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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • Blackhound
    Full Member

    Could anybody send me a gpx (email in profile) of any of the rides in the Whitwick area? I live in Derby and tend to ride in the day as I am retired.

    I ride to Hicks Lodge and back sometimes often via Breedon and Rough Park and Repton Shrubs. I see Breedon is only ~4 miles from Grace Dieu area and probably bits to do in those woods round there but don’t know where to go. Not been in the woods around GD, High Sharpely and Swithland in over 25 years and never on a bike so memory a bit hazy.

    From posts above may need to leave it a few weeks for water levels to reduce. Thanks.

    Full Member

    Finished this book the other day. Light hearted and not in massive depth but this guy visited 60 breweries in Scotland but does talk a bit about the process different brewers used:

    Full Member

    I make my own, only use shakes if I am away from home and doin something particularly long and hard.

    250ml of almond milk (unsweetened)or hazelnut or soya but occasionally use ordinary milk
    A little ovaltine ‘lite’ and camp coffee (should get rid of these really)
    teaspoon of chia seeds
    banana or blueberries
    and I add a scoop of All-Sports basic protein powder

    And blend.

    I did read that a 50 year old absorbs protein at 50% of the rate of a 20 year old so feel I need a bit more than average (I am 55 and ride 10-12,000km per year). Also read that we can only absorb ~25gms per hour

    Full Member

    2 x black formal*
    2 x brown formal*
    1 x Merrill walking boots
    1 x mtb
    1 x Spesh with spd cleats for touring, audax,road
    1 x Shimano winter boots
    1 x sidi road shoes
    2 x running
    1 x trainer
    1 x wellies
    2 x croc things

    When I worked I used to commute by work and had a black and brown pair at work and pairs at home for when I went off to London Town etc. Now a pair of each kept at Mrs B’s. Wellies and 1 x Walmart croc copy’s kept in van for convenience.

    At least I can count them!

    Full Member

    I had French cars for 20 years and never had a single moment with either.

    Full Member

    It’s them cannibal rats off the ship. I know it is…

    Full Member

    Yes. My pension fund gave me a rise for third straight year when I hadn’t had one at work for last 2 years I was there. Most of benefit due to tax changes, this increase towards £10k personal allowance is a help to me.

    Tories want us to feel we have never had it so good while Labour want to say how hard it is for everybody. The key will be the ~65% of folks who actually vote. How do they feel?

    Full Member

    Indeed I have!

    Picked it up in Fernie (mild panic as it was to be in Banff but there were floods and Scott got them to Fernie as he was jetting off to Australia)

    Anyway, he was great to deal with. I had a basic bag and it worked just fine. I had one from Eric (when it was Epic Designs) some years ago. I prefer this one, a shade bigger but it stays away from the wheel better.

    No great pictures I am afraid, Chew may actually have a better one, but this was taken on the GDMBR:

    103_0213[/url] by blackhound59[/url], on Flickr

    Email me if you want a close up and I will sort something out in next few days. (prob Tuesday or Wednesday)

    Full Member

    Worked a treat on my Thermarest Neoair.

    Full Member

    I use the same CO2 cart on road and mtb. Puts enough in so that it feels ok to me. Never checked what the pressure is but they do the job fine (16g for me)

    Full Member

    Breckenridge has loads you can do by yourself as does Steamboat Springs. Some good advice above as well. Avoid Moab Fruita unless off trails by 9.30am.
    Colorado Trail is good and has loads of routes off it to make circuit s.

    Full Member

    I live in Derby but already arranged to ride in mid Wales. WIll have to watch for the Eurosport coverage.

    Have a great weekend, perhaps pop along to see how the velodrome is coming along.

    Full Member

    You won’t get much more than a 8l bag in a Tiger but they are excellent.

    I use my Tiger for shorter trips in good weather as I get my sleeping bag and a few bits in there. For longer trips I end up using a Porcelain Rocket seat pack which holds a lot more.

    Full Member

    I was talking to someone who is getting a Simpson era Peugeot resprayed up by Mercian – with all period era kit + Brooks saddle) for the event.

    For local riders it may possibly mean a new cafe in the area.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Moab, Fruita and Durango are all a close traingle of each other. Driving from,to Denver you can also get a spin in Winter Park, Breckenridge and Vail.

    £2,000 seems expensive. You will need a flight, hire a vehicle(s) between you and then camp. The camping over there is great and can be had for free or very little.

    Full Member

    I blame Strava, mudguards weigh to much and slow you down. Before Strava all serious riders, and me, used mudguards.

    Full Member

    Switched to leaf tea some months ago, no milk. Tried some Taylor’s SOuth African which has been nice, currently on some Darjeeling.

    Of boiling water in a pot, 3-4 minutes brewing. And relax.

    Full Member

    Both Borgen and The Killing were commissioned for 3 series only, so that is the end of that.

    For those with to much time on there hands there has been a recap/blog/ comments on Borgen here:

    Looking forward to The Bridge in January (4th I think).

    Reminds me I have to sort out ur Scandinavia holiday for next summer. Want to cross The Bridge and probably have a look around Ystad. Without getting murdered in some dispicable way!

    Full Member

    It is easy to say the Portuguese league is poor but Jose Mourinho has done ok since leaving that ‘little’ league.

    Seemed a bit soon to get rid after spending ~£100m, and Steve Clark was a bit if a surprise to.

    Rumour round here (Derby) is that Will Hughes is Liverpool bound in January, I suspect to take over from Steven Gerrard in the longer term. Hope we keep WH at least until the end of the season.

    Madness the way clubs get rid of managers these days.

    Full Member

    I enjoyed it, but then I like just riding through places from point to point. Makes me want to go up there next year.

    Hannah did present it well as well though next time maybe she could carry all her own kit for the full bikepacking experience.

    Will be leaving bikini at home though….

    Full Member

    My sister runs a business that tests for asbestos, they do not remove it so are impartial and have a good rep in the business I understand. She tested some for me recently that was safe to remove.

    It is not particularly expensive and probably worth doing for peace of mind.

    Might get a small discount if you mention me, maybe (Kevin)

    East Riding Laboratories in Hull 01482-221651

    Full Member

    I have a Tacx ‘fluid’ trainer that is 14 years old so not up to date on current models. Works fine, been on it this morning. Probably a bit of ‘you get what you pay for’

    Don’t see why a carbon bike on a turbo would be a problem though I use a 20 year old steel mtb. Maybe make sure you use an old qr. Mine is held in place by metal so I use an old round style qr on the turbo.

    Some session advice here:


    Full Member

    Mercian +2. The work may be done by Jeff who is not in every day, think he is semi retired.

    He sorted out my older shifter when I was having problems.

    Full Member

    The police have told me that the people who get into houses are not the same as the people who get into sheds and garages. I really don’t want 6 bikes around the house but may have to compromise and bring them in over night and put them in the garage by day. (I am retired so around unless I am riding). All attempts have been in the middle of the night.

    I did get some advice 2 months ago and again last night – police showed up within 5 minutes of my call but I forgot to ask to see a crime prevention officer. Will do that today.

    I don’t want to make a rash decision but I need to get some sort of lock on the door today and probably a pair of Enfield locks mentioned earlier in the thread ordered and installed later this week.

    Then it is a matter of sorting out the garage. Maybe a new door, maybe a new garage (it is old and leaks a little) and the Asgard shed could be a good option along with a door. All of these are expensive and cannot be sorted overnight so want to make the correct decision. Or maybe replace the 2m gate with a 3m+ one in a different design.

    My new van is a bit wide for the drive (the wing mirrors)and because of a host of factors putting against the garage door due to the proximity of 2m gates is not really feasible.

    Full Member

    Thanks. Came again tonight and set alarm off at 3.15am. By the time I got home I was unable to get locks fixed. Bought an extra bike into house so two older ones were left out with 5 locks on them.

    Police have been and are on look out, been a spate around here recently.

    The garage is detached from house but I can’t really get van down the drive as gap between 2m gate and garage insufficient (partly due to low up and over door). Will have to do something substantial though but this takes a bit of time to research and get the work done. Need a quick fix for now.

    As has been said, it is now known I have the nice bikes.

    (Maybe amusing to you lot now – when alarm went off I was asleep and got up, looked out window, pulled on some clothes but could not find door key anywhere. Alarms ringing around the house and my panic levels going up. I eventually, after alarm had stopped ringing, found keys in separate box where I keep all my bike locks)

    Full Member

    Thanks for responses, will look into. The Asgard might work along with a new door.
    Three bikes were in the garage with 3 more in the house. I just do not want all 6 in the housr.

    Full Member

    I left school in 1976 (era of Anarchy In The UK, not a good time) and none of us went to a university, not even in our comprehension. That was for a few posh kids where I came from.

    When I started work I was on £29 a week and paying 33% tax plus NI. I was also paying 10.56% pension. By the time I finished I was paying much, much more in pension, about 13% of salary plus AVC’s. I have a nice enough personal pension but I saved for it over many years.

    The problems are many. My first mortgage I needed a 10% deposit and no more than 3 x salary as a loan. This multiplier being eased over the decades (and deposit being reduced or eliminated) with people greedily wanting more and more to keep-up-with-the -Jones’s caused the housing boom that could never continue for ever.

    My daughters generation (she is 28) are finding it hard what with student debts (spent it in fags and booze I think)and she can’t afford to buy a house and I doubt she is saving for a pension. I started my pension plan at 17.

    I was struggling at 51 with stress and was happy to get out with enough money to bumble along. But I live on my own with no debt so can manage.
    Would not like to work until I am 70 but we are living longer.

    I see my generation (those who were in work and able to save) as a lucky one. Those of us born in 50/60’s have had an opportunity, over history it is a very small minority, maybe a bit of re-leveling is going on.

    Full Member

    I have no time for celebrity tittle-tattle and tend to avoid such stories. But, all this Nigella stuff has got me round to making some rather nice pear and ginger muffin’s this evening.

    Some left, but better be quick!

    Full Member

    Had not really thought about TD’s sexuality before and when I heard earlier just thought ‘so what’ and went for a ride. As usual missed any rumours and of no consequence as far as I am concerned.

    Full Member

    Kaspars hair – understand he has been doing some other filming which necessitated the original hair cuts. Seemed back to usual this weekend.

    This might explain Kaspar’s smaller part this time and Torben getting a bigger part as it were.

    Full Member

    I have also used tyre inflators, no problems here. I have a Lezyne on one bike and Genuine Innovations on the other. All good.

    Full Member

    I had two a year apart at 51 and 52. At 52 I had better results, I was stressed at work at 51 but retired by 52 and numbers were better, unsurprisingly.

    Full Member

    Have a look here, the ‘Ocelot’ is an excellent bit of kit as is bar and saddle options:


    Full Member

    Murray will win I reckon. How many years is it since an Englishman wn Wimbledon?

    Christine Ohuruogu should be in top 3. She had an incredible win at the World Champs yet again proving how she can peak for the main championships. Really admire her her achievements, rarely the quickest during the season but has the mentality to put in a great performance when it matters.

    Full Member

    Visited a small cemetery near Laon France last summer on a bike tour. More recently Mrs B and I went walking on Cannock and for the first time went to the German war cemetery. Incredibly sad place, a few dates were after the 11th November as well.

    Full Member

    Congrats. And remember, whats the use of power if you don’t abuse it :-)

    Full Member

    Met man is right! Cancel the congestion charge, more people drive leading to more congestion and slower average speeds. Safer for the remaining cyclists who have not returned to cars to pass traffic (on outside preferably). Maybe.

    Full Member

    I like my aeropress:


    Full Member

    Whoops! Just checked a Nait 2 price at random on ebay and one has gone for £395. They were ~£340 new in 1988 and I got mine for £260 as they changed the box to a silver surround. That is surely crazy money.

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