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  • Nils Amelinckx, Rider Resilience Founder and all round nice guy: 1987-2023
  • bland
    Full Member

    I have issue one of mounter biker before it changed to mbi, loads of old MTB pro’s too. Keep them for the man library

    Full Member

    There is a camp site to the south of Aosta by the airport or for added weirdness there is a church hidden in the forest in pula that is an awesome place to camp!

    Full Member

    It should just be banned on safety grounds full stop, enough kids lose dads on bikes as it is, legal or not its only a matter of time before this happens and right or wrong the main thing is you are lucky to not be more injured or dead.

    On the other hand an outright ban, but giving bikers use of the hard shoulder does make sense, stick to left, out of the way and safe

    Full Member

    Strava is really addictive for monitoring your progression, adds a whole new element to lone riding on the road

    Full Member

    How difficult are they to fit yourself? Strikes me as something you could do easily with a bit of research as surely they connect up in a pretty straightforward manner and if so what price can you get panels for? Or is it set up so that only registered companies can register for the FIT tariffs or whatever they are. Just all seems a bit like a modern day version of the double glazing cowboy boom in the 80’s with the same promises of saving a fortune on bills and hard selling techniques. I might be wrong but wouldn’t mind knowing if its actually possible to do yourself and miss out the middleman

    Full Member

    The barn has no planning consent on it to my knowledge but its half used downstairs and knocked through upstairs.

    Price would have to reflect that fact and it does.

    Structurally its sound i think. I just feel its worth the pain for the location alone, let alone what you could do to it

    Full Member

    I wish there was a party here, can’t sell ours for love nor frikking money!

    Anyone want a modern 3 bed semi with double drive and gardens for £95k?

    Full Member

    If you are only going the once axa work out cheapHere

    It’s about £30 for 10 days from memory

    Full Member

    Every time I used to drive the wife’s old auto I used to near enough send myself through the windscreen when ” dipping the clutch”

    Full Member

    Got some middleburn rs2 un- etched from bob at goldtec which were from the partnership deal they did to produce the posh gold anodised groupset

    Full Member

    Plasterboard and coving are banned from landfills as it gives off hydrogen sulphide when it degrades, the biggest problem this causes is attacking the engines which run off landfill gas and them needing to be overhauled very frequently, however you need a fair bit to create harmful levels.

    As for bin men, they get paid a shift wether they work it all or not so the faster they run the quicker they get to the pub and the bookies.

    And as for recycling, it’s over rated. Bung it all in the same bins and send it to landfill as they are all really struggling to stay open due to reduced waste volume at present, that and the stupid tax the government has imposed. So we will have a lot of landfills close early leaving half filled holes in the ground which produce free power while we continue to export container loads of waste to every less developed country than our own.

    As for your dust problem, can you not make a life sized jack in the box for next time?

    Full Member

    Oh will be off to pila and la thuile too

    Full Member

    That’s why loads of sellers are cancelling the sale after a week or so, it’s like a collective middle finger to eBay if you are happy, however I’m sure it will be ended by eBay sooner than later

    Full Member

    Any will do, I have superglued them on in the past too, all it does is guide the cable at the end of the day

    Full Member

    I worry the technology will be redundant in 2 years, not 25 as you tend to cost them over

    Full Member

    Whatever you do just assume that if you leave any bike locked up somewhere it will at some stage get nicked. That way you won’t leave your main bike locked anywhere and anything you do leave locked up, well if it goes it was just a cheap ratter you did t care for.

    Have a look at car boots, charity shops, the local tip for something old and cheap to get around on.

    My big tip for halls is befriend the cleaner with chocolates and cups of tea and she will prob not say anything but an old bike bag is a good idea then they can’t say boo to you. Join the MTB club too and if they do say anything just argue its the same as having a football in your room.

    Full Member

    Shimanos every day of the week

    Full Member

    Hmm I’m lost on that one, lefty steerer on mine was hollow so to take the headset bearings out you undid the two pinch bolts on the crowns and just tapped it out with a mallet. The steerer pulls out an fork just slides off sideways. Then you just tap out the headset bearings with a screwdriver.

    What is this cap? I just had a plastic bung. What is it tightening on to?

    Headset bearings are only available through a dealer too as no one else other than NASA use that size by all accounts.

    Full Member

    Wouldn’t worry, I’ve rode similar off road for a long time and they have been fine. It’s more extensional force there anyhow.

    Full Member

    Does sound cheap, Halifax adds about 0.9% of the insured value of the bikes to the policy for me

    Full Member

    It will, cyclists all get bellies as it doesnt get a work out, try doing sit ups and you will be surprised

    Full Member

    If you arent working then arrange to have it as a payment in kind and you arent obliged to pay tax on it. This may mean that you dont acrue holiday but 8.3% v’s 20% so still better off having it tax free

    Full Member

    Diets are so last year!

    Seriously get yourself on Strava and have an explore at what segments are around you and get out and go for it. You will quickly find a segment that you can get near the top on, then you will get KOM and dance up hills the next day. Then you will think right, cat 4, out of the saddle, push a bit more and surprise yourself.

    Its addictive

    Full Member

    I have the 39 stone cyclist with a KOM local to me! I gunned it the other night, cross wind but not head wind, straight through the lights…………

    Came 5th!!! God damn it, he was 39 stone, 39 stone only a few years back!

    Battle is on! (No harm meant Gaz if you read this, id love to ride with you but you were a propper FB not so long ago)

    Full Member

    We were with Virgin but that was hitting £60 we called Sky and played hard ball.

    We got phone, broadband unlimited, tv with family pack i think (1 up from std) plus free movies for 2 months for £25 month, however we waid a one off £120 for the years line rental.

    Still a lot better than Virgin (and their internet isnt all its cracked up to be even with 20mb connection – they slow it right back at peak times.

    Full Member

    This is such middle class vandalism! Love it!

    I agree, mass staging of rides should be banned. People should be forced to read a map and stop lining corporate organisations pockets!

    Full Member

    Spare shock if you have one

    Full Member

    Spare shock if you have one

    Full Member

    Its not essential but planning for riding anywhere you havent rode before is difficult. Im planning a trip there this year and have spent a hell of a long time route planning, this wasnt really possible last year when i went there for teh first time as i had no understanding of the place then.

    Try the White Rooms, Mountain Bike Chalet (there are loads more) however they cant all guide this year due to frenchy laws, the white rooms can though

    Full Member

    I’d say its fair game. They like unused spaces with no vibrations so import some kids!

    Full Member

    We went and it rained in biblical fashion so i personally drank coffee all day. The coffee shop had toilets that cleaned teh seat when you flushed it, so er, yeah, cheap coffee, not!

    We hot footed it to Pila to get some sun.

    Id just avoid Switzerland, its just too expensive to be able to enjoy yourself, £20 pizzas and £6 coffees soon get tiring.

    Full Member

    I have a 07 plate Accord and while its good its not been without its problems unfortunately (Manifold cracked, rear calipers ceased, alternator gone) but its massive (Bike will fit in boot with seats up and load cover over it. Put the seats down and i can put my wire framed camp bed up in it and stand the bike up next to me.

    Fuel wise, 44-46mpg when just pootleing around and teh wife is driving it, just short of 60mpg on a run keeping it just under 70, or 40mpg on an alps trip last year with 4 people, 3 bikes on the back, one on roof and roofbox and camping gear.

    Other options are the Passat but lots of them have loads of owners which tells you something and the handbrake is an issue, a big one in my eyes!

    5 series is my ideal car but next price level.

    3 Series, you seen how small the boot is? pointless IMO

    Mondeo, not bad but its a ford. Look nicer in a more unusual colour for a ford, say red with silver bits on.

    Mazda 6 – No where near as big as the accord but has a really lovely engine, sounds gorgeous for a diesel and the 170bhp model has loads of power. A lot more than the accord. If a massive boot isnt essential these are a great buy.

    Skoda, they are alright aint they, like a trusty pair of doc martins. Good workhorse but not a very inspiring car in any way.

    V70 – Really heavy on fuel, like late 20’s if you have a moderately heavy so watch that one

    V50 – too small, waste of time

    Audi – A4 not that big, A6 similar category to 5 series, nice but depends if you can afford the prices, getting near T5 league then.

    Full Member

    double post sorry

    Full Member

    Oh you could have fun with this, i know i would!

    Full Member

    However Daffy, you can go back 7 years……

    Full Member

    You claim tax relief on the 5ppm difference, so it adds £800 to your tax code, therefore you will get £200ish back by cheque if you fill in that form, edit no you wont, its only 45ppm upto 10,000, 25p thereafter so it will add £500 to your tax code. Still worth the price of a stamp though.

    Full Member

    no, well i doubt it

    You can get 20p/mile for using a push iron to get to work though, if you are daft enough to not put it down as a car journey….

    Full Member

    So you are after rewards for falling off and being a bit shit?

    Full Member

    Woah, really!

    NAh surely not……………

    Full Member

    Very true footflaps – another family member is currently dealing with this scenario, but with the size of property the in-laws have, I think even a carehome for 50 years would struggle to use it all up

    Let the kids wreck their garden, problem solved!

    Oh to be mortgage free in a nice house in a nice area!

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