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  • Thinking of starting a charity event? Tips from the Calder Divide Challenge!
  • Bimbler
    Free Member

    we do this

    no you can even get y shaped joins to do this


    Free Member

    I remember it- you blaggard – you’ve brain locked me – arrrghhh

    Free Member

    Saw that at the w/e – and assumed that it was St Austell’s Proper Job IPA re-bottled for M&S?

    Very possibly, slightly lower ABV but very similar blurb. Lovely anyways

    Free Member

    This is my favourite new discovery Cornish IPA from the St Austell Brewery from M&S

    Free Member

    From recollection sliding an inner cable into SP41 feels noticeably different to sliding it into vanilla cables very smooth and lubed – don’t remember any visible grease though?

    Free Member

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I use a big fat KMC Kool Chain on my SS – it’s a 1/8″ chain so probably won’t fit on your setup I like the chain but bought all my SS bits before I read this[/url] from the Surly website

    4. 1/2×1/8″ chains vs. 1/2×3/32″ chains. 1/2×1/8″ chains suck. Run whatever you want, but bigger isn’t better here. Yeah, they’re wider, but according to manufacturer-supplied data, they’re not stronger and they are definitely not of better quality. Multi-speed drivetrains is where the bucks are at, and chains that work on such drivetrains are where the manufacturers of chains showcase their innovations and developments in quality. The rollers are better, the plates are better, the pins are stronger, and the construction method (riveting procedure) is better on all multi-speed 3/32″ chains. I guess if you grind your chainring and chain down the handrail every night at the local pub, a bigger 1/2×1/8 ” chain will last longer, but most of us don’t and it won’t. If you have a Singleatorâ„¢: Dammit, don’t use a 1/2×1/8″ chain!!! Otherwise, you’ll tear the Singleatorâ„¢ off the bike, among other things, guaranteed. Such gross failure to follow instructions and subsequent damage is not covered under our “we love almost everybody” warranty policy. {This is no longer the case with our redesigned Singleator. The old version used a loop over the jockey wheel to help keep the chain in place. This loop would catch 1/8″ chains, which are fatter than 3/32″. The current Singleator uses guide plates on each side of the jockey wheel to achieve the same purpose, but depending on the orientation of the wheels, it can run 3/32″ or 1/8″ chains. We still prefer narrow chains, but if you absolutely must use an 1/8″, the new design will work for you.}

    Free Member

    The Celsius GTX is one of my best ever cycling buys, I’ve got a boggo standard one not the arctic – which I don’t think you’d need warm socks with anyway?

    I’m a 44 or 45 and 45’s fit me fine – although doesn’t leave room for anything much thicker than a normal merino sock.

    Blimey just checked out the price of the new ones HOW MUCH? Think I got mine for £80ish

    Free Member

    I’d be interested in any replies too, Bikeradar did a small review . Seem quite heavy and you have to use Bar tape instead of grips? Not sure I could be without my Oury’s

    Free Member

    6’1 with long legs and run an 18″ Scandal with 400mm seatpost (I’ve got about 1.5cm left before the minimum insertion line) and 100mm stem. Fits great and the best bike I’ve owned – albeit a rather short list.

    Free Member

    Haven’t looked at the Curtis website for years (not that it seems to have changed much), lovely bikes, wonder if they’ll ever build a 29er?

    Free Member

    100mm 17 degree rise with Fleegles

    Free Member

    If it were me and I wish it was my wishlist would be

    Jones (but “rigid”)
    Lynskey Pro

    Free Member

    NO but if I came into enough money to fritter away on a bike I’d buy one. Never ridden one, just would like one, no beard, no aspiration to grow a beard.

    Free Member

    Sky News reporting that the FA have approved the sale, so I don’t know how much difference this makes.

    Aye. Not exactly sure what kind of shyster you’d have to be to fail the FA’s “fit and proper persons test”

    Free Member

    If you’re after a large Soul I’ve got one for sale in the classifieds.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’ve gone the other way. Had some really wide (for me) On One Fleegles (716.7mm in length), really liked the way they made you feel on the bike, wider arms, slightly forward, the attack position as described above. Also found them better for cranking up climbs.

    However as nearly all my riding is in or involves woodland in some way wider bars were a bit stoopid, I was forever getting hooked up on branches/undergrowth and having to stop to wheel my bike between trees which my XC bar widthed mates would flash through like the speeders in return of the jedi, irksome.

    So cut them down a few weeks ago, originally I wanted to take a couple of centimetres off each side ended up having a bit of a brain spasm while cutting and they ended up at about 630mm. Bums I thought – way too narrow, I’ll have to buy some new ones. I gave them a go anyway and what a revelation sooooo much better (obv.) in the woods but I found I could carve better turns too – maybe because I could get lower because my weight was higher in relation to my leaning angle – I’m aware that this is probably because of a skill deficit on my part. I also felt faster when pedalling although this may be subjective due to the racer position. My hands/palms also felt less sore I guess due to the fact that my weight wasn’t so far forward.

    Free Member

    Used this method using electrical tape and some reinforced packing tape I bought for a couple of quid from ebay. Easyish to set up, inflated with track pump – has worked flawlessly for a year.

    I used Bontrager valves which I had from using Bontrager rims before but have treated myself to some Effetto tubeless valves as the Bontragers are basically fubared.

    Free Member

    I think all those push down tensioners, as superstar actually say, are exactly the same, superstar seem to have a slightly different too with a sealed bearing

    Free Member

    I bought a Paramo Quito jacket made from the same stuff as the smock linked to above and it’s wet weather performance is incredible, seriously good and the Quito is very, very well vented as the Paramo system is a bit hotter than the traditional shells. However not sure I’d recommend it for MTBing as

    a/ It way too nice.

    b/ It’s probably a bit fragile for MTBing definitely don’t fancy using it in my usual woodland riding, it’s prolly ok on desolate moors though and great for road riding. If the outer fabric does get ripped you can just stitch it together with no loss of performance.

    Free Member

    Yup had this problem last year, I’d be interested in any replies, except this one of course which is dead boring.

    Free Member

    bitd we had cast iron fireplaces and tried to nitromors the paint off but application after application scrape after scrape wouldn’t get off all the paint that had been painted onto the fireplace over the years. Gave up in the end and painted over the few layers of paint that had been removed.

    Free Member

    I use electricians tape over the spoke holes and some of this stuff over the top – can’t remember why, I think someone recommended on here or MTBR

    Got it from ebay for a couple of quid. Worked flawlessly for over a year.

    Free Member

    Listening to this this am :cloud9: happy days

    Love the drumming

    Free Member

    Pointless question but you gotta love the Wizard

    Free Member

    Would these be brighter than last years “must have” Tesco torch?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Saddle is the worst thing for me, take a link out of the chain and maybe do what BigJohn says and go for push up rather than down. The braking rim looks wrong due to mismatch. Generally the frame graphics are ugly, stealth it up imo.

    Just noticed is the back tyre wider than front tyre? – that looks wrong.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Don’t have a Kaos have the more roadie Inferno UL. Tried the Kaos and really liked it, just preferred the Inferno. The main thing with METs is that if you’ve got a Met shaped head then all of their helmets feel great but Giro and especially Specialised I’ve found to be unbearable.

    Free Member

    Seriously interesting programme on R4 yesterday on just this subject – with people who actually know what they’re talking about, where’s the fun in that!

    Secrets of Capitalism – The washing machine has changed the world more than the internet [/url]

    Free Member

    Pretty happy with my 5800, nowhere near as slick as apple phones or the Android phones that I’ve seen but it works ok, improved on every new OS update. Ovi maps is good, as are Viewranger (OS Mapping) and (the now no longer Nokia) sportstracker. Opera Mobile and Opera Mini are both good web browsers.

    Free Member

    How many people does the leader of L’pool city council have working for them? And how much would a equivalent level private sector boss with the same number of employees earn?

    If you paid less and got lower quality candidates because all the higher quality were attracted to the private sector then you’d probably moan about the quality of the job they were doing as well.

    This is the argument that the public sector have been using for years however I don’t really think it stacks up. For a start do the council leaders work harder becuase of the money – no. I believe studies have shown (just repeating this from something I’ve read/heard) that people don’t generally work harder for more money. As for these very able council leaders getting jobs in the private sector maybe they should give it a go and try and get one.

    This country has really got to reassess how much senior staff earn both in the private (which not much can be done about by the legislature) and public sectors are worth – how much do Doctors get paid for instance – I believe they’ve done very well under New Labour and have less responsibilities (home visits etc), my cousin’s wife is the head of a hematology department in a large regional hospital in Italy and gets paid about €55000, GP’s in this country can earn upwards of £100k. I only found this out after querying why the NHS is employing German doctors.

    I’ve always been a bit of proselytizer for the NHS but this really made me think – R4 Iconoclasts Edward Stourton chairs a live series in which guests set out their strong views on a subject. Journalist James Bartholomew argues that the NHS should be abolished.[/url]

    Free Member

    True Blood is "made" by the the same fella as Six Feet Under – just starting (last night) S02 on Channel 4, onto S03 in US. I like it, probably took me about 4 or 5 episodes of the first series to get into it the Mrs really likes it features vampires, sex and drugs.

    Echo other recommendations above re BSG and the Wire, although think the Sopranos is better than all of them.

    Free Member

    Oooh chain ring has just arrived and they do indeed "look" good, no idea of course how they perform

    aren't the velo solo ones just for SS speed chains though, i'd want to run a 9 speed chain

    They do both 1/8 and 3/32 in "mtb size" about half way down the page

    Free Member

    just bought exactly one of those, a velo solo one, should get it tomorrow, hopefully.

    Free Member

    oddjob – Member

    WTF is that all about then?

    Seems to be a niche of bikes designed for riding on snow and/or sand like the Surley Pugsley

    Free Member

    Personally I think the Champions League should just be for teams that have won their respective national league championships.


    And make it an open cup draw like the FA Cup.

    It's just become a money making machine for the top tier clubs in the main countries. Just another lucre tossoff while the "lesser" clubs look hungrily through the window.

    Pie in the sky, never gonna happen.

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