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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • bikemonkey
    Free Member

    Maybe take a smartish jacket with you in the car in case you misjudged and everyone else is a lot more dressed up than you?

    Would the earth end if this were the case?

    No, but you might look like a tw@ and be self conscious for the whole day.

    Free Member

    Better to be the smartest bloke there than the scruffiest.

    Maybe take a smartish jacket with you in the car in case you misjudged and everyone else is a lot more dressed up than you?

    Free Member

    Here it is

    Free Member

    Sold my Kona Jake when I moved jobs and went from weekly to monthly payment in arrears (ie a basically a month without payment).

    I'd quite like to buy it back, or buy a new one to replace it. Cross bikes make so much sense!

    Free Member

    What does your mate want to do?

    Free Member

    Can they put in clauses forcing you to buy them out by a certain date?

    Free Member

    The average price has risen massively over the past 10-ish years though.

    I suppose the largest market for high-spec forks now is new builds, where people are more likely to swallow the larger costs, rather than upgrading your factory-spec bike which is what people used to do.

    Free Member

    100% – give him a call

    Free Member

    I'm on hold trying to speak to Sony now.

    Internet opinion seems to be that for £130ish, Sony will send me a refurbed PS3 in a couple of weeks and I may get the disk thats stuck in it (MW2) back after quite a few weeks.

    Think I might just bite the bullet and go and buy a new 250GB Slim PS3 today. At least they're not £425 anymore, like I paid to get mine!

    Free Member

    There's a bit of freelance Mac work around at the moment. The two ad agencies I've worked at in the past year were a bit happy to wield the axe on studio/design people and are now making massive use of freelancers to complete their work.

    Free Member

    Im surprised Mad Men hasn't been mentioned yet. It's such an under-rated series. I think it suffers from being difficult to pick up if you've not watched from the start and not really having an overarching 'point'. It has a record number of emmy nominations though.

    Free Member

    Love my Kona Dawg Primo.

    I'm happy that it goes up and down, I don't get caught up in how exactly it goes up and down.

    Free Member

    Buy a house

    Free Member

    To quote Aerosmith:

    "Life's a journey, not a destination"

    Free Member

    I saw it last night and, although being as cynical as they come with regard to films, thought it was great. The plot wasn't amazing, but that's not really why you're going to see it though, is it?

    Free Member

    I work in advertising, and agencies seem to be the norm. I've moved twice, and registered with 3 agencies for each move. Both times the same person at the same agency has got me the job, and has been an absolute delight to deal with.

    I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her. Of the other agencies I used, one talked the talk but only managed to get me one interview for a job I was not suited to (wasting my and the interviewers time) and the rest were just useless and pathological liars!

    Free Member

    I believe a retaliatory attack by some people from here shut their website down too.

    Weren't the police involved?

    Free Member

    It interferes with the treadmill mechanics.

    I'll get my coat

    Free Member

    I love his wheels – removed extraneous letters from 'Bontrager' to spell 'rage', for those amongst you who are unobservant or weren't bothered.

    Free Member

    I belive RATM are also mountain bikers. One of the album sleeves thanks "XTR Rear Mechs".

    Might need verifying, that one.

    Free Member

    After I read it on here:

    Toasted and buttered malt loaf

    Free Member

    I'm not a cider fan. Do chocolate covered raisins count?

    Free Member

    Make sure you don't sell yourself short. If you're producing print-ready artwork and make a small cock up, they could ask you to pay for the reprint.

    If I were you I'd charge a creative fee for the design and an artwork fee which covers x2 sets of amends. That leaves you room to charge extra if they take the mickey with loads of tweaks.

    Something like £240 per page creative, £160 per page artwork.

    Free Member

    IMHO, all speed cameras distract drivers from actual driving and are therefore a bad thing.

    After my second SP30 offence, I decided it was probably me at fault not 'the man' and so now observe speed limits. It's a pain in the arse and driving would be much more fun if I could drive as fast as I feel is safe but that's just not how it happens.

    Now when I see a camera I can sail through whilst only checking my speed, rather than the half second of panic as I quickly check my speed, decide what the limit is and brake before hitting the stripy road.

    Sorry for getting all sanctimonious!

    Free Member

    More of a Tampopo fan myself. Always reminds me of the hovering noodle bar thing in Blade Runner.

    Free Member

    or is it that these bits aren't actually tricky[/url]

    Free Member

    I believe the term is 'positive discrimination'. IMHO, racism will only stop when people don't see someone's skin colour as important or relevant.

    There's a Black Police Officer's Association dont'cha know, how does it feel to a white Officer to be refused membership?

    Free Member

    Rubbish depth perception apparently

    Free Member

    I've got a Fabia 1.9 tdi, my girlfriend has a Suzuki Swift 1.3. The Swift is good for the money, but feels cheaper in the cabin. I'm sure this won't apply, but steer clear of the 1.3 engine cos it's got no guts at all.

    Free Member

    Contact the ASA. Things advertised as reduced need to have been sold at the higher price for 28 days beforehand.

    Free Member

    I'm a geek and proud of it. I wear glasses and everything.

    Free Member

    Anyone know when the next version is likely to be announced? I'm looking at an iPhone 3GS but as it's been out for a few months, there's bound to be a better/faster etc one on the way.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys

    It's a 15% pay rise and a little closer to home (although heavier traffic). I'll be snapping their arms off!

    Free Member

    You may or may not be interested to hear they've offered me the job.

    Must've been a kick-ass presentation!

    Free Member

    Why does some **** always churn out the Keith Bontrager quote and the 'have a shit' quote. For a start who mentioned cheap and secondly maybe they do have a shit before the leave. I dunno what your shit weighs but mine ain't gonna make a lot of difference, but I guess some people are more full of shit than others.

    I think the point is that as we're on a bike forum, and most of us aren't professional cyclists, the weight of our bikes isn't the limiting factor. The pink blob in the middle is.

    Have a sh1t and chill out.

    Free Member

    Contaminated pads, get new ones.

    Free Member

    I'mnot in a mad ruch to change jobs – I'm secure where I am but a little disillusioned and not progressing as quickly as I'd like.

    Gut feeling – call in sick at work tomorrow. Prepare the most kick-ass presentation you've ever seen.

    They'll then either:

    offer the job – great
    not offer the job – oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained
    ask me for another interview – politely decline.

    Fingers crossed chaps!

    Free Member

    (unless they want you to do the research for the presentation because they want it for their own future use)?

    I'm flattered that you think I'll be able to do something that good tonight!

    Free Member

    Because their HR department are incompetent and can't make a decision based on meeting someone 3 times?

    Free Member

    I'm trying to start a #LesCheats trending topic on twitter. Mainly for my own vanity but I'd like to whip up a small storm.

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