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  • is a scam website
  • BigEaredBiker
    Free Member

    Interesting, Autodesk only requires Shader Model 5.0 and Direct X 11 compatibility for graphics. A more detailed recommendation sheet listed a an Nvidia Quadro M4000 display adaptor.

    The in-built GPU/Display adaptor of the latest Intel i5/i7/Xeon E3 CPU’s exceeds that.

    IMO you’d probably be fine with an i7-6700 which gives 4 cores and 8 logical processors. It would easily perform as well as a 6-core Xeon CPU from 5 years ago and use a lot less power to do it. It would also not need an additional graphics card. The equivalent Xeon would be the E3-1245 v5, very similar but with support for workstation motherboards and unbuffered ECC memory.

    If you can find one the slightly older Broadwell based Xeon E3-1285 v4 also has on-board eDRAM to boost graphics performance further.

    Free Member

    I suppose the problem here is whether your business will let you purchase used machines/parts…

    If this is a machine that personal income relies upon I always recommend buying a properly built system with a rock-solid on-site warranty. You can easily loose 2-4 days of productivity if something goes wrong and you have to troubleshoot, source and fit replacement parts yourself.

    Depending on how important it is using Xeon, ECC Memory and redundant hard drives might also be worth paying for – although the reliability of consumer parts is now much better than 10 years ago with greatly reduced failure rates.

    If all that makes sense have a look at or; you should be able to talk to someone in the UK and I’d expect you’d get better value and customisation from either of them than buying HP/Dell/Lenovo.

    Free Member

    Why do you think the BBC has been so successful online?

    The BBC doesn’t have to worry about actually making a profit. They could churn out junk no one watches or reads for ages before anyone will take any money away from them…

    …having said that my TV Licence fee is worth it just for Radio 4 – but I don’t actually watch any BBC TV.

    Free Member

    I like to read the guardian to have something to disagree with. I’m scared of having nothing to do so I subscribed. I subscribe to STW for similar reasons.

    Free Member

    Ask again when we have run out of pigs.


    Free Member

    IMO Yes, no one in my family went to Uni. I only went because the armed forces careers advisor told me to if I could, and then a couple of good friends got offered places, so I thought why not.

    My wife is now studying for a degree with the OU and my daughter wants to be a vet, she’s only 7 but now knows she’ll need to get a degree to become one; I’m already saving…

    Free Member

    I’m now pretty much a veggie. I’ll still eat decent, quality meat on occasion, but not often. I’ve reduced my intake of dairy but still have it in my diet.

    Being a vegan just seems logical to me;

    1. Generally its more healthy, I know a few slightly over-weight veggies (me included) but certainly no obsese vegans 🙂
    2. Less environmentally damaging / a plant based diet requires less land & water to sustain and emits far fewer (if any) greenhouse gases.
    3. Greatly reduces animal cruelty

    As for bacon; cooked human flesh smells/looks a lot like a cooked pig flesh, would you tuck into that?

    Free Member

    choose which parts of science like like as soon as they’re hungry, sick and life expectancy falls to somewhere between “died in childbirth” and 35.

    Pah, we all know Noah live to 900 odd. Shows what you know, he had no science, just less sin (because the sinners were all dead…)

    Free Member

    I’ll be interested to see what Trumpmdoes about the 10’s if not 100’s of billions of taxes gone unpaid by US tech companies hidden offshore (Ireland and Lux).

    Surely he will congratulate them on how smart they are 😀

    Free Member

    frothing rhetoric

    Not on this website, reasoned debate only here 😉

    Free Member

    The Merlin and Griffin engines were designed 80 years ago. Nobody is alive now who was on the original design team so have no idea by what design rules they were originally designed to

    I heard it told that the British Ford and American Packard built Merlins were built to a much higher tolerances than the Rolls-Royce Merlins. The Rolls Merlins were pretty much hand-built by engineers and parts might not be transferable to another engine. Those that were built by automobile manufactures who did mass-production had to be built to new plans with correct tolerances.

    No idea how true that is, but makes sense.

    Free Member

    We need a lead-in trainer to allow student pilots to transition from prop-driven trainers to fast jets.

    Isn’t that what the Hawk T2 is? If you want a cheaper lead-in trainer the PC-21 is what a lot of air-forces are now looking at – but it’s a turbo-prop.

    Free Member

    Four tranche 1 Typhoons? These were ear-marked for retirement soon but I know some are staying on purely in the air-defence role.

    That way the Reds would still be flying a partly British aircraft that looks just like the latest models still being built & marketed around the world. Running four of them opposed to 10 probably wouldn’t shake the budget up too much and fewer pilots would be needed.

    Else, didn’t we just order P8’s from Boeing 😆

    Free Member

    The original Falcon 4.0 manual is indeed almost 600 pages.

    The Falcon collection is available on Good Old Games for less than £8 and includes all the original manuals as PDF’s. Theres quite a few other old sims on and as most of them have DOSBox integrated they can be downloaded for Mac/Linux as well as Windows. (Falcon 4.0 needs proper Windows or WINE though).

    Simpleplanes is well worth a look. Also on for Windows/Mac

    Free Member

    I’ve avoided spoilers etc so far.

    Spoilers? From what I saw of the first few series they just recycle the same plot, albeit with few different characters. Is it worth trying again?

    Free Member

    I hope you were considerate enough to leave it there for the next stall user to admire; or did you flush it away thinking that they might try and claim it as their own?

    I’m guessing this is your family?

    Free Member

    Not really, the tracer is inside the round and can only be seen from the rear

    No, you are wrong. I’ve personally seen tracer coming across my arc but I’m lucky enough never to have had green tracer coming towards me…

    Some modern tracer rounds are designed not to ignite straight away to make it harder to identify the firers position, but we were always trained to remember tracer worked both ways…

    Free Member

    Napalm in the morning…

    …Oh wait I am getting my threads mixed up.

    Iron Sky.

    Free Member

    The tank gunshots in Fury seemed very weird – more like lasers from Star Wars. Do real tank rounds actually look like that?

    Machine gun tracer looks very much like star wars blasters/lasers. Being part of a company level night shoot many years ago was an amazing thing, tracer rounds would often bounce off some of the targets zipping skywards. The tank battle scene in Fury was accurate in that regard. What I will say is that movies tend to over do muzzle flash and tracers in daylight. In bright day light they are not as bright as movies depict them, and you tend not to see muzzle flash at all.

    I just checked and the Germans did use tracer on Armour Piercing 88mm rounds that tanks and anti-tanks guns used, so that was probably accurate in Fury too.

    I’ve not seen anyone mention ‘Only the Dead’ its on Netflix and is a documentary, it is really sobering stuff and gets inside the minds of insurgents, terrorists and US infantry in Iraq.

    Free Member

    I’ll have to check specs when I go upstairs. I know it’s an i5 with 16gb of RAM but I’ve no idea what the graphics card is.

    Have a look at the latest AMD RX 460 graphics cards, you should be able to get one for under £100 from The reference design has no requirement for extra power from the PSU so are compatible with pretty much any desktop PC from the past 5-6 years. They can play pretty much anything at low-medium settings and many games on higher settings.

    Check out and Humble Bundle for some bargains and proper retro games. 8-bit Armies and Grow Home have been great fun to play.

    Free Member

    There would appear to be little milage in selling the glamour of war anymore, because we all know there isn’t any.
    Previous generations didn’t have that luxury.
    We do.

    TBH Rusty, if those cigarette adverts were run today the outrage would be over the tobacco advertising not the use of soldiers in marketing…

    Free Member

    It always strikes me as daft when I see cyclists wearing dark colours with **** all lights at dawn/dusk. Are they wearing camo?

    Free Member

    I thought this was going to be a thread about my local town centre…

    Free Member

    IMO I wouldn’t refer to the first nations as stone age. Metal working was long established in the Americas prior to the 1500’s. They also quickly took advantage of metals that the Europeans traded with them and incorporating them into art and weapons. I did hear that they didn’t have any use for gold in N.America – too soft for use, and they preferred the colours of other metals for art.

    Having said that the people of S.America like the Incas knew how to work gold and other metals prior to Europeans arrival. Greed for Inca gold & silver by the Conquistadors in the 16th Century is well documented.

    Thanks for posting Saxonrider; its been years since I’ve read anything on any of these subjects. Will have to have a look at the books that have been suggested.

    Free Member

    Time to dust these off is it?

    Free Member

    We have had our fun with fossil fuels, and we are in a very fortunate position as a country where we could set the world an example of a successful country moving towards a reduced dependence on fossil fuels.

    This, clearly it would be much more efficient (in the longer term) to develop the tech to use renewable energy combined with batteries to smooth out the peaks and troughs. We are now so much closer to having this than before, just look at the stuff coming from Tesla etc. Once we nail that driving fully electric cars etc. also starts to become possible for the majority.

    If I was dictator I’d also be telling them scientists to stop dicking about with Fusion and get it working already 😀

    Free Member

    SCR actually gets rid of harmful NOx by turning it into water and nitrogen. A DPF catches the soot and then actually burns it up into CO2 in secondary combustion. It’s not just moving it around.

    Ah, but the catch is you need to be doing the right kind of driving for the DPF to do its job properly. Fine if as well as town driving you do longer motorway runs but probably best avoided if you don’t as you risk a clogged DPF and expensive bills.

    I’d seriously consider a petrol hybrid as my next car, battery technology is slowly evolving to last longer and maintenance/running costs are pretty good.

    Free Member

    A good podiatrist will remove the nail properly and make sure it is all out. They might then tell you to get to the GP for a prescription to clear up any infection…

    Free Member

    I lock myself in the toliet with a book…

    Free Member

    Just like Loch Ness and UFO sightings, reports of ghost sightings seem to mysteriously drop as more people have access to mobile phones with cameras,

    The fact that the Catholic Church has more excorcists in N.America at any time than in the past would suggest not;

    Whilst the only ghostly experiences I’ve had are easily explained I don’t think it is helpful to be dismissive of what to some people are very real events. At best they may not like being mocked, at worst they may well really be in need of professional help (I’d suggest a Dr rather than a priest).

    Free Member

    Heh, it’s one of the latest management buzz words in my office at the moment.

    Gartner released some report saying that larger corporations need to adopt agile software development practices else they risk being left behind; but also need to stick with the existing way of doing things for applications already deployed.

    Hence we are now ‘bimodel’, which in reality means that there are even more headless chickens – product owners now think that being agile means they can change their minds every 5 minutes…

    …probably not the example you were looking for 😛

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Couple of interesting snippets – Microsoft have reduced their own testing teams right down; consumers are now pretty much the testers and as new features are added to Windows and other MS products new holes will be found – or worse old ones will reappear…

    I reckon it’ll be domestic appliances next:

    “In 2017 Russian hackers assembled the world’s biggest botnet by hacking a range of domestic appliances, heating controllers and light bulbs”

    It already happened this week. Massive DDOS attacks over 600Gb/s and then 1,000Gb/s. No way was that a Windows OS botnet; more like the Internet of Shit – Cameras, TV’s, thermostats and all the other crap people are pointlessly assinging IP addresses too.

    I think it won’t be long and there will need to be legislation in place to state a device has passed adequate testing to be sold as internet connected. It’s not all complicated either, I think most of it is just default admin/root passwords left in place.

    Free Member


    Would the Green Party be electable if they actually pushed their more libertarian policies over the more socialist bits?

    Or have we come to the consensus that they are in no way libertarian 😕

    Free Member


    Did you figure it out? I just combined your PoSH solution with mine and it works (there is probably a neater way)

    Get-Childitem -recurse /home/user -File | where-object {$_.PSParentPath -notmatch “Dropbox|Music”} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName | Out-File filename.txt

    This dumped the contents of my /home/user directory excluding the Dropbox and Music directories to filename.txt.

    This was on the latest PowerShell Alpha on Ubtuntu 16.04 but should work exactly the same in Windows…

    Free Member

    Ok, well I am sure this is solvable in PoSH using mine and Dez’ previous answers but if you must do it from Windows CMD


    dir /b /s | findstr /V "bad poor" > results.txt

    to exclude folders bad and poor

    Free Member

    Ha, I think between the answers he should be able to figure it out now 😀

    Free Member

    Get-ChildItem -Exclude 'directory' -Recurse | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName | Out-File 'C:\Temp\Results.txt'

    I think you could set a variable with multiple values for ‘directory’ but I am typing this from Ubuntu and haven’t got round to installing PoSH yet…

    NOTE: The whole thing might just fail 😛

    Ah, yeah like what he said…

    Free Member

    there is no chance of a right wing pro capitalist green party. simply capitalism is incompatible with green objectives.

    I’m going to disagree; capitalism does not have to be large psychpathic corporations that put profit above everything else. There are loads of businesses out there that are socially and environmentally responsible and yet, are capitalist in nature.

    This view reminds me of how many dismissed Free & Open Source Software as communist 20 years ago, and yet its now how many make their money in software development.

    Free Member

    ^^^ Also that

    Quite agree, there seem to be some sensbile people in this thread 😯

    Maybe we could infiltrate…

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