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  • DVO Jade X coil shock review
  • Bimbler
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    wooo the DX I ordered on 4th Nov has left Hong Kong

    Free Member

    tazzy – I’m interested in your 29er Mud-x, email in profile (still?)

    Free Member

    Anyone had and bad experiences with the Phantom?

    All the zips on my Phantom N2S started dying one by one – replaced a couple of zip off sleeve ones – but at £14 a pop quite expensive. When the main zip started to fail I got in touch with Gore who asked me to send the jacket back – they agreed to replace and sent me a cheque for the replacement cost. For that I’m a Gore customer for life. Got one of the newer (non N2S) ones and it’s great. Echo what MisterT said above.

    Free Member

    Move along now – there’s no snow in London or the South East therefore I’m sorry but it’s not snowing.

    Free Member

    Running TN719s, they’ve been great so far. Pondered Stans Arch at the time of speccing up but decided they weren’t worth the extra £25 per end.

    Probably would have gone for the Stans at £50 as BETD are selling them

    Free Member

    from my experience with gore gloves they come up a bit small. I am a large in every other brand (giro, specialized etc.) but take XL in gore.

    This definitely was true, I needed a size larger for some windstopper gloves a couple of years back, however bought a pair of summer gloves from them this year and the sizing seems to have changed and I’m now a “normal” 9 instead of a 10 as the windstoppers were.

    Great gloves.

    Free Member

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder

    Symptoms (from Wikipedia)

    * Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
    * Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
    * Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions).
    * Rarely acknowledges mistakes and/or imperfections
    * Requires excessive admiration
    * Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
    * Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
    * Lacks empathy: is unwilling or unable to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
    * Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
    * Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitude.

    Anyone fit the bill?

    Free Member

    It’s all about the pus.

    Re: alt dentist, it was a couple of years ago now but I seem to remember it having something to do with a dead tooth he had which had abcesses which in turn was poisoning one of the bodies systems – can’t remember which. He had the tooth removed and his gums hoovered out a couple of times. He later had all his amalgum fillings taken out.

    Free Member

    Maybe a bit odd but a friend had extremely similar symptoms to you and he sorted it out after seeing an “alternative dentist”, sounded like proper quackery to me but certainly did the job for him. He also later cut out dairy and wheat from his diet, not sure if the “success” of the dentistry may have been conflated with the new diet but he’s certainly a changed man.

    Free Member

    why the hell has my eight and a half year old daughter suddenly turned into Kevin the effing teenager. She’s never been the easiest child but she’s always been kind (ish), loving and happy, however she seems to have morphed into a grumpy, spiteful and aggressive facsimile of her former self. :(

    Free Member

    28″ Loewe Mimo, lovely picture so smooth and colours so natural. It’s obviously blown away by HD but even fairly high end HD stuff just looks so processed – perhaps you get used to it? But it slays flat panels playing SD stuff. Will probably wait to upgrade until HD becomes ubiquitous.

    Free Member

    is there something up with Formulas distribution at the moment ? R1s are not in stock anywhere in the world..

    I was wondering this too, the Propel site seems a little

    Actually scrap that the website has changed since this morning

    As from Monday 8th November Propel has ceased to supply Formula disc brakes, spare parts and associated products. Propel no longer provides technical or warranty support on behalf of Formula Srl.

    Any enquiry concerning the supply of Formula products, technical support or warranty should now be directed to Formula until such time as a new UK distributor is appointed.

    All outstanding warranty cases will be passed directly to the manufacturer or to a newly appointed distributor.

    Formula can be contacted on the details below:

    By telephone: +39 0574 603609

    By email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

    At this time we are not aware of any new appointment but as soon as we have news we will post the information here on our website.

    Oh well Toby seemed a nice chap and certainly sorted me out when I had issues with my K24’s.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Usually have it with some sort of fruit, this morning one of my favourites

    And interesting fact, fact fans (which coincidentally I pondered this morning) the seedy/fruity bits above are called arils.

    Free Member

    £12 (something like that anyway) every 4 to 6 weeks, at a barbers near where I work. Nice bloke who runs it and cuts really well, the other chair is run by some intimidating East European babuska who’s a bit rough but also cuts well – if she listens to what you ask for

    Free Member

    The only reason I ask is the first few xc rides I did while a new SS’er I had a pain in the balls of my feet due to the sheer amount of cranking you have to do compared to geared bikes, but thinking about it my feet must have MTFU as I haven’t felt it recently. Thanks all.

    Surprised that some still regard SS as niche? Although as a new convert to the fold I would argue with anyone that a rigid SS 29er is probably THE perfect bike for my local trails in Hertfordshire and probably for much of southern England.

    Free Member

    Have to agree with those who’ve said salt, can’t remember offhand but I think I use 5g per 500g of flour

    Free Member

    Love Murakami. read all of his work and coincidentally re-reading “A Wild Sheep Chase”. Have to agree with the posters evoking the dream like quality of his novels. However when I finish one of his novels, just like in “real” dreams, I always feel like I’ve missed something.

    Free Member

    Started baking last year using this as my bible, it hasn’t let me down yet

    Free Member

    Pwopa lush. Love it all (bars included, infact I may get some) except for the hubs. How much for frame and forks?

    Free Member

    Not trolling, but what are the advantages over chains?

    Free Member

    I’d never heard of Geoff Apps before and I was an earlyish acolyte of (1986/1987) mountain biking

    Interesting stuff on Geoff Apps and Cleland bikes[/url]

    I have no doubt that mountain biking as we understand it, especially the gnarr rad-dude wing is an American invention. They merchandised it, industrialised it and through the power of marketing proselytized it. Lets face it if it wasn’t for American can-do-ism there’d be a few hundred mountain bikers in the UK paying £2000 for a 30lb bridleway blasters built by Geoff Apps and his ilk.

    Free Member

    Continental Cross Country 1.5 or Schwalbe Black Shark Mud 1.5 for serious mud

    Free Member

    I have an AV amp from the Scart era and don’t really remember any amps having Scart connections – I think you either had to get a Scart to Composite (pretty poopy quality) or Scart to Component (much better). Not sure what PS2 supported but probably SCART to component

    Free Member

    Looks good and works well in Opera Mobile 10.1 Beta 2 – no more massive space to the right. Not such an improvement in FF 3.6.12, a bit fresher I suppose.

    Really don’t care for floating bars, never really undertood their point.

    Free Member

    I’d say no. I’ve been running 2.1 since an experimental room rearrangement, the rears and centre aaren’t connected and I’ve found the setup sounds better with the AV amp pushing stereo rather than DPL, Dolby Digital etc. Having said that stereo+sub>>>>TV speakers.

    Free Member

    If we’re doing favourite epsiodes, I think I liked the Puglia one the best. Not least because he did the whole thing nearly all by himself.

    Free Member

    Very nice, I really like that. Couple of things chain looks a bit slack and what’s the tyre clearance like – looks a bit tight at the front, not sure if it’s just the photo.

    Free Member

    I’ve made ghetto tubeless 29er using the tape method rather than the inner tube method – works great.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I find having a big pasta meal the might before a ride makes a massive difference to both my ride and my recovery. Other than that a big old bowl of porridge and banana in the morning. At the end of a ride I always crave meat, usually end up with soup.

    Free Member

    No but I take a great deal of pleasure chasing them in one particular bridleway which borders a couple of shooting fields. Fast buggers aren’t they. I win if I manage to make them take off rather than run into the fields. Hit a suicide bunny once proper made me jump.

    Free Member

    Hi I’ve had a root around and I have two ACX 2.2 in TLR variety one quite worn but still lots of life left, the other less worn loads of life left, I’ve snapped a couple of pictures of each if you want me to send you them – you can email me on my email in profile if you wish.

    Free Member

    I think I have – I’ve still got a pile of tyres left over from my 26er days think I have a a couple of Bonty ACX 2.2s, some hardly used Schwalbe RR/NN combo in 2.1 and some others including a hardly used Continental Cross Country. If you’re interested I’ll dig the Bonty’s out.

    Free Member

    Exercise is a waste of time for weight loss

    This does seem to be becoming the current scientific orthodoxy according to an Observer article last month or so and a R4 progam on last week about obesity amongst the young.

    Free Member

    Anyway, yes they are very nice bikes, super smooth and seem to roll over anything. There are downsides tho, the standover is very high i find, way more than my similiar length 26″ bike. Also the headtube is just too long, ive had about 5 handlebar set-ups on mine to get it comfortable but i just can get the bars low enough, compared to my 26″ bike they are about 3″ higher! feels like im riding a shopper sometimes.

    Buy a smaller frame?

    Free Member

    I’m loving my Scandal but being drawn towards the Swift – only thing that puts me off is the colouscheme and relatively high standover

    Free Member

    If fifa actually want to stop this sort thing – then surely the only possible answer is to kick out Napoli from the competition & ban them for 3 years at least.

    Unless it happens inside or directly outside the ground then I don’t think you can make Napoli FC liable.

    Free Member

    I love the way our Italian friends review the game

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