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  • Interview: Lou Ferguson on ‘being alive and being happy’
  • BillyWhizz
    Free Member

    (From the Stephen Fry page)

    Within three months I imagine that any Lib Dem/Labour/Others coalition will fall, a General Election will be called, the Lib Dem vote will be decimated, the Conservatives brought to full power and Electoral /Constitutional Reform will be nothing but a wistful memory as those of us with distaste for conservatism hunker down for the duration. Demos, riots, overturned cars in the streets, many more homeless, infrastructure decay, a rise in crimes against the person and property, a happy time perhaps for the City and the secure middle classes, a dreadful time for the vulnerable, the disabled, the physically and mentally ill, the homeless and the poor. I remember the main feeling induced by living under Thatcher was shame. It was shaming to live in a country that could be so proudly, gloatingly unkind, so vulgar, shabby and ungracious in its attitudes to the outsider, the weak and the destitute. Goodness knows the Labour administration has been very, very far from perfect, but I think we will only appreciate the unheralded and uncelebrated good it did when the props it built up for the poor, the disabled and the disadvantaged have been kicked away.

    Free Member

    lol same here when missus asks me if I want bacon sandwich seconds. I think NO but MMMM Yes comes out.

    Free Member

    Why did Brown have to stand down? IMO He's steered Britain through the last few years of financial trouble as well as anyone could and certainly better than many people could have done.

    People complain that he wasn't "voted in by the public" and became PM by default after TB. Doesn't that mean that whomever replaces him now will be in the same situation? They weren't "the leader of the party that people voted for"?


    Free Member

    for the sake of the children – please THINK before you vote!


    Free Member

    According to the Cycling News website:

    Mark Cavendish has apologised for an offensive gesture he made at the end of Thursday's stage at the Tour de Romandie. The HTC-Columbia said he made the two-finger salute as a response to critics who had written him off this season. It was only the second win for the sprinter in 2010

    Free Member

    Good grief!

    Free Member

    LOL which one? The nice one I guess? Who would want to keep the horrid one eh?

    Free Member

    That poor kids screams STILL haunt my sleep you know!!!!

    BTW what sort of a doofus puts a kid, emu, and 2 donkeys in a muddy field together in the first place?


    Free Member

    what's happening now is the thin end of the wedge mate! Sort it out NOW or prepare for a world of hurt that will last a life time! I know what I'm talking about here (for once).

    And unless she's a bitch (and I doubt she's that bad really) she will still want to help out and look after the baby etc – it's her grandchild after all.

    Free Member

    Remember the Teffal scientists . . . . look where it got them!

    Free Member

    and the Times are supporting the Tories for the first time in 18 years?

    cos rupert the bear says so.

    Free Member

    I love YBF (although apparently I have no sense of humour) – but then they don't show the clips where the kids are screaming in terror.

    Maybe they should release a MTFU version of the show on DVD to cater for for people with a "proper" soh.


    Free Member

    Well I watched it twice – then again with sound (to see if the sound was the "funny" bit).
    It wasn't.

    I don't think it's funny – but then I don't think it's funny when my own children are scared either.

    I'm clearly in a minority here – but that's fine. I like minorities.


    Free Member

    Aren't some people just weird?

    Rather see it in a landfill site than used by someone. Chances are the guys at the landfill pick thru stuff anyway LOL

    Free Member

    I remember an old one:

    Pedestrians – save energy by not looking both ways when crossing a one way street

    with a responce 3 lines down in the same comic:

    Pedestrians – look both ways when crossing a one way street in case a yellow van is reversing . . .

    Free Member

    Mr Fox earlier today . . . .

    Free Member

    Is the guy on the right writting out a ticket?

    Free Member

    there are some very funny speeches on Youtube that you could lift a few lines from. Just look for "worlds funniest best man speeches" 🙂

    Free Member

    Was it the one that did the "topless darts" program?
    Based in Cannery Wharf

    Free Member

    Oh Trident we will scrap that just as Iran are getting the bomb..

    Don't need to worry about this – the yanks will step in and sort it all out 😉

    Free Member

    this was always going to happen once the LD's started getting significant votes. Red & Blue are cacking themselves and it shows.

    I don't think any "sleeze" that comes out now about the LD's will make or break the deal. The Reds and the Blues have both had/still have so many skeletons in the cupboard. People won't just forget that.

    Free Member

    what happened to Tinkerbelle?

    Free Member

    If it hasn't already been mentioned – pay lots of attention to Mrs monkey-boy. Mums get quite neglected when a baby comes along and they really take it to heart.

    Free Member

    What caused the earthquake in Birmingham the other year? What were the brummies wearing?

    Free Member

    "Smite me, O Mighty Smiter" . . . . .


    Free Member


    Oh, I'm a bald bugger too and not what you'd call conventionally handsome"

    Are you unconventionally handsome??


    Free Member

    Ha – would be a good time for a quick invasion i guess

    Free Member

    don simon – finally . . . the recognition you deserve!

    Now if you can just get someone to send you 200 offers a day of "marital" medicines and rolex watches, you'll be a fully fledged member of the internet community.


    Free Member

    Thanks to riding abroad in the UK winter, I manage to maintain a cyclist tan all year round – until I have my actual holiday in the UK summer and even things out. Brown arms up to the sleeve, brown legs between mid thigh and sock top, brown finger tips and brown patches on the back of my hands.


    Free Member

    I know this has happened once before but not sure when? Was it maybe around 9/11?

    Certainly looks different.

    Free Member

    LOL. How much 1st class baggage can a kids bike carry anyway?

    Free Member

    Isn't this whole debate thing just turning it into a media driven "reality show" spin off?

    We're told that looking at how these guys "stand" or "use their hands" will give us some sort of deep insight into the sort of person they are? What tosh. As if they haven't read the books and been coached extensivly on how to stand or how to use their hands. It's laughable. All this was is an exercise in "coming accross well". Nothing much to do with policies.

    They say in the US the winning candidate is usually the one who looks good and has the best hair (or rigs the re-count)
    In Zimbabwe the winning candidate is the only candidate.

    What will they say about the UK I wonder 🙂

    Free Member

    yes – Skyscanner was not quite what I wanted – maybe next year though 😉

    Radarvirtuel is the one.


    Free Member

    Are there any singletrackers on here living in countires with coalitions?

    Free Member

    LOL quite.

    Free Member

    The vatican has been systematically covering up child abuse and hounding out those who dared to speak out about it – never mind not appropriate, open or honest, they are clearly complicit in child abuse, right up to the highest level.

    The pope may mot have carried out any abuse himself but he facilitated it.

    Exactly. And if they were any other religion, or not a religion at all, I'd feel the same. This is a crime against humanity, and worse than that it's a crime against the most vulnerable members of humanity by those who have positions of power and influence and whom, if they really believed what they say they believe, would never dream of doing.

    Free Member

    Dawkins and his cronies are using this as the perfect opportunity to attack the Catholic Church at a time when it's been wounded, in order to further their own 'beliefs' and careers

    The Catholic Church has been wounded? Are you on drugs or something? The Catholic Church has been sexually abusing children and then, at the highest levels possible, covering it up!!!

    They should be in prison – not in **** church.

    Free Member

    From the Times article:

    "The Pope was embroiled in new controversy this weekend over a letter he signed arguing that the “good of the universal church” should be considered against the defrocking of an American priest who committed sex offences against two boys. It was dated 1985, when he was in charge of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which deals with sex abuse cases."

    This sort of decision is disgusting, but not surprising. These people are seriously **** up. If there is a God and he's the sort of God the Christians claim him to be – then I seriously don't believe he'll be welcoming these disgusting, perverted control freaks into his kingdom. They are not above the law and sexually abusing children is a horrible, vicious cowardly crime.

    Free Member

    dont know why

    1) huge levels of stress at her work last 9 months
    2) i have been ill for 12 months
    3) trying for a kid for 18 months

    Mate – those are 3 VERY big stresses! Not many people would get through 9 months to a year of that sort of stuff and not be affected by it in some way.

    but other than that she just dont like me any more and wants a divorce, now right away no councelling no trial seperation, divorce now right now

    OK that does sound pretty terminal, but if the two of you have a bit of space each and chill out a bit this might change?

    really unexpected thought we has happy all the people i tell nearly collapse as they thought we had a good marriage

    When my sister left her husband after 20 years I (and the rest of my family) were totally stunned. No one knew there was anything wrong, but she was deeply unhappy.

    If this really is just "meant to be", then there's lots of good advice listed in the posts above here and when you get down and out you're never gonna be alone – unless you choose to be.

    Good luck dude.

    Free Member

    It involved pictures of Gillian Anderson. . . .

    but it was in good taste 🙂

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