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  • BikePark Wales: New 33 year lease to bring many benefits
  • BigEaredBiker
    Free Member

    precious photo and video memories

    A word to the wise, either get that lot backed up to a decent cloud service or build a freenas box with ZFS, probably both…

    Storing backups of valued photos on just a couple of basic external disks will guarantee upset at some point. Bitrot will catch you out eventually even if a failed disk doesn’t.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    I read the books and for some reason some of the characters became like some of the characters from Firefly/Serenity in my head. It was then weird to watch…

    Free Member

    I don’t see the bike I own recommended, so you need to add that to your list, just because:

    Free Member

    Sounds good, especially if you manage to get ~£200 for the old stuff.

    Free Member

    I just like the uniforms[/url]

    The worst is when you meet someone who shares your enthusiasm for German military history. You think you’ve found a kindred spirit. And then something goes wrong. Very, very wrong.

    They start to tell you that Hermann Goering was a gentleman, and had some really good ideas about society. That democracy is inefficient. He insists on going to military reenactments in an S.S. uniform—even though all the other German reenactors going wear Wehrmacht gear. He thinks that Nazi anthropologists weren’t entirely wrong about inherent racial differences and that political correctness stops us from accepting “racial realism” and building on their work.

    Free Member

    Blimey, that’s almost as big as the Noctua I used to have, almost 😉

    Maybe treat the CPU to some new thermal paste before overclocking. If that works the money saved might be well spent on a decent monitor or SSD etc.

    Free Member

    Just to point out that the Sabertooth 990FX was one of the better boards for over-clocking. You could probably get all the cores on the FX 6100 to 4GHz without much effort, you might want a better cooler is all.

    If you did get the FX 8350 you would likely be able to run all the cores at 4.3GHz without getting into the more complex side of over-clocking.

    Still might not compare well to the latests CPU’s but probably gets that game running just as well – car racing games tend to be GPU limited rather than CPU limited.

    Free Member

    Don’t make the mistake of thinking someone can join the forces with a vague notion of not being prepared to kill the enemy.

    Everyone who joins the forces is taught how to use a personal weapon and many of the helicopters carry defensive machine guns when deployed into warzones.

    The pilots on the new P8 will basically be flying 737’s except they will be looking for submarines and will carry weapons capable of destroying them.

    Free Member

    @flaperon, your head is not big enough to be a military pilot – certainly not fast jets. Being a pilot was probably the 5th or 6th thing you told me when we met.

    As for your eye-hand coordinatation, I’m not one to throw stones, literally I can’t… but watching you fall off your bike when there is nothing there really does make me question how you land an Airbus 🙂

    Free Member

    Football damages other sports, talented kids get a one track mind and then when the majority wash out of football they just drop sport altogether and just become that bloke in the pub who everyone knows who used to play for QPR (other teams available) U21’s.

    At best they get back into it when they have their own kids and start coaching, only to reinforce the cycle.

    I know nothing about football but butted in on a work conversation about players wages, it must have had some truth, at least one person agreed with me citing a couple of lads he knew.

    Free Member

    “Yeah, I’ll be down in a minute. Just taking a shit.”

    Free Member

    It’s potentially a nightmare, it just depends on what you actually need and the quality of what you build or obtain.

    If a company makes IoT style devices then the firmware/software used should either be completely FOSS (Free Open Source Software) so anyone can modify and maintain it, or if proprietary should be guaranteed to be fully maintained for a decent lifespan.

    We are getting to the point where companies that should know better will push a locked down product onto the market with little intention of maintaining it longer than 24 months. This might be fine for disposable items but terrible for products that have lifespans that might run to a decade or more.

    Example: I used to own a basic Seagate NAS drive that by default is open to the Internet. This was purchased in 2014, this year I was poking around with it and realised it had some gaping security holes (not really a problem for me as I blocked it from the internet). I quite reasonably expected Seagate to have published some firmware patches to plug these, but no, the device is now discontinued and a potential security risk for those who don’t have the knowledge on how to properly lock it down (or better yet extract the HDD and plug it into something else).

    Free Member

    We seem to have Minecraft on everything in my house;

    Java – Linux/Windows PC
    XBox One
    XBox 360
    Windows 10
    Amazon Kindle/Android

    The Windows 10 and Android/Kindle version are the Pocket Edition ones and I can play a game on the network with the kids on their tablets and me on my laptop. We all had to create an XBox Live account each for this. The free account was fine (although I have a Gold account for the XBox One/360).

    This works well enough and when the cousins come over with their iPads also running PE they have been able to join the network games as well.

    At the moment the XBox One/360 versions can’t join in, neither can the Linux/Windows PC versions which are Java based.

    Frustratingly all the mods the kids want are for the Linux/Windows PC versions; I was initially confused as on Windows 10 you can run the same Java/PC version or the PE (purchased from the Windows store). For a while if you bough the Java version it also gave you a key for the Windows 10 version.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’ll wait for Flaperon to buy one, then kindly give me his current TV, then in 5 years when he gets a 16k tele, I’ll get a 4k one…

    Free Member

    Gravel Road? That’s perfect for Buckinghamshire’s normal roads.

    Free Member

    Just to add to Kimbers link – this is the kind of person that went to Charlottesville.

    Convicted far-right member at Charlottesville[/url]

    Agents also found notes written by Tubbs that showed that he and John Tubbs planned to set up a new group called the Knights of the New Order and a lists of targets that included newspapers, television stations and businesses owned by Jews and blacks. They also found a group pledge authored by Tubbs. “I dedicate my heart to oppose the enemies of my race, my nation and the New Order,” the pledge read. “I dedicate my life from this moment forward to fostering the welfare of the white Aryan race.”

    Free Member

    Seems like an odd conincidence that the former slaves acestors are all so poor and keep getting shot. Its only what 50-60 years since segregation ended.

    The conduct of the war on drugs since approximately 1980, the collapse of blue collar jobs Northern US cities, and the profit driven prison system [i]EDIT: The wording of the 1865 13th Amendment does have some bearing here[/i] has little to do with segregation in some southern states up until the early 1960’s. The most substantial link you could make is that the assassinations and imprisonment/silencing in the late 1960’s and ’70’s of powerful leaders for the African-American population. By the time the war on drugs started in the 1980’s the poor had practically no voice…

    …I would only ever want to be on trial in the US if I had the means to afford a decent lawyer.

    Anyhow, that has little to do with the rise of the alt-right and the emboldenment of the far-right. They will of course make links and cite the ‘erosion of white’ culture blah, blah, blah. The recent Gamergate nonsense and sexism probably has more to do with the election of Trump and subsequent new-confidence in the older far-right groups than black poverty in the US.

    What’s Gamergate and WTF has it got to do with Trump; Guardian; Gamergate & the Alt-Right

    Free Member


    Whilst I agree with most of what you say (esp. with the confederate flag in popular culture) this statement is just wrong:

    the war was never resolved and a half way solution was reached.

    I’m sure there are many that want to believe that but the Union successfully invaded the key southern states and re-integrated them back into the Union. There was no immediate implementation of Jim Crow laws as a compromise to entice southern states to rejoin – in fact there was outrage against some ‘codes’ that the initial reconstruction government tried to introduce to control the freed slave population. The Southern armies knew they were militarily beaten and had nothing left – unlike post WW1 Germany where many former soldiers (e.g. Hitler) felt they had never been beaten as an army and had been stabbed in the back by politicians and were up for round 2.

    Jim Crow crept in later approximately between 1890-1910 once the Democrats were firmly back in control of the Southern states and their northern counterparts had mostly reconciled their differences with them in order to defeat the Republican party (the presidential election of 1876 was a mess leading to compromise a year later). There never was desire to secede and fight again, nor for any one to take up arms against Jim Crow in the South. The statue/monument building peaked towards the end of this period after 1900.

    My view is the problems of today are the problems of today and the references to the nineteenth century are just flimsy excuses to cause trouble – there are few, if any, direct economic or political ties back to 1865 unlike Nazi Germany harking back to the outcome of WW1. In fact it’s the opposite – we know most of the alt & far Right backed a Republican candidate in 2016. In 1876 they would have been backing a Democrat and it’s doubful anyone who could properly remember Jim Crow would have been at any recent rallies. The far-right loves digging up old history to justify itself, both Mussolini and Hitler did it to great effect, a flowing narrative with goodies and baddies for simple minds is a useful tool for them.

    For what it’s worth some far/alt-right ‘history’ web-sites on the Civil War are that it was caused by Jewish immigrants profiteering from slavery and not wanting it to end ~ they probably also tie something in with there wouldn’t be African-Americans if it wasn’t for a Jewish conspiracy.

    If anyone wants to read up on that you can google for the altrighthistoryoftheus. You will probably want a good wash afterwards. The website I scanned through is so slanted you have to wonder if it’s actually antifa propaganda…

    Free Member

    ‘paradox of tolerance’

    Agreed, we know what fascism and extreme nationalism does, those who clearly want to live in a fascist state and have a racist agenda want to destroy the democracies we have built (often with blood). To ignore history and to allow them to hide behind the free-speech they would so deny others would be a failure on our part.

    Freedom-of-speech and freedom-of-press are worth defending (and I gladly give to the Open Rights Group and view Reporters without Borders positively). I don’t for one moment see groups like the EDL/NF/BNP as ones I would trust with doing the job.

    Free Member

    But didn’t lot’s of the cotton produced using slavery end up in buisnesses in the north for shipping? so both the north and the south benefited from slavery.

    Correct, as did the UK, indeed our aristocracy grew rich first from the Atlantic Slave Trade and later from the produce of slavery. You view some stately homes in a new light when you think about where the money came from to build them…

    Abolishing slavery was not a war aim of the Union until Lincoln emancipation proclamation took effect in early 1863. In 1861 at the outbreak of war the aim was simply to restore the Union to what it was. Many believed slavery needed to end, but it could not happen at once because of the economic damage it would do.

    To put some context into it, whatever your feelings on Brexit or Corbyn might be Southerners feelings on States Rights and Abe Lincoln (a known abolitionist) would likely have been a lot, lot stronger. Chucking a bit of Manifest Destiny and ‘God is with us’ sentiment and you can see why men were willing to go to war.

    Free Member

    Was the Civil war truly won and lost? or was it resolved in the form of an armistice. Seeing the confederate flag and swastika together seems the most natural of alliances, for surely the confederacy was the Nazism of it’s time.

    1. The Union won the civil war decisively in 1865. They had a harder task; the CSA literally just needed to keep control of its lands and hope that the UK and France would recognise it as an independent state. There was a possibility of this happening until Lincoln finally gave the emancipation proclamation – until then the war was more about states rights (the big one being the right to slavery) after that point there was no going back. Should the union win Slavery would be gone.

    2. No, the confederacy was not organized like a Fascist state – although justifications for slavery bore resemblance to arguments later used by the Nazi’s. Survival of the fittest, and that it was Gods will that slavery was there. Many Confederate (General Lee himself) held views that God would free the slaves when he was good and ready. IIRC Lee even took the view that slavery did more harm to white people/culture than those that were enslaved!

    I think that’s about right, it’s been 20 years since I wrote essays on the U.S. Civil War…

    My view on the current US is that if they don’t take care they will end up with an awful sectarianism that we can only comprehend if we think of N.Ireland.

    Free Member

    Salient point there Dr J. When were these statues put there? I was under the impression that many were put up during the civil rights era, the same period in which the confederate flag saw a resurgence. Are people under the impression that these statues existed in place since the Civil war?

    You are correct, many were erected when the Jim Crow laws first started to appear. More followed after Jim Crow laws were struck down in 1954.

    Free Member

    Jeremy Corbyn is literally Hitler.

    😯 gosh, I always knew there was something off about him.

    Free Member

    I can’t be bothered to trawl through this thread; any chance of a recap on the core points, refutations of said points and references?

    Free Member

    He’s not at all bitter about the 20k bitcoins he’s been trying to find for the last 6 months or so

    He should look on the bright side, at least he won’t have the hassle of declaring the capital gains to HMRC 🙂

    Free Member

    Buying Bitcoin is easy, just head to and sign up.

    Trust me, you should definitely buy some, only fools will pass this one by, a single Bitcoin will be worth at least a $million in a few years time 😉

    Free Member

    @jolmes this is my favorite. Someone claims they worked at NASA JPL and discovered that the Mars Rovers have FTL communications devices (using quantum entanglement) on them in order that the photos they take can be doctored.

    The story is well written and IMO is just great SciFi, well worth a read. A fair few people on the AboveTopSecret forums definitely buy into the theories that there was/is life on Mars (maybe even US military bases and Stargate type tech).

    Here you go:


    …I have probably posted this before.

    Free Member

    Also makes this XKCD spring to mind 🙂

    Free Member

    There’s no harm in it I guess

    I beg to differ, Trump and many of his followers buy into any old crap they read on the internet and look what happened there!


    Free Member

    We had similar with nPower who were randomly and arbitrarily transferring contracts between addresses and people.

    Same happened to me about around 2001. A door-to-door salesman was told we were not interested in switching, and they switched us anyway. I replied to all bills explaining why I was refusing to pay. It took over 6 months to get changed back and I never paid for any power used during that time period. It was a complete PITA with threatening letters sent in both directions.

    Turned out some of their salesmen faked signatures to hit their KPI’s. I think nPower got a roasting for it.

    Free Member

    We have some contractors in from the Indian sub-continent

    I’ve worked in UK offices that have stickman instructions in the cubicles explaining how to sit on the toilet correct because of this.

    At one place mysterious beakers of water would be left in the cubicle, apparently people from some parts of the work somehow use that as part of their post-poo-cleaning routine…

    Free Member

    I’ve noticed that John Lewis has some new kits and is out-of-stock on a number of items – looks like grabbing the Porsche from Argos might be the last chance to get one.

    I think this looks cooler

    Free Member

    North Ridge hiking shorts for me. They work well over cycling shorts or boxers, dry quickly and mud washes out.

    Free Member

    If you buy a laptop it sounds like it will just end up being ‘docked’ to a monitor and keyboard. Just buy a small form factor PC if you don’t need the power a full sized PC can provide.

    Free Member

    and at least it wasn’t Louise from HR

    She was in the car, if you watch the video carefully (27 seconds in) the male passenger has her name tatooed on his fore-arm.

    Makes you think…

    [/url]via Imgflip Meme Generator[/img]

    Free Member

    My neighbour has a cat one. No idea if it works on cats but it stops me from walking past their house. Horrible high pitched noise.

    Seems like only me and the kids can hear it, they the seem to think that’s cool…

    Free Member

    I think moving to Win 10 will pose few problems if any.

    IL-2 works great, at least this version does;

    DRM free and no DVD to insert, it’ll run off very modest specs given how old it is too.

    LibreOffice 5.3 is IMO miles better than Office 2003, being that it’s modern and updated. I often use it at home (work is O365 and Office 2016). No problems, just a few short cuts are different etc. You’ll likely also find other Open Source software to replace any other old programs you had so shouldn’t be much need to buy new software.

    Free Member

    “saving his one for later”.

    She’s planning a new patio.

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