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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • bland
    Full Member

    Lac Blanc in teh Alsace is the closest bike park with uplift i think

    Full Member

    What do you want for £200!

    Its cheap, nice picture, dead light and thin, has a USB input and plays telly!

    You wouldn’t make out any better definition in our house in any case as its covered in kids fingerprints, that and its worlds apart from the 24″ CRT it replaced!

    Full Member

    Here you go


    Full Member

    I bought one of them sony 32″ kdl jobbies in November from electrotech or something similar in Oldham, got it for £215, bargain!

    Full Member

    Mazda 3, wife has had one for years and nothing has been replaced on it other than teh battery.

    Awful on fuel though, averages 14 litres per 100 miles, something like 27mpg so dont go for a 2.0 litre model as it is expensive and slow, plus diesels are so much nicer to drive

    Full Member

    I wonder if its them salford scallies taking a different approach? The ones who were getting addresses off Pink Bike then doing them over

    Full Member

    Any thoughts on my pipe folks?

    Full Member

    I’ve just worked out that in the last 30 days we have used £196 of gas which scared the hell out of me. That’s heating and cooking but then it is winter and that’s from actual readings so now trying to figure out the likely spend over the course of the year! Missing having neighbours attached to me for the first time since moving!

    Full Member

    Take half a dozen bottles of beer next time

    Full Member

    I’m with you total shell, yeah it’s upsetting, however it is flood plain and damn low lying. Its not actually that great an area looking at it on maps and I don’t think its that well populated so in the grand scheme of things its not a major issue as its farmland and a few houses. As for that chap with his new house, well more the fool he is, building on flood planes means a big garage/car port downstairs but some won’t learn!

    As for dredging, well what use that would be here I don’t know, its hardly like you can argue the water just topped the bank and otherwise had it have been dredged the flow may have saved it, its weeks now repeatedly!

    In any case not dredging does loads for the wildlife instead of obliterating it!

    Full Member

    I have a friend with a paintball park whom would happily put you up, thats staffs/cheshire/Shrops border.

    Ive seen extras provided for other stags too and i wouldnt say no!

    Full Member

    its a good job only half our power comes from coal power stations!

    The rental on the batteries for the leaf is £80/month alone!

    Full Member

    and when you find said services draw their location and label them on the top of the floorboard to save future hassle!

    Full Member

    It always surprises me that drivers think they are the bigges person when in the car and also when they get out of it. I know a lot that would see that approach backfire on them and them end up getting a pasting off a pumped up cyclist.

    Whatever was the case, the passenger assaulted the cyclist. You could say the cyclist took it too far or that he just stood up for himself!

    Can the next video show the cyclist retaliate and paste the driver then put his bombers through his window please?

    Full Member

    But just rememeber all mortgages have a fee attached that the broker makes, preferential mortgages probably have a higher fee id say!

    Full Member

    Couldn’t recommend this guy enough, even provided other financial advice and good advice on insurance for us too

    Craig Dickinson Dip PFS
    Independent Financial Adviser

    Tel: 0797 1247964

    Full Member

    I just think it could be a very valuable resource. Environmental regulations are incredibly strict in the UK (I have to fill out pages of paperwork just to get permission to drill into an abandoned coal mine). Talk of pollution to aquifers, etc. I’ve never seen backed up by a reasonable scientific argument – the geology in which shale gas tends to exist isn’t really used for drinking water supply in the UK, and if you ever do want to drill into an aquifer that does, again, there is a huge amount of regulation in place.
    Once wells are set up I don’t see it as being a huge blot on the landscape, no worse than wind turbines, pylons, etc. In terms of peoples houses being in the middle of fracking areas, I’m not particularly sure they know the difference, a high proportion of houses in the north east are sat above abandoned coal mines and would never know (bar the odd shallow mining exception not applicable to fracking). Plus there’s the economic benefits of employment, tax income, etc.

    In short this. The current daily mail scare mongering view is crazy. We can once again set a worldwide standard in how to do it properly and roll this out worldwide, provide a lot of jobs, much needed energy and finance and have an industry to be proud of.

    What winds me up is that any view of a fracking site shows a rig on it, do people not realise what it costs to have a rig on site and that it will be there not a day more than needed. So say 6 months and from then all you have is a few pipes that you wouldn’t see from the road if the field had a hedge.

    Storage and containment of chemicals and drilling MUDs/flow back fluids will be extremely tight, environmental monitoring will also be crazy high.

    And when it comes to water supplies being contaminated, well we don’t all have hugely deep boreholes to feed personal supplies here as they do in the states as we have a slightly different geology and set up here, for a start we have no deserts

    Imvsure the protesters will give up once HS2 starts and some trees need felling

    Full Member

    as legend says as that would make a huge difference

    Full Member

    Second what you say about the brim masters in hydrology.

    Have a think about what you want to do and work backwards. I entered via the contam land route and then went landfill construction and now more management. Its crap pay in the uk really as there is not much going on and a rather large pool, however if you are prepared to travel to odd ball places the money is good, pay based on commodities largely so it is generally higher and similar world wide once you leave the uk from experience.

    Great degree but try focus it rather than just straight geol

    Full Member

    Seriously this is a thread only worth or the gentry STW attracts!

    House is fine Jakkyl, moved a week ago, just having trauma with the loo seats thats all, pushing me toward the edge, might have to move again!

    Full Member

    It makes me laugh, especially the zero waste to landfill part.

    Read it with a pinch of salt, however all it means is that one waste company, lets say Veolia have a zero waste to landfill policy for a specific contract. What they do is not take it to landfill, but transport it to a waste transfer station ran by lets say Viridor who shovel up the tipped waste, put it on a belt which takes it to a loading area, load it into their viridor wagons then ship it off to landfill.

    Yes to recycling cans, glass bottles, paper, cardboard and garden waste but thats where you need to draw the line. Landfills are great energy producers and without the organic material wont produce as much energy. The bio digesters are all well and good but without subsidy arent cost effective to operate as oppose to a landfill which is unsubsidised, taxed to the hilt and should be able to run at profit if well managed and has the right amount of input.

    The problem is that there isnt a market for all of the recycled product so there is a massive amount of illegal dumping of trommel fines as most landfills wont accept it at a lower tax level as its waste and stinks, the recycling holding pens are going up in flames weekly as they run out of storage space due to not having a market for the product, so they torch them and get the insurance money and anerobic digesters have in a lot of cases been built in the wrong places too quickly and stink causing a nuisance.

    So many people are massively anti landfill when they in actual fact are not the scurge they are made out to be and produce a lot of power and even provide leachate which is used by water treatment companies to feed the bugs that digest your human waste.

    So in short, 3 bins is enough!

    Full Member

    Excellent, i did look at that but wasnt sure if there was something better out there

    Full Member

    Tools especially!

    Full Member

    £20 for a replacement on eBay

    Full Member

    It just looks like a cheap naff alloy frame like we ride as kids that got pumped out of china cheap as chips which is what this is! Paint job is awful, its an alloy ht so will be horrid to ride, has everyone thought this through?

    Full Member

    They aren’t anywhere near as big as you think they are or look from the outside

    Full Member

    Anyone noticed his pink nail varnish on his toes as he prepares to take position to dive off the board on the ad for Splash?

    Saw that and drew my own conclusions. Each to their own and all that though

    Full Member

    And folk are worried they won’t be able to get 26″ tyres

    Chuckles to himself

    Full Member

    I heard that 650 wheels will still make a shit rider still be shit, proper science tested results too!

    Do I have a 26 inch bike if I have 1.9 tyres on but a 650 if I put my 2.4’s on?

    And is a 26 fatty actually a tranny and secretly a 29er?

    Full Member

    I’m sure it had a bolt through rear end too but may be incorrect

    Full Member

    Right update time!

    Insurance initially declined from L&G due to time work was done so needed to pass all paperwork i had emailed to me on to the broker.

    When going through everything with a fine tooth comb as i was fuming i discovered a small section on foundations on the plans for the extension. It basically specced a foundation required and drew attention that the original extension was underpinned in 1991, not the house as we were told. And in actual fact no work was carried out to the extension in 2003 as we were informed. So getting excited/thourghly pi££ed off at this point i managed to speak to the Building control manager at teh council who took the time to go through everything and confirm no work had been carried out to underpin the extension in 2003 and that only once had underpinning work been undertaken to rectify the extension which had subsided basically as it was something that Jack built and in retrospect should have been knocked down and replaced (as it would have been less than £13K to do this in 1991).

    So with this i was able to go back to L&G and they will insure us and its £200 per year less than we pay now on a house of half the value (with bikes, all be it not great cover but enough).

    So in short, solicitors didnt do their job and correctly review the documents, went with half a story which they didnt check out from the estate agents/me passing on what id been told and it led to this almighty nightmare.

    So yes were buying the house and im very releived and selling it wont be an issue as we can easily and cheaply insure it and be open from the start, not lie/get facts completely wrong.

    What a nightmare, but thankyou massively for the L&G heads up as this has saved us being homeless.

    Now just to put a rocket up Countrywides arse! Literally! (any recommendations).

    Full Member

    Heating is working a treat!

    If L&G come up trumps walking away would be foolish, its already a good price, the closest alternative is over £30k more for a modern ish 4 bed thing on a naff culdisac.

    The problem is that as the work was done in 1991 it didn’t require the same sign off paperwork as it would do today and shepherd gilmour who managed it on behalf of the insurers hold no records, neither do the insurers so hopefully the fact the mortgage values/surveyor hasn’t picked up any signs of movement should suffice!

    I’ll keep you posted!

    Full Member

    Can anyone remember what the special edition they did was called? It had slacker geometry and a little more travel if I remember right? Saw one once on eBay ages ago and should have bought it!

    Full Member

    Rogermoore you mention legal and general. This may be the solution as they only consider it a risk if it is within a 15 year time frame and as its 23 years ago it should be unsuitable. I have had a quote online which is reasonable nut doesn’t mention anywhere about subsidence so I’ll call them tomorrow and keep my fingers crossed.

    Good call I’m glad I looked them up with regard to it as it brought up many very similar cases to ours and seemingly they had positive outcomes

    Full Member

    I have someone on the case who hopefully will be able to get insurance without a surveyors report as this will take time we don’t have. I didn’t get a survey as I’m an engineer and not daft and a builder friend looked at the house also. All there is of note is some shoddy brickwork on the rear extension but no signs of subsidence so it would have been pointless really, however in hindsight a report saying nothing was wrong may have been useful!

    House is in audley, staffs.

    What’s annoying is that there is a very low risk of natural movement in the area and the vendor has stated in the signed property information form that the only underpinning done was to the extension. She has lied to her insurers also by not telling them of he works so her insurance is void.

    Its such a ball ache, I’d be happy to insure without subsidence as I don’t reckon it ever actually subsided, I think its just an old house that had a crack once and the engineers at the time jumped on the underpinning scam at the time to do in necaccary work and this is the outcome, a permanently blacklisted house! Its absolute bolox, its gone no where in 90 years so ain’t going to go anywhere fast! I’d rather have this one than a new build that will crack and move guaranteed!

    Lets see what tomorrow brings!

    Oh and if anyone knows a structural eng with the relevant quals local that can work a fast turnaround it may be needed and much appreciated!

    Full Member

    Or living with the mother in law!

    We need to complete on ours as its taken two years to get this far so its either mother in law or rent!

    Ill ask the lender what their view on insurance is. Im not too perturbed about the risk, however the main points are the mortgage co needing satisfactory insurance, the cost, c £1-1.5K/year i suspect as oppose to £250/yr, being deceived and the resale!

    This is not what you need just before christmas!

    Full Member

    Its a lot more house than we can get similarly for the money and it was reduced from 230 to 170 over time. Insurance is coming back hefty from a chat with towergate and im now worried about the problem if we ever came to sell. Im not really concerned about the underpinning to be honest, its prob fixed any issues it may have had.

    The question is, how much discount is realistic to ask for at this stage?

    Full Member

    Surely the better option would have to say nothing then call when his statement come through and calling them to say an unauthorised transaction had gone through and please put a stop on it!

    Bit late now though

    Full Member


    Thats teh daily mail view, 1000’s of things are sold on here and you hear about a tiny percentage being an issue so thats just scaremongering.

    Anyhow, if you are fed up of ebay fees wait a few weeks after selling your item and open a case to cancel the sale. Sen an email IN REPLY TO THE Paypay email to the seller direct explaining you dont agree with ebay being tight fisted barstewards and adding fees to postage and if they are happy will they agree to cancel the sale.

    You still get to leave feedback for each party and if they dont want to they just say nom or ignore it and you get the fees back after a time period. Yes its two fingers up to ebay but works 80% of the time.

    just dont go explaining your motives through the ebay email portal

    Its like free money!

    Full Member

    Swapped mine for a carbon stereo and I’ll admit I miss it, only went for £180 on the bay and it had the best anodised type paint I’ve ever seen on a bike!

    Stick a coil shock on it and its a gem

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