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  • Thomson Elite 35mm Aluminium handlebar review
  • bigsi
    Free Member

    Egg Mayo Rolls (brown) x 2
    McCoys Prawn Cocktail Crisps
    Large Tomato

    Might have a piece or 2 of Sorren fruit loaf with a cuppa around 4pm before going out on the bike straight from work till it gets dark, which could be late tonight :P

    Free Member

    Should MTFU and lift it over :lol:

    Free Member

    Sorry HC i forget that not everyone is 6ft plus :oops:

    I have a mate who’s got a niner but apart from that i have only really seen one other 29e,r apart from at races, which was a red Gary Fisher ridden by some old bloke along the road with semi slicks on it, what a waste :roll:

    Free Member

    Hairychested – Member
    Are 69/96-ers welcome? I’m building one

    Stone him :wink: :lol:

    Free Member

    I can’t eat fish if i has its head on it still 8O

    Don’t have a problem with 95% of the other stuff that has been mentioned so far other than sweetbreads although i have never tried them so wouldn’t rule them out.

    One thing that would never pass my lips would be the human placenta pate,,,, its just wrong IMO.

    Free Member

    ttp – I don’t get up there that much as I’m down on the coast (Brighton/Worthing area) so mainly ride the South or North downs but next time I’m up that way I’ll let you know as I love Swinley but always feel there’s more to it than what i know about :wink:

    Free Member

    If I’m about I’m in :P .

    Being as I’m new to this 29er malarky and having never ridden north of the south (if that makes sense) you’ll have to go easy on me :wink:

    Swinley would be my choice for what its worth :roll:

    Free Member

    crispedwheel – Member
    bigsi – go on…(speaking from experience I’m assuming)

    In a strange way i would like to say yes as that would have spiced up an otherwse dull and normal string of relationships that i had before i got together with my current g/f (are they still classed as g/f’s after 10yrs together?). However the senario that i paint is just the product of an over active imagination and a slightly negative outlook. Although i did once have a thing with a goth who was a bit odd in an interesting way :?

    Free Member

    Coyote – Member
    What’s the worst that could happen?

    Errr she could turn out to be a physico bit*h with a really dodgy background who has various restraining orders against her relating to previous stalking episodes and is into voodoo dolls, the occult (sp) and black magic 8O

    Free Member

    simonfbarnes – Member

    but only compared to serious biffers

    Watch it or i’ll report you for being sizeist :roll:

    Free Member

    ton – Member
    hora, i just edge you there………by 26 kilos

    Ton I’ll see you your 26kg and raise you 10kg 8O

    **** me I’m fat :oops:

    Free Member

    Hunt them down one by one vigalantie style :twisted:

    Oh and for the record i would have done the same so you are not a coward but an upstanding citizen :wink:

    Free Member

    tankslapper – who has reminded you of the covenant and are they likely to take it further if you disregard them.

    We have covenants on our house relating to running a business from the property but were advised that it would be very difficult for anyone to enforce such a covenant and could be expensive for them to do so.

    In short get some proper legal advice from your conveynancer.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’m no expert but, in true STW tradition will still offer an opinion, if the cancellation clause is not in the contract i would have said that they won’t have a leg to stand on, offer them £1k take it or leave it and point out thats being generious as there is no clause in the contract.
    As for whether they will have to pay their staff or not i would have thought this would depend on if they have monthly/weekly salaried staff or just employ on a casual basis :?

    Free Member

    try this, won’t stop them biting but is supposed to be good at calming the itching afterwards.

    Free Member

    Cheers Rudeboy, sounds so straight forward when you put it like that :lol:

    Free Member

    Whats an ‘in-depth onion’ ????????

    Its been refered to here several times but i can’t find anything on google, well not with the worksafe filter on anyway, to enlighten me :?

    Free Member

    TJ – If you want you can e-mail me @ sihills@moneydecisionsDOTcoDotuk with your contact details and I’ll see if i can help you being that I’m in the business and am an Independent advisor an all that.

    :MOD’s: Tis a shameless plug i know but time are tough and any business i generate off here will see a donation to the STW beer & kebab fund :wink:



    :edit: GaryM that is not strictly true, just not very sensible lending.

    Free Member

    Always makes me laugh that a talent show is judged by 2 people who have no talent what so ever, Piers & Ms Holden.

    FFS if your going to have this type of sh1te on TV at least try to give it some credability by having judges who can either act, sing, juggle monkies or at least do something of note other than just ‘being famous’

    Typical ITV braindead rubbish (IMHO)

    Free Member

    project – Member
    In the next week or so the weather will change , totally from what it is now,all over the world.

    Every tinme there is a large explosion or explosions the weather changes massively, wait and see.

    Good, it pi$$ed down here today so better dig out the suncream for next weekend then :D

    Free Member

    ton – Member
    i thought the bloke who made that up had left….

    Nope I’m still here,, oh sorry see what you mean :oops:

    Free Member

    Because they are part of the axis of evil along with Tescos, Evans, France and The Isle of Wight :roll:

    Free Member

    If you take out a new policy, which is the only way you could lower your premiums, the excess period between the start of the policy and the time after which you are allowed to claim after would be reset, could be 1-2 months from the start of the new policy.
    Also as your company has made redundencies in the recent past if you did make a cliam they prob wouldn’t payout on a new policy as the insurer would argue that it was reasonable that you should have been aware that unemployment was a possibility.
    My advice as an independent insurance advisor would be to keep the policy if you need the cover, although the increase is steep the wording of new policies are different to what they were 12 months ago in favour of the insurer or if you feel you don’t need the cover and can afford to take the risk then cancel it.

    Free Member

    cynic-al – Thanks for that, its answered my original question.

    As for the moral highground etc well thats down to the girlfriend who’s bag it was whether or not she is comfortable in persuing it but the charity have not done themselves any favours in taking such a hard nosed business view on this towards someone who has been helping them out. This on a day when they really struggle to get volunteers & when most of those who are critisising us were, no doubt, tucking into dinner themselves in their homes surrounded by their families & friends having opened all their presents already while getting half cut, not so worried about the state of your local homeless charity then were you?

    We went out of our way to help out, not wanting any thanks or reward but because we wanted to hopefully make a small difference to a few peoples lives at least for a few hours and end up get treated like this by a rather large organisation (charity or not) whos staff we were being supervised and who’s premises we were on. It’s easy to take the moral highground when your not the ones who have suffered the loss, no matter how large or small. Yes £600 of goods does seem like a lot to be carrying around in a handbag but it was a big bag with some specalist make up in it that is not easily available and so is not cheap to buy or replace. This is why the value of the good was so high coupled with the fact that there was a nearly new mobile phone which cost the best part of £200. Whats the reaction you get from your non biking mates when you tell them how much your bike and all the bits cost, same reaction as you have given to the value of my other halfs handbag, in short ‘you must be mad’!!

    For those of you on here who do charity work then i salute you and thank you for your input, its not something i could do on a regular basis. For those of you who don’t, try it sometime :wink:



    Free Member

    project, you seem to be fixated by the amount which is not the point. The bag was not flash or anything and did not give anything away of what was inside it, infact it was one of my other halfs older handbags. It was the contents that had the value but again that is not the point.

    The question is do they (the charity) have a liability? You have made your opinion known so is that your professional legal opinion or just an opinion?

    Free Member

    project – Member
    You left your handbag in an unoccupied room, in a place where you knew nobody, and then when it gets nicked you try and claim 600 quid for the loss, it was your negligence, and yours alone, hopefully the homeless people had a good few nights.

    It was left in a staff room where we were told to leave it by a member of staff, its not ike we slung it in a corner where anyone could get to it, or that was the impression we got from the member of staff :roll:

    Pieface – It was the contents of the handbag that had most of the value, PAYG Mobile Phone, makeup personal effects,,,, I’m not going to post the full list as its not relevant to the original question.

    Free Member

    We wouldn’t be thinking of taking legal action other than the fact that they have not been very helpful with the situation since their insurance company kicked the claim out.
    They were all nice as pie when they wanted our help and time but their stance since the decision by the insurers has been ‘tough’ which i find very disturbing for an organisation who bill themselves as ‘a caring charity’.
    The claim was for just over £600 (not a made up claim as everything was priced allowing for replacement value and taking in to account wear & tear etc) but they haven’t even offered to make a partial payout without prejustice (or what ever its known as).
    Thought about going to the local papers with this but don’t really want to put other people off giving up their time to help.

    Free Member

    I just hate being asked if i have a clubcard all the time,, why so you can monitor what i am buying and then send me vouchers for items that i never buy & would never want to buy. Then you can also send me marketing junk for loans that i don’t need, home insurance that is crap, credit cards which are expensive, mobile phones (don’t go there), internet etc etc.
    The list just goes on and on and on and thats my problem with Tescos, fingers in too many pies gives them too much power over the economy and is bad for the small business.

    Viva La Reveloution 8O

    Free Member


    Keep on forgetting that I’m supposed to be doing this,,,, the diet that is :oops:

    Free Member

    sootyandjim – Member
    Whilst you’re there pick up some support stockings to protect your ickle, fairy soft leggy weggies why don’t ya?

    It sounds like you speak from experence :wink:

    Free Member

    Keep quiet.

    The divorce has finally come through and he can prob see light at the end of the tunnel. Last thing he needs is for one of his mates to tell him that his ex trapped him into marriage in the first palace and that his mate has kept it from him for this long.

    Won’t do anyone any good including yourself as you could well lose a mate.

    Free Member

    The cafe at Whiteways that DaRC_L is talking about is shite now IMHO.

    Try to find somewhere in Steyning, Bramber or Shoreham as its a flat spin along the valley to any of those 3 and so a short flat spin back to the bottom of Truleigh Hill in the morning, unless you like Sweedish teenagers in which case the YHA at the top of Truleigh Hill would suit !

    Free Member

    Saw the title and thought this was a reference to the first batch of new frames arriving today !!!!

    Free Member

    If your looking for a cake stop just before half way then the River Cafe @ Houghton Bridge is a nice spot, just off of the SDW where it drops down into the Arun Valley so no unnessesary climbing back onto the SDW after the pit stop, just Amberley Mount to tackle but thats on the route anyway :evil:

    Edit: Don’t bother with the cafe at Whiteways car park on top of Bury Hill unless you want grease in a bun and crap tea/coffee at stupid prices. :(

    Free Member

    I know its not in the north but Freeborn in Horsham had quite a few a month or so ago and will send to you.

    Ask to speak to Paul Wilson as he’s very helpful.

    Free Member

    Our Collie used to lunge at cyclists when we took him out for a walk.
    He was rescued by us at 6 yrs old and had not been treated in a way a collie should be i.e. tied up in the middle of someones back garden while the local kids rode their bikes round and round him winding him up cos he just wanted to play with them but they were just out of reach and hence thought that was acceptable behaviour when seeing someone on a bike to jump up at them.
    We used to walk him round the roads on a short lead as he could be unpredictable off a lead if someone cycled through the park. However, by putting time and effort in to desensetise him & correct his behaviour he is now able to be trusted off lead around cyclists (obviously not walking around the roads) to the point where he is able to come along with me when i go out on my bike. I do however always pull over and grab his coller if there is another cyclist coming (nice open trails so easy to see them coming).
    In short its down to the owners how the dog turns out and it always saddens me that so many have an inability to train a dog and/or keep it under control. However it also saddens me that some many cyclists behave like complete tos*ers towards other users of the countryside by thinking that in some way they have more rights to use bridleways and paths than walkers(inc dog owners), horse riders, other cyclists etc etc. Its all about give and take but some people of all interests think that there activity takes priority over everyone else.

    Just be considerate to others and do/treat others as you would want to be treated yourself and we will all get along just fine 8)

    Free Member

    I do like these threads :lol:

    I guess I’m just lucky as i never seem to have these sorts of encounters with dogs or their owners :roll: :wink:

    Free Member

    CFH, have you been shopping in Soho again?

    Free Member

    Oh CMW i am liking that bike alot, cleaver use of the red against black frame :D

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