online[/url]. Well worth a trip to the brewery for a tour and a taste if you’re down in Cornwall.

    Full Member

    I’m going back in April and it just can’t happen soon enough! Doug, Ed and the local guides, Antonio and Borja kept us laughing, smiling and riding the entire week. It was a joy to share their stunning trails and soak up first class food, booze and scenery with a really friendly group of riders.

    I keep thinking back to riding through mountain passes, endless descents, heart stopping switchbacks, gaze-stealing fall-lines and heart-pounding climbs – and that was just the first day 🙂

    Full Member

    I really enjoyed it, it took a while to figure out what on earth was going on with the trail horn and @GreatRock’s recent tweets suddenly made a lot more sense!

    It goes to show just how dangerous riding a hardtail can be, and he’ll be missed.

    Full Member

    The RowPerfect RP3 action is closer to what happens in a boat and does this by keeping the seat fixed so that you push the mass of the “boat” away from you rather than pushing your mass away from the “boat” – it’s less forgiving of poor technique, too. The new Concept2 dynamic rower is similar and takes up less space than putting a normal C2 on slides.

    The C2 is ubiquitous for good reason – it’s damn near bomb proof, a very useful teaching tool and great training tool – you can use it set goals and measure your progress against your training plan.

    Full Member

    Carrying the Fire by Michael Collins is a very engaging account of the Gemini and Apollo missions.

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