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  • Make Your October Better With Singletrack Magazine
  • bikeryder85
    Free Member

    thanks for the response…any of you guys know how wide the mavic 819 is?

    Free Member

    thanks Rorcach

    Free Member

    *UPDATE* talked to hope and got it sorted! will post pics when the wheel is built! 😀

    Free Member

    Thanks for the help guys! z1ppy: I’m sure he will understand, just wanting to exhaust my resources before I grab them online. I’ll keep the paypal thing in mind if I have to go that route.

    Free Member

    oh and if I go CRC…have they sorted the security problems? don’t want my account cleared! 😮

    Free Member

    thanks guys…I’ll look into that…but is there any way for my shop to get it? (he’s a really good friend of mine, so I want to pass profits to him if possible)

    Free Member

    Wow! thanks for all the responses! to answer LeeW I’m in the U.S. but thanks alot for the offer! I figure I may get one of the pre-set ones if I can. tho I’m not sure if they have a 5.5nm (recomended), found a 5 and a 6 tho…just not sure I want to foul up my stem or bars (very partial to the bars)

    Free Member

    what do you torque on a fork? or is that for rebuilding after service? (never quite trusted my ham-hands for that)

    Free Member

    fantastic news! been waiting for the outcome all weekend! enjoy having your ride back, hope the bugger that took it burns for this one! 😈

    Free Member

    I rather like your explanation elfin…it’s the sound effects I think! lol

    Free Member

    I def feel flex in my bar stem, but then again thats because I have wider bars (easton) on a stem not designed for them, hence the reason for the upgrade. figured why spend $$ on both (for os) when I know it the stem thats the problem. regardless I’m just happy for some new bike bling… 😆

    Free Member

    good to know I’m not alone…just hope they still make them later/mine don’t break anytime soon…wanted this stem for a long time.

    Free Member

    thanks mint…I’ll def check that out…thanks for the info everyone

    Free Member

    thanks I’ll check them out…how high? OD -225 (sphere) -75 (cylind) 105 axis, OS -325 (sphere) -75 (cylind) 060 axis…not sure what all that means but I can’t see the big E with my left eye without squinting in the exam

    Free Member

    thanks bri-72…i didn’t even know they still made evil eye…I’m hoping to get one that fits in the frame, not sure i can with my RX power tho

    Free Member

    it’s kinda high…but the doc said its still very doable w/poly lenses

    Free Member

    ok…thanks guys…I’ll be sure to put those requirements in on my search for wheels.

    Free Member

    thanks…but can they work with other hubs? or are they just for 10mm hubs?

    Free Member

    P.S. I should probably state that I’m def interested if they will offer an advantage and I don’t need a new frame/fork to get it (if I need new wheels thats ok.)

    thanks again!

    Free Member

    next year I’ll be running a 2.2 combo of the new bontrager xr4 (front) and bontrager xr1 (rear). not sure how they’ll do since they’re new, but I like the idea of a aggressive front/fast rear combo.

    Free Member

    so when/where can we buy these? seen your posts on here b4 but never asked…look super tidy and clean!

    Free Member

    I’ve tried one…still own it, tho it’s just a naked frame waiting to be built/sold, can’t decide which…it was different, can def see why some like them, not for me tho. I guess it’s all in what/where/how one rides I’d reckon…

    Free Member

    this just came out in the states, looks ace–TULBAG_c_20.html

    Free Member

    if it’s reflux a diet change won’t solve it…not without healing the damage done by the acid. I’ve been dealing with this issue for a few years now, nexium really seems to help me out. prob the only thing that does, but I’ve got it pretty bad. prevacid is prob the best OTC here in the states, try it out if you can (not sure whats available in your area tho)…hope this helps

    Free Member

    hope you heal up soon!

    Free Member

    you should contact roger the shrubber…I hear he’s good at this stuff

    Free Member

    alright…here’s mine… [/url] IMG_1230[/url] by bikeryder85[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    never mind the mess 😳

    Free Member

    project: thanks for the info, as far as I know damage seems to be minimal, epicenter was (thankfully) in a not so populated area, still getting info in tho

    Free Member

    Brant, if you do a redesign of this frame, I hope you make the downtube look a bit more normal 😀 …just a thought, i love my steel one, but the upgrade is just a bit dog ugly for me (ghedit, hehe)

    Free Member

    stratobiker: I’m in West Virginia, northern half,

    nicko74: wow, saw that on the tube, crazy you guys felt it too, no going home early for us either 🙁

    handyman: we just got the Red too

    Free Member

    lol…I wondered about that, but that would have taken quite a large person… 😆

    Free Member

    not sure, never thought of that 😯

    Free Member

    hope you get to feeling better soon, and I hope that this all gets sorted out…shame you’re having all this trouble now bc of one careless idiot…(sharpens pitchfork) 👿

    Free Member

    Fantastic! great news bullheart!

    Free Member

    Crag, sorry it took me a while to get back…got wrapped up in work!
    if you are wanting to drop fork travel while keeping it slack then I’d def go for it, a long fork=higher bars and slacker seat angle…dropping to a pike should help put your weight more forward for climbing without sacrificing much when going down the steep stuff. If I were you I’d go for it.

    Hope that helps 🙂

    (edit) if you go that route you should update and let us STW’s know what ya think!

    Free Member

    oooohhhhh…I like that…always had a soft spot for those cruiser-looking bikes

    Free Member

    yup, I use mine till they croak (with the rare exception of some REALLY bad purchases that got banished to the misfit tire bin b4 they wore out) I’ve never gotten the same pair twice tho…I like mixing things up a bit, keeps it interesting 😆

    Free Member

    here’s my 456, sorry bout the poor quakity, but it’s the most recent pic I have

    [/url] 0623111537[/url] by bikeryder85[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Free Member

    short answer? yes you will.

    more complicated answer? the combination of a slack head angle + wider bars + short stem and sometimes even the rake on the seat post (in effect changing the seat angle) will all change how the bike handles. IMHO the number one improvement you can make to your bike is getting all of these dialled in to your taste and riding style. It may take a few rides and change of set-up to get it right, but it’s sooo worth it. 😀

    Quick question, do you feel the 5spot needs to be more stable at speed?
    or are you just buying into the hype? 😉

    Free Member

    hey you know what I was just thinking…someone needs to start a thread about all these redundant thread titles…maybe we could make some of them permanent 😉 😆

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