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  • Team GB squad for MTB World Champs (plus how to watch it for free)
  • BigEaredBiker
    Free Member

    Did the Magi Mix cost £500 + VAT?


    Free Member

    Ronnie Pickering

    I’m really struggling to place who this one is.


    Free Member

    Another vote for the OS Maps app on a smart phone, it works really well. Whilst I still carry a proper OS map I’ve never had need to take it out other than to practice proper naviagation skills like taking back-bearings etc.

    Free Member

    cenotaph ceremony

    I must admit, I never watch any of that. My views are formed from local events – small, quiet and brief affairs so it makes sense we view it differently.

    Free Member

    too important to be hijacked by the jingoists

    I don’t recognise this, but I suppose it’s all subjective and we likely live in very different parts of the country. If it’s just due to the presence of a few union flags and some regiment association colours and old men wearing berets and medals I find it a bit sad that some see it for something it isn’t. Chest thumping it’s not

    Growing up I attended many a parade, first as a member of the Scounts, then the Air Training Corps and finally the TA. The one thing I remember from all the parades was the key point that we were there whilst many others were not. Nothing nationalistic about how ‘we’ beat ‘them’ or anything like that. I’ve taken my kids to local parades and it’s still the same, quite sombre and sad.

    I agree with TJ’s sentiments on Blair laying a wreath.

    Free Member

    Yes, I think it’s true that there is now a poppy mafia, and those who choose not to wear it should be respected in their choice.

    No, I don’t think the day should be scrapped and I think it and the RBL are still relevant to the 21st century. War hasn’t continued because we remember our war dead.

    Simon Jenkins may try to dismiss the sense that many in 1945 and after had that ‘we’ won the war, and it’s true 3/4’s of Germans were killed on the Eastern Front. But, and this bit is crucial, it wasn’t Hitlers co-conspirator Stalin who stood up to him in 1939, nor was it the USA, it was the British & French Empires. If Britian had then submitted to an offer of armistice in June 1940 it is almost certain the USSR would have been defeated in 1941. So I get why many still see it as ‘our’ victory, even if it was shared with many other nations.

    Still, Simon would probably be happy if the UK had surrendered in 1940; Remembrance Sunday wouldn’t have been permitted after that. He is correct that the victors get to write the history.

    I’d recommend he directs his attention to Victory Day parades held to mark the nazi defeat in 1945 – the ones in Moscow are probably the biggest. In my opinion that’s a kind of remembering that might encourage war and is nothing like a sombre Remembrance Day parade!

    Free Member

    Use the Ethernet cable to network the laptop to the xbone. Streaming via WiFi is rarely a great experience.

    Free Member

    Yes, I use PIA. I don’t like my ISP logging how much time I spend on STW.

    Free Member

    Your next bangeronmics car needs to be a Pug 407 saloon. I know where you can get one for £300 🙂

    Free Member

    Good shout on the edtraacker – I’m going to order/build one of those. I used to have a trackir 5 but found it a faff and sometimes a bit temperamental. Fortunately I was able to sell it on ebay for more than I paid.

    Free Member

    2. gentlemans doll

    Free Member

    Sonic All Stars Racing on the PS3 was good, my two loved that. Does it work on the PS4?

    Free Member

    We upgraded to a Wii U when the Wii died. All the Wii games and controllers are compatible and the Wii U is great that junior can play its games on the screen built into the controller whilst you get to watch TV.

    Check out CEX, it cost a little over £100 with a 1 year warranty on a second hand unit.

    Free Member

    This all sounds a bit odd to me; although, admittedly I only buy sell a small number of items per year.

    As a seller on ebay it seems (to me) to be far easier for a buyer to ‘do you over’. Both ebay and Paypal nearly always give them the benefit of the doubt to a buyer – assuming you are using the system properly and not doing silly things like buying off ebay or using paypal gift etc.

    Maybe if you explain further we can get more entertainment provide better recommendations.

    Free Member

    I agree with you BigEared..up to the point where you said ” all the best, most spectacular”.

    Apologies, I should have made it clear that was sarcasm based on the way Trump see things & talks 😳

    Free Member

    I get the impression that Trump wants a war, all the best, most spectacular leaders have their war, he wants his, you’ll see.

    If he gets persauded not to attack NK. My money is on Iran, or maybe Canada…

    Free Member

    Officers are looking to trace a man described as in his mid 20s, about 5ft 10in and medium build, with long brown hair, a beard, and wearing long robes.

    Do you think he might actually, you know..

    Free Member

    I would try replacing your broadband/phone filter(s).

    Try this, I did once get similarish symptoms that turned out to be water getting in where water really shouldn’t about 15 years ago. I can’t remember where the fault was but a visit from a BT engineer sorted it.

    Free Member

    Get it right, don’t forget ‘+ VAT’

    Thanks, that solves what this bit is; £500+ ???

    Free Member

    any idea what their T&Cs are?

    Sorry, they were written in Chinese, but this bit looks like there might be a £500 charge for something:

    ????£ 500 + ???

    Free Member

    Please everyone, stop. I have work to do!

    …and no I simply can’t close my browser. It would be like asking me to watch one episode of Breaking Bad a week – when I know the whole series is there, one click away.

    Free Member

    Any decent spec machine will meet your needs, apart from maybe the DVD drive – you might need to buy an extrenal USB unit these days. A lot depends on budget.

    A budget of approx. £1500 should get you a decet setup including a good quality monitor, keyboard and mouse.

    Getting a 32″ 2560×1440 screens was one of the best bits of PC kit I have ever bought (and much better than the 28″ 4k screen I tried first).

    So assuming that kind of budget with room for decent components I’d start with something like this:

    If you really didn’t need the nvidia GPU (only some creative software will properly use it) you could probably upgrade the CPU and RAM to an i7 and 16GB.

    Free Member

    I was 13, I remember my dad telling me it was bollocks, and everyone at school saying it was bollocks. I’d pretty much forgotton I ever watched it. Amazing to hear it triggered mental health issues for some.

    Free Member

    I thought I would prefer to continue running a small VM under Hyper-V and then SSH’ing to it, but the ability to blend PowerShell with Bash is cool (although I have not actually done anything useful with it yet).

    The other plus point is that WSL really winds up some of the hardcore FOSS advocates I work with who see it as Microsoft subterfuge.

    Free Member

    You’re all just a bunch of Fracking Tardigrades 😀

    Free Member

    Thanks, have downloaded this and will listen to it later. I’m not expecting anything new, I remember debating most of what you mention 20 years ago at uni. I doubt the simplistic view will disapear, it’s too easily used to justify adventures in far off lands even if the tin-pot dictator’s not a patch on Adolf.

    Free Member

    Are all motorways now like the M40 then?

    Lorry Lane
    Car Lane
    German Car Lane

    Free Member

    This thread needs more:

    Free Member


    It’s ok if the Queen Liz could be pushed into service to deal with Lil’ Kim early there would be no problems sending her south…

    I read that story and cringed…

    Free Member

    I don’t understand why we don’t sell the islands.

    1. The islanders don’t want to be sold.
    2. There are war-dead down there.
    3. Due to the above, the government that did it would definately lose the next election – it would not play well in the tabloid press.

    If the Argentinian government had sense, they would stop teaching all the nonsence in their schools (at least they used to) and stop using the islands as a convienent distraction. Then reach out on friendly terms and be patient. After a few generations (and probably after all those who remember 1982 have passed) a deal might happen.

    The islands cost this country a lot to defend and don’t really have strategic purpose. The oil looks to be non-viable, and even if it was, working in partnership with Argentina would still boost theirs & the islands economies. The whole thing could and should be managed on a win-win basis but I doubt it will happen anytime soon.

    Free Member

    I think the Argentine armed forces are even more depleted and knackered than our own. We would probably end up having to rescue their invasion fleet…

    Free Member

    I started reading it, but about the third paragraph I was distracted by the call I was on and also STW.

    Could you summarise? I seem to have the span of a

    Free Member

    Agreed; you can even join the dots;

    Colt’s revolvers were held in such esteem by Captain Sam Walker and his Texas Rangers during the Seminole War that when the Mexican-American War flared up in the 1840s, Walker helped convince the U.S. War Department to order 1,000 revolvers from Colt “to keep the various warlike tribes of Indians and marauding Mexicans in subjection.”

    from: Marketing Genius of Colt

    Nowadays it is to keep murderers, robbers, and terrorists in subjection.

    Free Member

    True, many Americans resist any kind of gun control, even the most basic of checks is seen as an intrusion.

    It’s all kind of pointless really as having all these guns has not prevented the Federal government introducing laws that limit civil liberties or ensure proper representation at trial – you need to be able to afford a good lawyer if arrested in the USA.

    I think Samuel Colt pulled off a marketing coup in the nineteenth century and gun manufactures have been cashing in ever since; guns = the American way of life.

    It will be interesting to see if there is any attempt to sue the manufactures this time around – probably not since the PLCA Act effectively stops this. (Guess who lobbied for that to be introduced)

    Free Member

    Isn’t the thoughts and prayers thing a bit like growing up, moving out of home, going your own way, and then wanting mummy to come and sort your problems out for you (even though she passed away 10 years ago).

    I think the church make it quite clear – God gave humans free-will we then listened to a talking serpent, ate some fruit and got told “not under my roof – out”

    Eventually a few righteous dudes turned up and tried to convince us to mend our ways, we still don’t listen. God isn’t going to sort our shit out for us.

    Hence, thoughts and prayers is a waste of time after such an event. Recognising something is broken and fixing the issue is what is needed.

    EDIT: Maybe I should have read the article before posting that 8)

    Free Member

    So you have a Peahen then?

    Free Member

    As I understand it, and I could be wrong, the decent alcohol free beers are actually low-alcohol and brewed that way. The piss poor ones are where normal beer has had the alcohol removed.

    Can anyone confirm?

    Free Member

    Yep, I’ve discovered a couple of post-ride cold beers whilst having a chat before jumping in the car to drive home works well.

    One brand now market themselves as isotonic for this type of thing.

    Free Member

    I’ve just found out that he has died.

    Given what you described I can’t see that a good outcome was likely. A similar thing happened to me at a station, fortunately the head injury to the chap was mostly superficial and once he regained consciousness he was quite lucid. I suspect he had concussion but was able to stand by the time the paramedic arrived.

    Sounds like you need to sit down and talk it out with a good pal. You didn’t do anything wrong.

    Free Member


    bitrot and next generation filesystems[/url]

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