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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • bland
    Full Member

    Look at your technique, keep your heels down and you shouldn’t really come off

    All well and good but you could liken this to the smash technique also!

    Riding SPD’s off road is harder than flats, however the benefits are massive. Think of it as having an extra set of hands, you can ride lighter, position the bike, pedal more efficiently etc etc.

    It will take longer to master than flats and yes you will have some offs on the way, however once mastered you wont even think about unclipping, it will happen as fast as getting your foot off a flat pedal, but it also shouldnt need to come off as much either.

    The one thing id miss is the floating technique, where you can lift your heels and float over things when it wets rough, its hard to describe but you can unweight the bike rather than smash through things meaning you are far less likely to have an off or get a puncture and its faster.

    Each to their own in the end but its easier to give up than persevere, however the benefits are massive

    Full Member

    it dont come free post you know, dont expect us brits to subside your post as well as your families and social security too you leach! Jeez, bloody foreigners, always on the want!!! :wink:

    Full Member

    Axa is £26 for 10 days, bargain

    axa euro cover

    Full Member

    There you go, la varda, enjoy!

    Basically just buy an ign and highlighter and as soon as you see anyone who looks in the know hand it to them

    Full Member

    I was issued one at keele uni last week for £0.00!

    Happy days!

    Got 28 days to pay it too

    Full Member

    Manzines weather forecast will be the exact opposite to yesterday’s!

    Breaking bumps will be as yesterday’s but 10% larger, trails will be 10% duller than yesterday!

    Full Member

    We gave up on the PDS years back having realised that the riding is at best mediocre, the weather is far too unpredictable and once your over 25 the whole scene is a bit meh!

    We actually went back to pick someone up mid road trip a few years back and after riding so many other smaller venues it was a shock to the system being so busy, and the trails were awful, washed out motorways with endless braking bumps! Once you realise the further south you go the better the riding and weather becomes you won’t head back!

    If it was me and I was there this week and had a car I’d spend the 4 hrs or so driving south to some sun to actually have a fun holiday, that place in the wet with cloud in the valleys is grim!

    Full Member

    Feel for you lot there this week, the weather looks grim, not the same when its like that!

    Full Member

    Bet your glad you ain’t there this week, done nothing but rain, looks grim!

    Full Member

    I picked up a rapha top in a charity shop, straight to eBay, £100 thankyou!

    Full Member

    Got away with returning a ruined focus in spain(we found a salt pan and had a couple of hours fun doing 90mph handbrake turns) and took it off roading to a secluded beach, pledge sorted out the minor scratches and then an hour on a dusty track hid the rest, obviously the fact it didnt drive right ir that the brakes were shot seemed to pass them by!

    Also got a puncture in a mixes in Croatia which I got stung €250 for in return, simply called Visa card co and said it was an unjust amount and I wanted it cancelling and I never heard anything more.

    Wife reversed a car into a bollard so returned it in finest tart attire, he missed it as she bent over to get something out of the car she forgot, somewhat distracting the youth tasked with checking it!

    Just need a little initiative!

    Full Member

    Mikita or bosch 18/24v drill and impact driver!

    Then spax screws

    Full Member

    £120k would be a decent price and probably accepted but I’d avoid like the plague!

    Full Member

    The good: all of it, Holme Moss atmosphere was electric and getting behind the last police wagon for a clear run down to woodhead was amazing, sure half the folk thought I was in the race, 17th fastest on strava and 20s behind tour riders posted times, 3 miles at over 40mph hitting 52mph!

    The bad: the bike traffic jam on woodhead but that was just crazy in itself

    The ugly: getting my arse slapped by a woman who mistook me for her husband! Well could have been ugly!

    Top day!

    Full Member

    Its a grand idea, hunt need the price to come down a bit which it will, a lot of machine set up costs as well as r&d to swallow first

    Full Member

    Salt in winter is a big killer, will rust everything up that’s steel.

    Personally I use the out of sight out of mind motto and the inside of the car, well I’d rather not worry about it!

    Full Member

    I understand from someone who works in the shop that the woman and a bloke came back in to collect the bike and that he was arrested and also had a knife on him! Sounds like a nice fella! I don’t know any more but I’m sure we will find out more soon

    Full Member

    You should see the abolition of a frame a mate ended up with to hang his xtr off when he ordered everything through CRC!

    Full Member

    Well the revelator was rode in last years tour so maybe not, think more old giant moulds, tweaked. and with the latest fibre available

    Full Member

    If china knocked out frames like the myroom wed all be after one, so much thought gone into them, even using a 27.2 seatppst to return some flex from an otherwise flex free frame.

    You can’t knock the brand because it doesn’t have an engine, two different companies and have been for as long as some of the old timers here have been kicking dust for! Gotta hand it to the uk guys too for their input and a.brand willing to listen for a change!

    Full Member

    We missed Leon out last year and went up the side of the Rhone stopping for a swim and an ice lolly thinking it would miss out some tolls too, when we checked it made no difference.

    Its £80 tolls and £80 fuel each way in simple terms.
    The drive avoiding them is hard going, stick an extra person in the car!
    Its def better value if camping, if going with holiday co then if fly if doing nothing else, it just makes life easier.
    Tunnell makes a difference too, time the ferry wrong and it can take near 5 hours to cross.
    Buy fuel and food off the motorway, have a look where carrefours are first or just come off when you kee a mid size town, motorway fuel gets expensive when your burning a lot!

    The drive home is the worst, factor in a stop for the night as you will be knackerd. Ride all day, pack and drive till 10ish, get up and get a early afternoon crossing getting you back late evening.

    Full Member

    Run whatever you don’t mind shredding! I’ve used the same 2.4 advantage 3 times, pretty shagged now, a bit like an ardent actually!

    Full Member

    If you want to take more time to get down and stop off en route missing tolls then stop for the day in lac blanc bike park and come down through Switzerland paying just the vinyette. Takes longer but good challenging fun tracks to ride

    Full Member

    If you see the opposition (trail addiction) say hi to rob and Tom (cube stereo and tracer). They wanted to go with steveo but it was booked out. Can’t believe I’m missing out this year!

    Full Member

    Swine of a place, got stopped by the police for doing inner tube uplifts, rode up to la saises dh track I believe on dh bikes and it was hell, the track was freshly cut in, was back on 2010 and pretty rubbish, however the descent back down was ace. Similarly there is a top ridge line descent to alberville as someone else mentioned.

    If the lift network was there, or open it would be something else I’m sure!

    Full Member

    I don’t get any of it, pay double for a holiday, maybe £2000 more per family in holiday season or go in school time and pay a £50 fine? No brained isn’t it, did these folk not go to school themselves!

    Its another way of indirectly trying to control the drongos, kids learn far more from life experiences, he may well remember that trip for life as most folks memories go back to 4 or 5 yr old!

    Tell them he will do so homework glueing, colouring etc and make a photo montage of the day to show the other kids, that way he will be one step closer to being a geographer and a more confident public speaker!

    Full Member

    Oof! Just made a triple length store with one third for bins, two thirds for logs, shelves for kindling! Once I get my roof on and lights set up I’ll come back and show it off!

    I just filled in a gap and made it fit basically, used wood I salvaged off a delivery (the Europeans use some good timber for packing lorries) and 5×1″ planks that came from industrial shelving at 1/4 retail off eBay, cost £100 all in inc 3 sheets of 18mm hardwood ply for the roof, just shore of 7m long and 1m deep

    Full Member

    I’d second oury lock ons, having had the same problem previously with cheap superstar grips the oury ones solved it! Just remember to remove your wedding ring as I blistered to buggery due to forgetting to take mine off!

    Full Member

    Is the pleney lift not closed this year for renewal?

    Full Member

    Dogging in the winter means you have to leave the engine running whereas in the summer you can throw open the doors and kick back on the bonnet, getting an expensive hobby in the winter! That’s obviously your problem too!

    Full Member

    Yeah doctors gate isn’t worth bothering with. What about a loop round hayfield instead?

    Cut gate is a classic especially in this weather, fast as ****! If you don’t do it now wait till its frozen!

    Full Member

    Agh you see, you can put metal in the microwave if you stand it on an upturned plate!

    Frozen Lasagna cooked in the microwave is no longer a problem for you now!

    Full Member

    I had to insulate the floor as it was freezing, the cold that came through it was ridiculous so I was losing everything from below in any case. Point taken about the vapor barrier though

    Full Member

    Sorry, extra 40mm of celotex I meant! So the plasterboard with 25mm celotex on should be enough you reckon? And dabs are fine?

    Oh, do I put a top and bottom continuous seal on the rear also?

    Full Member

    We took the toddlers to Bultlins in Minehead (2 & 3yrs old) and it was a tiny tots week, they loved it and Butlins has really turned a corner, seemingly going after the centre parks crowd.

    There is the sea, ace looking trails locally and something to do when it rains. Maybe not what you are after but worth mentioning

    Full Member

    What they need to do is employ cyclists in the cycle planning dept!

    The info strava collects is invaluable, interpreting it is where the skill comes in though!

    Full Member

    Most companies will cover your bike for a price but that price will be large, try dog tag or snow card. Much better to get it covered on house insurance first. That should cover you for 60 days

    Full Member

    Jeepers, trailer as well just to make it worse, that’s the real scary part as you think its over then it carries on, not to mention the pull created as it passes! Feel angry watching that!

    Full Member

    So are they ruining the best bit? This is how I read it. Really hope not. Why can’t they put a new path in for walkers and leave stuff as it is

    Full Member

    Its not going to be O2 doing it, it will be outsourced at such a high rate that the only margin remaining is in scamming people.


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