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  • It’s not easy being Singletrack. Please help.
  • bigsi
    Free Member

    He sometimes looks at me like I’m mad when he chasing me down a hill on the bike, now he knows how i feel :lol:

    Free Member

    You need to accept that unless you have the use of a car to get out of town in its the darkside for you

    *vadervoice* The force is strong in this one */vadervoice*

    Free Member

    bonesetter – Member
    What size is the frame in your pic?

    21″. 8O

    I’m a big fecker and everyone say it just looks normal next to me, which i take as a complement :?

    Free Member

    oh go on then if i must :roll:


    Bonesetter – That Lenz is schweeeeeeeeeeeeet

    Free Member

    MTFU ?


    Free Member

    Ton – Thats a proper mans sized bike, i like it alot how does it ride compared to the Stifie ?

    Might have to say sod it and get one from Si :roll:

    Free Member

    10-15 mins away from the seafront on the Falmer road and its flat all the way.

    You have a bike, you’ll be right :P

    Free Member

    neil853 – Member
    wet all year round

    Posted 8 minutes ago # Report-Post

    NotoriousP.I.D – Member
    sounds like my girlfriend.

    Posted 40 seconds ago # Report-Post

    You sure you wanted to share that with us 8O :oops:

    Free Member

    I think the phrase is

    Free Member

    14 mile spin on the south downs near Worthing, dry & dusty. Riding till 9.30pm without light, smashing :P

    Free Member

    downhillsquirrel – Your in luck as Brighton-MTB do a ride leaving from the Stanmer campus Uni car-park @ 7pm each Thurday, IIRC they tend to ride till about 9-9.30pm.

    Some of my mates have done it and say its relaxed and they are a good bunch. I’m going to try to get over there myself next Thursday so may see you there, I’ll be the one in the Sussex-MTB top :-)

    Free Member

    I saw night fall and day break on that climb, wouldn’t mind but it was on the same lap :oops:

    Free Member

    PMSL @ CFH.

    I think that Duke would be a good name for a Staff. But i would wait till you’ve got the dog and then see what comes to mind, different dogs seem to have different characters

    Free Member

    Good luck to anyone doing this, i can’t think of anything more mind numbingly boring than riding the SDW for 12+ hours :( .

    If it rains stay off of the green chalk 8O

    Top tip – Take an i-pod (other MP3 players are available) :wink:

    Free Member

    lol @ scaredypants.

    Are you part of Team America ???

    Free Member

    Al – Sorry but i couldn’t get a signal at Eastnor :wink:

    Free Member

    Came 8th in a World Championship final event back in the early 90’s. Bet no one will guess at what sport though, I’ll give you a clue – The event was held in Hong Kong Harbour 8O .
    I was also a top 10 junior marathon & sprint kayaker. Mate who i used to partner in the 2 man event reached the finals of the last Olympics in 500m & 1k and i used to beat him regularly over those distances. Oh what could have been with more commitment, a bit like my riding really :?

    Free Member

    Was just thinking the same :?

    Free Member

    One of our team mates had this happen to her’s as well but we put it down to the fact that she took a wrong turn and did an extra few miles very quickly which also explains the extra distance & fast speed :?

    Free Member

    I find most things small for the size stated :oops:

    Free Member

    nice :P

    Free Member

    mtbmatt – Congrats on your win and engagement. You went past me at the entrance to the off camber singletrack on the last lap as i jumped out the way saying something like you’re Matt Page aren’t you? Didn’t catch what you said back but before i got a chance to say good luck you had gone.

    So a belated goodluck and well done again :D

    Free Member

    Win solo male cat at Mayhem and propose on the finish line,,, pure class. :D

    N.B. You might want to start training for next year’s event fairly soon if your going to do it :wink:

    Free Member

    Rabbitstu – So you were the one’s who i said had got the event mixed up with ski sunday then :wink:

    Were you there on the last lap as it looked like someone was taking *ahem*glamour*ahem* photos on the last lap at that point :? 8O :?

    Free Member

    trails – Yep Matt came past me in the off camber singletrack on the last lap. He was going like a train so was surprised to see him stopped at the hard/mince marshal point. I now assume he had stopped to pick up the ring :D

    That was my first MM and where as i enjoyed myself and would do it again i thought that the course at last years 24/12 was much better so looking forward to getting back there this year for my first solo event :P

    Free Member

    Had to be him really, who else would have needed a helmet with such a long chin section in it, other than Jimmy Hill :lol:

    Free Member

    Just about to set off so see you all there, I’ll be the big guy in the Sussex-MTB top struggling up the hills on a 29er :roll:

    Can’t wait :P

    Free Member

    where the **** did that come from ????

    *opens bag, removes flip flops and replaces with wellies*

    Free Member

    Loulabella – Its down to how often they have to reapproach the markets to raise funding and so what they can borrow it at. At the moment the rates they can borrow at are increasing which is why most fixed rates are going up by up to 0.5% 8O

    Jon Taylor – Its quite possible that a mortgage won’t cost anymore than your rent but it depends on your individual circumstances. At the moment deposit is king as far as the lenders are concerned. The more you have for this the lower the interest rate and so the lower your monthly payments. If you want to know how much you can borrow and what it will cost then ping me an e-mail as above and I’ll see what i can do for you.

    Free Member

    stonemonkey – yep thats cool. Am at Mayhem this weekend so won’t be able to reply till Tuesday.

    Free Member

    Ski – E-mail me some basic details, name of current lender, amount o/s at the moment, approx value of property and a bit of back gound info at and I’ll come back to you on Tuesday when I’m back in the office as will be at Mayhem this weekend.

    Spawn – It will depend on your % shareholding in the LLP as to how the lenders will view it, if its above a certain % they might view you as self-employed even though its an LLP. Best thing to do is to e-mail me at the above address ( and I’ll come back to you as well. Given the sensetive nature of the info i can’t really go in to details on an open forum, I’m sure you understand.

    Cheers guys


    P.S. Druidh – you lucky bugger :wink:

    Free Member

    tommy – yep no probs.

    Drop me a mail to the address in my first ost and I’ll pick it up whe I’m back in the office (Tuesday) and we’ll take it from there :D

    Free Member

    Don’t forget that some of the bits from last years D2D were from the Black Run but going in the opposite direction to the normal flow of the black run, wouldn’t want a crash :wink:

    Free Member

    Horses for courses really.

    Clubber says he didn’t get on as well with a 29er as he does with his ‘normal’ bike. I prefer my 29er to my ‘normal’ bike.

    When i built mine up i didn’t know if i was going to get on with it or not, i certainly didn’t try it because i was bored with riding bikes, but i love it. A guy i ride with who is about the same height as me tried one previously and decided he didn’t feel it was for him and so still rides 26er’s.

    Try it, you might like it but if you don’t try it you won’t know and there’s always a good market for 2nd hand 29er kit.

    Free Member

    clubber – I’m not sure what you mean by cog ? If you mean wheel then i can see where you are coming from but all i can say is that it feels quicker. This could be to do with the fact that the maxel tracks better than q/r as there is less flex when comparing like for like (not 29er v 26er). Also its a slightly steeper head angle which should make it turn quicker.

    In short its just the feeling that i get when i’m riding the two bike but as charlie has also pointed out

    Its pointless having a 29er Vs 26er debate unless you get two bike side by side and test them both.

    which would also include having the same spec bikes. Its one arguement that can never really be settled :wink:

    Free Member

    Depends what you are comparing really clubber. My 26er with normal q/r revs at 130mm on it seems to turn slightly slower than my 29er with a maxel & 100mm forks. I can also ride it quicker through singletrack as it rolls quicker so less need to pedal so more able to move around on the bike rather than pedaling. As well as all this i can get lower onto the bike on the 29er as my centre of gravity is more in the bike than on it. So IMO i feel it is slightly slower to accelerate but a bit quicker even in the singletrack once up to speed.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    one of my pet hates, don’t get me started :evil:

    Free Member

    I have a similar size pile starting under the stairs although its now spilling out into the hallway and i haven’t even been to the supermarket yet or my LBS for those last minute essentials.

    Is there going to be drinking water on site or do we need to bring our own ?

    Free Member

    Sounds like she had a very contented life and you had her for a good length of time (although it never feels long enough).

    Just remember the good times & keep your chin up, i dread the day this happens to me but i know it might not be long now :cry:

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