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  • bigsi
    Free Member

    Well if you decide to sell the repaired one i may be interested in the future :wink:

    Free Member

    Cheers guys, some right nice bikes there.

    Ton – I’m interested to see what you get when it turns up as i think you have had a Blur LT or Heckler recently which you got rid of I currently have a Blur LT. Would be interested to hear your thoughts on how they compare.

    Bonesetter – Don’t let PikeBN14 see that Niner Sir as he’s been waiting for his since about Sept/Oct last year and its still not turned up from the USA 8O . Was the RIP9 the frame which was for sale on here last year, if so i was SO tempted to get it, wish i had now :( . Think that if i get on with this 29er thing i will end up with one but for now i think I’ll start with a steel On-One :D

    Mr Tall – Yeah come on i want to see this Rockhopper 29er as i didn’t know they made one :oops:

    Free Member

    Lost 2lb last week but nothing so far this week,, that will be the chinese and indian meals i have been out for :oops:

    Free Member

    Bruichladdich is a quality drop and as you won’t find it everywhere he’s less likely to have had it before :D

    Free Member
    Free Member

    2 pages into a thread on dogs and TJ has only posted twice, this must be a new record :wink:

    Free Member

    not really tbh.

    If its a SC Blur then the top tube is quite short.

    How tall are you/inside leg and what size frame have you got ?

    Free Member

    Some lenders also have a minimum overpayment amount for example on some Abbey contracts you can overpay by upto 10% of the outstanding balance without penalty in any one year but the minimum overpayment amount at any one time is £500 and it has to be made over the counter at your local branch.

    Some lenders are alot more flexible as per above.

    In short i would always advise a client to contact the provider direct unless as their advisor i was certain as to how overpayments could be made.

    Free Member

    Need – To grow bigger balls so i push my limits when out on the trail (jumps, drops etc all scare the shite out of me at the moment. :roll:

    Want – A 29er (was going to get one but can’t afford it now) :cry:

    Free Member

    Having seen switchbacks vid i want to Winter in Spain :(

    Free Member

    bump :lol:

    Free Member

    They should have seperate classifieds for wanted and for sale stuff, that would make it easier

    Free Member

    damn it Captain your too smart for me :wink:

    Free Member

    bump :wink:

    Free Member

    My tea’s gone cold :(

    Free Member

    Had to feel sorry for the guy camped near us at the 2008 Bonty 24/12 who had the Police turn up and "reclaim" the bike he was riding having first checked the serial number. Guess someone at the event recognised it and tipped them off.

    Don’t think the guy was too happy, poor sod :(

    Free Member

    7lb loss is a lot of time spent on the loo 8O

    Free Member

    I’m on AOL so just grateful to get a connection most of the time 8O

    Free Member

    cheers DezB

    Free Member

    Slight hijack but do people find that the OURY grips help with numb hands which is what i suffer from. I’ve tried the Ergon spoon type ones and found that where as they do help a bit my hands still go numb after a while.

    Cheers and sorry for the hijack :wink:

    Free Member

    No fair i want one,,, damn this credit crunch :cry:

    Free Member

    dave_rudabar – Member
    I’d just echo exactly what piedi di formaggio said. The only strap to worry about might be the ones that anchor it to the chassis rail (or whatever you use) under the bumper – there’s the possiblity of them scuffing the paint.

    I would agree that there is a possibility of scuffing from the straps if its secured under the rear bumper which is why i stopped doing that with mine and instead secure it at the top of the rear boot lid, at the sides of the boot lid and at the bottom of the boot lid which also allows you to access the boot while the rack is in place. Of course this will not really work if you have the rack hanging off the back rather than mounted over the rear window.

    Get one and you’ll work out what best works for you 8)

    Free Member

    Have the 2 bike version on an Octavia Vrs and its fine.

    I mount mine on the back window (so it sits high up) out of the way of the rear lights and rear wiper blade with the 2 lower legs sat between the bottom of the rear window and the rear spolier on the ledge bit of the boot without any problems, make sure body work is clean before mounting to avoid scuffing.

    As long as you tighten the straps up the amount of bike movement will be minimal but if I’m carrying the Blur then i have to mount it upside down as it won’t work with a bendy top tube. I also padlock the bike to the car via the rear spolier to deter thiefs (your never going to stop them if they are determined).

    It is possible to get straps which allow you to open the boot with the rack on the back (think they are about £10 extra) but i don’t know how they compare to the standard metal hooks.

    In short if you can afford it get a towbar mounted one or similar but if you can’t they are a good alternative to the Halfords jobbies.

    Oh and be carefull of contact points with the car if carrying the bike high on the back.

    Free Member

    That Nic Ion is schweeeet :D

    Free Member

    Good god this is all going a bit “Daily Mail” :roll:

    Free Member

    Rudeboy – You can try it but I’ll set my dogs on you :wink:

    Free Member

    bigyinn – I think that they can as long as BOTH sides are sensible and considerate to each other. It’s when one side can’t or won’t see the other sides point of view or is inconsidirate to other trail users (dog walkers, horse riders, walkers, runners etc) that conflict starts.

    I’ve always ridden with consideration for others and as a result have never had anyone have a go at me, even when I’ve been on a cheeky trail or when out riding with my dog :D

    Free Member

    Can we try replacing the word dog with kids and then see if we still get the same reaction from people threatening to kick children and being bothered by them coming up to them. I don’t like other peoples kids but it doesn’t mean that if one runs up to me shouting and screaming or threatens me that i am going to kick them in the head for it even if the parents have no control over them. I just accept it and move on and i would suggest that certain people do the same with dogs.

    I can understand it if a dog/child is going to attack you should be able to defend yourself but its normally the quiet ones that you have to watch out for, dogs like children can be unpredictable but you wouldn’t have a child on a lead when out in public (although some should be on a lead and mussled, IMO of course).

    If someone has been attacked in the past by a dog then i fell sorry for them and wouldn’t wish that on anyone but it doesn’t give them the right to take a swing at any dog that they come across who, in their opinion, is not under control.

    Oh and TJ you can quote the law all you like but we all know that the law is an ass.

    Free Member

    Rudeboy – can you please post up a picture to show us exactly what you mean :wink: :lol:

    Free Member

    Yep running 08 revs on the Blur. They are the air u-turn poplock things as i lock them out for climbs and if it looks steep then i also wind them down to stop the front wheel popping as at 6’5″ you do tend to sit over the back wheel abit more than someone a bit shorter would.

    At his height i wouldn’t get a layback post either as this will put him even further over the back wheel, although he would be able to manual at the drop of a hat :wink: . He’s going to need quite a long seat post as it is.

    Free Member

    C-G. I’m 6’5″ with a 34″ inside leg and ride a rockhopper 21″ and a Blur LT XL (about 21″) and where as things like standover height etc are important i would say that you also need to keep in mind the top tube length as the rockhopper seems a little long and the Blur a bit cramped when running both with an 80mm stem (i know they are both built for different types of riding). I know you can get a longer stem length but you know what the effect of riding a bike with too long a stem will be. I have also sat on a 19″ Soul and found that to be a bit like sitting on one of those clown bikes !

    Also when buying a larger frame make sure, if you are going for longer travel forks, that you get ones that he can wind down from 130/140 to 100 for the climbs as it helps to stop the front wheel poping up all the time.

    If your looking 2nd hand i would go and sit on a few new ones in local shops to find which one feels most comfortable and then take the brochure home with you and when a 2nd hand one comes up get it or if its a different make/model have a look at the geometry to see how close it is to what he sat on in the shop.

    Oh and finally if your in the Southcoast area (i live in Worthing) he’s more than welcome to have a quick spin on my two to see how they feel 8)

    Free Member

    Ok for those that are interested i have just got back from my first ride with the mutt and i have to say that it went better than expected. :D

    Took it really easy covering 7 miles in about 45mins. Stopped and restrained the dog whenever cyclists/runners were passing and kept to open trails so as to minimise the potential for dog/bike interfaces. Managed to leave him behind on one long decent but he soon caught up with me as i waited for him at the bottom :roll:

    So in short this will continue as it appears he has learnt not to run infront of my wheel having been buzzed the once 8O .

    Cheers to all above again for their input 8)

    Free Member

    Got my first MTB in mid 80’s while still at school but on passing my driving test pretty much stopped. Didn’t have a bike till again till early 2007 when a mate i used to ride with while at school got into it again and convinced me it was a good free way of getting exercise ( free, yeah right :roll: ).

    Now i can’t believe or understand why i ever stopped :D

    Free Member

    t2 – Stay strong fella, I’m sure it will get better for you and your family.

    They never really leave you, they just chase rabbits somewhere where you can’t quite see them :cry:

    Free Member

    I’ll never be able to use the phrase “bang the back doors in” again without ‘that’ image appearing in my mind :roll: 8O :|

    Free Member

    hora – i agree with you fully on the last point. Always makes my blood boil when you hear about these thugs who mistreat animals and get off almost scott-free (small fine normally and banned from keeping animals). If it were me i would hang draw and quarter them :x

    Free Member

    Hora – I used to go to the dogs trust in Shoreham, West Sussex before we got our 2nd dog and it used to really upset me,, although it sounds no where near as bad as where your talking about. Thought about doing some volunteer work there but i don’t know if i would have been able to cope.

    takisawa2 – I feel for you but think you are doing the right thing by Fatty in seeking the advice of a vet. If its any help i would get the vets advice and then take the weekend to mull it over/come to terms with it if he advises the worst, it could also give you and your missus a chance to say your farewells.

    Free Member

    Is it safe to look again now 8O

    Free Member

    God i can hardly see the screen through the tears :cry:

    If it were me in your situation and one day it quite possibly will be (i get upset just thniking about it) i hope that i will be able to do what is right for the dog which is what you must do. If he’s just a bit slower and struggles with the stairs etc but doesn’t seem to be in pain (dogs have a much higher pain threshold than humans) then let him keep going, our oldest is quite deaf and losing her sight but still loves to go for walks and play fetch. If however he is losing control of his body or is i constant pain then it could be time.

    Only you know what’s right to do for Fatty as you’ve lived with him for so long and I’m sure you will make the right decision.

    Free Member

    How about Boris Johnson ?

    He’s tactful enough and know about the ins and outs of the middle east conflict.

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