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  • Nils Amelinckx, Rider Resilience Founder and all round nice guy: 1987-2023
  • billysugger
    Free Member

    The expedition linked above often makes me wonder if their spirits had been crushed knowing they were 35 days late. Imagine it. I know the conditions made overland travel impossible and supplies ran out but a persons spirit can prolong his/her life.

    Free Member

    Change the position of the cleet in the shoe and try again?

    Free Member

    Adjust them so they’re a bit looser so you can get out in a flap til you get used to them and you can then spin like a machine

    Free Member


    I’m reading 90 Degrees North (Peter Fleming) at the moment. Heroes all of them.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Good to see there’s also a sense of humour in the Premier league :mrgreen:

    Let’s not get too serious

    Free Member

    Tree looks healthy and wildlife is thriving.

    Free Member


    Your gf’s one in a million too by the sounds of it.

    Life’s for living.

    Your efforts deserve a better camera. All those people who buy the best kit and go nowhere with it should be reading this. Having said that conditions looked pretty much the worst possible for pics.

    Good effort guys and sorry for your loss.

    Loving this…

    Free Member

    I’ll never understand the sort of person that wants to watch another human die. Don’t get it

    Free Member

    That top one’s a winner

    Free Member

    blah blah generalise blah

    Free Member

    That guy is the definition of a box of frogs.

    Wingsuit flight to double front flip.

    Free Member

    I’d take 2 in medium if they’re made long, I’m gangly like that

    Free Member

    Too cheap. Didn’y pay much less for my 2011 pro

    Free Member

    Watched him in the x-trials in France lately. I watch biking of pretty much any description and I can safely say Tony Bou is one of the most impressive talents to ever throw his leg over a motorbicycle.

    Free Member

    Ride with someone slightly ‘better’ than you is a good tip

    Free Member

    Heard this morning. Such sad news. His achievements in enduro are immense.


    Free Member

    I’d have nicked his disability badges then laughed every time I thought of his sorry arse having to walk 10 more paces into Tesco.

    Seriously though where can I get that T-shirt??

    EDIT You got a funeral to go to too talltom?

    Free Member

    Where can I get that t shirt??

    Free Member

    Then when they catch it they usually say ‘he does this all the time, must have thought you were a sheep’ at which point I lose a fraction of faith in humanity

    Free Member

    If she’d have been going faster this thread wouldn’t exist

    EDIT and what nickf said. What speed should I drive at when 2 vans are parked back to back and there are kids running up and down the kerb?

    Free Member

    Happens to me all the time with sheepdogs.

    My policy is if they know their dog does it and still don’t put it on a lead when I’m coming then it’s fair game to see how long the dog can keep up for

    Free Member

    They get rid of tags and then this thread comes along…

    Seriously, hope your Mrs gets her head around it soon.

    Free Member

    Gravitysucks that is a pet hate. You are my new hero and have given me a fraction of hope for the future of the human race

    Free Member

    I failed my first bike test because I was riding at 26/27 in a 30 zone in an absolute downpour on a friday aft at 1530, pavements were full of kids. Apparantly my speed/lack of could have beckoned a child to try cross in front. You can’t win.

    Free Member

    People who don’t like their lot are even more of a pain in the arse on a Monday and Hartleys pineapple jam is so good when mixed into steaming hot rice pudding are my lessons for the day.

    Free Member

    I usually tell them I only speak Polish

    Free Member

    rab power stretch grip ones ftw

    Free Member

    They’ve got a new way to do the bare look now. Isn’t down to the bone so it doesn’t need autosol’ing all the time. Had one in there last week. Looked good.

    Matt black oviously picks up marks for fun and I’ve been told the glossier blacks are a bit high maintenance. Top tube on my apple green looks dull after a long wet gritty ride.

    Free Member

    :mrgreen: @ iDave

    Free Member

    Disco black with the red fleck and a tub of Autoglym

    Free Member

    I probably would’ve known Elf had been banned had I been on twitter.

    He’s like that T1000 though…

    Free Member

    I’m only messing. Each to their own. Enjoy

    Free Member

    Binners don’t knock it. I hear d-list celebs post photos of what they’re eating and people like Danny Mac post links to adverts for their sponsors gear over and over and over. What’s not to like?

    Then if you get bored you can read what some ‘celeb’ asks another ‘celeb’ in a secret spy type satisfying way (even though said celebs have each others mobile numbers and could have texted without blowing smoke up their own arses)

    Have I missed anything?

    EDIT – I did, I forgot lazy journos

    Free Member

    Good stuff. Chest mount and no mud = winner.

    Trails speed up and I get a chest infection, pants

    Free Member

    Inspirational man/film

    First watched it at 3am in intensive care.

    Free Member

    Ride it like you stole it

    Free Member

    Why isn’t this a sticky?

    And let’s have a ‘Coming Events’ sticky please mods.

    Free Member

    Didn’t see the ‘don’t want it for videos’ bit in your post.

    If I were you I’d go to a shop, see how they differ in feel and menu navigation then make a decision. There doesn’t seem to be a bad buy on the market.

    In other words what Shackleton said:)

    Free Member

    If you buy a 550d, use the kit lense, stumble your way through rendering on Sony Vegas then let youtoob put it’s mark on quality then your videos will probably look similar to this…

    No changes to track effects on Vegas or anything

Viewing 40 posts - 601 through 640 (of 1,227 total)