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  • It’s not easy being Singletrack. Please help.
  • bland
    Full Member

    My bro was at the one near penrith at the end of last year and they were broken into, as were about another 5 lodges that night, cars were even taken with teh keys, also more worrying was that a knife was taken from a knife block so if they had woke up and confronted them it could have been messy!

    Otherwise i hear its a very calming place

    Full Member

    mtb-direct, pick up phone and give them a bell

    Full Member

    Im hopefully working in Accrington for the next couple of weeks so seems rude to not call in after work one night, sounds like a fun place and being so close to home needs to be played on.

    my email is dash_bland art hotmail doot com, drop me a mail as i may not find this post again!

    Full Member

    Why not try just phoning them, do you not think that you will A- get it cheaper than not involving a middle man, and B – get an answer from them.

    I imagine they are a wee bit bitter at CRC and said PO to supplying them. Loads of companies wont supply CRC for the sole reason they are putting them out of business, mostly because people continue going there like mecca when there are loads of cheaper better alternatives.

    Full Member

    I have terrible circulation but found the specialized defrosters with seal skins and some form of nylon mix sock seems to do it, mind you after a long ride it still feels like i have stumps instead of feet!

    Full Member

    Loads of new coloured lock on grips in at mtb direct, and they are only £8.50 if you order other things over the phone!

    Full Member

    Just for your information we are currently making new plates for the blade to slacken the head angle by about a degree, will transform the ride for alpine stuff, call us at mtb direct if you are interested

    Full Member

    Ugh, night rider, do you like punctures?

    Maxxis advantages, there grrrrrrrrreaaaaaaaaaaattt!

    Full Member

    DOnt middleburn have a cheaper one?

    Full Member

    Gore cables, hmm, they have a plastic sleve that is stuck over the cable, this rubs against the outer so it doesnt rust and reduces the friction, they still have breaks so muck gets in though.

    Just run a solid length of shimano outer, much cheaper and easier

    Full Member

    There the best tyres i have ever ran on rocky stuff, i always just assumed XC tyres just didnt have grip till i used these, they seem to wear well too, definately a good buy!

    Full Member

    2pence pieces and zip tie the lever to the bar when flying

    Full Member

    We have just got these in, possibly the most expensive Flat Pedals ever but so cool, wood effect on a bike, now there is a new one
    Yours for £245!


    Full Member

    It is a roubaix, do the tyres actually make any difference to the comfort? I would have thought at bollock hard pressure nothing would make a difference?

    Full Member

    Golf Gt TDI, either 130hp or 150 hp, they have two modes, cheap or fast, nuff said

    Full Member

    Er i cant be arsed reading all the tosh on here but it sounds like a cash cow to me.

    Before you know it private companies will be given the right to issue speeding tickets, just like parking tickets and then we will all be screwed, except those with james bond style revolving number plates.

    Oh and the owner of this private cash cow company is probably sat with his dick up a lords ass right about now!

    Rant over

    Full Member

    If you are after wood for free have a word with the council boys at your local grounds depot. The ones in Oldham will let you take the logs happily for free and woodchip for mulch/garden use. You will prob need to stock up after strong winds mind you as they dont chop trees down constantly.

    Id have loads but i dont have a fire, or even a fireplace actually, modern houses hey! Rubbish

    Full Member

    I left mine on all day recently on my MK 4 Golf and the internal display which never worked since i bought the car, and for which VW wanted £350 to replace the unit miraculously started working!


    Full Member

    However i havent read it since it told me how to cook beans on toast i must admit……….

    Full Member

    Shinsplints if MrCrud says MBUK is the one then im with him!

    Pete Tomkins was the messiah of MTB when i was getting into riding, the crud truck, the coyote ultralite thrown in the back of the convertible…MBUK all the way

    Full Member

    try Rob at alp transfers, there based out of a place at the bottom of the tennis courts run in Les Gets, he has about 4 or 5 buses and trailers. He will also take you wakeboarding on lake geneva or annecy if you ask nice!

    Full Member

    Cheers Bud

    Full Member

    Full Member

    oh thats a crap picture, basically it has black plastic ring around it to aid the chain move down and its nicely machined also for a shimano one?

    Full Member

    COme to, we will do or best to give you the best price going

    By buying from CRC you are shooting yourself in the foot these days, its the whole Tesco thing.

    They are a distributor (hotlines) retailler (CRC) manufacturer (Brand x, Nuke proof etc) so really own the market, give the other peopl eout there a shout!

    Full Member

    We went “hucking” in the Brecons!

    Full Member

    There is one in barber booth, just down the road from edale that the nutty wman who used to own the edale cafe runs, however you will be staying there at your own peril if you have ever met her!

    Full Member

    Bongos are meant to do 25mpg if you are lucky. I had a friend take one to the alps last summer and it nearly bankrumped him.

    Vito’s are cheaper than you think, do a conversion

    Full Member

    They generall just make you pay up on a quarterly basis there and then with a card, its easier for them to do that than take you to court.

    I thought only students were “exempt”!

    Full Member

    Its got no gears Mr?

    Full Member

    I tend to go for whichever is cheapest!

    Full Member

    Points taken and i agree with your view Mark, everyone has opinions and discussion can be healthy.

    One point though the top of the forum list says “topic Author” but it should say “last post by” as thats what its showing. Just a nit pick sorry!

    Full Member

    Well i didnt want to sound like too much of a winging swine even tough i did get on my soap box a bit.

    How about a regional riding group section, i.e. splitting it up into different regions, an overseas section, a ride guide section, a technical help section, a ride guide/route section, thats what i was referring to.

    Information just gets lost far too easily and i as one dont bother looking for useful information here which is a shame as there is a wealth of it going to waste.

    I just think that it moves too fast and no real discussion is ever started as the popsts just get lost in the mass of irrevelant discussion.

    I know its as it has been but the old one used to drive me mad too. SOuthern DH and descent world have it right even though its full of Groms you can gain useful info on reviews, rides, races etc etc and topics remain in view for more than a day

    Full Member

    Maxxis Advantages – great tyre, im well impressed with mine, head and shoulders above panaracer XC’s theyre scary them things and puncture for fun

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