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  • bikebouy
    Free Member

    You could try spending all your savings on IVF the f the natural cause and effect doesn’t work.

    Free Member

    Remember that post i put up about the 50mph e-bike vid?

    Plod went around to see him.

    Free Member

    Stick at it, you’re probably used to a certain type of cooking.

    It ain’t for everyone, but it should work out over a few weeks.

    My mate did the SW diet, not sure which one, but he stuck with it and dropped form 16stone to 13.6stone in under 6mths, he looks flipping amazing. It’s done wonders for his mental and physical well being.. Downsides, well he totally changed the way he ate meals and prepared them, became a bore at the pub (no alcohol, but introduced us lot to lime/soda/angustra-bitters pints (which are fab has to be said)) but stuck with it and he’s really happy in himself and back to being Tim.


    If it don’t work, try another diet.

    Free Member

    Niiiiice, adding a bit of technicality to your build.

    Very neat, and I’m sure it’ll sound brighter for it.

    Free Member

    In before the flame goes out.

    Free Member

    All depends where you work and how you work.


    Facetime and Skype have broken the boundaries of fixed time meetings and out of hours no contact.

    I too have a dislike of smokers taking a few mins off too, but I do think those that I know who do it are far more productive because of the breaks. Like most of us, we choose to apply ourselves when we feel comfortable in our place of work, less comfortable when there are restrictions and backward looking work time practices.


    Free Member

    France, Italy and Spain are heavily reliant on personal vehicles. It’s the geography innit. We may think they’ve got better train infrastructure, and they have, but getting from point to point involves vehicles.

    The UK being geographically smaller you’d think we’d have cracked the point to point transport infrastructure, but we haven’t because nobody wants it and the government don’t really care either. They’re just after your taxation for usage and it’ll be a very long time before they decide what to do about the £28bn they’ll loose if EV vehicles take over and the loss in tax and vat revenue..

    Free Member


    What is it with the slack and low fashion?

    Free Member

    Apple themselves?

    Or classifieds on here, I sold my 6s in the classifieds.

    As a first step into smartphones you can’t really go wrong. You’ll probably need a cover of some sort and they’re available.

    My Nephews have just got their 1st smartphones too, 10 & 13.. both on 6s’s bought off family friends.

    That could be worth exploring.. chatting at the school..

    Free Member

    Live die repeat on Sky Movies.

    Gets my squeal of approval..

    Free Member

    I once played bass, a very very long time ago and I wasn’t very good either. All I wanted to do was sound like Billy Sheehan… and my (then, brief) band mates hated me for it. Until I landed a gig with a band that sound like Treat (80’s Swedish Rock band) and I started down the route of sounding like Rudy Sarzo… We actually got some money for an EP and some pro-mo photos… and was about to meet someone “from the industry” about some gigs with a (then) good rock touring band..

    Anyway, I played one of these… I’d almost forgotten about it.. Washburn B20 sunburst. Not my pic BTW.

    Free Member

    My wife had no proof of her HSBC loan (from the late 90s, around three years after I took mine out) and recently received £1800.

    Yeah, we read all that in the other thread. And it was pointed out the remedy too.

    Free Member

    Oh, sad news.

    He certainly inspired drummers the world over.

    Being such a talent, it could only be the three of them in Rush.

    Rest well Mr Peart.

    Free Member


    Tell me, what interface are you using to “plug” it into your iPad.. ?

    Free Member

    Well, just reading a few replies on here to the OP’s situation.. seems like they are happy to accept the current shortage of police and their response to the OP’s situation.

    And that my internet friends is what you are up against.

    Free Member

    ostentatious public proposals are rather awful

    They are, I’ve witnessed 2 from immediate friends. Both TBF were spontaneous, but the gushing and fawning when those around realised what was going on was vom inducing. Both went through with it, ones still married, the other divorced.
    The parties I can’t remember, so it’s all just history and I’m sure it’s still a tainted history for the divorced couple.

    Free Member

    Heres a few shots of todays surf:

    Free Member

    Underfunded, under resourced, too many conflicting demands and political pressures.

    And Teresa May (Cons, Home Sec) decided to cut 20000 jobs… and we wonder why we rarely see any police on the streets, in plod cars or actually doing anything. And the lyinblohard pops up with “I’ll create 20000” jobs. Yeah right, thats just an outright lie.. but you knew that all along.


    St Ives, nearest Plod station?

    Have a guess, whilst you are at it have a guess at how many police they have at their disposal to cover the area.

    Hayling Island/Havant/Portsmouth had 1 Sgt and 4 “bobbys” covering the whole area for 18mths.

    So, it’s no wonder the police are polite and hard working because they know only too well that whoever we see one we’re both surprised and pleased at the same time. Its not their fault they’re understaffed, blame this government..

    But you voted them back in so expect more of the same.

    Free Member

    Big Surf today, waters cold but no boots no hood and no gloves.

    Roll on Summer.

    Free Member

    Mate, pay attention

    I did, thats why I quoted your post.

    Nice to see you’ve clarified your own position though, should have done that much sooner in the thread… save all the angst and missives thrown your way.

    Free Member

    Ah ha, Brexits hitting hard.

    Free Member

    Interesting choices, a new startup Tech company or an established passenger/cargo distribution company.

    Is there really a choice?

    TBF Boeing are not a passenger/cargo distribution company, they make planes.

    For established passenger/cargo distribution companies


    Free Member

    But if our labour costs come down, then that could offset the cost of tariffs on parts and we could then sell cars more cheaply to the rest of the world than a factory in the EU.

    You are lyingblohard and I’d like my £5 paid in €5 because once the UK’s workforce are asked to work longer for less, and whole tranches of workers have been laid off you will indeed have a cheap workforce and one back on strike for equal wages and working time practices like we currently enjoy being in the EU.

    But carry on ruining UK manufacturing.

    Jeeze, there are some proper weirdos in the forum.

    Free Member

    If we are talking Porsche, I have a freind who has put a deposit on a Taycan and hopes to get one of the first batch in the UK due in May this year.

    His dealings with Portsmouth have been:

    Him: I have a Tesla P100D and want a Taycan..

    Them: We would suggest you sell the Tesla privately, we wouldn’t be interested in a PX.

    Him: Why?

    Them: We have our own market segment that doesn’t include Tesla, thats not to say we wouldn’t take it but we wouldn’t offer you anywhere near Market Value because to us it’s not worth the time dealing with Tesla for the supporting documentation.

    Him: I see, sounds like you have the same issues I have dealing with them.

    Them: Then you understand why we suggest you sell it privately.

    Him: How much deposit would you like, and where do I sign.

    Them: He is the spec system, once you have decided on the spec simply press save and send and you’ll get a build slot immediately along with the Project Build updates, build book and updates on distribution and delivery..

    Him: Ok, I’ve completed that and it says May2020.

    Them: Then that’s when you’ll receive you new vehicle, thank you for choosing Porsche. Would you like the experience day and pre-delivery hamper and welcome pack?

    Him: How much does that cost?

    Them: FOC Sir, we provide many layers of Porsche service and ownership benefits that you’ll become accustomed to.

    Him: Stood there gobsmacked.

    I was with him, it literally was that simple and that professional.

    I’m looking forward to the Taycan as much as he is TBH.

    Free Member



    Is it family tradition, convenience, preference?

    Family tradition? Immediate or Maternal? Immediate, yep we both shop there. Maternal? Nope, my mother shops in many places and they don’t have a Waitrose in deepest Norfolk.

    Convenience? Yeah, it’s about 10mins away. Has a carpark, trollies, people who gather up the trollies from the other Shops (Iceland/Butchers/Pharma) I can order stuff online and get it delivered there too.

    Preference? Yeah, it fits my world where you can pop in and buy stuff I like and its laid out in a manner that is easy to navigate, doesn’t clutter up the Isles with crap, it sells stuff I like and hardly any crap I don’t. What does annoy me ATM is their idiotic change from a cold meat counter and changed it into a Deli. This means all the meat stuff you buy is now pre-packaged in plastic crap and the olives and antipasti is open to the unwashed sneezing and handling the stuff…

    We have a massive Tesco about 20mins away, a massive M&S & Sainsburys 25mins away.. it’s like a walking dead hell when you enter either of those. People seem to walk around in some trance or just attend because they’re bored with life and all look down in the mouth.

    Lidl and Aldi are about 35 mins away and I’ve been in Lidl once and bought a drill bench, it was ok but not my kind of place.

    Free Member

    Interesting choices, a new startup Tech company or an established passenger/cargo distribution company.

    Is there really a choice?

    Why not work together of the proposition, both companies would benefit and the ultimate aim.

    Free Member

    I’d like to add more to my point above about how we should all react to the current underlying political situation and motives.

    Its well known in the world of Leadership and Management that 3 key ingredients exist to perform the task of effective Leadership, and I’ll quote it:

    <b>Honesty</b> and <b>integrity</b> are key ingredients in developing <b>trust</b>. <b>Trust</b> is a key element in establishing credibility.

    We have established since 2016, and the recent General Election, that these key ingredients no longer exist and should no longer be a cohesive mantra for Leadership or Management.

    The UK has proven that there is a whole new mantra, a complete tear up and disregard for those values and the current political leadership is littered, and documented, with the complete opposite of those ideals.

    We now follow the mantra of:

    Lies, dishonesty and suspicion.

    So, when anything is published by this government and its supporters, oh.. and those that supported Brexit you should apply the new mantra to what they say. Simply because they will apply those “rules” to each and every word they type or write.

    We better get used to it, the landscape has changed and it’s ok to act in the same manner as they do. It maybe hard, unnerving, alien or totally against your own ethical makeup.. but sure as eggs are indeed eggs (though, they would argue that eggs are not eggs but something else, and not egg shaped or taste of egg) you will be talked to with the new world mantra.

    Best get on with adopting the new programme.

    Free Member

    What is your problem?

    Youve been asked to back up some of your statements ^ and we’re sitting waiting for the reply.

    The Mods have re-instated my post, it is self explanatory and I’ve even simplified or summarised it for all to see. The word has been taken out, fair point if people choose to apply it to a derogatory word used in the 70’s to explain a mental health issue, but it’s literal definition doesn’t mean that.

    But that’s fine. It’s the first time this has ever happened to me and I’m quite vocal on here.

    And I’ll just apply the same shrug as the Brexiteers do when I’m challenged about my political stance.

    Free Member

    You can’t take away peoples opinion. Political or otherwise.

    The literal definition of the word I used is valid, it explains a lot of the underlying thoughts of general public.

    If you have read it in a mental health capacity then that’s your problem, probably because you don’t know the literal definition.

    You are right, it’s not the 70’s. But we are heading back there, and terminology of that era is returning. I’m not the only one to have recognised the return of words or phrases that seek to demonise or belittle segments of the public.

    I’ll make my point simpler, for those who failed to understand it previously:

    If they haven’t got what you’ve got, or gain any benefit from it, they see no reason why you should have it.

    Thats simple.

    Free Member

    Why was my post removed mods?

    It simply stated an open opinion. And a valid one too.
    Happy to chat about it.

    Free Member

    Can someone who is a brexiteer explain to me how this is a Good Thing?

    There aren’t any who would actually own up to being a Brexiteer, after all you’d be called out  for being many of the naughtiest words on the planet.

    And they DGAS, they “won” we lost, thats all they care about.

    Quite why this is a surprise to any normal thinking human being is well, beyond any comprehension.

    But you voted for it, you’ll have to suffer it just like they will. The only difference is they won’t be affected since they don’t mix in the same circles.

    Predictable as having a shit in the morning, theres plenty more to come.

    And you have no voice, because lyingblohard and his cohorts don’t care what you say and aren’t listening.

    You may as well close this thread down and get with the program.

    Work harder for less, do as they say and don’t question their decisions.

    Predicted all this shit at the very start of the thread back in 2016, but we’ve all just wasted our time because the **** have got their own way. When you can only look backwards, you make the same mistakes as you’ve always done. History is full of people who look backwards and are full of their own limitations.

    I vote (natch) we close this thread down. Nothing productive or positive will come of it.

    Free Member

    Awestrum 🤠

    Free Member

    it’s yours for not claiming in time..

    Except, the OP did claim in time. He said so in the first sentence.

    Exactly, I pointed that out in my reply. Hence the:

    The lenders are still dealing with the claims, it’s simple. A lot of lenders have downscaled the teams and left pretty much skeleton staff to deal with the claims that were in progress come the cut off.


    The only recourse if you are not happy is the Ombudsman, as has always been the case for any claim against a lender. You may find sympathy, you may not, but if a claim has been turned down by the lender and you have a letter stating such then you have the right to challenge that.. and the Ombudsman will undertake that for you.

    There is quite a lot I pointed out ^^ that should help the OP out. I simply added the current situation lenders are in to enable others understand why they haven’t heard anything or are not happy.

    But if you read what I wrote, and understood it, then you wouldn’t have had to point out the obvious, because that is obviously obvious.

    Free Member

    Bit late to this, but yeah I’m a fan.

    They crafted some fabulous songs, but then filled the albums out with some very weird creations, so if really is had to pick one album and go “like yeah, that’s the best one” The early ones had the edge and energy, so that fairly safe to predict, but the chaos of the personalities in the latter years created some sublime melodies.

    Andy Summers has always been a favourite guitar player of mine, if you listen to some of the chord sequences in “Regatta” you’re gonna find some deeply jazzy riffs, all sprinkled with some hippy shit chorus pedals and flangers to take what simple jazz riffs into a new era with a punkesque energy and sharpness.
    I’ve been lucky to have met Andy quite a few times, he’s notoriously quiet spoken, outspoken too. Yet even I find his solo stuff hard to listen too without skipping some tracks.

    Sting, well yeah he moved on into his own stuff and TBH he was always going to do that and be deemed the “leader” but if you look at the structure of most of the Polices songs, most are drum rhythms with guitar laid over the top and in the gaps.. it’s only when you realise there is a bit of bass in ther that you realise Sting is the bass player.. well from the records that is.. it’s almost like an after thought the bass.

    However, Stewart is IMO the mainstay of the band. He was the glue that brought them together and banged heads when everyone was up thier own arses. He now seems to stand out for his BBC4 drumming programmes and his almost childlike enthusiasm when presenting his favourite subject matter… and as is the case, may that continue for years to come.

    So, over the years I’ve dipped in and out as I do with other artists but they do remain a favourite of mine and  and easy choice if I’m feeling a bit nostalgic.

    Free Member

    I’d be interested to the the sales book from UK.Gov MoD in the summer… Makes me wonder if this isn’t an opportunity to make some cash for UKPlc.


    Free Member

    The lenders are still dealing with the claims, it’s simple. A lot of lenders have downscaled the teams and left pretty much skeleton staff to deal with the claims that were in progress come the cut off.

    You could be lucky, but expect more “nope, sorry” responses. It’s not their fault any longer, it’s yours for not claiming in time.. it was well publicised.

    The only recourse if you are not happy is the Ombudsman, as has always been the case for any claim against a lender. You may find sympathy, you may not, but if a claim has been turned down by the lender and you have a letter stating such then you have the right to challenge that.. and the Ombudsman will undertake that for you.

    Don’t expect miracles if you are short on paperwork, 6 yrs is pretty much all we keep. The rest, has probably been microfilmed or destroyed..

    Its really for you to prove you have a claim now, and not for the lender to provide the service for you.

    As mentioned in the first paragraph, lenders have downscaled support but still will be working on live claims.

    Best of luck.

    Free Member

    Some retards voted him in, don’t blame yourselves unless you were one of them.

    You get what you vote for.


    Free Member

    He’s done some good films, the one about a Dentist and a ghost is very amusing..

    Free Member

    No, I hunt for my meat in the wild.

    That Burger Cafe on top of Portsdown Hill??

    Free Member

    No they cannot do it. Depending on what your contract says but they have to pay you the full contracted amount of pay whatever that is. Clear breach of contract

    You are assuming that the Boss GAS about any employment law. Don’t forget we live in a word of lies and cheats and it’s accepted to just shrug and ignore complaints.

    After the election, I thought people would have learnt this..

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