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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • bigmountainscotland
    Free Member

    Well that’s me told, thank goodness for herd instinct eh!

    Good work by the way TiRed, don’t confuse my frustrations at being muted for exposing uncomfortable truths about the dodgy so-and-so’s chosen to rule us as a criticism of your important work, appreciate these are trying times for everyone.

    Free Member

    There’s clearly not enough transparency for me to express all I’d like on this forum…

    Free Member

    Perhaps not, but a bit of transparency never hurts!

    Free Member

    About that isolation thing…

    Free Member

    In the meantime, here is a more on topic tweet:

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t want to deviate from the topic…

    Perhaps you could dig up the tweet in question

    Free Member

    You mean BMS?

    Call me Tom if you prefer, despite my ranting on here, I’m mostly pretty affable in the real world.

    Free Member

    Is what you’re saying that the un-elected less salubrious part of our national government have used this global pandemic to “clean house” and execute those in their own organisation that have displeased them. And that so far, the one and only victim of this is the deputy ambassador to Hungary?

    Nope, but clearly I’m not allowed to discuss any of this for whatever reason…

    Free Member

    The rf, like the church are very good at telling people what to do whilst doing nothing themselves. Like the rf, the church has been remarkably quiet on how it gould use domebof it £1bn a year revenue to help the vulnerable. I’m sure individual congregations are spending thier own money doing things but not the church.

    One and the same…

    Sweet Jesus

    EDIT: Which does raise other questions…

    It takes balls

    Free Member

    I was surprised to learn just how much difference brake choice can make to your bike’s performance; there’s a tricky steep and slimy chute I built that I’d never managed to ride cleanly, because the wheels would always lock up and I’d lose traction; tried swapping tyres, thinking that’d help, but the same thing kept happening

    That was with Shimano XTs, which in the majority of situations, give plenty of power and feel.

    However, swapped to Hope E4s and the extra modulation meant I cleared it cleanly 1st time.

    Kitted up for riding I must be over 18st, I certainly don’t hang about and I’ve ridden in the Alps with E4s with no issues.

    Free Member

    Except in this case, the equivalent of tidying your room is clearing away the cluttered natives and dissenters from continents you want colonized for your, admittedly more covert than in days of old, empire

    Free Member

    I find it a bit weird that the Queen manages to be both Supreme Governor of the Church of England and Commander in Chief of The British (along with several other) Armed forces

    ‘Thou shalt not kill’ (unless there’s oil)

    There again, it’s a bit like on the one hand celebrating the birth of the arms dealer and paedophile enabler Prince Andrew by suggesting councils fly their flags and ringing the bells of Westminster Abbey, then on the other encouraging the masses to clap the NHS (but only when they’re needed, it’s not like there is a national day of celebration for the Health Services equivalent to trooping the colour, which is of course carried out in the presence of the head of the Freemasons, who held Prince Andrew’s role of Special Representative for International Trade and Investment throughout the key years setting up the Al-Yamamah deal)

    Princely conduct
    EDIT: In case you missed it, that chap hidden away in the hat is the Prince Edward, the Duke of Kent, Grandmaster of the United Grand Lodge of Freemasons


    Free Member

    Free Member

    Blimey, it has been a busy day… between Boris and the Queen, they’ve saved Prince Charles a heap of embarrassment thanks to NHS Nightingale

    Turns out that until press exposure made them think otherwise, the folks behind ExCel (which among others includes Tom King, ex defence minister and Chair of the intelligence and security committee and Steven Norris, a transport Minister who also happened to be a patron of Sustrans and Chairman of the National Cycling Strategy Board) were looking to charge £2-3 Million a month for use of the Centre…

    Wonder how much they charge when hosting the world’s largest arms fair, DSEI?

    The world leading event that connects governments, national armed forces, industry thought leaders and the global defence & security supply chain on an unrivalled scale.

    Making a Killing

    Still, errr, get well soon Boris, hope you’re chipper ready for the weekly phone call with the Queen old chap…

    Free Member

    I think theres some pretty serious questions to be asked about why Parliament didnt go ‘virtual’ the minute Nadine Dories was diagnosed, several times ministers & aides have been pictured in close contact

    Considering the Queen was having her weekly meetings with Boris until recently, we’re remarkably lucky to hear her soothing tones reassuring the nation in these challenging times!

    Free Member

    Stop being a jessie…

    I wanna be a brain surgeon

    (I wanna be a brain surgeon)

    Free Member

    Found these graphs interesting, we’ll have to see how the situation develops…

    Graph 1

    Graph 2

    Graph 3

    Graph 4

    Free Member

    I dun been curious…

    Given how much hot air goes into moulding the daily news cycle, it’s worth noting just how potent that hot air is at suspending things far above us.

    A mostly harmless Cumulus Cloud weighs around 500,000 kg

    (Or an ickle bit less than 3 of the world’s largest bulldozers)

    Cumulus cloud

    ≈ 3x

    Dozing Off

    A boisterous Thunderstorm will weigh somewhere in the region of 45,000,000 kg (About 1/2 the weight of the Washington Monument)


    ≈ 0.5x

    Capstone capers

    And a somewhat violent Hurricane can weigh in excess of 50,000,000,000 kg (Around double the combined weight of all of the 24,000ish passenger Jets that were until recently in service around the world)

    Well Blow me!

    ≈ 2x

    Cloudy thinking

    Man that’s a lot of hot air

    Free Member

    Pretty shocked so far, these facts are outrageous!

    Free Member

    All very odd; you’d think the senior civil servants overseeing all of this would’ve been on the ball this time around, given their key personal involvement in the Iraq WMD fiasco:

    Free Member

    This thread has unlocked a childhood memory of a spoof advert that creased me up… think it might’ve been in a Monty Python or Young Ones book and it was essentially a propaganda piece about how butter was stored in open vats under rafters and thus full of pigeon shit and cigarette butts.

    It was presented on behalf of the Margarine Marketing Board.

    However, my google fu is weak tonight and despite a good bit of searching, can’t find the damn thing.

    That said, I’m not easily roped in by adverts and school got to me 1st with the thing where you get a bottle of full cream milk and turn it into butter…

    Free Member

    Given the horrific consequences of Covid-19 for the developed world, what are the implications for war torn countries like Yemen, Syria and Palestine, who in many respects find themselves in the state they’re in due to the actions (or inaction) of our government(s)?

    What if you don’t have a home to stay in?


    Or worse still, the aggressors essentially use Coronavirus as a weapon on a civilian population

    Cultural Genocide?

    Free Member

    Well well, apparently the links between Weinstein and Epstein did go deeper, good to see this hasn’t been entirely buried by coronavirus coverage, though doubt it’ll be making any headlines:

    Jeffrey Epstein used his connections to Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein to impress young women, and even helped one victim land a role in a horror movie produced by a Weinstein-owned company, The Daily Beast has learned.

    Chauntae Davies was recruited into Epstein’s trafficking ring in 2001, when she was a 21-year-old massage-therapy student in California. She says the perverted financier groomed and sexually abused her for years before she escaped in 2005.

    Davies’ time in Epstein’s world included a 2002 humanitarian trip to Africa with former President Bill Clinton on the money-manager’s private jet. Actors Chris Tucker and Kevin Spacey were along for the ride.

    But Epstein also introduced Davies to Weinstein, who allegedly got her an audition for Feast, a 2005 film about a remote Texas tavern fending off monsters.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    FCO staff are vital key workers at risk as well, let’s not forget that

    You’re right of course and the fact he was a mere 37 shows just how serious this is.

    Timber Sycamore

    Free Member

    Hope the test can identify Covid 19 specifically, rather than just telling you if you’ve got coronavirus, as around 15% of common colds come from a coronavirus…

    With the average adult getting 2 or 3 colds a year and the average child getting 6 to 8, that’s at least 3 Billion people a year with a coronavirus.

    And if 3 Billion people test positive for coronavirus, shit’s gonna get wild

    (especially with the lack of bog roll)

    Free Member

    A couple of years back I was going to head to Europe in my van and get a gravity card, a season pass for 21 lesser known bikeparks in Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Slovenia and Italy.

    But then the van failed the MOT (the start of all kinds of woe) and my cryptocurrency bombed.

    Maybe with a bit of luck, one day it will be possible again, if Brexit allows.

    Free Member

    Bit ironic really…

    Prince Charles catching the deadly coronavirus after his dad said he’d like to be reincarnated as a deadly virus

    The current coronavirus outbreak is no exception, with a remark Prince Phillip made back in 1988 resurfacing.

    32 years ago, the Queen’s husband spoke on the topic of reincarnation, and what he would come back as if such a thing existed.

    He said: “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.”

    Prince Charles is a super spreader given the amount of hands he shakes.

    Yip, certainly looks that way…

    Wonder how many less publicised functions he’s been attending; imagine if it spread amongst the diplomatic community!!

    Free Member

    How bizarre…

    Last night’s dream was about STW and a strange and disturbing collage of images from the front page flashing up on the screen from Wizard of Oz, surrounded by the cursory flames and smoke, with a deeply disturbing cackling going on in the background.

    Next thing I know, the Scooby Doo crew rock up in the Mystery Machine and gave me a pair of flares and a collar fit for a runway to wear; a convenient changing room appeared and I pulled the curtain back to find it was already occupied by someone in a crappy rubber mask, sat there with multiple screens, microphones, cameras and all kinds of buttons and whatnot, a bit like a photo studio or video editing suite

    Can’t recall exactly who was unmasked, but given scooby doo’s involvement it’s a fair bet the monsters were humans with something to hide…

    Free Member

    Yeah, jeez, get a grip you conspiraloon!

    HSBC pulling out of British Cycling?

    Free Member

    Florida man was high on erotic-themed nitrous oxide when he killed lawyer, police say.

    Free Member

    I’ve started breakdance battles in every continent I’ve visited and can’t even breakdance

    Free Member

    All this coronavirus business, combined with Steve Peat of Royal Racing fame’s ‘Won’t Back Down’ doing the rounds again brought to mind this thread…

    Now I dunno about this jivehoney guy, but personally, I’ve been having weird dreams about weekly meetings with the Queen, the entire economy being dependent on loans (for some reason there was a pack of rabid dogs with flickering HSBC logos for eyes) and something about a seemingly respectable guy who was actually key to the most dodgy of business in Iraq taking charge of the Home Office on the same day the country goes into lockdown.

    How weird is that?

    Free Member

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Everyone needs to stop panicking, the Pope has got this covered…

    Pope Francis Says He Asked God to Stop Coronavirus

    Free Member

    Sounds a bit like the Event 201 Coronavirus Pandemic Simulation from October last year…

    There’s all kinds of conspiraloons kicking off about it on twitter, but then again, there’s always folk spouting nonsense for attention!!

    Free Member

    Small world eh…

    Iraq September Memo

    Free Member

    The fact people have it and don’t know they have it isn’t really pointing to it being a significant killer for most healthy people.

    In contrast people will be killing themselves because their business has folded or because they’ve lost their job. Or maybe people will die beacuse tax revenues have dropped because we’ve shut down half the economy.

    Oh come along, don’t be so selfish, how else will the banks ensnare everyone into debt slavery?

    Free Member

    Oh boy, so in addition to all the lives saved by coronavirus’ impact on industry:

    China Pollution

    you reckon there’s gonna be extra sprogs running around, gobbling up global resources?

    Spaghetti Monster

    Still, at least the reduction in air travel should have a dramatic effect on Climate change:

    Greenhouse Gases

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