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  • XXL Singletrack Sale and “Unconscious Bias”
  • bigsi
    Free Member

    rOcKeTdOg – Member
    beers later

    Done one and two after a sneaky 20 miler this morning and planning on doing number 3 this evening.

    Weathers loverly in West Sussex :wink:

    Free Member

    @ MrTall – Amen brother :lol:

    Free Member

    Seriously, try a 29er. I’m finding it so much more stable on climbs and decents, also rolling off of ledges you don’t get that pitching forwards feeling. You don’t get that ‘sitting on top of the bike’ feeling

    I can clear stuff on the 100mm 29er hardtail that i couldn’t on the Blur LT with 130mm up front 8O

    For taller riders it HAS to be the way forward. Anyone who is going to Mayhem or 24/12 this summer is welcome to have a quick spin on mine if they want 8)

    Free Member

    6’5″ here. Arse out over the back wheel on the downhills, always standing on the pedals rather than seated on downhill sections although i am finding my 29er feels less like i am about to be pitched over the bars. Also try pointing your heels towards the ground helps i find.

    If you can’t get off the back of the saddle then it could be you have your saddle a tad too high so try lowering it a smidge or your stem is too long so maybe try a slightly shorter stem 10-20mm can make quite a bit of difference.

    What races will you be doing ?

    Free Member

    Whether its £1k or £10k congrats on getting yourself sorted :wink:

    Free Member

    Welcome to the world of the £10k a week earners :wink: :lol:

    Free Member

    goon – Timmy (the collie) does that with seagulls from the safety of our bedroom, front paws on the window sill and barks at them till they clear off,,,,, trouble is we live in Worthing about 5 mins from the sea :roll:

    Free Member

    goon – Ted looks fantastic fun except for the last photo where he just look bewildered. :P

    Our Tri-colour Boarder Collie loves Lurchers, well he loves to chase them but never manages to catch them :roll:

    Free Member

    Oh and would it not be possible for a software support guy to work from home ?

    Or his partner ferry him to and from work, he/she doesn’t work according to the o/p?

    Free Member

    I didn’t think that the courts were able to give someone a ban for speeding if it will affect their ability to earn a living.

    Mate of mine who has to drive for a living (estate agent :roll: ) went to court on an instant ban (100mph+ and yes he is an idiot) but because his employer did him a letter stating that if he was off the road for any longer than 3 week he would be made redundant the judge said he had no option other than to ban him for 3 weeks and increase his fine.

    Not saying that i agree with this but that was my understanding of being banned for speeding, might be different though if it was an accumulation of points over a given period of time. :?

    Free Member

    Yep, 11 ars**oles per team running around a field :wink:

    Free Member

    I would go for


    but not always in that order.

    Free Member

    ooops, nothing to see here, move along please :oops:

    Free Member

    anagallis_arvensis – That is a smashing looking dog but don’t you find that his/her ears affect the reception on your satellite TV :lol:

    Free Member

    Ok i don’t know too much about this in terms of medication etc but the other halfs twin brother has it.

    He was late 20s when diagnosed, they thought it was his apendix till they went to take them out and had to remove 1/3 of his stomach.

    He seems to control it mainly by diet and drinks Yakult (sp) to help his digestion. He tries to avoid food that is high in fiber and carbs like bread, potatoes pasta and rice and sticks mainly to white meat, fish, veg, pulses and fruit.

    He is under a consultant for regular check ups and doesn’t seem to have much in the way of problems although i do know of other people who have had other different experences with Crohns.

    Good luck to your girlfriend with this and tell her to follow her consultants advice & she should be fine.

    Free Member

    Ton – I’m the same weight and height as you and ride a Blur LT (older model), **** awesome. Had the shock tuned by Mojo to stop it pushing through the travel and the RP23 will take 300psi without any probs. Had a slight feeling of twisting at the rear end initially but had a beefier piviot linkage made up and now its as stiff as ****.

    Great bike IMO

    Free Member

    Cant they just lock them in there and turn the cameras off for the summer. With a bit of luck the world might forget about them :wink:

    Free Member

    I was told by my LBS that they had stopped making the LUST version of the High Rollers other than in the Supertackey’s :?

    Free Member

    WorldClassAccident – Member
    Just realised this means I won’t get paid for the week off when I prepare and clear up after the Big Bike Bash. That’s another £10K it will cost me, gulp.

    Tell you what WCA, you work that week, I’ll prepare and clear up after BBB and go 50/50 on the 10K you would have lost by not being at work.

    That £5k is more than 4 months wages to me :( :wink:

    Free Member

    bikerbruce – Member
    you need the milk to work properly as it acts as a bead seal….

    Really ?

    I always thought and have been told by various people who have been running Stans for years, certainly more than 1yr, that it was the fairy liquid that created the bead seal/seated the tyre properly which is why you can run tubeless without the solution in the tyres :?

    Free Member

    surprised that no one has suggested killing the cats yet :roll:

    Free Member

    Thank **** for that. I started cra**ing myself that it was mothers day this sunday and i had forgotten :? .

    Juan don’t you ever do that again 8O

    Free Member

    firstly well done on the job offer WCA :D

    I would ask for 24 hours from the first company and then in the interview for the 2nd one ask them at the end of the interview if they saw you in this role. Advise them that you have an offer on the table from another company which you would take if not successful with the 2nd company but need to give them an answer on Thursday really. If you explain that the reason you are asking is because you don’t want to muck the 1st company around this will look well on you as they will see you are not someone who likes to mess people about. Explain as well that you like the opportunities that the 2nd company can offer etc and see what they say.

    Honesty is the best policy in my book and i always prefer when interviewing people if they are upfront with me. If they are not and i find out (small pond etc) then i think twice about taking them on.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Saw a guy bombing along the SDW on a Brompton last Friday so that could be an option 8O

    Free Member

    sss – WTF, a running start? like le mans of old?

    Well I’m not doing the first lap then, i refuse to run when i have a perfectly good bike i could be riding :roll:

    Free Member

    it depends what you are comparing it to and what the original size was i.e. % increase from original :roll: :wink: :lol:

    Free Member

    an extra 3 inches on the size of the front and rear wheel :P

    Free Member

    mrsflash – see now is guranteed to rain :roll:

    For the record i have gone for a set of these which are a bargain. The frame has reasonable clearance so hopefully they will do the job, if not I’ll be doing alot of walking :(

    Free Member

    IanMunro – If the op feels his woodworking skills are up to it then yes it could have a multitude of trail features in it :wink:

    TheRealHoops – If it makes any difference you can buy them already made :? .

    On a serious note though if you feel that the dog is a threat to you and or your family then it might be worth contacting a local vets practice. Although they won’t be able to do anything themselves they may well be able to point you in the right direction of someone local to you who can help, local dog warden if your council has one RSPCA, Dogs Trust etc etc. Remember that a dog barring its teeth is normally a defensive reaction to a situation and it may not act in the same way if approached differently. I assume you went to pick it up to help it back over the fence and if it doesn’t know you and you were standing over it, possibly leaning over it in an attempt to pick it up it would quite possibly have felt threatend by you. It doesn’t make it a vicious dog because it bares its teeth at you, i do however understand that you don’t want to find out if its vicious or not the hard way. Oh and for the record the neighbour who owns the dog sounds like a tw*t for not taking your complaint more seriously, maybe if a dog warden RSPCA etc had a word they might get a different reaction.

    Good luck with getting it sorted :-)

    Free Member

    therealhoops – Member
    Fido is trying to get across and over into next door coz they have a dog.

    In that case you need to build a high level dogway from either side of your garden, that way the neighbours dog won’t need to enter your garden just walk along the dogway from one side of it to the next.

    Or you could ask either of your neighbours if they want to swap houses with you,,,,, simples :wink:

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    Dezb, this sounds like a girl I know.

    Can you forward me her telephone number please Hora :lol:

    Free Member

    *Puts kettle on, checks for biscuits and pulls up a chair*

    Hob-nob anyone :lol:

    Free Member

    The Ned, Sauvingion Blanc from Marlborough New Zealand is all you need to know, get to your local Waitrose and puchase some tomorrow.

    P.S. Lidl also do a passable Sauv Blanc as well for £3.99, dont knock it till you’ve tried it 8O . I always go for a New Zealand Sauv Blanc from the Marlborough region and never seem to go wrong :D

    Free Member

    They are watching us 8O

    Free Member

    Yep it was the down tube that went first as you can see (not in the photos) where the failure happened.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The temp at the start of last years 24/12 was pushing 28degs IIRC 8O

    MTFU :roll:

    Oh and take lots of water, don’t forget your suncream and cover the back of your neck :?

    Free Member

    This lot would sort em out


    Free Member

    Thats put me right off of my post ride kebab :roll:

    Hope it heals soon and the pain aint too bad :wink:

    Free Member

    No idea but at least they didn’t wake you at 4 in the morning all tooled up and ready to break the front door down like we had a year after moving into our current address. We were lead to beleive it was someone who had given our address and then skipped bail, never heard anything more about it but apparantly its quite common :roll:

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