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  • An Alternative Year in Sport
  • bigsi
    Free Member

    114cm on my full bouncer which is a 21″ frame and I’m 6’5″ with a 34″ inside leg. Does that help?

    Jesus TJ how do you get off the tandem, parachute :?

    Free Member

    To answer your question – i dont know if it would rivial the Surrey Hills but it has the potential to be a great place to ride in the South East. However, IIRC people who have tried to get the rules changed in the past to allow mtber’s on to the forest have met with a brick wall of resistance and in some case’s have even had threats make against them if they continue with their campaigns.

    I believe i am right in saying that there is a body of individuals who are charged with overseeing the forest and they are not interested in opening up access to bearded maniacs on bikes who they perceive would ruin their little piece of countryside. At one stage there was a petition on the No10 Downing street website from someone who wanted to open up the forest,,, it didn’t get anywhere as far as i know.

    My parents live in Nutley on the edge of the forest and it always angers me whenever i walk my dogs there that MTB’s are not allowed to use this area but horses are.

    All of this above is from memory so might not be 100% accurate.

    Free Member

    I know a few decorators who all say its shite. One of them tried it on his own home and ended up getting a mate in to plaster it for him and another tried it in a clients house and ended up having to pay someone to come in and skim the wall anyway.

    You said it yourself “there’s no such thing as a short cut when doing diy”. I wish there was :(

    Free Member

    Highroller 60a’s IMHO, grippy, comfy and a good all rounder.

    Had supertackys and they are, well, tacky so don’t seem to roll as well and also wear out faster.

    Free Member

    Errrr, I’m Bigsi and you must be MisterGnar :roll:

    Free Member

    Yes but who is he :?

    Free Member

    Was up there a few weekends ago and have to say that the Black run at Brechfa pushed my skills level up a notch and gave me a load more confidence.

    I have never ridden a trail with features as big as the black run has on it and so it was really noticable @ The Wall the following day on Graveyard and Zig Zags (final decent) that stuff which would have phased me before was just taken in my stride.

    To me its about using trails like the black run to push your riding on to the next level. Ok so its not perfect i every way but i loved it and will def be going back as soon as possible :D

    Free Member

    Not posted figures yet as everytime i go near the scales they run and hide :cry:

    Free Member

    A weight watcher in a cake shop :wink:

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable – Member
    Illegal? Surely they’re just riding them on a very flat outdoor velodrome.

    What with roadworks on it :?

    Free Member

    timdrayton and stilltortoise are both correct.

    Not sure about who is liable for the tax though if the tennancy agreement is in joint names. If its not in joint names but only in one persons name then they should be liable for any tax on the profit at their highest rate of tax (i think thats how it worked last time i checked).

    Free Member

    Was up in South Wales last weekend and spent the day at Brechfa (great trails). Drove to it from the south and the bunkhouse was the only palce that i recall passing that offered accomodation. Theres not much in the area from what i could tell :?

    Free Member

    Mate is taking a Ti one to Wales this weekend so I’ll let you know how he got on.

    Free Member

    Skoda Octaia Estate :wink:

    Free Member

    An adder,, it was dead but I’ve still never climbed that hill as quickly,,, hate the buggers

    Free Member

    *raises hand*

    I’m not about this weekend (near a PC) as i will be throwing myself round Welsh trail centres from first thing Friday morning till late on monday so will do a double the following Friday if thats ok

    *puts hand down*

    Free Member

    Never accept 1st offer from insurance company on a write off or full loss. They are hoping you will accept and just go away as they figure you need some wheels but if you fight them and can prove that you can’t replace what you had with what they have offered then there should be room for negotiation.

    Had this happen a few yrs back when they wrote of a car i crashed but because i refused to accept the offer and it took them another 12 mths to come up with a serious alternative offer i also hit them for a shed load of costs inc Taxis to & from work (Guildford to Reading early morning and late night) plus hassle factor and they ended up settling for double their original offer just before the court date. It did help that i had legal cover on insurance policy and that it was someone elses fault/insurance company.

    Free Member

    Love the look of the thermos flasks on that Koga,,, the rest I’m not so bothered about :roll:

    Looks like it could prove difficut to drop the front saddle by much as well 8O

    Free Member

    See i have no problems getting trousers to fit because I’m also a tall fat barsteward so its all in proportion :wink:

    Free Member

    Oh hang on I’ve just re-measured them with the help of a cloth tape measure rather than a dog lead and plastic ruler and I’ve come in at 29″ on the bigger one and 28.5″ on the smaller one :?

    Free Member

    Damn 27.5 on one side and 26.5 on the other,, no wonder i go round in circles 8O

    Free Member

    I’m a 44″ waist and have a pair of Enduro Burner 3/4er’s as they have a streachy panel at the top of the arse bit and a pair of DHB somethings with an elasticated waist which are more comfy but a bit nobby looking at they are sand/green colour.

    Getting shorts to fit the larger frame is a nightmare, fat blokes ride bikes too you know :evil:

    Free Member

    I’m a bit of a people person to and would hate to lose that part of my job even for a bit more bunce if it meant sitting in the office away from others doing paperwork all the time.

    What you need to ask yourself is will the extra money make you happier than doing a job you quite like/don’t hate ?

    If you work full time you will spend on average 1/3 of the day at work, 1/3 of the day at home/not working and 1/3 of the day asleep so is it worth having 1/2 your waking day doing something you don’t like which could put you in a bad mood and ruin the other half of your waking day,,,,,, hopefully that makes sense :?

    Free Member

    I think the reason why Hi-Vis hasn’t let go of the bars is because she doesn’t want to get her bike pinched,, well it is Bristol after all :wink:

    Free Member

    snap – Member
    Following on from the £2300 forks and £800 rear mech seriously how expensive could a custom biuld come too

    If these two examples are anything to go by then i think £10000 isnt out the question ,Try explaining that to the wife

    GF’s brother has a darkside bike that cost about that and his wife’s cool with it,,, some blokes have all the luck :wink:

    Free Member

    PikeBN14 on here has a niner (its the ss version) and seems to love it,,, but I’m sure he’ll be along in a while to tell you all about it :wink:

    Free Member

    Iceland, nuff said :roll:

    Free Member

    Spank tweet tweet bars are the closest i could find when i was looking for some the other day,,,, they do a very low rise pair but not a flat set :roll:

    Free Member

    What about some sort of counter on the BBB website so people can see for themselves how many tickets are left a bit like D2D did last year on their forum (IIRC). That way people know how many tickets there are to start with, how fast they are selling and so how quickly they need to get their butts in gear if they want to go.

    P.S. I’m not going as its a bit far for me, sorry :roll:

    Free Member

    Hope your friend recovers.

    We had a demo day and some guys turned up without helmets and then were a bit pi$$ed off when they couldn’t join the test ride which takes in a rather quick downhill bridleway,,, i dispair for some people :roll:

    Free Member

    15st doesn’t make you a bloater,,, unless you are under 5’10” just big boned.

    Sorry no idea about the wheels :roll:

    Free Member

    Only lasted 4 wks last time but lost about 8lb which i have not put back on so I’m in for part deux :P

    Free Member

    cheers RR

    Free Member

    Hope it rides better than it looks, several mates have them and love them,,, none of them have red tyres though :?

    Free Member

    no probs petefromearth – People use mortgage brokers to get independent advise rather than just advice on one companies products.

    It is true that SOME providers will offer slightly better deals direct but it is also true that others will offer better deals through brokers as it means they can run with a smaller direct to public sales force. There are also still some lenders who only deal with brokers just as there are one or 2 providoers who will only deal direct with the general public. Using a broker can take the pain out of dealing with the lender direct and i know from experence that they can be a real pain to speak to :cry:

    When using comparision site do be careful because for them to be independent doesn’t mean they have to show every lender’s products it just means that the lenders they offer are representivie of the market. What you want is for any broker you speak too to be whole of market. That way you know that they can deal with all lenders who deal with brokers and not just some of the lenders who deal with brokers.

    Hope that clears that up :wink:

    Free Member

    Kimber – If you interested in having a chat I’m a whole of market mortgage advisor so not tied to any one company or even a panel of lenders, i can search the market for you and offer independent advice that works for the client not the lender. My e-mail is in my profile. Send me over a phone number and I’ll contact you tomorrow if you let me know whens a good time to talk.

    I know this is a shameless plug but needs must and all that and I’ll donate to the singletrackworld beer & kebab fund for each mortgage i arrange for a STW member :wink:

    Oh and there is no fee for the advice so what is there to lose :D

    Free Member

    Spent £1200 on a full susser frame 12 mths ago as a repalcement for the £700 rockhopper, never got rid of the Rockhopper and am now looking to sell the FS as i prefer the feel that you get from a hardtail.

    It’s all personal preference and what you feel comfortable on at the end of the day but i hate people who say ‘oh i would never ride a full susser or full sussers are cr&p’ when they have never tried it,, how can they know it wouldn’t suit them :roll:

    Free Member

    Ok cheers for the replies, seems to all make sense to me now,,, I’ll leave you alone to get on with some work. :D

    Cheers again


    Free Member

    Ok joking aside it just worries me that this act will give any one individual the power to run the country in any way they see fit using what ever powers they feel they need without the recourse to parliment, don’t forget that they can

    prohibit, or enable the prohibition of, assemblies of specified kinds, at specified places or at specified times;

    and is parliment not an assembly ?

    They could then use the military for their own ends against their own public and the fact that the army are redeploying soldiers on the basis of whether they are willing to fire on UK citizens in this country says to me they are expecting problems in the near future which could be the excuse they need to bring in the CCA.


    Free Member

    BigDummy – I guess it is,,, not that I’m planning anything you understand :wink:

    sottyandjim – your right but if it was the military controlled by gordon brown thats a scary thought.

    No more general elections, no way of shifting him out of office,,, he’s always struck me as having dictator qualties,,,,,,,,,,, comrade :|

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