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  • How To Support The Brands You Love – Without Spending A Fortune
  • bigsi
    Free Member

    darrell – Member

    what about wearing sandels

    Or as someone i know once described them ‘Nike Air Jerusalem’s’ :lol:

    Free Member

    Who wouldn’t stop to check if someone they knew (even if it was just by sight rather than to have a conversation with) is ok or if they need any help :?

    Free Member

    You may be right about the Standard Life SVR but have you actually tried to remortgage ? They are still available otherwise i would have been out of a job months ago. I also have to ask the question but why would you ever take a SVR mortgage and if it wasn’t that originally then why didn’t you renegotiate your mortgage when your original product came to an end (you may have already answered that by saying that the amount of equity in your property has dropped). Oh and for the record i don’t agree with Stan Life about there reluctance to pass savings on the borrowers.

    As for the issue with the insurance i would have to say that in my experence if your wife leaves her employment and you want to stick with the current insurer it will ALWAYS be treated as a new policy and so existing medical conditions would be taken in to account. The employer policy is a group scheme where as if a private individual has this type of policy it can’t be a group scheme.

    Unfortunatly for you the devil is in the detail :(

    Free Member

    **** me, you got a grand piano in that rear pannier,,, it huge 8O

    Looks like a fun commute though :wink:

    Free Member

    I make it 650mm with an actual top tube length of 640mm which is only 20mm longer than the Rockhopper :? . Well the head and seat angles are quite steep 8O

    jfeb – Its a Viper,,, nope i had never heard of them either but at £112 i figure i have nothing really to lose :D

    Free Member

    you reckon Pike :lol:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    cheers guys looks like I had better get the credit card out :roll:

    Free Member

    cheers jfeb, are you riding 26″ or 29″ ?

    Free Member

    I’ll measure it tonight when i get home but i have just tried using the string method and it looks to be about 655mm if that helps :wink:

    Free Member

    21″ and for the money i would say its a steal :D

    Pic’s to follow once its built up in a few weeks.

    Free Member

    MrOvershoot – Member

    29er by any chance bigsi?


    Free Member

    That looks like a right laff :lol:

    I assume your next thread will be “What Bike Rack for a Tandem” :lol:

    Free Member

    Well its been dry and sunnynot raining here in Worthing today so i guess that spring must be here :lol:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Cheers ton.

    Do you know what make and model they do ?

    Free Member

    We have had 2 murders within 500m of each other over the last 3 years and i wouldn’t consider the area i live in as rough.
    One guy was beaten to death outside his own front gate by a drunk guy on his way back from town. When the police caught the guy who did it the judge bailed him and he did a runner :roll: .
    The 2nd person was murdered in their own flat by someone they knew,,, mind you they did sometimes play Elvis records at full blast in the afternoons :wink:

    Free Member

    cheers paul. Is it yours and if so whats it like to ride ?

    Free Member

    Spoke to Hotlines and they reckon that the angles are 73* for the seat and 71* for the head angle. They also reckon that it will hangle 2.1 tyres easily. At £112 for the frame i might just take a punt on it 8O

    Free Member

    breatheeasy – Member
    If you take your worst case, you owe £128k and the house is worth £135k – £7k difference which is borderline to getting you any decent deals. If you drop onto a decent base rate with your current supplier I’d be tempted on that and possibly start up a savings fund (or stocks and shares ISA if you’re brave) for your overpayments – you might need that little lump sum to get you a better deal in a few months…

    Can i just play devils advocate for a minute and point out that doing this is all well and good in the short-term but if house prices continue to fall as many expect them to and then interest rates increase, and the increase could be quite sudden as happened in 2003/2004 you may be stuck on a climbing variable rate with not enough equity left in your property to get a good deal. I also doubt you will have been able to save enough to increase your equity by reducing your loan to value in a 12 month period unless you are very lucky.

    Just a thought thats all :|

    Oh and remember that fixed rates are priced against the wholesale markets (swaps rates) and so don’t have to follow the bank base rate, in fact last month this rate increased slightly so there is no gurantee that, even if the bank base rate goes any lower, the fixed rates will reduce.

    If you are unsure about what you are doing with a mortgage get advice from advisors and if you are really unsure then get advice from advisors you can sit down with face to face and not over the phone like London & Country offer.

    Free Member

    Renton – Get yourself some proper advice from qualified mortgage advisors. Make sure they are whole of market and not just independent and speak to a couple not just one. Before you sit down with them though give some thought to what you would feel comfortable paying on a monthly basis for your mortgage as this will help in the advice process and when looking at going fixed or tracker/variable etc and what term to run the mortgage over.

    Where as people on here do know about mortgages and what has worked and not worked for them in the past and you will get a real range of opinions i doubt many of them are qualified to give you advice on your mortgage and what the best rates are out there on a daily basis, which lenders criteria you fit etc, this is where an advisor comes in useful.

    P.S. Avoid Charcol at all costs as they will not provide as good a level of service as your local advisor will do and will nearly always charge you for the privilige.

    Good luck

    Free Member

    Cheers guys.

    Anthony184 – I’ll let you know once i have all the details to hand. Sorry to be a bit vague on this at the moment, don’t want to post to much in the way of details before i am certain of them :oops:

    Free Member

    Please help :cry:

    Free Member

    Looks good Ton let me know how it rides. Being the same height and weight as you i am interested to find out what you think, just broken my Blur LT for the 2nd time in 6 months so looking at alternatives at the moment :-)

    Tried a mates rigid 29er yesterday, first time on it, and was really impressed on how it seemed to suit me, even if it was only a 19″ frame. I think i might be sold on the whole 29er experence. :D

    Free Member

    cheers andy :D

    Free Member

    I spent about £1200 on a frame last year and its just broken for the 2nd time so I’m thinking whats the point in spending loads. Will prob stick to cheap steel frames from now on at under £200,,,, although I’ve always fancied a Nic and i quite like Niners, then theres the Cove’s :roll:

    In short if you can afford it, why not :wink:

    Free Member

    Lenders like to see a client ‘managing’ debt before they expose themselves to any risk and more so in the current economic climate. They don’t know you from Adam and if they can’t see any history on your credit file will be very reluctant to take any (as they would see it) chances. :roll:

    Free Member

    cheers younggeoff I’ll have a better look at it tonight.

    Free Member

    I am holding an allen key in both ends but it doesn’t seem to be tightening up at all !!

    Free Member

    Ok sorry, bit vague really. Not with the bike at the moment so cant do photos of the bolt etc other than the one on the sc web site –

    Its the rod on the far right which has a female thread on each end and then the two bolts in the middle of the photo which attach to each end through the top of the seat stays where a set of bearings sits.

    I am trying to do the bolts up with an allen key on each end so its not rotating as i turn it. The thread hasn’t stripped out and it doesn’t appear that the rod has broken so am a bit mistified :?

    Free Member

    Ok so i got the threadloc stuff and got the threaded end of the bolt out and used the threadloc on the bolt and have got it done back up as tightly as possible but its still not tight. Should the bolt tighten up fully or should i still be able to turn the bolt using an allen key ?

    Free Member

    snigletrack – If you looking for people to say it serves her right, its all done for publisity blah blah blah then i think you need to take a look in the mirror.

    I don’t like what’ve seen of the woman in interviews etc etc but would never wish cancer on ANYONE and i suspect that goes for 99.9% of people who have seen 1st hand what the effects can be.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys.

    I’m off to B&Q this afternoon to get some,,, been meaning to for some time but never quite got round to it :oops:

    Free Member

    I used to struggle with them as well but i found that rather than trying to squeeze it as hard as possible a lighter touch works better,,, and yes i am still talking about powerlinks :roll:

    Free Member

    Sounds like there could be a Brant Full Susser on the way via CRC.

    Free Member

    Well I’ve never ridden on a set of Pikes but I’ve never had any problems with the Revs and it sounds like you do the same sort of riding that i do. If your buying new forks then the Pikes are the coil and the Revs are the air 140mm travel RS’s IIRC so Pikes it is which if you get the maxle one will give you the stiffness as well.

    I’m sure there are loads on peeps on here who will have used both and so can offer a better comparision between the 2 but I’m just saying that IMO the Rev’s are fine on a BLT.

    Free Member

    Cheers Ton :wink:

    *sits back and relaxes* :P

    Free Member

    I am using a set of 08 Rev’s which is fine for general XC but would prefer a set of Pikes with a 20mm axle for that extra bit of stiffness and a bit of extra travel. Depends what you are using it for really :?

    Free Member

    Right what did i miss ?

    Nothing, great :roll:

    Brant – Can i please ask that you get the announcement out of the way early in the morning so i can at least get on with some work tomorrow and hopefully earn enough to buy this new 29er frame which until 24 hours was something that i wanted but has now become something that i need :?

    Free Member

    At this rate Brant won’t remember what it was he was supposed to be announcing on Monday 8O

    I’m off for a beer and there had better be some news by the time i get back or the southern softy is gona cry :roll:

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