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  • ‘If in doubt, sit them out’ – British Cycling publishes first concussion guidance
  • bjj.andy.w
    Free Member

    Bloody hell, I let my 2003 model go cheap a couple of years ago. £180 for the full bike 😮

    Free Member

    Lancashire la la la, Lancashire la la la ! 😀 😀 😀 8)

    Free Member

    Tapeworm 😀
    Maybe building muscle from riding the bike more therefore your body’s requiring more calories because of it’s higher muscle mass ? .

    Free Member

    Nice ride round gisburn this morning with the dog. Saw Plenty of wildlife on the way pheasants, rabbits, deer and a very hairy creature on a bike that resembled Grimley the dwarf off lord of the rings. Think he was called Edd. 😀

    Free Member

    Turner Five spot, Santa cruz nickal and butcher.

    Free Member

    Hopefully be there on Sunday. Love walking round looking at bright shiny things, kicking tires and asking ” how fast will it go mister ?”. ( I’m 37 btw 😳 )

    Free Member

    Remember driving back on the A82 from fort bill after watching the world cup and a lancia intergrale passed me. I was quite envious of the fun he would’ve been having on that road.

    Free Member

    Both the red and blue routes are well signposted.

    Free Member

    “good fats”As in oily fish, nuts, avocado, eggs ect are a good way of getting more calories into you. Carbs and protein have four calories per gram of food. Fat has nine calories.

    Free Member

    I don’t believe it. We are onto page three of a dog thread and this is your first post on it TJ, your slipping 😀

    Free Member

    Saw them flying around today. Earlier this summer I can remember seeing a swallow walking on the ground. Never seen that before.

    Free Member

    Here we go again. 🙄

    Free Member

    Americans – Why are they so religious?

    God only knows.

    Free Member

    When I’m out taking the dog for a walk I like listening to zero 7- simple things. Really chilled out, easy going music.

    Free Member

    Totally agree with both posts above.

    Free Member

    Get yourself to the lake district 😉

    Free Member

    I would of been fuming as well. If it was me I would of got there car keys and threw them across the car park and drove off.

    Free Member

    Has the section been opened yet ?.

    Free Member

    The wife got one 12 months ago. “Why do you want one of them over priced pieces of tat for?” I asked. After 10 minutes playing around with it I was sold. Got mine in feb when my contract ran out on my old phone. Can’t imagine life without it now.

    Free Member

    Used to go 3/4 times a week for 6/7 years but stopped going at the beginning of this year. Wanted to concentrate on my bjj and going to the gym 3 times a week, bjj 3/4 times a week + mountain biking on a Sunday would of resulted in divorce so something had to give. What sort of weights are people lifting? For me (bearing in mind I weigh 12 1/2 stone) were:
    Bench : 90kg
    Squat : 100kg
    Military press : 55kg
    Deadlift : 155kg
    Not brilliant but not to shabby either ( those weights are for reps and not 1rep max btw)

    Free Member

    Starter: boiled egg and soldiers
    Sweet: tin of quality street

    Free Member

    Don’t have a sat map personally but go out with my nephew who has got one and it’s very good. Easy to use and tough as old boots. Got a iPhone with the view ranger app which is fine but I wouldn’t fancy strapping it to my handlebars with the amount of times I come off 😀

    Free Member

    Meanwhile, over on another forum…

    I came third In a competition in conjunction with view ranger 8) Bike magic fwiw

    Free Member

    Kendal mint cake for me. Though them caramacs up there must run ’em close.

    Free Member

    54 plate Civic type-R for me. Never missed a beat in the four years I had it. The sound it made when you hit 6000rpm and the vtech kicked in was somthing else.

    Free Member

    If your up for a bit of a challange how about 4 passes in one day?. Start off at ings just north of stavley up past dubs reservoir then up and over garbun pass. Drop down into Kentmere along high lane then take the bridleway that drops you into sadgill. Over the bridge then turn left up the valley to gatesgarth pass. Drop down to Hawswater then the big push/carry up Nan bield. Enjoy the long and technical decent down the Kentmere valley then on to low lane. Finally retrace your steps back over garbun pass. Only 21 miles long but with over 5500ft of climbing it should not be underestimated. Took me just over 6 hours to do about 3 months ago.
    A few pics of the day:
    Top of garbun


    Halfway up gatesgarth

    Small water looking up nan bield

    Top of nan bield looking down the Kentmere valley

    Free Member

    I’d rather be riding my mtb

    Free Member

    One of the lads I go biking with calls me “golden bonce” after my gold coloured giro zen. Often thought that would be a good name.

    Free Member

    Bakewell tart? No thanks, bread and dripping for me.

    Free Member

    Ride up in the lakes most weekends and I generally find it’s the low level trails that contain the worst walkers. You know the sort the ” weekend warriors” with all the gear and no idea. On the high level routes the walkers and bikers tend to be more “dedicated” who seem to have a mutual appreciation for each other. A good example of this was when we did high street last year. On the top all the walkers were happy and talkative, on the ullswater singletrack they were all miserable so and so’s.

    Free Member

    Rode gisburn this morning and tbh had a bit of a stinker. woke up with a hangover ( only myself to blame I know), stalled on a couple of climbs, fell off once and just didn’t have any “flow”all the way round. Still, at least those days are few and far between.

    Free Member

    Anyone preparing for winter training or too early?

    Well I went out on my bike today, does that count ?.

    Free Member

    I got some floaters from Superstar recently

    You want to ask Gillian mc keith to have a look at your diet.

    Free Member

    Hey, don’t shoot the messenger 😀

    Free Member

    Kettlebells- it’s the only way 😀

    Free Member

    Vodka and pepsi max. Drowning my sorrows after a crap training session at jui-jitsu. Tapped out to a White belt, not good. ( mind you, he did weigh 18 stone and I’m “only” 12 1/2 )

    Free Member

    Sometimes have a caffine tablet before I set off on a early morning ride. Wakes me up no end but my riding buddies get a bit sick of my consistent gibbering. They have accused me of being on whizz before now 😳 . Left that crap back in my raving days 😀

    Free Member

    Is that the one opposite the chippy bank ? .

    Free Member

    No longer a puppy but here is a couple of pics when Rogue was

    Free Member

    760 nukeproof warheads for me.

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