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  • International Adventure: Big Mountains, Small Details
  • bland
    Full Member

    Boxes are best but just not practical. Does practicality matter. Where you off Spain?

    Otherwise forks off, strapped to frame with bar and rear end spaced out with an old hub. Rotors off to be safe, pedals off, stuff with clothes…

    Keep fingers crossed

    Full Member

    Its damn annoying and the problem is that a hell of a lot of medium turnover sites all fight for custom so they are all at it (to different degrees). Some will list everything they can order from all of their suppliers and sell it say 20% off rrp and work on law of averages to make a turnover, others will list all of one suppliers stuff at discount and monitor prices to just undercut etc etc.

    They know that if you say its out of stock the customer will just go to someone else’s site which says in stock and spend their money there, and they most likely wont have it in stock either.

    Now i dont mind if they keep their site up to date on what they can actually get hold of, but if they cant get it from the distributor they could at least own up and say so!

    Full Member

    for what you can get new brakes for that are better (long term) its just not worth the hassle of fixing them. The levers wind in all the time, pistons stick and they feel wooden.

    Cut your losses before you waste £30 on a rebuild at a shop

    Full Member

    Pretend you are foreign and just ignore them in future

    Full Member

    some keen mountain biker that guy who had implemented the changes was! What a twonk!

    Full Member

    Let me know how you get on, i have been thinking this for some time as the unit and battery are all a really good solid unit but just lack in candles

    Full Member

    Hope still suply spares to the C2 (or did when I needed new seals) so I’d have no wories of getting new parts in 5/10/15 years for them.

    FAir enough, but at £66 for cutting edge technology why would you want to run a 15 year old brake. I have a set of C2’sin the loft, but im not thinking “oh jolly ho, i can get a new half caliper, get that going and get it on my new carbon Blur”
    Surely you would go for something that works from new.

    Have you ever seen a shimano spares catalogue either? Everything under the sun is available, getting hold of it may be a different matter mind you

    Full Member

    Just bear in mind that you are putting a lot of forces through an area of the frame which wasnt designed to take them in the first place so it may kill the frame….

    Full Member

    they come new with shims if its a new one, older ones arent so compatible with shims.

    Have you tried making one?

    Full Member

    Our fridge at work is stocked well up with bags of M&S factory shop mis shapes, the ones that come in plastic tubs, 3 for a fiver, only you get a sack full, well carrier bags worth for £1.10!

    Currently on with mini mince pies and rocky roads

    Full Member

    Just needs a new bush. Have a look on ebay, they are about a pound each, and you can get a bushing removal tool on there too from some chap who knocks them up, alternatively get a couple of sockets from a socket set and bosh it out.

    Full Member

    Should read “It was new the night of the riots in London, i think things have cooled off now so ill try my hand flogging it”

    Full Member

    Yep they came on cannondales and id have it but have a spare.

    Ace rims, build it up on a 24h hub. You can get DT hubs, get a 340 and not a 240 though, they are toss and crack (hence my spare rim). Dont know about the Pro 3 and spokes in Sp is a ball ache.

    Mines done 6 years, 3 france trips, one spain trip and the mega and still going strong!

    Full Member

    Stick your tent up in the car park!

    Full Member

    If money isnt an option then look at the SIDI’s. Loads better than my previous specialized, dont feel clumsy and so toasty its untrue

    Full Member

    Thats a very specific size requirement.

    I was going to recommend Maxxis Advantages but they come in at a 2.4, so no cigar im afraid

    Just out of interest how are you removing your tyres? They shouldnt be that tight and if they are then i suspect that its because they are sat high on the rim. Try deflating fully and pushing the bead off the raised section it sits on when blown up. You will notice the middle of the rim is lower so sit it in there all the way round, apply pressure on tyre lever and check its still there, if it is slide the lever around the rim and it will pop off.

    Seen so many people struggle due to not doing this.

    Kevlar is no less/more fleky than steel bead so will make sod all difference anyway!

    Full Member

    My suggestion would be to wait for a few days of cold hard frosty weather and get up there.

    Did it in last years cold snap and it had a light flurry of snow over it and it was ridiculously fast, to a point where you had to question how fast you were riding a frozen path!

    Full Member

    I did wonder that, as they seemed to be making a very effective dam across what was an undergroudn waterway where all the water was getting diverted to subsequently?

    I can imagine everyone upstream of them getting subsidence problems as their foundations become waterlogged and also the ones downstream as theirs dry out.

    I would have thought that opening up that waterway would have created a flow that would seriously undermine foundations in the surrounding area?

    Full Member

    thats to do with pedophilia related things though i would imagine. Im in a work field where that isnt a problem and there is no reason to ban them other than to stop skiving

    Full Member

    Don’t use the word competenterer if your working with a load of book fans!

    Full Member

    on the other point you brought up, if your frame holds water badly then i suggest drilling a small hole in the bb shell to let it out, it wont weaken it so dont worry about that but will save your frame if its steel and make your BB’s last a lot longer

    Full Member

    dont forget to look at insurance too. If you are in a city you may get hammered!

    Full Member

    search the phone model online and you should find the unlock code on a forum somewhere. Thats basically all market traders do and charge you for it.

    I did it simply with the wifes phone and worked a treat

    Full Member

    I went for teh deal that on one had on (elixir CR’s for £90 an end) and they did work great, however i managed to boil the ass off the rear in the alps, something shimano’s never did to me.

    Avid are nice, but shimanos work, and work, and work.

    Full Member

    Some videos of the riding in some of the places mentioned

    This should give folk a better idea about the ridge ride i mentioned in Pila

    And Pila to Aosta

    Chamonix Valley – Very top of Le Tour (from Swiss border) Pt 1

    Pt 2

    Pt 3 (From the lift station on the trail centre type DH)

    Pt 4 (last bit of trail centre type track)

    Vallorcine DH (Top of Cham Valley)

    Full Member

    Bring back national service i say!

    These plebs have no structure in their lives, are quite possibly in bred as i imagine a bleeding good percentage are from split families and most wont know who they could be related to. They have been produced from lobours generation of layabouts, have never been disciplined and the worst thing is that they will be reproducing again soon. The sooner they start sterilising the feral woman who produce this low level sloth the better.

    As for this prick who got shot in the first place, im sorry but brandish a gun at cops and thats what happens. The only misgiving here is that the police dont do it more, the message may sink in then! ANd well done love, you excellently described your partner as a callous wimp who would run at the first sign of trouble, but like most he thought he was the big man because he had a gun!

    Its about time the well to do of this country started getting these ejits when they are by themselves and giving them a good pasting, bring the army in to control them while the police turn away the cameras to keep the beating out of the public eye and show them some discipline.

    As for their being no jobs, dont get me started. WHat they mean is there are no jobs that pay what i can earn by pushing some crack or coke.

    The cops need to take a zero tolerance, Ray Mallon type approach or the rot will just get worse.

    Rant over

    Full Member

    I’m off to the Wanted section for some adult chat!

    Full Member

    PeterPoddy – Member

    I’m stating what I think.

    With the intention of starting an argument, knowing it would annoy people

    Hence, troll.

    I suppose you know best though.

    Now we’re getting somewhere!

    I think a 150mph+ car on roads with 70mph limit are pointless. Is that clear enough?


    I think your trolling is pointless, but amusing as you’re making a right eejit of yourself! And I know best, remember…..

    Clear enough?

    Shut your whining, its a frigging chat forum and this is just a discussion about something relevant in the news. I really dont get your point or understand how its only you getting so upset by this post.

    Or do you just trawl looking for “trolls”. If someone is talking S$%t on here they will be told so in no short terms

    Full Member

    The C2C is a 2 day job, the Coast to Coast (to robin hoods bay) offroad is a different affair, that will take 5 days at least with moderate fitness and its a lot tougher

    Full Member

    yeah but everyone other than crank bros seems to realise that they have a design flaw in the first place

    Full Member

    The spring is on the soft side and its just a “get me by” till a new shock comes but i dont want to bottom it out and **** the frame.

    Its not bottoming constantly dont worry, the bottom out bumper had just perished as they do on the swinger shocks. But hey £35 for a new shock, who’s complaining!

    Full Member

    I think the likes of commencals pittiful 08/09 season of bikes has really highlighted the importance of warrantys and i think folk are slowly picking up on it. At some point it will have a big effect on second hand prices. Some folk seem to understand a second hand frame is worth a fraction of the new price but others are still in dream world when selling them on.

    One thing i have noticed as frames rise in price is the number of freshly painted second hand frames appearing on ebay. People really need to realsie that the only reason a frame is painted before sale is to hide something.

    Bit off topic sorry. Jungle/Stiff seem ok but a five year old second hand frame isnt going to get warrantied by them.

    Full Member

    Similarly i stopped reading MBUK when they told me i should be eating beans on toast and this is how to cook them….

    Full Member

    Yeah if they work leave them. Thats why you buy a single pivot, so you dont have to change bearings annually. If you enjoyed changing bearings then surely you wouldnt buy a single pivot?

    I got 5 years hard riding out of my prophet before the hammer was needed

    Full Member

    If you had a rental bike would you show it any mercy?

    And why service it when you can sell it on as they have for what they paid trade?

    You wont buy a hire bike again im sure

    Full Member

    Firstly its a kona so it will be pretty awful and secondly it was designed (loosely said) to have gears.

    It wont work, it will need a BB pivot to counter the chain growth. Have a look at the Solid that was singlespeed or find pictures of the handmade things that frequent Hamsterly that are singlespeed.

    You will just lose or snap your chain if you do it

    Full Member

    What MTB is just a dumping ground for all the tat that gets sent to the future publishing office to get some coverage and keep the advertisers happy.

    And your review rating is a direcet correlation on advertising spend – FACT!

    so when you read reviews anything that is distributed by the CRC family will get a good review as they pay their wages.


    Full Member

    I think you are having extra problems as you are wearing the pads over your jersey or that you just have crap pads that dont fit.

    Try the O’Neal Sas Tec pads as Blake said, they are a lot better fitting and even let you go wild like Cedric yeah!

    Alternatively, spend the time learning not to fall off and when you hit the local trail centre you wont look like an off the shelf newbie with your pads on

    Full Member

    the O’Neal ones as mentioned are ace and have teh SAS Tec foam in which is way better than the 661/POC equivilent

    Magnetic Protector Vest

    Full Member

    There was documentary on some years ago about a hippy chap in Kings Cross who offered addicts a route out by taking them to near death on a drug used by jungle tribes for initiation purposes. Sounds odd but this thing nearly killed people but then their dependancy became less and less each day and after a week they were basically clean.

    I was quite taken by it, seemed nasty but appeared to work. I cant remember what it was but id be interested to see if anyone else saw it or knows about it

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