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  • Fresh Goods Friday 713 – The Lasting Gasping Winning Edition
  • BillyWhizz
    Free Member

    My GF and I were visiting friends, they all started talking about the latest vacuum cleaners and someone turned to me and said "what model have you got" I said I didn't know, which is fair enough I think, then they asked what colour it was, which I also didn't know. Turns out I didn't know what the cover on the ironing board looked like, what we clean our bath with, or which cupboard the sieve is in.

    Luckily I've got a big c0ck, so I was excused.


    Free Member

    Understanding Afrikaans and recognising the landscape certainly allowed me to get more "into" the film for sure. But it's not just the language, there are a number hidden subtletes in there if you know where to look.

    I actually know people who are sooo like "Wikus van der Merwe". Hard working, family loving, church going, so called "respectable" people who, when dealing with (in this case) Aliens, will say things like (this needs to be in a strong SA accent btw) "but you know they don't understand the way we live – you have to hiiiit them to make them understand what you want them to hear. They not like us. They like to b treated hard, you know? It learns them respect"

    Also the surname Van der Merwe – pronounced Fan de Merva, is funny, because years ago when in the UK people were telling "Irishman" jokes, in SA they were telling Van der Merwe jokes. Why did Van der Merwe cross the road . . etc. IMO the film makers knew what they were doing when they gave him that name but I doubt anyone outside of SA would have got it, and possibly not anyone under the age of 20, cos Van jokes are not really done anymore.

    I drive past settlements like that on a daily basis. They spring up over night, and they ARE run by the Nigerians, as is most of Jo'burg. These people don't have water and lights. They live in awful conditions under a baking hot sun.

    Also the vehicles they were using to carry troops are basically the same "Spook" vehicles that the defence (or oppression – depending on what side you were on) forces used back in the 70's and 80's.

    For me one of the most poignent things to see, was the SA blacks saying "they don't belong here" etc. You would think that someone who has been oppressed and survived would help anyone else they ever met in the same situation, but I can tell you it just doesn't happen. If a less fortunate person in SA (i'm struggling to explain with out labeling people with colours here) gets a way out, you'll never see them move so fast, and they tend (often) to have nothing but contempt for those they leave behind. I know black south african people who would rather go hungry than work for a black boss, becasue the black bosses are (their words not mine) the worst in the world to work for.

    So much for solidarity.

    Good film anyway.

    My fav line – at the suprise party "I need to get to the toilet, I think i've crapped by pants"

    Free Member

    Van der Merwe throwing cans . . .
    "Is that tear gas?"
    "no its cat food – I just distract them . . . "

    Free Member

    "idiots ville"?

    Free Member

    Just chill out for 5 mins and stop going on about it.


    Free Member

    I'm downloading series 1 and 2 as i type, So i'll start watching tomoro.

    Free Member

    I liked Grace kelly 🙂

    Free Member

    I just watched "Taxi to the darkside" the other night. About the torture of prisoners and the US government playing on the fear of the american people to push through laws allowing the torture to be made legal.

    Regardless of WHO is right or wrong (depending on where you were born and with which religion) the overwhelming feeling I get when I see something like this, is that human beings really are fundementally nasty creatures.

    Free Member

    Good Taliban or Bad Taliban? Or both? Or are they all "bad"

    Free Member

    You may be right crazy-legs – ruthless managers (etc) bonus-driven by greed.

    I think there has to be a compromise, but human nature sadly seems to dictate that if you try to make a compromise rather than be ruthless, you ARE seen as weak and some people will take the piss (night shift workers taking sleeping bags to work etc etc)

    Free Member

    2009 – I sneered at a pedant and told him to "grow up", but then felt bad about being so harsh and said sorry.

    Free Member

    2009 – I posted on a thread called "this day in history"

    Free Member

    16 Million to produce a report? I would have done it for half that. Losers.

    Free Member

    Cheers Graham – that's the one. Dennis Quaid 🙂

    Free Member

    Or instead of asking them to ask you for "retrospective permission", just mail them and "give them permission"

    Sometimes the most obvious answers ARE the best.


    Free Member

    Was one of the brothers killed? I think I saw that.

    Free Member

    put in "French military victories" and it used to come up with

    did you mean French military defeats?

    and I got an email joke the other day with a screen shot that said

    "white man stole my car" and then said

    did you mean black man stole my car?

    Free Member

    Hey – Someone has to pay for the holy war you know!

    money doesn't grow on trees.

    Free Member

    Predictably . . . .

    Free Member

    Same problem with VLC, but I see now its a licensing issue, as suggested above.

    Cheers guys.
    My mate is a c0ck 🙂

    Free Member

    LOL that is cool!

    ooh the differential girdle spring . . . .

    Free Member

    This idea that RM deliberately and intentionally leave parcels at the sorting office and only take out the red "sorry we missed you" slips (and I can believe they do) Surely it's an illegal breach of contract with the person who paid good money to have the item delivered to YOU, not near you and then you do the last bit yourself?

    I understand that sometimes people are out, and thats different, I'm talking about the deliberate stuff.

    Free Member

    British worker outraged at moves toward more efficient working practices shocker!

    Free Member

    Twistedspokes – this is your one and only post on here!
    Welcome to the forum.

    Counselling can be very useful in helping you sort out who you are and what you want or where you are going. I know that sounds like a cliche, but its true.
    Keep an open mind just see how the things the counsellor is saying make you feel, and go with the flow . . . .

    Good luck.

    (Counselling may also help you to understand why a terminally ill person would want to rip their family apart on their way down btw)

    Free Member

    I can't keep track.

    Are these the good guys (whose values and beliefs our fighting boys and girls are dying to uphold) or the bad guys?

    confused of sussex

    Free Member


    "First sentence = first blatant lie. No chance that bloke has a girlfriend.

    yes he has, he said so – and journo's never lie. He neglected to say how much he paid for her though . . . .

    Free Member

    ha ha – 6 is fine!

    Free Member

    you're right FoxyChick


    never mind.

    Free Member

    Redundancy hat trick.

    Free Member

    I think it's their governments foreign policy that annoys people mostly.

    Free Member

    Ok so lets say the majority of a village or small town would vote "no" for tesco, but the council says "yes" and it gets built anyway.

    Assuming they don't actually level every small convienience store, butcher, baker etc within say, a 5 mile radius (and I'm pretty sure they don't) it now becomes up to those indignant people who said "no" to now resist the temptation of lower prices, and continue supporting those small businesses that they were so keen on in the first place.

    No one is gonna twist your arm to go to tesco, and there will always be small shops that survive initially, so how many of those "no" people would honsetly have the moral integrity to stick to their principals and support the small business's, against saving themselves money?

    Free Member

    "shareholder value or social responsibility"

    lol – you're not seriously asking this?

    Free Member

    when your granny needs a hip replacment, or your child needs an operation and has to sit on a waiting list for months on end, take comfort from the fact that the NHS does provide excelent care for some people . . . .

    Free Member

    Condom Factory burns down in Australia ……

    Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia, is awoken at 4am by the

    'Kevin, its the health Minister here. Sorry to bother you at this hour
    but there is an emergency! I've just received word that the Durex
    factory in Sydney has burned to the ground. It is estimated that the
    entire Australian supply of condoms will be gone by the end of the

    PM: 'SH*T!!! – the economy will never be able to cope with all those
    unwanted babies – we'll be ruined!!'

    Health Minister: 'We're going to have to ship some in from….Britain?'

    PM: 'No chance!! The Poms will have a field day on this one!!'

    Health Minister: 'What about South Africa?'

    PM: 'I'll call SA – tell them we need ten million condoms; ten inches
    long and eight inches thick!! That way they'll continue to respect the

    Three days later a delighted Kevin rushes out to open the boxes.
    He finds ten million condoms, 10 inches long, 8 inches thick, all
    coloured green and gold with small writing on each one…


    Free Member

    I was playing a video of what is probably one of the best known guitar solos ever in the world, and my son, who's 19, said "who's that?"

    It was Edward Van Halen

    Free Member

    Quantity, not quality . . .

    Free Member

    please tell me my taxes are not being used for any of this . . .

    Free Member

    I live here!

    Free Member

    Well I've just said to her "you're eating a lot" and she said "yes – I know" so i said "well as long as you realise what you're doing thats fine -you're a big girl" (not sure how the last bit went down)

    Free Member

    BoardinBob – we have plenty of money to pay the unemployed, but a very limited number organs (comparativly speaking)

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