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  • TFFT, Gee Atherton Isn’t In The 2024 Red Bull Rampage Men’s Lineup 
  • BillMC
    Full Member

    I reckon you can get away with cheap wine in a ragu.

    Full Member

    Take the Asian guy who the LP put up against Corbyn. Was he going to represent brown people or private healthcare?

    Full Member

    It’s a mistake to think that tokenism equals representation. Whilst agreeing with the tenets of the Forde report, shitz can be of all colours and orientations.

    Full Member

    I think skunk can be psychologically addictive . At least with legalization the occasional spliff could be purchased rather than having to buy it in quarters or halves and be permanently off your face. I’ve known Cambridge professors who were regular users and an actor in a popular agricultural (!) radio series, all stayed on top of their game.

    Full Member

    The author of Good Cop Bad War spent years as an undercover tracking smack dealers leading to hundreds of arrests and court time. At the end of his project they calculated he’d disrupted the trade for 20 minutes.

    Full Member

    There’s a difference between claiming your corblimey myoldmansadustman origins and seeing the working class, people who sell their labour power, as an agency for change. G Lukacz claimed you can only get a completely objective view of society from the standpoint of the oppressed. Claims about ‘origins’ are often attempts to conceal a patronising and elitist attitude as discussed by Dan Evans (see above). It’s also a humble brag about ‘look at clever me being so socially mobile’.

    Full Member

    I sincerely hope the fiscal rules nonsense gets dropped but I fear Reeves is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and that she’ll stick to it. She describes herself as a social democrat, not a socialist, so at least we have been warned.

    Full Member

    Lots of shops around here offering ‘pain’

    Full Member

    Yep, the anti-NR folk I’ve spoken to are centrist and left. Am staying right opposite the town hall (counting spot) in La Rochelle and we’ve had people out there with anti-fascism flags and the NR posters have been nicely adapted. We live in hope.

    Full Member

    I’m touring around France at the mo and most cars stop first time wherever you are, same in west of Ireland earlier this year. Bloody Eccy Rd in Sheffield, crossing at the lights is like Russian roulette.

    Full Member

    Financial advisor in Sheffield, Nick Leeson.

    Full Member

    I used to drive past an estate agents in Victoria, Aus, called Robin Daley

    Full Member

    Solicitors in Settle, Goad and Butcher.

    Full Member

    Another Northampton one, Butt Savouries.

    Full Member

    Peurile (sp)

    Full Member

    Interesting, Binners, that not long ago you wrote on here about nobody cares a damn about what’s happening in the Middle East. Then you wrote endless diatribes against Corbyn then you say you don’t give a shit about Corbyn. This Is all very enigmatic and I do think you might have benefitted from at least a litle 6th form education.

    Full Member

    It’s a mistake, made by politicians as well as some on here, to dismiss the Gaza issue as ‘the Muslim vote’. Ceasefire protests have a diverse support and to fail to recognize that could be costly to supporters of the genocide as the election has shown.

    Full Member

    I taught a member of the shadow cabinet for GCSE and two of her A levels and she got into Oxford. Guilty as charged! But at least she was from the working class.

    Full Member

    Am I right in thinking the landslide was built on a smaller percentage than that scored by Corbyn?
    All that tearing up pledges for what?

    Full Member

    Stuck in France, our postal vote didn’t arrive (but the result’s nailed on), the internet’s not working. Is there a useful website I can view on my phone announcing early results as they come in? Any recommendations most gratefully received.

    Full Member

    I managed 20+mph over 10 miles on a 78 inch fixie on tubs but that was 50 yrs ago. Yesterday I was quite pleased with 16km in 43 minutes on the Landes trails. I reckon cadence is all about use of gears and I’m currently trying to persuade the Mrs to change gear more often to sustain cadence.

    Full Member

    Can’t you hear me knocking

    Toad live

    Happy Jack

    Full Member

    I used to find typing up notes bangs it into your head effortlessly. Take notes from whatever academic book you read, after a couple of months I’d remember the gist but not enough detail for exams and notes make your reading more focused. Talking about your work aids memory and throws up any issues you’re a bit vague on.

    Full Member

    Good to see JC is a short head lead in the Islington race, not quite ready for the knacker’s yard.

    Full Member

    What’s another name for a Thesaurus?

    Full Member

    Nice houses but I find I live in about 2 rooms (and one of those I’m mostly asleep in). I’d be more concerned about location and then the nicest house you can find there.

    Full Member

    Why might an Aussie magpie peck you on the head but an English one is better behaved?

    Full Member

    ‘Horse, with a round fundament, why does he emit a square excrement?’
    At Swim Two Birds

    Full Member

    All this talk of socialist utopias and Trotskyist Soviet blocs (Stalin’s agent did murder Trotsky btw) is just word salads and probably best ignored. It is fascinating how Starmerites spew more bile at socialists whilst welcoming Tories into the LP.

    Full Member

    Just to correct a misunderstanding, I think you’ll find Trotskyists Max Schachtman in the US and Tony Cliff in the UK defined Russia as ‘bureaucratic state capitalist’. They would hardly want to create a Soviet bloc over here.

    Full Member

    Starmer was Director of Public Prosecutions, not everyone might know this.

    Full Member

    The Swedes were going to drop the charges and Starmer told them ‘don’t you dare’. Be interesting to see if anyone tries to take credit for negotiating the deal.

    Full Member

    Camping de la Cote D’Argent, Hourtin. You’ve got beach, cabins, tents, cycling through the pines, surfing, a few bars and eateries, magnificent LeClerc a short drive away, wineries. They’ve spent a fortune on the pools here. Been coming to this coast since 82, my kids loved it.

    Full Member

    Football, team games. mayo (not Mayo), TV, dogs, Old Guys Rule (as above), Star Wars (never seen any), jeggings, keg beer, package holidays.

    Full Member

    It’ll be interesting to see if anyone tries to take credit for Assange’s negotiated release given that Starmer said to the Swedes ‘don’t you dare’ drop charges against him.

    Full Member

    Cod liver oil pill at night, your very own Jackson Pollock in the morning

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Maybe in Essex they think he acts cleverly?

    Full Member

    ‘he cant be that thick can he?’ good question

    Full Member

    Toyota Avensis estate, natural asp, chain, same interior as the as a Superb, reasonable mpg

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