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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • Blackhound
    Full Member

    Looks like race is to be re-routed due to forest fires in Beaverhead work station area. Means that Mike’s quick time will not be a record run as you have to ride the full ACA route to qualify for the record.

    If it is re-routed that will be the third time in four years. Nature eh!

    Wonder how Mike will continue if race is re-routed? Continue to batter himself or back off a bit and save himself a bit for the transcontinental race in August. I would back off if record was not on, but then I am not Mike.

    Full Member

    Max Morris had achilles problems early on and then a mechanical in Yellowstone and he is out. Max won the AZT750 by nearly a day a few months ago (the one where they carry there bike through the Grand Canyon).

    I remember that Tony Cervati moment. Think he came around a corner and they were both surprised one another. Tony was doing it for charity and was very upset when he had to pull out about letting people down. Was a bit worried for him really.

    Cafe that Mike was in is certainly a fine one. I had a mid morning snack there before lunch. That was after breakfast 1 and another snack. I was in a bad state in Del Norte.

    Full Member

    It would be a shame of Mike lost the chance of an official course record due to fires.

    jameso’s SPoT has stopped again by the look of it. Kirsten at BML is very hospitable but 11+ hours is not correct.

    Jesse in second place is having problems in Como – knocked off bike by lightening? – which could elevate James to second.

    Full Member

    [/url] P7270954[/url] by blackhound59[/url], on Flickr]Simon’s finish[/url]

    A photo here of Simon’s finish on the day the Olympics opened. Simon (with Irish flag) and family with Richard Dunnett and Mike Hall on the right hand side. On the left is Sean Conway who rode a shortened version (14,000 miles) after having a bad car crash.

    Full Member

    I am probably the only person around here to have met Craig so maybe a bit defensive about him. A really nice, helpful guy. Can’t believe he quit because he was not winning. Mike is going great though.

    I heard his call in the same as bland, he had done all his racing days already, maybe his prep was not all it could be. (He was 5th in the Trans-Portugal mtb race in May.

    But correcting bland on the RTW bit; the calculation to days ridden was made after Mike finished and he believed he could have gone a little quicker under the new rules. The old rules allowed you to ride across the USA and take 6 weeks out before attempting to ride across Europe. Now the clock is constantly ticking.

    Mike took 2 days off the old record of Alan someone, a British guy living in Thailand (?) Alan was partially supported, not really feasible for Guinness to follow everybody so self or unsupported is not distinguished between.

    Richard Dunnett (Diss) took around 123 days and Simon Hutchinson (Cavan, Ireland) were also RTW finishers and Juliana Buhring (Germany) did an ITT in 152 days.

    Full Member

    Mike will have a gpx track as well to prove he was on route so he should be ok. I believe he has a prototype SpoT 3 unit rather than a production model.

    Full Member

    It’s not 2x record pace it is 1.5 times. Stop following the dots and get out on the bloody bike;-) Could be <22 days the way they are going.

    I seem to recall the 2x is for ITT only, not sure if an error, or anomaly.

    By the way Craig is a really nice guy and very competitive, I had the pleasure of a day in his company 2 years ago. But I like Mike as well and will be really happy for the winner but also very sorry for the loser.

    MSP – Do you mean the Highland Trail Race from Tyndrum? If so then yes, it is on again. Entries from November 1st:

    HTR 400[/url]

    Full Member

    Usually on iplayer for a week which means it was on until last Monday evening. May have to wait for the repeat

    Full Member

    This is where jameso was less than 2 hours ago:

    [/url] 101_0077[/url] by blackhound59[/url], on Flickr]Red Rock Pass[/url]

    Next 50+ miles are generally pretty quick

    Full Member

    And think about doing some audaxes, the antipodeans have done this. Martin & I did a few and Mike Hall has done some this year as well. The 300/400/600km ones are excellent for just getting used to massive hours on the bike. Any bike.

    The last 3 months particularly try and ride 2 days in a row weekly with all your kit on your bike so that the body is used to it. Good luck, you will have a great time. And as I said earlier stretch and core;-)

    Full Member

    Mike’s moving average speed is 12.6mph and Craig’s is 11.8mph so Mike is pulling him back.

    See James Olsen has been in Lima for 12 hours according to his SpoT, hope all ok with him and or it is just a SPoT issue.

    Full Member

    Chris – I was 52 when I did it and there are some 60+ riders out there, James Hodges who finished a few days behind me for example is at it again.

    Flange: For some prep and focussing you could read this ebook by Richard Sterry:


    Full Member

    Meant to mention have a look at the Bearbones 200 in Wales in October:


    Usually attracts a few TD vets and other quick types.

    And have a spin round the Cairngorms Loop and/or Highland Trail race route. Go when you are ready, don’t have to race them.

    Full Member

    I did it 2 years ago. I was made redundant/retired 6 monts before and had a few bad months (long story) and only got about 10 weeks really good training in. But I did finish. I also recall Aidan saying 10 weeks training is enough. Might be for him but I needed more!

    Route is not difficult on a technical level, just long days. SDW surface is similar, everything rideable (except for a few miles in NM).

    The SDW has ~50% more climbing per mile than the TD, it is just a lot shorter of course. 3 weeks of SDW would be harder than TD!

    The two key’s to a good finish are being able to get up early and ride long. Not necessarily quickly, just keep moving. And I would say to be strong mentally and ride your race. By this I mean you stop when you are ready, not the people you are with. If you ride for 1 hour extra per day that is 20+ hours for most riders. Or 1.5 to 2 days off your time.

    And stretch from now until the moment you finish. Achilles are an issue again this year (do some heel raises)and general back issues. So make sure your core is in decent shape.

    Get up in the morning, ride as far as you can, eat as much as you can and camp. Next day repeat. What’s so hard about that. Good luck will try and keep an eye on your blog.

    PS Sort of mentioned to MrsB about doing it again at the weekend and she said I must be mad or stupid. Not sure if she is right or just to sensible as my mate Martin is looking for a bike to repeat the pain.

    Full Member

    Last night the first American, Markley Anderson was 8th and after a 20 hour stint, and counting, has moved passed jameso and Leo into 6th.

    The chasing pack, including James, heading for Lima will be hoping for dry weather. It is a long tough walk through the sage brush if it rains.

    Full Member

    Recorded it to watch another time when I have mtfu. Always felt it was not a film I wanted to see, even though I know it is just acting and tomato sauce.

    Full Member

    tral_rat: The original border to border race had the no telephone’s rule but once a second race started from Banff they were allowed.

    The border to border has not taken place for a few years – everybody goes from Banff – but if you want to ride the old border to border then ‘phones still not allowed. If you do use a phone you are dq’ed.

    I think the rules were set before smart phones technology kicked in and perhaps difficult to monitor.

    People like Mike and Craig are not stopping and checking there phones every 15 minutes – they are too busy riding. Also minimal coverage except in towns so not as many opportunities to check as you might imagine.

    The valley Mike is riding up right now is really nice. Remember camping at Little Joe campground one night.

    [/url] 101_0066[/url] by blackhound59[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Full Member

    jameso up to 6th in Whitefish which is brilliant as he was aiming for 25 days. Likely to be well under 20 at that pace. Last year Olly Whalley was aiming for <20 days and end up with 16+ so people get it wrong, especially foreigners with no experience.

    Craig Stapler who is now a few hours ahead of Mike is a really nice guy. 5th in the recent Trans-Portugal mtb race he has some speed in his legs and he led the 85 mile ride mentioned in an earlier post that Mike was on. I met Craig in 2011 and he took me and a mate over to Canmore for the TD start of that year.

    Gear note: Craig has switched to Niner carbon forks this year from a hardtail he rode last year looking at the pics. Olly Whalley who CS rode with to Grants NM before his pedal issue used Niner forks to win.

    Full Member

    Radio 5 are talking about this right now and probably available as a podcast later. (Shelagh Fogarty show).
    Main thing to know is you can shop around for your annuity when time is right. So you get best rate regardless of who the cash is tied up with.

    Full Member

    Good experience of the cash passports and you can just go and get one like going to the shops. I went to the Co-Op with some cash and they put it on. Went home to make sure I knew what to do to top it up from home computer so I could, if necessary, update from an internet cafe when away.

    I left one in a machine 2 years ago in the middle of the night in New Mexico. Cash Passport were excellent, I had a free phone number and they wired the value to a local Western Union within an hour or two with no charges for my incompetence. Now have dollar and euro ones.

    Full Member

    Rides like the Highland Trail Race or Cairngorm Loop are free to enter (cost a bit to get there from England though) but there is no course marking, no insurance, no bag drops, no feed stations or anyone to meet you at the end with a t-shirt.

    Also limited numbers as on public rights of way. Was thinking of entering but may go and tour round said Cairngorm loop instead.

    Full Member

    trail_rat – No, the race approached from Laggan / Melgarve up the steep bit and dropped into FA.

    Did it a few years ago on a day ride and thought it was ok. Different kettle of fish loaded it seems. Or it is my old brain starting to go….

    Full Member

    Hi Olly, seems my recolection of Corrieyairick Pass ‘not being to bad’ was wrong, a few have said it was tough! That tent I borrowed would not fit back in the bag so sent the warden an Alpkit drybag as thanks for the free camping and brandy.

    Andy Farish has just finished in under 6 days, major effort to just finish as anyone who was out there will testify.

    Full Member

    Thanks for that update James. Always next year to go back and do it better eh?

    Full Member

    re Philip – I reckon he would have been ~1 hour ahead of Daniel Jessee. I emailed Tom Sap’s partner this morning to see if she knew anything. She was at the finish area and was with James Gillies and met a few of the finishers. She has not come back to me to confirm.

    I have an email for Trackleaders and will let them know when I have some confirmation. I guess they can do something manually.

    Full Member

    acehtn – Tom Sap is the lone non tracked rider afaik and he finished with Greg and Arno.

    So just Andy out there, he got it wrong on day 1 losing 2 hours by heading towards Fort Bill after leaving Kinlochleven and had to retrace his steps. (I was surprised he caught me up at Loch Ossian as I knew he left Kinlochleven before me). I reckon he is 9-10 hours away yet so reckon he will finish tomorrow.

    Full Member

    Tom Sap was with Greg and Arno as well – he had no tracker, so 3 finished almost together. Arno had an achilles problem and was dropping back from the other 2 yesterday.

    Steve Wilkinson had 2 hours surgery after his fall on first day so best wishes to him.

    Any confirmation what time Philip Richmond finished?

    Some amazing rides and until Mark dropped out the first 3 were on singlespeeds. Arno & Tom were on s/s as well.

    Full Member

    Philip Richmond must have finished or had a catastrophic problem, and Daniel Jessee is almost home. All things considered SPOT is quite reliable. They do have to be turned off and on every 24 hours or tracking is lost. Batteries run out, satellites don’t see units in thick tree cover but overall they are fine.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Jenn – front page article you have missed off Alan Sheldon’s name though you do have his time.

    Full Member

    The only untracked rider I am aware of is Tom Sap (Belgium). Last night he was with Greg May and Arno Minner in Dornie according to his partner. Greg & Arno look as though they stayed at Camban bothy and I assume Tom is with them. They have been together for last few days now.

    Full Member

    Rob Wixey should finish this morning in 4th, and probably just miss a sub 4 day clocking. Alan G and Mike T look on for a mid afternoon finish and up to 5 others could finish tonight.

    Full Member

    Having a whiskey to celebrate Ian’s arrival. It was a Scottish oatcake when Aidan came in being a bit early for drinking.

    Full Member

    Suspect Greg May, Arno Minner and Tom Sap (no tracker) will stop at Camban bothy for the night. Hostel a bit further on likely to have lights out by the time they get there.

    Full Member

    Ian should finish in about an hour. Quite an easy run in from there except for one short bit under the railway line. Alan still has a climb to do up from Kings House. Cannot see Alan catching Ian unless he has a major problem.

    Full Member

    James Gillies has announced on Twitter that he is out, broken spokes.

    About 4-5 hours to go for Ian, should be done by dark. He has a good lead over Alan but Ian is on s/s, Alan is on a full suspension and geared. Wonder if that will play a part in closing miles once over Devils Staircase?

    Full Member

    Tom Sap’s partner has just seen Aidan and mentioned his SPOT. You are supposed to turn them off/on every 24 hours to keep tracking going. Seems Aidan on his 31 hour stint did not turn it off and back on. Sorted it out now I see.

    Tom is a Belgian guy who is not being tracked. He has been riding with James Gillies and Greg May.

    Full Member

    Another tweet has said he did a straight 31 hours into the finish!

    Full Member

    Aidan has just tweeted he finished 20 minutes ago. So a time of ~3 days 2 hours and 20 minutes. His SPOT stopped some hours ago.

    Full Member

    Sadly I quit the Highland Trail race at Loch Ossian with a slipping seat-post and a sore knee. But if you have to quit a race where better to do it:

    [/url] Loch Ossian[/url] by blackhound59[/url], on Flickr]Loch Ossian[/url]

    Warden gave me and Oliver a brandy to go with our free camping, hostel was fully booked.

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