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  • bikebouy
    Free Member

    Could be a “lovely day”

    Free Member

    Back in the day I was a semi pro roadie for 6 years and I damn near killed myself training (and deffo killed my then relatinship) After getting to the point of exhaustion I bailed out and returned to childhood passion for sailing, I hated the bike after that, couldn’t look at one for 6or7 years and really enjoying sailing so why bother. Then a mate (from back then) caught up with me and came to stay for a long w/e and he brought his bike (TREK Madonne) and a Dale CAAD and I hated him for it. I just knew if I climbed back on that’d be it..I’d get another.. and true to form I did just that.. I bought another one after he went home.. git. I most deffo needed the break but 6years?? may have been a little too long..hahahaha

    Free Member

    The OP has now left the building.
    I hope the OP finds what he’s looking for and one thing he’s just let out of the bag is this..

    Awesome Girls is just a wake up call.. Well there you go see.. You are now seeing the possibility of a future without your current wife.

    Thats to be encouraged. And you should feel such realising that there are most definetly people out there who feel like you and actually like you too.


    Free Member

    I’ve read the TnC’s of Southern and SWest Trains. Both positively encourage bikes on thier trains.
    You don’t mention what type of bike you have, is it a foldie? if so then fold it and if theres no room in the bike compartment, stick it in the doorway and stand next to it. If it’s a non foldie then you’ll be far better off in the bike compartment. I’ve yet to have the conversation with ANYONE about my foldie.. a couple of guys who do bring on non foldies have blocked the doorways and both passengers and guards have asked them to move them, only right they do so if it’s blocking entry/exit.
    My trains are busy too and 7/10 time I have to stand with my bike and in all that time no one yet has whinged at me.

    Free Member

    Being driven by your d*ck is never a good option. It’ll be short term at best and the probability of hurting both you and “awsome girl” high. Your “wife” will most likely not understand your infidelity either (despite her infraction) therby greating a whole emotional hornets nest of angst/guilt/recrimination.
    Clean break the only viable option IMO, then once settled take an approach at “awsome girl” and take it easy.
    Your friend sounds like a decent moral sort, try to guide him to play to his strengths.
    No need for d*ck logic.

    Free Member

    I see no one on my commute until I hit the station, then it’s just Women With Baskets, fatty on an Apollo, lot’s of dog eared MTB’s and Moi on my Dahon Vitesse.I don’t subscribe to Yellow Jackets, just light chino stylee, loafers, white shirt, Rapha LSJ, musette and a grin.
    Am I in a negative P&L situation like Portugal/Greece and in need of a bail out???

    Free Member

    I drove a Smart Electric att he weekend down the South Bank’s Festival of Britain.. anyhoo’s they’re really quiet. It was quite odd driving along not hearing anything except tyre noise.. and if you know what a Smart drives like then you’ll know you hear the engine at slow speeds.. It did make me nervous driving it along a busy street behind the Theatre but once on the “open” roads I completely forgot it was electric.
    Maybe the sound of a crying baby would help. It would certainly get some adults “tutting”.

    Free Member

    Taxis in Flaorence use Prius’s and when they are in electric mode they emit a sort of soft “bong” every couple of seconds. Seems to work just fine. When the car speeds up and the engine kicks in the “bong” goes off..

    Free Member

    Proven.. his wifes cheated,
    Proven.. he’s taken her back,
    Proven.. he’s still a Man and can have feelings.

    Choice.. stay where the probability of manogamy is stacked against him or break free if the other Girl feels the same.

    But a clean break it must be, no behind the wifes back stuff please, be honest opena nd true to oneself.

    blah, blah..

    Free Member

    “I love cutting the Grass”
    “Nah, can’t be bothered riding tonight”
    “Pass the Hovis”
    “Do you think these skinny jeans make me look like an old man trying to be trendy?”

    Free Member

    Galaxy S2, I’ve just changed from the GS1 and the new version is sooooo much better, faster and it has a flash on a much better camera too..
    No brainer.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Well the M25/M20 through M23 was mad with traffic and after the A3 junction it was gridlocked.. grrrrr… so I was inconveinianced, greatly, then again it is a Monday running up to sckool holidays…grrrr.

    Free Member

    Tell me why Elias went back into MotoGP when he was creaming the Moto2 stage? World champ to back of the fleet in one easy step.. nob.

    Free Member

    Isn’t shyness just a consiquence of a lack of confidence and self belief??
    Crack those two lttle nuggets and you’ll be flying..



    Free Member

    True, no kids, so I have no idea about loosing a child..? hooohummm.

    Neglect deffo, why wasn’t either of them prosecuted in Portugal? As for the theories about drug induced coma to shut the kiddo up I think thats a bit harsh, but feasable, abduction erm possible but to what end? For someone else to bring up a blond kid from the midlands? She’d surely have a accent by that time..
    As for the publicity I’m sick of hearing about it.
    And I’m not happy about my taxes being spent on an irresponcible parent just to apease her guilt.

    Free Member

    Fantasy Winnings eh..

    So, First things first.. get outa here. I’d buy a very large camper and stick a Smart car on the back of it. Buy a Stork Hardtail MTB and Roadie, fill my wardrobe with more Rapha.. D&G/Tods yadda yadda..
    Then travel starting in Norway (thanks Julia) travelling down through Northern Europe into our bit then back over to France/Germany/Austria/Hungary/Italy and go back over to the Dolomites etc. I’d stay in some pretty swanky new age retreats along the way, then spend some time buying a place in Verese (Lombardia) then pootle off down middle Italy way possibly buying a place near Ovietto/Florence..I’d stay over in Naples then carry on down the boot. I’d then buy a boat, a Swan 50ft’er and do some cruising around livaboard stylee, ending up in Valencia. From there I’d pick up the camper again and do Andalucia and stay in Sevilla for some time. I may buy another place here, why not, then hey I’d start a business of some sort.
    My parents are no longer around, my Sis and here rabble would be well looked after so too the remaining Aunt and cousins (though I’d not go too far with this)
    I’d be hoping my new GF (of 6mths) would be along for the ride too, but thats early days and wouldn’t want her to think of me as some sort of money pit, although I technically would be, hahaha.
    Debt..erm don’t have any so thats covered.
    I’d love to sponsor an Artist, Sculpture more than likely.
    Cars.. erm.. nah not for me really, I’d probably buy a Porka GT3RS to drive and a Q7 for normal driving, but I’d be happy with the Smart for daily use.
    Charity wise I’d rather spend time helping than fund some huge loss bucket full of corruption.
    I’d have my teeth fixed, hahaha

    hmmm.. yup, I’d do all of those.

    Free Member

    “Cycle to work through Halfords – a cautionary tale”

    Do they open the front and rear doors for you each time??


    Sorry, had to be done..

    Free Member

    I asked a similar question the other day and all responces from the lads were the same names..
    Mines off on a trip “uoop North” (if Wrexhams in the North, ha)
    I’ve delved into Dales forum too and most state not to take it apart due to the spring preload pressure, you need a clamp both ends to release the spring otherwise it’ll take your eye out as it recoils, boing!!
    Other stuff really relates to bushes and lube.. worth a good read witha bottle of Red though.

    Free Member

    AlpineStars anyone..??

    TBH the ideas a goodun’ Just visually they look odd, but then it’s not mine and I didn’t design it. Beauty they say.

    More interested how it rides me…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Serviced?? Hahahha erm.. nope can’t ever remember that being done..

    The only thing I do is every 3 months or so (depending on conditions) take the stanction off and clean the leg and lube it.. I’ve run it quite hard pressure wise cos I like it like that.. But having not used it for ages I jumped on it at the weekend and noticed, or rather renoticed, it’s reletive lack of damping…

    Servicing.. hahahaha

    Free Member

    Is this only aimed at motorists? Or are we included too??

    I mean I jump lights and hop onto pavements, enter yellow boxes, bunny hop in front of taxis, cut underneath all the time in that there London..

    Free Member

    Ok, so I’ve shown up my ignorance on drug use..

    I didn’t inhale.. honest.

    Free Member

    If I’da worn a skirt at my old skool I’da had the cane, slammed in the “naughty room” and matron pooring boiling oil down my pants whilst I sucked on an orange filled with animal nitrate..
    I’m now a Tory Politician dontchaknow..

    Free Member

    Being single is a choice thing, be it easy or hard.
    I chose to be single after a relationship of 12yrs just wasn’t going anywhere. After years of supporting, mentoring, helping, financial support, you name it I did it. And one day I looked and thought “nah” I’m done, what’s in it for me.. Once I stopped doing what I’d always done I got a different response, she left within 3 months. She sat across from me and said “I’m going home” Those words spoke more about the relationship than any I’d heard in years.. “Home” eh, sure, if she was “going home” that meant not with me and that this wasn’t her home.
    I said “Ok, your not happy I can see that” and that was it, off she trotted.
    Having been single for 2.5 years after that I found that I still had all the spirit and love to give, but this time not overcompensate for the lack of such in the other partner, So far it’s going well with my new SO, she’s a solid lovely girl of high morals and she’d simply come to the same conclusion in her previous relationship..
    Our choice was to get together and we’re happy to see how it progresses. We’re most definetly in Love and will continue to live apart for the forseeable, but one day we’ll make the decision to marry, and that’ll be a first for me and her.

    I’d say if you are happy on your own, then so be it. If not then there are so many ways to meet new people and you know what, regardless of age (it matters not one kot) you’ll find someone who’s equal to you.

    Free Member

    No, no I’ve no advice on how to construct a moral society.. I thought we lived in one already, I’m wrong of course and/or deluded.
    I’ve never known anyone whose been raped and neither, to my knowledge, known anyone whose even had thoughts of such violation against another person.
    I’ve chosen not to have kids so I don’t know what it’s like to have teenagers to look after either. Therefore I’ve no idea what the thought pattern is in them for wearing what they wear or possibly what they are trying to achieve by it, except a freedom of expression.

    Free Member

    Interesting topic going on here.
    From what I gather the blame rests solely on the person being raped yeah? Is that correct? For me it makes not one jot of sense that. What difference does it make how/what the woman (or man) wears, it’s purely down to the person/potential attacker to have the morals NOT to attack that person. The attackers own decision to pursue and force themselves on the woman (or man) is singularly down to their own decision to do such. Using the defence of “she/he was gagging for it, look at the way they dress” is abhorrent. This society should have the moral backbone to accept the freedom of expression (in whatever form that maybe) without fear of recrimination and without ramification.
    Slutwalking, whom ever thought that terminology up needs a better understanding of the society they occupy.

    Free Member

    Born there, still love (and miss) the place. It’s got a great vibe in the summer when the tourists are around and really they’re not that bad and they do spend a few quid in between posing for photos.. Great restaurants, lovely people and polite too (whoop) riding out can be a little one dimentional though but it’s ok. You’ve got some good forest stuff near Newmarket way so thats about an hour away or Grafham way.. so pretty good on the whole.
    Enjoy it, hope you grow to love it.

    Free Member

    Born there, still love (and miss) the place. It’s got a great vibe in the summer when the tourists are around and really they’re not that bad and they do spend a few quid in between posing for photos.. Great restaurants, lovely people and polite too (whoop) riding out can be a little one dimentional though but it’s ok. You’ve got some good forest stuff near Newmarket way so thats about an hour away or Grafham way.. so pretty good on the whole.
    Enjoy it, hope you grow to love it.

    Free Member

    Ya gotta whoop this up.. Well done son, well done.

    Free Member

    Informative thread. Good to hear both sides and in good jest too.

    Moi.. Never liked drinking years ago, too busy riding for a semi pro team, rarely had a glass of wine etc. and didn’t like beer. Then stopped riding hard, held down a solid job and turned into a wine snob.. then a good few years ago stopped, took up the bike again and now I drink wine, the very occasional beer and matured into a lover of single malts..
    What a turn around eh.

    I find I can go weeks and weeks before opening a bottle of red, then i’ll drink it in a couple of days and then stop for another few weeks.. I don’t conciously think about it and can’t honestly say if it affects my training, I just think I push myself too hard and maybe open a bottle and blame the overtraining!! Could be wrong of course..hahah

    Free Member

    You never said “good” or “bad” just “outstanding”,

    Gordon Brown

    On so many levels.

    Free Member

    Ah ha..

    Didn’t know that either..

    You lot, You’re Grrrrreat..


    Free Member

    I’m no MAC man, man, and can’t find how to create PDF’s in my M’sus MAC hellhole.. so thought the more normal Adobe solution was the only option.. then I read this and blingo..
    CutePDF for MAC d’loaded..

    Free Member

    does this run on a mac too??

    Free Member

    Whilst I’m on..

    My old boss bought a new Volvo 480ES (remember those from back in the day?, yes thats it the little coupe they did, rather like the new one thats out now..) So.. it was black with some nice alloys on it..blah blah.. He parked it outside his house in a very upper middle class area (back then) and the passenger wheels got nicked and he drove it off the bricks that the kind pikies had left it stood on.. hahhahaha, so anyhoo’s he’d had it about 3weeks by this time and the rear window flipped open and he lost his violin out of the back as he went over a rather bumpy track near his home, then later that month he rolled it coming out of a limestone quarry having picked up a few slabs for his patio, simple enough spin into roll backwards down the embankment into field movement.. I think the quarry men judges gave him 6:10, 7:10 and 6:10 for the lack of flare and that it landed on it’s roof and the fact that he climbed out..
    So, the point of this tale is that he was deeply into the paranormal side of life and used to see a gurucumpsychic.. He went to see her and as he stepped into her front room he said that she recalled all the incidents he’d had recently in this ere car.. So he then assumed it was possessed and sold it.. He bought a 320i sport and promptly turned that over too, he said she claimed she’d seen the same vision.. He sold that car too.. He then bought an XR2 and promptly nurffed that into the back of a muck waggon and he got covered in horse sh*te.. he sold that too..
    Psychic.. pile of cr*p the guy couldn’t drive properly.

    Free Member

    Yup, as per the “what cars have you owned thread” Renault 5 GT Turbo, slightly damp country lane, bit of lag from the turbo around a sharp(ish) bend which headed towards a farm gate, boost kicked in and Ispan and rolled down the small drop tipping the car onto it’s roof.. all at an impresive speed of about 25mph.. I really should have been wearing clown shoes, a huge mop of red hair, yellow blazer and some rather fetching red lipstick such was the comedy moment.
    Damage to my ego = huge
    Damage to the car = passenger side nurfed in front and rear screen broken
    Damage to me GF (at the time) = sliced open arm and twisted left knee

    Free Member

    small hands…

    Free Member

    looking out of the orrifice window and hnlokao0sdgb been blinnnnnedeeeddddd


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