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  • bliss
    Free Member

    Which is a shame because I am actually genuinely interested in why bliss is a member of the NF.

    Because of The lies of the current lib/lab/con party’s. It’s insane, also I don’t agree with immigration on this scale, it’s affecting mine and millions of white British peoples life all over the country. Not to mention the scandle that is foreign aid. I believe society is gone so far backwards only radical change would help.

    Free Member

    I’m sorry. This makes no sense.
    Why would ‘they’ not just let Covid rip & use that as the method of de-population?

    Because viruses die themselves out.. it’s too much hassle to make one every few years, it’s costly and time consuming. Getting the liquid directly into people’s body would be the most effective way for results, ‘they’ need a reason for people to willingly take the vaccine, so first they create a problem.

    Free Member

    @blis who are “they”? And where does the line stop, how do you cross this line? Because there would have to be so many people in on it, how would it be possible to keep “it” a secret.

    They are, what I call the showdown government. The real government who use our politicians as puppets.
    So many people in on it? Hardly true.. as we have already discussed on this topic, the only people that would know are the people who make the vaccines who would actually work for them in the first place.

    Free Member

    Can I ask nicely why you aren’t getting vaccinated?

    Thank you, finally a direct question.. so yeah I believe in a few things and they will sound bizarre to the average citizen but as you asked kindly I will explain.

    Firstly it starts with the over population problem we have on the planet, it’s been known for hundreds of years that we are over populated and it just can not continue this way.
    I believe there are attempts to depopulate the planet and one of the biggest ways is with the vaccine, first I believe they created a little problem I.E covid. It comes down to the problem, reaction, solution theory. This is the only way you can get citizens to willingly do something in their favor.

    Ok so they created covid so society would panic, and ultimately get the vaccine that would eventually depopulate.
    I believe the vaccines have been created to do a verity of different things. One being to alter people’s DNA , to cause immune system disorders, to cause fertility issues in women (no more birth rates) mental illness, heart problems and ultimately a shut down of bodily organs. Yes it’s a serious opinion I hold, to cause mass death to control population issues.

    I also believe cancer is man made due to the very same reason, we can look back at history and find many situations of failed attempts at population control, I.E black death, fire of London, WW1 , WW2 etc etc.

    So you or someone else will ask why they would want to depopulate the earth? It’s simple. For control.. it’s easier to control fewer people without resistance. A teacher would find it easier to control a class of 5 pupils than a class of 25, the same theory applies here.

    I believe a new world order is happening and has been planned for years. They want a cashless society, microchipped humans and a worldwide one world government. This will be the mark of the beast and the start of the end of civilization.

    That’s the short of it. Anymore questions?

    Free Member

    If you want to convince anyone to agree with you, you need to show some evidence supporting your views.

    I don’t want to convince anybody of anything why do you assume I do? To random people on the internet?

    Free Member

    I don’t agree with the insults however it’s beyond a narrative, the science supports the vaccine program

    Like many, I do not believe in science, especially modern science, it’s a corrupt industry and I refuse to listen to any of it.

    that’s why your opinion is worthless

    I never said it wasn’t? But regardless.. it’s my opinion.

    I pleaded with my mother not to get the vaccine

    bliss wrote…

    Yes, I’m still upset about her decision but I respect it, spoke to her today and it looks like a third vaccination is on its way due. I tell her my concerns & she tells me hers.. we respect each other’s decision.

    Free Member

    If you’re attempting to tell me that I should keep my grief to myself just to avoid upsetting someone whose conspiracy theory opinion might motivate them to make utterly crass comments

    No, I’d never do that. I was explaining that I feel anger is the reason why opposing views can’t hold much empathy for one another. You just made a good example of why I hold that view. If everybody held empathy for each other’s right of opinion then there would be no anger. This obviously comes down to selfishness.. everyone feels their opinions are right and get angry at opposition, it’s only human to want everyone to hold their opinions but life doesn’t work that way.
    Empathy is all we can hope for.

    Free Member

    But you need to back-up your opinion with some kind of fact based information to prove that you are correct & other people are wrong.

    I absolutely don’t, have to do anything. Why are you under the assumption that I need to explain anything? I never once spoke about facts. I spoke of my opinion , I have no desire to change how other people live their life or to change their opinions to mine. Adults shouldn’t act this way. It’s only upto an individual to ‘prove’ something if they intend to change someone’s opinion.
    Me however, I came here to express my opinion. Besides I never once was asked why I hold my opinions or any part opinion.
    What your friend does in his spare time is his concern, maybe you are granted an opinion based on his behavior, but why you are bothered about it I don’t understand. Shouldn’t people be left alone to live the life they desire?

    Free Member

    Yup. As before, the abuse I’ve received on twitter from people after I’d tweeted about losing family to covid shocked me, there are folks out there who are devoid of empathy:

    I don’t think it’s the case that they are devoid of empathy, rather their anger over-rides the empathy. This come down to differences of opinions. For example just look at the way I’ve been spoken to, for expressing a different view to the narrative. The more anger is involved the less empathy anyone has for another person especially if they are being personally targeted for their opinions. Nobody deserves hate, regardless of what they believe. So maybe the answer lies with having empathy for other people opinions? In turn that would solve the anger and abuse issue.

    Free Member

    I feel the same way, your only options are to form your own party or go independent. Unfortunately not everyone agrees with each other’s politics, you should learn to live in peace with yourself and try and understand this as it’s life.

    Over the last few years I’ve been a paid member of the national front so I too dislike the Tory’s, but also journalism as much of it is fake news and propaganda writing, so I don’t read newspapers any longer. Politics is an art of lying & fooling your audience plus it’s a business and I dislike the whole thing, I believe it should be radically changed.

    Free Member

    Through no fault of your own this topic has made me cry, bringing back memories, sad ones of when my dad battled with terminal cancer. He got given only months to live but he managed a year and a half. I was 23 when he got diagnosed and was 25 when he died next to me in a hospital room full of specialists, he choked to death from blood he was bringing up. One nurse was crying at the sight and another told her ‘this isn’t a normal death, don’t worry’.

    I’m still not over it, my whole life changed overnight. With other life issues going wrong all at the same time. All I can say is that being there for them as much as you can is all that you can do. Anything they need you get it, anything they want you do it. My father and I were lucky enough to have a closer bond between each other during his illness, I’m also lucky enough to not regret my handling of the situation, as I thought I looked after him as well as I could. It’s awful but you need to be the strong person.

    Free Member

    And there it is..

    I told myself I would join in the topic and debate until I get personally attacked or get called a troll. I knew I’d be the minority of opinion but I don’t expect adults to act this way just because someone holds a different view to them. I knew it wouldn’t be long before the personal name calling became evident.

    So I leave this here.. have a good week all.

    Free Member

    there’s more than one vaccine produced by the likes of AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Moderna to name but four. Do you believe that these are all harmful by design?

    Yes.. I do believe they have been created harmful by design. This is why I refused to be vaccinated. I told my mother she has just committed suicide by getting her 2nd shot. I’m obviously upset by her decision but mass genocide will be a natural selection.

    Free Member

    I find it a bit ironic that you won’t take a vaccine that protects both you and others because of concerns around your health, whilst at the same time you maintain a weight of 23 stone which is clearly not at all healthy.

    That’s just not true, I am not maintaining my unhealthy weight.

    Free Member

    it’s a situation where not everyone can be treated because there aren’t enough hospital beds.

    But that’s just not true is it? Hospitals have never been so quiet and empty during this pandemic. I also don’t know of any undertakers who have expressed an increase of workload.

    Free Member

    As an MTB’er especially, I hope your tetanus is upto date. Even a sedately gardener needs them.

    Nope.. no recent tetanus shots, no recent shots of any kind. I’ve obviously had the shots given to children but as an adult I’ve chosen not to take any, I don’t even take medication when I get the flu!

    Free Member

    if you were travelling abroad to Africa for example would you have typhoid and yellow fever jabs, take malaria tablets or would you risk it?

    You would never find me wanting to go to such a place.

    Free Member

    What other rules and guidance imposed by governments in the interests of public safety do you disagree with and refuse to follow? Accepting that this is the most incompetent and corrupt UK government since maybe Georgian times?

    And have you personally lost a close friend or family to Covid? That removed any doubts I may have had about the need for mass vaccination, when it took people I knew in Wave 2.

    I refuse to follow guidance and disagree with hate speech laws. It’s something that goes against free speech and the liberty of expression based on other people’s behavior, feelings etc. I also refuse to pay for a TV license, granted I don’t watch TV but I would if I didn’t have to pay for such a terrible propaganda set up.

    I haven’t lost anyone to covid no. Although I have had a cousin and family supposedly got it (all be vaccinated) and turned out fine.
    I don’t actually know anyone who even knows anyone who knows of someone who has died of covid. I don’t think covid is even a big deal to catch.

    Free Member

    The more unvaccinated people there are, the more the virus will continue to circulate and kill people.

    I don’t believe this in the slightest.

    Free Member

    1. Children have not been vaccinated. I don’t appreciate people putting my child, or anyone else’s child, through ignorance

    Then concerned parents need to make sure their children are not in contact with anyone. This is a parents duty if this is how they feel.

    Free Member

    Your argument of ‘I don’t know what’s in it’ just doesn’t stack up. I would suggest the real reason you don’t want to take it is something else. You may not even understand this yourself.

    2) Are you happy to endanger other people?

    Correct.. I don’t want to take it because I believe it’s a death sentence, I do care about other people, I pleaded with my mother not to get the vaccine and I explained my worries to her, but ultimately it was her choice to get X2 of the vaccine and I respect that. But I wanted her to hear me out. If I didn’t care I wouldn’t have spoken to her various times about my concerns with the vaccine.

    Free Member

    So let me ask you this: What information would you like about the vaccine in order to feel comfortable getting it? This is not a rhetorical question – what do you want to know?

    I would like to know what the chemical make up is, with proof. Again this will never happen because I suspect what is in it is very dangerous and life threatening, all by design and I do believe this.

    Free Member

    How many understand the chemical composition of the air they breath waiting for the X57 into town? Which at least has some robust evidence around it.

    What’s that got to do with anything? we need to breathe to survive.. there isn’t any other option. But there is an option to not get the vaccine even if the result is death from catching it, bit that’s still a choice.

    But if you really want to go deep and silly about it, I could say I want all you motor vehicle drivers banned because you are affecting my air pollution..

    Free Member

    No vaccine for Covid is 100% whether that protection against death or serious illness. The results from trials and studies of vaccinated populations are freely available. Very surprised you would even think the risk would be zero for a subject matter you have an interest in.

    Absolutely agree, so at what percentage wise are you thinking the covid vaccine does it’s intented job? And at what percentage of success rate would be acceptable enough to warrant taking the vaccine?

    If for example it’s 80% effective.. and you have the vaccine and I don’t. There would be around the 20 percentage chance I could give you covid right? (If I had it & coughed at you)
    But let’s say we both had the vaccine, ok? So now we’re both at around 80% protected against each other and you are happy I’m vaccinated. Let’s just say for example I coughed at you now remembering we both have our vaccines.. there is still a 20 percent chance I could give you covid 😂 your effectiveness doesn’t increase just because someone else has been vaccinated or not, the only change is the the vaccinated person/s have an 80% effective vaccine the same as you, instead of the 0

    But in our example if we still both had our vaccines we still are 20 percent vulnerable and in your viewpoint we both could catch covid and die from it. So my question is, what’s the bloody point?

    And to quote your agreement of no vaccine being 100% effective. why bother going outside at all if you vaccinated people are worried so much about catching it? You could still all catch it from each other being vaccinated people in your own pubs and other venues. So it makes absolutely no sense who you come in contact with there is still going to be a risk.

    Free Member

    For me there needs to be legal consequences for those influencing others to take decisions that provably then causes harm.

    This will never happen, which is unfortunate. As the ones who would have to debate and put this to law and order would be the very people who spend their lives doing it for a living!

    Free Member

    Do you know the chemical make up of most of the things you eat and drink, and the clothes you wear, and the soaps and detergents you use, and so on? No, of course you don’t, that would be utterly impossible to do. What we do know is that there are regulatory agencies who test products for safety. No, of course it’s not absolutely 100% foolproof, but modern products are very, very safe compared to even a century ago. I have a general idea about how medicines are developed and tested and I trust that process well enough that I don’t have to research the chemical make-up of every medicine I take.

    Thanks for answering my question. So the answer is no. No you don’t know the chemical make up of the vaccines you willingly take, yet you expect other people to do the same as you, take things only a very small minority of people know what it truly is.

    If you put your life, trust in government agencies great, but how dare anybody moan and criticize other people who have real doubts over their life and safety and decide they don’t want to be injected with unknown substances by agencies the government give jobs to.

    Free Member

    But that’s not what anti-vaxxers actually want. They want to make their choice but not pay the costs of it. They want their kids to be allowed to attend regular school and they want to be allowed to go to the same bars and restaurants as everyone else.

    If the vaccines work, and do its job then why would anybody who has had the vaccine be worried about any person who hasn’t been vaccinated? Makes absolutely no sense to me what the problem is.

    Free Member

    Thank you for stepping forward with your view.

    Do you mind if I ask whether you are against all vaccines….. or just the covid ones?

    Thanks. ‘all vaccines’ is such a broad term but I guess you could say I am against it all yes. The fact that it just isn’t natural concerns me. If you work in drug development then you are the perfect person for me to ask a question to.

    Just two examples, and I don’t even want to know the detailed answers. Do you know the chemical make up of the covid vaccines? And also the flu vaccines? Because I am in agreement on the view that of people don’t know what’s in a vaccine, why on earth are they having them? I do not know the chemical make up of any vaccines and I’m pretty sure 99% of society doesn’t either.. including doctors.

    Free Member

    Fine, but people who are vaccinated have the right to not associate with you. That means that pubs, restaurants, etc. have the right to ban anti-vaxxers and schools have the right to refuse to enroll the children of anti-vaxxers. So, sure, enjoy your choice, but do it without imposing your choice on people who have made a different choice. Also, if you do develop a serious case of covid, die at home instead of taking a hospital bed from someone who isn’t dying of something they could have avoided by getting a vaccine

    That’s absolutely fine, I agree.. segregate us all. segregation, we all know how that turned out. But I agree with you & segregation. vaxxed and unvaxxed should get their own schools, pubs, restaurants that’s a great idea. Let’s even have an anti vaccined hospitals. Would you agree with this?
    If not.. then I still agree but with just one basis, you all pay for it yourselves. If the anti vaxxed are banned from such places then you/government shouldn’t get our taxes.

    Free Member

    Hello everyone, congratulations to everyone who has given up their addictions. I’ve been an alcoholic since I was a teen, I still am but now I’m just recently sober (again, I’ve tried many times) I used it to self medicate anxiety and childhood issues. I’m a big guy and that’s where all my weight had come from UpTo 26 beers every night or 2 bottles of vodka aty worst. It caused me gastritis and I was frequently being sick with dark strands of blood. It’s no way to live.. I’ve upset everyone in & outside my life many times over by being a drunk, I’ve quit jobs, fights with the family.. and waking up in your own urine & sick isn’t the best start to the day!
    I may always be an alcoholic, but I don’t have to live that life anymore & I’m determined not to. Plus the withdrawals are horrible and frightening.

    It’s hard, but good luck to all of us.

    Free Member

    I am an anti-vaxxer and I believe everybody should be entitled to their opinion, especially on a forum. I don’t agree with the poster who said anti-vaxxers should keep their opinions to themselves, that’s a communist stance along with the view that government should push everybody to have the vaccines.

    I have had 0 covid vaccines and I’m going to stay that way. I’m not going into why I’m not getting vaxxed because that’s my choice not to, just like it’s other people’s choices to get the vaccine. Which no amount of money can would entice me to get one or more.

    I live in the UK and the government are up to their coercion as usual, because that’s exactly what it is.. coercion.
    I will absolutely not comply with any advice a tyranny government gives me.

    Free Member


    I’ve just bought a 2nd hand bike off eBay. The guy lives not far & has delivered it, it was his son’s who is a similar height to me, his dad was halfway into making it into an ebike for him but he didn’t want it.

    It’s an old ridgeback storm, ridged no suspension which I thought would be better for my size, the only rust I can see is under the seat, been looked after.. he has put a longer stem in for me and the bikes got new disk brakes, mudguards, new chain and new tires (so I was told) and has 36h spokes which I also thought would be a bonus, it’s a hybrid bike has 1.75mm 700c panaracer tourgaurd tires. Came with a seat storage bag.

    For £200 what do you guys think?

    The only thing I can find remotely wrong is I see a small offset when I spin the front tire, out of Tru? I’m no expert at all. The spokes are all in place. Do you think I should get this bike serviced? Or wait until something goes before taking it in, the tires do look new but I’m not sure on the quality of them, maybe I could wear these out & upgrade to a bigger better pair, has alexrims dp17 whatever that means I’m not sure on the maximum tire width I can put on them.

    I’m always careful to buy off eBay, especially 2nd hand but I do think it was worth 200 pounds. If it holds up to my weight lol once I’ve dropped 60lbs or so I’ll treat myself to a new whatever I want bike.

    I’ll post a picture of it tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys I appreciate it, I’ll have a look online now.. especially at the rockhopper

    It’s a shame there isn’t many if any at all brands for bigger/taller riders there are plenty of us about. Most people recommend some custom builds from the USA but shipping and import tax doesn’t make it worth it.

    I’ll let you know how I get on 👍

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