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  • Podcast Making Up The Numbers – Mid Season Review
  • bikebouy
    Free Member

    All those revelling in the “mine costs teeny x” price…

    The price of Ionity charging for BEVs has just been put up 500%. Yep, thats now 70p a KWhr… so more expensive than to fill up a Rolls Royce Cullinan.

    Told you the tide would turn, and those says it only costs £1.20 to charge my BEV over night will be in for a mighty shock. Purely due to market forces being applied means more EV charging companies will now think “well, if they can put up prices, then so should we” and running a BEV will become the same cost as petrol/diesel vehicles in one fail swoop.

    And who are the major shareholders in Ionity?

    BMW/VWGroup amongst other very large manufacturers…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’m sure I took a loan out in 1546, and I’m sure I’m owed PPI…

    Will I get it if I plead with the loan company, cos like I lost the account numbers or the loan was taken out when Henry VIII gave permission to Trinity Collage Cambridge to use his name, and I know that because I kept an old scrap book from my great grandfather.

    No, you need to take it to the Ombudsman since last August.

    How many times does one need to type that out…


    Free Member

    For reliability trials I suggest a trial for 2 yrs on this Conservative party.

    Then we’ll see who is telling a truth or a version of the truth or indeed a false truth.

    Free Member

    I can’t see the trailer for mopping up all the shells they dispense… Shirley in our environmentally conscious age we’d be expecting these tanks to clean up after themselves.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Easy, well kinda… but this guy and this album.

    Free Member

    I thought it got Londoners to Birmingham as well?

    Erm, who wants to go to Birmingham?

    I wonder what the BBC and C4 think about the cancellation of the extensions to Leeds and Madchester…

    Same old vanity project the conservative government comes up with. Headlines read “wizz-bang-whalllop, it’ll be brilliant, like beans they’re brilliant”

    In reality its all wasted money on a scheme nobody wants nor needs.

    Spend the £106bn on replacing the aged rolling stock and replace the crumbling infrastructure, the electrify the East Coast Mainline (which the conservative government cancelled… but you knew that didn’t you)

    Soemone voted them in, someone’s to blame.

    Free Member

    What am I doing in this thread then? Well, it’s more interesting than my work, you know.

    Stay, we’re all skiving off too.

    Whats on your stereo/DAB radio though? Thats all we want to know..

    Free Member

    £106bn! £250m spending PER MONTH currently

    “sniggers, walks off.

    Free Member

    seriously, no-one is really reading all of these, are they?!

    Of course we are reading them… It’s kinda interesting.

    Is the decimal point in your total in the rong place?

    Free Member

    Porsche owner in next booth, £155 Sir…

    Yes it is, but the only Cayenne that will take that much is the Turbo (and even then, that’s at >£1.25/L) …. and if you can afford the car then you really should be able to afford the fuel.

    But some people don’t look that far ahead!

    Exactly my point. I care less about what others drive, drive what you like and enjoy it. Don’t bemoan the fact it costs £155 to fill up.

    £400 in fuel a month isn’t uncommon amongst my peers, they don’t seem to moan.

    Free Member

    Didn’t really enjoy JoJo Rabbit.

    Probably because a couple of mates said “you like Wes, you’ll like this” which put me in a dark frame of mind even before I walked into the bar of the Everyman.

    Spoiler for
    It really didn’t do anything for my until the scene where the town was bombed, when JoJo really made an effort towards the girl in the loft. Just after JoJo saw his mother hanging.. that scene where the butterfly hopped across the cobbles that led JoJo to the square.. quite moving. Then the film stepped up into a realism about the war.
    I thought it wasn’t one thing or the other, wasn’t a comedy or parody about the war, was realism reimagined either. Seemed to flit between a comedic hitler imagined (which was obviously JoJos imagination and conscience) but the character wasn’t comedic enough to really make a mockery of the leader of the nazi’s.

    Once the bombing of the town came into frame, the realisation kicked in, I could see JoJo’s reticent at telling the girl the wars over, that’s simple enough to understand, but by then the film was almost over par the walking out into the street.

    Quite why it’s up for zillions of awards makes me think the world of cinema is in a poor state ATM.

    To say it’s a Wes type film is demeaning of Wes, the only link I saw in JoJo was a load of kids at camp, the fawn/purple colour pallet, and a few shots where the early scene frames contained a static scene with a wall and a door to the right and a kid on a bicycle riding across the frame… if that’s the Wes trademark it’s sooooooo far off the mark it shouldn’t even be referenced.

    Free Member

    Brexit, or have you been living in a land without BoJo.

    Free Member

    I will add…

    I filled up next to a Porsche Cayenne a few months ago… I was in my hybrid at the time.
    Go to pay, £30 Sir… many thanks.

    Porsche owner in next booth, £155 Sir… “that’s a lot”, “depends on what vehicle you drive Sir, I’m sure you enjoy yours” He huffed “I better enjoy it then”

    I just don’t get that mentality.

    Its not like you walk blindly into vehicle ownership is it, surely at a base level you have to ask “how much does it cost to run/fill up”


    Free Member

    I don’t have kids, but have two nephews 10 & 12.

    10yr old gets £10 a month, 12yr old gets £20.

    They too have some duties around the house, typically the 12yr old doesn’t do anything except moan about doing the duties so invariably doesn’t… then moans when he’s got no money at the end of the month.

    Free Member

    Amazing to think vehicles designed for different purposes have different sized fuel tanks.

    This is so important when you have to consider any “how much” game.

    Hybrid takes £32 from red light just come on to full.

    Roadster takes £68 from red light to full.

    I know this as I filled both up yesterday.

    The hybrid does more mpg, and I get about 90 more miles out of the hybrid compared to the roadster.

    My hybrid has a tiny tank, and rightly too. I can get about 400 miles per tank, the roadster about 310-330.

    Petrol down this way costs anywhere from £1.30 per litre to £1.22 depending where you go to full up.

    Free Member

    Erm, Live?

    Way back when Hair Metal was a thing. Then packed all that in and changed from Bass to Guitar.

    Now play at home only.

    I too take lessons, Jazz.. sort of modern Soul/Jazz. Its what I like, the teacher I see once a month now but did go through a phase of every couple of weeks.

    I also follow a guy on youtube called CaberraTV who plays similar to me, and he, like most on YT, shows chords/licks/riffs etc. I like his style and we message each other once every month or so with progress.

    Free Member

    As mentioned in the many other threads on this topic…

    PPI claims have ceased now, well back in Aug last year.

    If you have a claim in progress but heard nothing, got to the ombudsman

    If you haven’t claimed PPI, but still think you were missold, go to the ombudsman,

    If you disagree with the loan companies PPI estimates and final settlement….





    Loan companies are closing down their departments that were once PPI orientated, they now have no legal requirement to provide that service.

    Free Member

    You can’t blame the press for all the hatred, it’s the people who buy the rags you should blame for it is they who propagate the trashy news fodder.

    Canada seems like a million decades ahead of the UK, who wouldn’t want to live there.

    Free Member

    Re-install Catalina.

    Free Member

    You’ve ring fenced a few unicorns there. Pillars, on boarding? Where do you work where reprisals are invaluable, the Oval Office?

    I am the fake tan applicator to the orange manchild. We have strict on-boarding process defined by the CIA, we also take stool samples and nasal hair samples which allows us to genetically profile you, and we share the results with our large Pharmaceutical partners.

    Its just part of what we do to keep you safe.

    Free Member

    When I’m interviewing candidates I want them to ask me:

    a) culture and openness in the team/line manager… what is it like? does the team report into other pillars? the interview(er/panel) may not be the line manager.

    b) timescale for HR to turn around the on boarding process, this can range from a few days to a month or indeed be forgotten… it’s something you need to check if you’ve heard nothing and been offered the role.

    c) reprisals/1:1’s? how often, are they productive and written up… some people think they’re worthless, I think they’re invaluable.

    d) WFH/remote working? may not always be in the blurb, may not always be talked about in the main interview.

    e) propensity for getting involved? again not always brought up in the main interview.

    Free Member

    I had a mesh insert on my stomach, it’s held up well.  I had some time off running, but back to that fairly quickly and it’s held up nicely.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Could you tempt Michael Gove into a fertiliser sack?


    An lyingblohard in a second one?


    Free Member

    Swinging /dogging at poopscoops local?

    I won’t partake, but i could provide the AV for recording purposes.. 🤠

    Enjoy your last pint there….

    You deserve it.

    Free Member

    Whats happening on the 31st?

    Free Member

    22-30 according to my Mate.

    Free Member

    Don’t do it… do another lap!

    Yep, off you go!

    My advice (London based) is contracting is drying up as companies seek to limit exposure to IR35 and issue FTCs. There is currently a trend to bring rates down to FTC levels no matter what level or TecHServ you are into. I’ve just had to take on PWC for a programme of InfoSec stuff and it’s crippling the amount they are charging. They’ve started to hoover up some contractors who would ordinarily come direct but we’re ceasing taking on contractors and taking them on by 1yr FTCs, and plenty of my industry are doing the same.

    Skills , a year out means nothing to me. I’m interested to hear you’re back up to speed with current frontline ITSec but other than that I’m sure you are keen enough to prove your capabilities when you step through the door. The break from the daily crap we get will serve you well, and we’ll deserved IMO.
    I know nothing of the northern powerhouse tech world, so can’t comment on that.

    Agencies and recruiting will only come knocking if your CV reads clear and concise experience. No flim/flam be honest.

    Linkdin has its limitations these days, it useful to get a profile up but don’t expect a torrent of messages. It does however mean you are widening out your scope.

    All IMO, and I’ve been in this “game” too long.

    Free Member

    Any ideas on painting it?

    Free Member

    My mate has one, the Gen2. Used to be his daily driver and put 55k on it in 24mths. Now it’s sat as a weekend car. He doesn’t want to get rid of it.
    That says something, he’s notorious for being a picky arse about anything. The only thing I’ve heard  him moan about was tyres…

    If you love it…

    Buy it…

    The only thing that matters is the smile you give it when you look at it..

    Free Member

    Don’t know who is Bob, but I’ve sent a few quid his way.

    All the best, I wish you and your family well.


    Free Member

    OP : How are you getting on with the Audi now you’ve had it for a bit ?

    Trade discount at blackcircles and shares in Shell??


    Free Member

    Well, should they?

    Nope, commercial organisation funded by shareholders.

    But we don’t love in a world of logic, we live in a world of Tory’isms and being told it’s none of our business.

    You voted for em’ this is what you get.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Yes but this thread has shown that you may be wealthy, but you’ll be a miserable cretin a long time before that.

    Wealth has nothing to do with being a miserable cretin, this thread (and others on here) prove that.

    So, flawed statement.

    Free Member

    Ever more control of the plebeians via criminal legislation. Cheers, all you idiots that voted Tory.

    One suspects, doesn’t one, that this will be met with gleeful abandon in the Cotswolds.

    Free Member

    Is the earth flat, ask her that.


    Free Member

    fine but why comment

    Two sides to every argument/discussion innit.

    Even some of those who have had kids recommend not having them, some of those without kids recommend not having them and vice-versa.

    Like anything in life, always opponents and opposing views.

    Just passing on the realities…

    But you knew all that, didn’t you.

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